#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Test EncFS normal and paranoid mode use Test::More tests => 132; use File::Path; use File::Copy; use File::Temp; use IO::Handle; require("integration/common.pl"); my $tempDir = $ENV{'TMPDIR'} || "/tmp"; if($^O eq "linux" and $tempDir eq "/tmp") { # On Linux, /tmp is often a tmpfs mount that does not support # extended attributes. Use /var/tmp instead. $tempDir = "/var/tmp"; } # Find attr binary # Linux my $setattr = "attr -s encfs -V hello"; my $getattr = "attr -g encfs"; if(system("which xattr > /dev/null 2>&1") == 0) { # Mac OS X $setattr = "xattr -sw encfs hello"; $getattr = "xattr -sp encfs"; } if(system("which lsextattr > /dev/null 2>&1") == 0) { # FreeBSD $setattr = "setextattr -h user encfs hello"; $getattr = "getextattr -h user encfs"; } # Do we support xattr ? my $have_xattr = 1; if(system("./build/encfs --verbose --version 2>&1 | grep -q HAVE_XATTR") != 0) { $have_xattr = 0; } # test filesystem in standard config mode &runTests('standard'); # test in paranoia mode &runTests('paranoia'); # Wrapper function - runs all tests in the specified mode sub runTests { my $mode = shift; print STDERR "\nrunTests: mode=$mode\n"; &newWorkingDir; my $hardlinks = 1; if($mode eq 'standard') { &mount("--standard"); } elsif($mode eq 'paranoia') { &mount("--paranoia"); $hardlinks = 0; # no hardlinks in paranoia mode &corruption; } else { die "invalid test mode"; } # tests.. &fileCreation; &links($hardlinks); &truncate; &renames; &internalModification; &grow; &umask0777; &create_unmount_remount; &checkReadError; &checkWriteError; &configFromPipe; &cleanup; } # Helper function # Create a new empty working directory sub newWorkingDir { our $workingDir = mkdtemp("$tempDir/encfs-tests-XXXX") || BAIL_OUT("Could not create temporary directory"); our $raw = "$workingDir/raw"; our $crypt = "$workingDir/crypt"; } # Test Corruption # Modify the encrypted file and verify that the MAC check detects it sub corruption { ok( open(OUT, "+> $crypt/corrupt") && print(OUT "12345678901234567890") && close(OUT), "create corruption-test file" ); $e = encName("corrupt"); ok( open(OUT, ">> $raw/$e") && print(OUT "garbage") && close(OUT), "corrupting raw file"); ok( open(IN, "< $crypt/corrupt"), "open corrupted file"); my $content; $result = read(IN, $content, 20); ok($!{EBADMSG} && (! defined $result), "corrupted file with MAC returns read error: $!"); } # Test internal modification # Create a file of fixed size and overwrite data at different offsets # (like a database would do) sub internalModification { $ofile = "$workingDir/crypt-internal-$$"; writeZeroes($ofile, 2*1024); ok(copy($ofile, "$crypt/internal"), "copying crypt-internal file"); open(my $out1, "+<", "$crypt/internal"); open(my $out2, "+<", $ofile); @fhs = ($out1, $out2); $ori = md5fh($out1); $b = md5fh($out2); ok( $ori eq $b, "random file md5 matches"); my @offsets = (10, 30, 1020, 1200); foreach my $o (@offsets) { foreach my $fh(@fhs) { seek($fh, $o, 0); print($fh "garbagegarbagegarbagegarbagegarbage"); } $a=md5fh($out1); $b=md5fh($out2); ok( ($a eq $b) && ($a ne $ori), "internal modification at $o"); } close($out1); close($out2); } # Test renames sub renames { ok( open(F, ">$crypt/orig-name") && close F, "create file for rename test"); ok( -f "$crypt/orig-name", "file exists"); ok( rename("$crypt/orig-name", "$crypt/2nd-name"), "rename"); ok( ! -f "$crypt/orig-name", "file exists"); ok( -f "$crypt/2nd-name", "file exists"); # rename directory with contents ok( mkpath("$crypt/orig-dir/foo"), "mkdir for rename test"); ok( open(F, ">$crypt/orig-dir/foo/bar") && close F, "make file"); ok( rename("$crypt/orig-dir", "$crypt/new-dir"), "rename dir"); ok( -f "$crypt/new-dir/foo/bar", "dir rename contents"); # TODO: rename failure? (check undo works) # check time stamps of files on rename my $mtime = (stat "$crypt/2nd-name")[9]; # change time to 60 seconds earlier my $olderTime = $mtime - 60; ok( utime($olderTime, $olderTime, "$crypt/2nd-name"), "change time"); ok( rename("$crypt/2nd-name", "$crypt/3rd-name"), "rename"); is( (stat "$crypt/3rd-name")[9], $olderTime, "time unchanged by rename"); } # Test truncate and grow sub truncate { # write to file, then truncate it ok( open(OUT, "+> $crypt/trunc"), "create truncate-test file"); autoflush OUT 1; print OUT "12345678901234567890"; is( -s "$crypt/trunc", 20, "initial file size" ); ok( truncate(OUT, 10), "truncate" ); is( -s "$crypt/trunc", 10, "truncated file size"); is( qx(cat "$crypt/trunc"), "1234567890", "truncated file contents"); # try growing the file as well. ok( truncate(OUT, 30), "truncate extend"); is( -s "$crypt/trunc", 30, "truncated file size"); seek(OUT, 30, 0); print OUT "12345"; is( -s "$crypt/trunc", 35, "truncated file size"); is( md5fh(*OUT), "5f170cc34b1944d75d86cc01496292df", "content digest"); # try crossing block boundaries seek(OUT, 10000,0); print OUT "abcde"; is( md5fh(*OUT), "117a51c980b64dcd21df097d02206f98", "content digest"); # then truncate back to 35 chars truncate(OUT, 35); is( md5fh(*OUT), "5f170cc34b1944d75d86cc01496292df", "content digest"); close OUT; } # Test file creation and removal sub fileCreation { # create a file qx(date > "$crypt/df.txt"); ok( -f "$crypt/df.txt", "file created" ) || BAIL_OUT("file create failed"); # ensure there is an encrypted version. my $c = encName("df.txt"); cmp_ok( length($c), '>', 8, "encrypted name ok" ); ok( -f "$raw/$c", "encrypted file $raw/$c created" ); # check contents my $count = qx(grep -c crypt-$$ "$crypt/df.txt"); isnt(scalar($count), 0, "encrypted file readable"); unlink "$crypt/df.txt"; ok( ! -f "$crypt/df.txt", "file removal" ); ok( ! -f "$raw/$c", "file removal" ); } # Test file growth sub grow { open(my $fh_a, "+>$crypt/grow"); open(my $fh_b, "+>$workingDir/grow"); my $d = "1234567"; # Length 7 so we are not aligned to the block size my $len = 7; my $old = ""; my $errs = 0; my $i; for($i=1; $i<1000; $i++) { print($fh_a $d); print($fh_b $d); my $a = md5fh($fh_a); my $b = md5fh($fh_b); my $size = $len * $i; # md5sums must be identical but must have changed if($a ne $b || $a eq $old) { $errs++; } $old = $a; } ok($errs == 0, "grow file by $len bytes, $i times"); close($fh_a); close($fh_b); } # Helper function # Check a file's content sub checkContents { my ($file, $expected, $testName) = @_; open(IN, "< $file"); my $line = ; is( $line, $expected, $testName ); close IN; } # Helper function # Convert plain-text filename to encrypted filename sub encName { my $plain = shift; my $enc = qx(./build/encfsctl encode --extpass="echo test" $raw $plain); chomp($enc); return $enc; } # Test symlinks & hardlinks, and extended attributes sub links { my $hardlinkTests = shift; my $contents = "hello world\n"; ok( open(OUT, "> $crypt/data"), "create file for link test" ); print OUT $contents; close OUT; # symlinks ok( symlink("$crypt/data", "$crypt/data-fqn") , "fqn symlink"); checkContents("$crypt/data-fqn", $contents, "fqn link traversal"); is( readlink("$crypt/data-fqn"), "$crypt/data", "read fqn symlink"); ok( symlink("data", "$crypt/data-rel"), "local symlink"); checkContents("$crypt/data-rel", $contents, "rel link traversal"); is( readlink("$crypt/data-rel"), "data", "read rel symlink"); SKIP: { skip "No hardlink support", 2 unless $hardlinkTests; ok( link("$crypt/data", "$crypt/data.2"), "hard link"); checkContents("$crypt/data.2", $contents, "hardlink read"); }; # extended attributes my $return_code = ($have_xattr) ? system("$setattr $crypt/data") : 0; is($return_code, 0, "extended attributes can be set (return code was $return_code)"); $return_code = ($have_xattr) ? system("$getattr $crypt/data") : 0; is($return_code, 0, "extended attributes can be get (return code was $return_code)"); # this is suppused to fail, so get rid of the error message $return_code = ($have_xattr) ? system("$getattr $crypt/data-rel 2> /dev/null") : 1; isnt($return_code, 0, "extended attributes operations do not follow symlinks (return code was $return_code)"); } # Test mount # Leaves the filesystem mounted - also used as a helper function sub mount { my $args = shift; # When these fail, the rest of the tests makes no sense mkdir($raw) || BAIL_OUT("Could not create $raw: $!"); mkdir($crypt) || BAIL_OUT("Could not create $crypt: $!"); delete $ENV{"ENCFS6_CONFIG"}; remount($args); ok( $? == 0, "encfs command returns 0") || BAIL_OUT(""); ok( -f "$raw/.encfs6.xml", "created control file") || BAIL_OUT(""); } # Helper function # Mount without any prior checks sub remount { my $args = shift; my $cmdline = "./build/encfs --extpass=\"echo test\" $args $raw $crypt 2>&1"; # This makes sure we get to see stderr ^ system($cmdline); } # Helper function # Unmount and delete mountpoint sub cleanup { portable_unmount($crypt); rmdir $crypt; ok( ! -d $crypt, "unmount ok, mount point removed"); rmtree($workingDir); ok( ! -d $workingDir, "working dir removed"); } # Test that we can create and write to a a file even if umask is set to 0777 # Regression test for bug https://github.com/vgough/encfs/issues/181 sub umask0777 { my $old = umask(0777); ok(open(my $fh, "+>$crypt/umask0777"), "open with umask 0777"); close($fh); umask($old); } # Test that we can read the configuration from a named pipe # Regression test for https://github.com/vgough/encfs/issues/253 sub configFromPipe { portable_unmount($crypt); rename("$raw/.encfs6.xml", "$raw/.encfs6.xml.orig"); system("mkfifo $raw/.encfs6.xml"); my $child = fork(); unless ($child) { &remount("--standard"); exit; } system("cat $raw/.encfs6.xml.orig > $raw/.encfs6.xml"); waitpid($child, 0); ok( 0 == $?, "encfs mount with named pipe based config failed"); } sub create_unmount_remount { my $crypt = "$workingDir/create_remount.crypt"; my $mnt = "$workingDir/create_remount.mnt"; mkdir($crypt) || BAIL_OUT($!); mkdir($mnt) || BAIL_OUT($!); system("./build/encfs --standard --extpass=\"echo test\" $crypt $mnt 2>&1"); ok( $? == 0, "encfs command returns 0") || return; ok( -f "$crypt/.encfs6.xml", "created control file") || return; # Write some text my $contents = "hello world\n"; ok( open(OUT, "> $mnt/test_file_1"), "write content"); print OUT $contents; close OUT; # Unmount portable_unmount($mnt); # Mount again system("./build/encfs --extpass=\"echo test\" $crypt $mnt 2>&1"); ok( $? == 0, "encfs command returns 0") || return; # Check if content is still there checkContents("$mnt/test_file_1", $contents); portable_unmount($mnt); } # Test that read errors are correctly thrown up to us sub checkReadError { # Not sure how to implement this, so feel free ! ok(1, "read error"); } # Test that write errors are correctly thrown up to us sub checkWriteError { # Not sure how to implement this on Mac OS, so feel free ! if($^O eq "darwin") { ok(1, "write error"); ok(1, "write error"); ok(1, "write error"); ok(1, "write error"); } else { my $crypt = "$workingDir/checkWriteError.crypt"; my $mnt = "$workingDir/checkWriteError.mnt"; mkdir($crypt) || BAIL_OUT($!); mkdir($mnt) || BAIL_OUT($!); system(($ENV{'SUDO_MOUNT'}||"")." mount -t tmpfs -o size=1m tmpfs $crypt"); ok( $? == 0, "mount command returns 0") || return; system("./build/encfs --standard --extpass=\"echo test\" $crypt $mnt 2>&1"); ok( $? == 0, "encfs command returns 0") || return; ok(open(OUT , "> $mnt/file"), "write content"); while(print OUT "0123456789") {} ok ($!{ENOSPC}, "write returned $! instead of ENOSPC"); close OUT; portable_unmount($mnt); system(($ENV{'SUDO_MOUNT'}||"")." umount $crypt"); } }