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240 lines
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Executable File
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Test EncFS --reverse mode
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 46;
use File::Path;
use File::Temp;
use IO::Handle;
use Errno qw(EROFS);
my $tempDir = $ENV{'TMPDIR'} || "/tmp";
if($^O eq "linux" and $tempDir eq "/tmp") {
# On Linux, /tmp is often a tmpfs mount that does not support
# extended attributes. Use /var/tmp instead.
$tempDir = "/var/tmp";
# Find attr binary
# Linux
my @binattr = ("attr", "-l");
if(system("which xattr > /dev/null 2>&1") == 0)
# Mac OS X
@binattr = ("xattr", "-s");
if(system("which lsextattr > /dev/null 2>&1") == 0)
# FreeBSD
@binattr = ("lsextattr", "-h", "user");
# Do we support xattr ?
my $have_xattr = 1;
if(system("./build/encfs --verbose --version 2>&1 | grep -q HAVE_XATTR") != 0)
$have_xattr = 0;
# Helper function
# Create a new empty working directory
sub newWorkingDir
our $workingDir = mkdtemp("$tempDir/encfs-reverse-tests-XXXX")
|| BAIL_OUT("Could not create temporary directory");
our $plain = "$workingDir/plain";
our $ciphertext = "$workingDir/ciphertext";
our $decrypted = "$workingDir/decrypted";
# Helper function
# Unmount and delete mountpoint
sub cleanup
our $workingDir;
ok( ! -d $workingDir, "working dir removed");
# Helper function
# Mount encryption-decryption chain
# Directory structure: plain -[encrypt]-> ciphertext -[decrypt]-> decrypted
sub mount
delete $ENV{"ENCFS6_CONFIG"};
system("./build/encfs --extpass=\"echo test\" --standard $plain $ciphertext --reverse --nocache");
ok(waitForFile("$plain/.encfs6.xml"), "plain .encfs6.xml exists") or BAIL_OUT("'$plain/.encfs6.xml'");
my $e = encName(".encfs6.xml");
ok(waitForFile("$ciphertext/$e"), "encrypted .encfs6.xml exists") or BAIL_OUT("'$ciphertext/$e'");
system("ENCFS6_CONFIG=$plain/.encfs6.xml ./build/encfs --nocache --extpass=\"echo test\" $ciphertext $decrypted");
ok(waitForFile("$decrypted/.encfs6.xml"), "decrypted .encfs6.xml exists") or BAIL_OUT("'$decrypted/.encfs6.xml'");
# Helper function
# Get encrypted name for file
sub encName
my $name = shift;
my $enc = qx(ENCFS6_CONFIG=$plain/.encfs6.xml ./build/encfsctl encode --extpass="echo test" $ciphertext $name);
return $enc;
# Copy a directory tree and verify that the decrypted data is identical, we also create a foo/.encfs6.xml file, to be sure it correctly shows-up
sub copy_test
# first be sure .encfs6.xml does not show up
# We does not use -f for this test, as it would succeed, .encfs6.xml is only hidden from readdir.
my $f = encName(".encfs6.xml");
cmp_ok( length($f), '>', 8, "encrypted name ok" );
ok(system("ls -1 $ciphertext | grep -qwF -- $f") != 0, "configuration file .encfs6.xml not visible in $ciphertext");
# copy test
ok(system("cp -a encfs $plain && mkdir $plain/foo && touch $plain/foo/.encfs6.xml")==0, "copying files to plain");
ok(system("diff -r -q --exclude='.encfs6.xml' $plain $decrypted")==0, "decrypted files are identical");
ok(-f "$plain/encfs/encfs.cpp", "file exists");
ok(! -f "$decrypted/encfs.cpp", "file deleted");
# Encfsctl cat test
sub encfsctl_cat_test
my $contents = "hello world\n";
ok(open(OUT, "> $plain/hello.txt"), "create file for encfsctl cat test");
print OUT $contents;
close OUT;
qx(ENCFS6_CONFIG=$plain/.encfs6.xml ./build/encfsctl cat --extpass="echo test" $ciphertext hello.txt > $plain/hellodec.txt);
qx(ENCFS6_CONFIG=$plain/.encfs6.xml ./build/encfsctl cat --extpass="echo test" --reverse $plain hello.txt > $plain/helloenc.txt);
my $cname = encName("hello.txt");
ok(system("diff -q $plain/helloenc.txt $ciphertext/$cname")==0, "encfsctl correctly encrypts");
ok(system("diff -q $plain/hello.txt $plain/hellodec.txt")==0, "encfsctl correctly decrypts");
# Create symlinks and verify they are correctly decrypted
# Parameter: symlink target
sub symlink_test
my $target = shift;
ok(symlink($target, "$plain/symlink"), "Symlink create, $plain/symlink -> $target");
ok(my $dec = readlink("$decrypted/symlink"), "Symlink read, $decrypted/symlink");
ok($dec eq $target, "Symlink compare, '$target' != '$dec'");
my $return_code = ($have_xattr) ? system(@binattr, "$decrypted/symlink") : 0;
is($return_code, 0, "Symlink xattr, $plain/symlink -> $target, extended attributes can be read (return code was $return_code)");
# Grow a file from 0 to x kB and
# * check the ciphertext length is correct (stat + read)
# * check that the decrypted length is correct (stat + read)
# * check that plaintext and decrypted are identical
sub grow {
# pfh ... plaintext file handle
open(my $pfh, ">", "$plain/grow");
# vfh ... verification file handle
open(my $vfh, "<", "$plain/grow");
# ciphertext file name
my $cname = encName("grow");
# cfh ... ciphertext file handle
ok(open(my $cfh, "<", "$ciphertext/$cname"), "open ciphertext grow file");
# dfh ... decrypted file handle
ok(open(my $dfh, "<", "$decrypted/grow"), "open decrypted grow file");
# csz ... ciphertext size
ok(sizeVerify($cfh, 0), "ciphertext of empty file is empty");
ok(sizeVerify($dfh, 0), "decrypted empty file is empty");
my $ok = 1;
my $max = 9000;
for($i=5; $i < $max; $i += 5)
print($pfh "abcde") or die("write failed");
# autoflush should make sure the write goes to the kernel
# immediately. Just to be sure, check it here.
sizeVerify($vfh, $i) or die("unexpected plain file size");
sizeVerify($cfh, $i) or $ok = 0;
sizeVerify($dfh, $i) or $ok = 0;
if(md5fh($vfh) ne md5fh($dfh))
$ok = 0;
print("# content is different, unified diff:\n");
system("diff -u $plain/grow $decrypted/grow");
last unless $ok;
ok($ok, "ciphertext and decrypted size of file grown to $i bytes");
sub largeRead {
writeZeroes("$plain/largeRead", 1024*1024);
# ciphertext file name
my $cname = encName("largeRead");
# cfh ... ciphertext file handle
ok(open(my $cfh, "<", "$ciphertext/$cname"), "open ciphertext largeRead file");
ok(sizeVerify($cfh, 1024*1024), "1M file size");
# Check that the reverse mount is read-only
# (writing is not supported in reverse mode because of the added
# complexity and the marginal use case)
sub writesDenied {
$fn = "$plain/writesDenied";
writeZeroes($fn, 1024);
my $efn = $ciphertext . "/" . encName("writesDenied");
open(my $fh, ">", $efn);
if( ok( $! == EROFS, "open for write denied, EROFS")) {
ok( 1, "writing denied, filehandle not open");
else {
print($fh "foo");
ok( $! == EROFS, "writing denied, EROFS");
$target = $ciphertext . "/" . encName("writesDenied2");
rename($efn, $target);
ok( $! == EROFS, "rename denied, EROFS") or die();
ok( $! == EROFS, "unlink denied, EROFS");
utime(undef, undef, $efn) ;
ok( $! == EROFS, "touch denied, EROFS");
truncate($efn, 10);
ok( $! == EROFS, "truncate denied, EROFS");
# Setup mounts
# Actual tests
symlink_test("/"); # absolute
symlink_test("foo"); # relative
symlink_test("/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/15/17/18"); # long
symlink_test("!§\$%&/()\\<>#+="); # special characters
# Umount and delete files