// // This file is part of Easylogging++ samples // // Demonstrates setting default configurations for existing and future loggers // // Revision 1.1 // @author mkhan3189 // #include "easylogging++.h" INITIALIZE_EASYLOGGINGPP using namespace el; int main(void) { Configurations c; c.setGlobally(ConfigurationType::Format, "[%logger] %level: %msg"); c.setGlobally(ConfigurationType::Filename, "/tmp/logs/custom.log"); // Set default configuration for any future logger - existing logger will not use this configuration unless // either true is passed in second argument or set explicitly using Loggers::reconfigureAllLoggers(c); Loggers::setDefaultConfigurations(c); LOG(INFO) << "Set default configuration but existing loggers not updated yet"; // Logging using trivial logger Loggers::getLogger("testDefaultConf"); CLOG(INFO, "testDefaultConf") << "Logging using new logger 1"; // You can also use CINFO << "..." // Now setting default and also resetting existing loggers Loggers::setDefaultConfigurations(c, true); LOG(INFO) << "Existing loggers updated as well"; Loggers::getLogger("testDefaultConf2"); CLOG(INFO, "testDefaultConf2") << "Logging using new logger 2"; return 0; }