In addition to a regular bundler of the form `x: x`, this allows setting bundler options to a function of the form `pkgs: x: x` which is passed the package set for the system (for example: `{ hello, ... }: x: hello` to always return hello). This allows, in particular, an autoloaded bundler in its own file to access the package set. This is non-trivial as we must tell `x: x` and `pkgs: x: x` apart. Fortunately, given some derivation `drv`, `pkgs // drv` is a valid derivation and a set with attr names matching pkgs. When applying this to the function, if it returns a derivation, it was of the `x: x` form, and if it returns a function, it was of the `pkgs: x: x` form. In order to prevent IFD when evaluating the flake if the bundler is of form `x: x` and uses IFD, we determine the form and apply pkgs when applying the bundler instead of during flake evaluation. This is done by wrapping the bundler. Of note, we cannot rely on `builtins.functionArgs`, since `pkgs: { hello, ... }: (x: hello) pkgs` is the same as the inner function but with args hidden. |
builtinModules | ||
nix/flakelightModules | ||
templates | ||
.editorconfig | ||
.envrc | ||
.gitignore | || | ||
default.nix | ||
flake.lock | ||
flake.nix | ||
LICENSE | || |
A modular Nix flake framework for simplifying flake definitions.
- Minimize boilerplate needed for flakes
- Support straightforward configuration of all vanilla flake attributes
- Allow sharing common configuration using modules
- What can be done automatically, should be
- Provide good defaults, but let them be changed/disabled
- Handles generating per-system attributes
- Extensible using the module system
- Given package definitions, generates package and overlay outputs
- Automatically import attributes from nix files in a directory (default
) - Builds formatter outputs that can format multiple file types
- Provides outputs/perSystem options for easy migration
See the API docs for available options and example usage.
Additional modules
The following modules are also available:
The following is an example flake.nix for a devshell, using the passed in
nixpkgs. It outputs devShell.${system}.default
attributes for each configured
system. Systems can be left unset to use the default.
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable";
flakelight.url = "github:accelbread/flakelight";
outputs = { flakelight, ... }@inputs:
flakelight ./. {
inherit inputs;
systems = [ "x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux" ];
devShell.packages = pkgs: [ pkgs.hello pkgs.coreutils ];
With this flake, calling nix develop
will make hello
and coreutils
Rust package
The following is an example flake for a Rust project using flakelight-rust
invoked by using flakelight-rust
's wrapper.
Package metadata is taken from the project's Cargo.toml
inputs.flakelight-rust.url = "github:accelbread/flakelight-rust";
outputs = { flakelight-rust, ... }: flakelight-rust ./. { };
Alternatively, you can just use the flakelight-rust
module as follows:
inputs = {
flakelight.url = "github:accelbread/flakelight";
flakelight-rust.url = "github:accelbread/flakelight-rust";
outputs = { flakelight, flakelight-rust, ... }: flakelight ./. {
imports = [ flakelight-rust.flakelightModules.default ];
The above flakes export the following:
- Per-system attributes for default systems (
) packages.${system}.default
attributes for each systemoverlays.default
providing an overlay with the package (built with the applied pkg set's dependencies)devShells.${system}.default
that providesrust-analyzer
, andrustfmt
as well as setsRUST_SRC_PATH
attributes for build, test, clippy, and formatting checksformatter.${system}
with additional support for formatting Rust files.
See flakelight-rust.nix to see how to configure it without the module.
C application
The following example flake is for a C project with a simple make
inputs.flakelight.url = "github:accelbread/flakelight";
outputs = { flakelight, ... }:
flakelight ./. {
description = "My C application.";
license = "AGPL-3.0-or-later";
package = { stdenv, defaultMeta }:
stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "hello-world";
src = ./.;
installPhase = ''
runHook preInstall
make DESTDIR=$out install
runHook postInstall
meta = defaultMeta;
devShell.packages = pkgs: with pkgs; [ clang-tools coreutils ];
formatters."*.c | *.h" = "clang-format -i";
This flake exports the following:
- Per-system attributes for default systems (
) packages.${system}.default
attributes for each systemoverlays.default
providing an overlay with the package (built with the applied pkg set's dependencies)devShells.${system}.default
that providesclang-tools
attributes for build and formatting checks.formatter.${system}
with additional support for formattingc
files withclang-format
C application using autoloads
The above example can instead use the autoload directory feature for the package like the following. Most attributes can be autoloaded.
inputs.flakelight.url = "github:accelbread/flakelight";
outputs = { flakelight, ... }@inputs:
flakelight ./. {
description = "My C application.";
license = "AGPL-3.0-or-later";
devShell.packages = pkgs: with pkgs; [ clang-tools coreutils ];
formatters."*.c | *.h" = "clang-format -i";
{ stdenv, defaultMeta }:
stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "hello-world";
src = ./.;
installPhase = ''
runHook preInstall
make DESTDIR=$out install
runHook postInstall
meta = defaultMeta;