// // This file is part of EasyLogging++ samples // Demonstration of verbose logging // // Revision 1.0 // @author mkhan3189 // #include "easylogging++.h" INITIALIZE_EASYLOGGINGPP int main(int argc, char** argv) { START_EASYLOGGINGPP(argc, argv); LOG(INFO) << "This is demo for verbose logs"; VLOG(1) << "This will be printed when program is started using argument --v=1"; VLOG(2) << "This will be printed when program is started using argument --v=2"; VLOG(1) << "This will be printed when program is started using argument --v=1"; VLOG_IF(true, 1) << "Always verbose for level 1"; VLOG_EVERY_N(1, 3) << "Verbose every N"; VLOG(4) << "Command line arguments provided " << *el::Helpers::commandLineArgs(); return 0; }