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synced 2025-03-14 22:38:12 +01:00
Commit 76424a58cb
enabled unique IV
for reverse mode by default, to get more testing and to increase
security of reverse mode.
The downside is that all IVs change when the inode numbers change,
which means that all of the ciphertext changes.
This may bite people who copied the plaintext to a new filesystem
- they will find out that they have to rsync everything again.
This commit disables unique IV for reverse mode by default. It can
still be enabled through expert mode.
186 lines
5.6 KiB
Executable File
186 lines
5.6 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Test EncFS --reverse mode
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 26;
use File::Path;
use File::Temp;
use IO::Handle;
use Errno qw(EROFS);
my $tempDir = $ENV{'TMPDIR'} || "/tmp";
# Helper function
# Create a new empty working directory
sub newWorkingDir
our $workingDir = mkdtemp("$tempDir/encfs-reverse-tests-XXXX")
|| BAIL_OUT("Could not create temporary directory");
our $plain = "$workingDir/plain";
our $ciphertext = "$workingDir/ciphertext";
our $decrypted = "$workingDir/decrypted";
# Helper function
# Unmount and delete mountpoint
sub cleanup
our $workingDir;
ok( ! -d $workingDir, "working dir removed");
# Helper function
# Mount encryption-decryption chain
# Directory structure: plain -[encrypt]-> ciphertext -[decrypt]-> decrypted
sub mount
delete $ENV{"ENCFS6_CONFIG"};
system("./encfs/encfs --extpass=\"echo test\" --standard $plain $ciphertext --reverse --nocache");
ok(waitForFile("$plain/.encfs6.xml"), "plain .encfs6.xml exists") or BAIL_OUT("'$plain/.encfs6.xml'");
my $e = encName(".encfs6.xml");
ok(waitForFile("$ciphertext/$e"), "encrypted .encfs6.xml exists") or BAIL_OUT("'$ciphertext/$e'");
system("ENCFS6_CONFIG=$plain/.encfs6.xml ./encfs/encfs --nocache --extpass=\"echo test\" $ciphertext $decrypted");
ok(waitForFile("$decrypted/.encfs6.xml"), "decrypted .encfs6.xml exists") or BAIL_OUT("'$decrypted/.encfs6.xml'");
# Helper function
# Get encrypted name for file
sub encName
my $name = shift;
my $enc = qx(ENCFS6_CONFIG=$plain/.encfs6.xml ./encfs/encfsctl encode --extpass="echo test" $ciphertext $name);
return $enc;
# Copy a directory tree and verify that the decrypted data is identical
sub copy_test
ok(system("cp -a encfs $plain")==0, "copying files to plain");
ok(system("diff -r -q $plain $decrypted")==0, "decrypted files are identical");
ok(-f "$plain/encfs/encfs.cpp", "file exists");
ok(! -f "$decrypted/encfs.cpp", "file deleted");
# Create symlinks and verify they are correctly decrypted
# Parameter: symlink target
sub symlink_test
my $target = shift;
symlink($target, "$plain/symlink");
$dec = readlink("$decrypted/symlink");
ok( $dec eq $target, "symlink to '$target'") or
print("# (original) $target' != '$dec' (decrypted)\n");
# Grow a file from 0 to x kB and
# * check the ciphertext length is correct (stat + read)
# * check that the decrypted length is correct (stat + read)
# * check that plaintext and decrypted are identical
sub grow {
# pfh ... plaintext file handle
open(my $pfh, ">", "$plain/grow");
# vfh ... verification file handle
open(my $vfh, "<", "$plain/grow");
# ciphertext file name
my $cname = encName("grow");
# cfh ... ciphertext file handle
ok(open(my $cfh, "<", "$ciphertext/$cname"), "open ciphertext grow file");
# dfh ... decrypted file handle
ok(open(my $dfh, "<", "$decrypted/grow"), "open decrypted grow file");
# csz ... ciphertext size
ok(sizeVerify($cfh, 0), "ciphertext of empty file is empty");
ok(sizeVerify($dfh, 0), "decrypted empty file is empty");
my $ok = 1;
my $max = 9000;
for($i=5; $i < $max; $i += 5)
print($pfh "abcde") or die("write failed");
# autoflush should make sure the write goes to the kernel
# immediately. Just to be sure, check it here.
sizeVerify($vfh, $i) or die("unexpected plain file size");
sizeVerify($cfh, $i) or $ok = 0;
sizeVerify($dfh, $i) or $ok = 0;
if(md5fh($vfh) ne md5fh($dfh))
$ok = 0;
print("# content is different, unified diff:\n");
system("diff -u $plain/grow $decrypted/grow");
last unless $ok;
ok($ok, "ciphertext and decrypted size of file grown to $i bytes");
sub largeRead {
writeZeroes("$plain/largeRead", 1024*1024);
# ciphertext file name
my $cname = encName("largeRead");
# cfh ... ciphertext file handle
ok(open(my $cfh, "<", "$ciphertext/$cname"), "open ciphertext largeRead file");
ok(sizeVerify($cfh, 1024*1024), "1M file size");
# Check that the reverse mount is read-only
# (writing is not supported in reverse mode because of the added
# complexity and the marginal use case)
sub writesDenied {
$fn = "$plain/writesDenied";
writeZeroes($fn, 1024);
my $efn = $ciphertext . "/" . encName("writesDenied");
open(my $fh, ">", $efn);
if( ok( $! == EROFS, "open for write denied, EROFS")) {
ok( 1, "writing denied, filehandle not open");
else {
print($fh "foo");
ok( $! == EROFS, "writing denied, EROFS");
$target = $ciphertext . "/" . encName("writesDenied2");
rename($efn, $target);
ok( $! == EROFS, "rename denied, EROFS") or die();
ok( $! == EROFS, "unlink denied, EROFS");
utime(undef, undef, $efn) ;
ok( $! == EROFS, "touch denied, EROFS");
truncate($efn, 10);
ok( $! == EROFS, "truncate denied, EROFS");
# Setup mounts
# Actual tests
symlink_test("/"); # absolute
symlink_test("foo"); # relative
symlink_test("/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/15/17/18"); # long
symlink_test("!§\$%&/()\\<>#+="); # special characters
# Umount and delete files