2020-11-14 15:55:37 +01:00
package mattermost
import (
2021-02-20 01:06:20 +01:00
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2020-11-14 15:55:37 +01:00
2020-12-11 02:00:42 +01:00
2021-10-08 03:28:04 +02:00
2021-12-03 05:10:21 +01:00
2021-10-08 03:28:04 +02:00
2021-12-03 05:10:21 +01:00
2020-11-14 15:55:37 +01:00
func TestAlertProvider_IsValid ( t * testing . T ) {
invalidProvider := AlertProvider { WebhookURL : "" }
if invalidProvider . IsValid ( ) {
t . Error ( "provider shouldn't have been valid" )
validProvider := AlertProvider { WebhookURL : "http://example.com" }
if ! validProvider . IsValid ( ) {
t . Error ( "provider should've been valid" )
2021-12-03 05:10:21 +01:00
func TestAlertProvider_Send ( t * testing . T ) {
defer client . InjectHTTPClient ( nil )
firstDescription := "description-1"
secondDescription := "description-2"
scenarios := [ ] struct {
Name string
Provider AlertProvider
Alert alert . Alert
Resolved bool
MockRoundTripper test . MockRoundTripper
ExpectedError bool
} {
Name : "triggered" ,
Provider : AlertProvider { } ,
Alert : alert . Alert { Description : & firstDescription , SuccessThreshold : 5 , FailureThreshold : 3 } ,
Resolved : false ,
MockRoundTripper : test . MockRoundTripper ( func ( r * http . Request ) * http . Response {
return & http . Response { StatusCode : http . StatusOK , Body : http . NoBody }
} ) ,
ExpectedError : false ,
} ,
Name : "triggered-error" ,
Provider : AlertProvider { } ,
Alert : alert . Alert { Description : & firstDescription , SuccessThreshold : 5 , FailureThreshold : 3 } ,
Resolved : false ,
MockRoundTripper : test . MockRoundTripper ( func ( r * http . Request ) * http . Response {
return & http . Response { StatusCode : http . StatusInternalServerError , Body : http . NoBody }
} ) ,
ExpectedError : true ,
} ,
Name : "resolved" ,
Provider : AlertProvider { } ,
Alert : alert . Alert { Description : & secondDescription , SuccessThreshold : 5 , FailureThreshold : 3 } ,
Resolved : true ,
MockRoundTripper : test . MockRoundTripper ( func ( r * http . Request ) * http . Response {
return & http . Response { StatusCode : http . StatusOK , Body : http . NoBody }
} ) ,
ExpectedError : false ,
} ,
Name : "resolved-error" ,
Provider : AlertProvider { } ,
Alert : alert . Alert { Description : & secondDescription , SuccessThreshold : 5 , FailureThreshold : 3 } ,
Resolved : true ,
MockRoundTripper : test . MockRoundTripper ( func ( r * http . Request ) * http . Response {
return & http . Response { StatusCode : http . StatusInternalServerError , Body : http . NoBody }
} ) ,
ExpectedError : true ,
} ,
for _ , scenario := range scenarios {
t . Run ( scenario . Name , func ( t * testing . T ) {
client . InjectHTTPClient ( & http . Client { Transport : scenario . MockRoundTripper } )
err := scenario . Provider . Send (
& core . Endpoint { Name : "endpoint-name" } ,
& scenario . Alert ,
& core . Result {
ConditionResults : [ ] * core . ConditionResult {
{ Condition : "[CONNECTED] == true" , Success : scenario . Resolved } ,
{ Condition : "[STATUS] == 200" , Success : scenario . Resolved } ,
} ,
} ,
scenario . Resolved ,
if scenario . ExpectedError && err == nil {
t . Error ( "expected error, got none" )
if ! scenario . ExpectedError && err != nil {
t . Error ( "expected no error, got" , err . Error ( ) )
} )
2021-12-03 03:05:17 +01:00
func TestAlertProvider_buildRequestBody ( t * testing . T ) {
firstDescription := "description-1"
secondDescription := "description-2"
scenarios := [ ] struct {
Name string
Provider AlertProvider
Alert alert . Alert
Resolved bool
ExpectedBody string
} {
Name : "triggered" ,
Provider : AlertProvider { } ,
Alert : alert . Alert { Description : & firstDescription , SuccessThreshold : 5 , FailureThreshold : 3 } ,
Resolved : false ,
ExpectedBody : "{\n \"text\": \"\",\n \"username\": \"gatus\",\n \"icon_url\": \"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TwiN/gatus/master/.github/assets/logo.png\",\n \"attachments\": [\n {\n \"title\": \":rescue_worker_helmet: Gatus\",\n \"fallback\": \"Gatus - An alert for *endpoint-name* has been triggered due to having failed 3 time(s) in a row\",\n \"text\": \"An alert for *endpoint-name* has been triggered due to having failed 3 time(s) in a row:\\n> description-1\",\n \"short\": false,\n \"color\": \"#DD0000\",\n \"fields\": [\n {\n \"title\": \"URL\",\n \"value\": \"\",\n \"short\": false\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"Condition results\",\n \"value\": \":x: - `[CONNECTED] == true`\\n:x: - `[STATUS] == 200`\\n\",\n \"short\": false\n }\n ]\n }\n ]\n}" ,
} ,
Name : "resolved" ,
Provider : AlertProvider { } ,
Alert : alert . Alert { Description : & secondDescription , SuccessThreshold : 5 , FailureThreshold : 3 } ,
Resolved : true ,
ExpectedBody : "{\n \"text\": \"\",\n \"username\": \"gatus\",\n \"icon_url\": \"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TwiN/gatus/master/.github/assets/logo.png\",\n \"attachments\": [\n {\n \"title\": \":rescue_worker_helmet: Gatus\",\n \"fallback\": \"Gatus - An alert for *endpoint-name* has been resolved after passing successfully 5 time(s) in a row\",\n \"text\": \"An alert for *endpoint-name* has been resolved after passing successfully 5 time(s) in a row:\\n> description-2\",\n \"short\": false,\n \"color\": \"#36A64F\",\n \"fields\": [\n {\n \"title\": \"URL\",\n \"value\": \"\",\n \"short\": false\n },\n {\n \"title\": \"Condition results\",\n \"value\": \":white_check_mark: - `[CONNECTED] == true`\\n:white_check_mark: - `[STATUS] == 200`\\n\",\n \"short\": false\n }\n ]\n }\n ]\n}" ,
} ,
2020-11-14 15:55:37 +01:00
2021-12-03 03:05:17 +01:00
for _ , scenario := range scenarios {
t . Run ( scenario . Name , func ( t * testing . T ) {
body := scenario . Provider . buildRequestBody (
& core . Endpoint { Name : "endpoint-name" } ,
& scenario . Alert ,
& core . Result {
ConditionResults : [ ] * core . ConditionResult {
{ Condition : "[CONNECTED] == true" , Success : scenario . Resolved } ,
{ Condition : "[STATUS] == 200" , Success : scenario . Resolved } ,
} ,
} ,
scenario . Resolved ,
if body != scenario . ExpectedBody {
t . Errorf ( "expected %s, got %s" , scenario . ExpectedBody , body )
out := make ( map [ string ] interface { } )
if err := json . Unmarshal ( [ ] byte ( body ) , & out ) ; err != nil {
t . Error ( "expected body to be valid JSON, got error:" , err . Error ( ) )
} )
2021-02-20 01:06:20 +01:00
2020-11-14 15:55:37 +01:00
2021-12-03 04:15:51 +01:00
func TestAlertProvider_GetDefaultAlert ( t * testing . T ) {
if ( AlertProvider { DefaultAlert : & alert . Alert { } } ) . GetDefaultAlert ( ) == nil {
t . Error ( "expected default alert to be not nil" )
if ( AlertProvider { DefaultAlert : nil } ) . GetDefaultAlert ( ) != nil {
t . Error ( "expected default alert to be nil" )