package api import ( "io/fs" "net/http" "os" "" "" "" static "" "" "" fiber "" "" "" "" fiberfs "" "" "" "" "" ) type API struct { router *fiber.App } func New(cfg *config.Config) *API { api := &API{} if cfg.Web == nil { logr.Warnf("[api.New] nil web config passed as parameter. This should only happen in tests. Using default web configuration") cfg.Web = web.GetDefaultConfig() } if cfg.UI == nil { logr.Warnf("[api.New] nil ui config passed as parameter. This should only happen in tests. Using default ui configuration") cfg.UI = ui.GetDefaultConfig() } api.router = api.createRouter(cfg) return api } func (a *API) Router() *fiber.App { return a.router } func (a *API) createRouter(cfg *config.Config) *fiber.App { app := fiber.New(fiber.Config{ ErrorHandler: func(c *fiber.Ctx, err error) error { logr.Errorf("[api.ErrorHandler] %s", err.Error()) return fiber.DefaultErrorHandler(c, err) }, ReadBufferSize: cfg.Web.ReadBufferSize, Network: fiber.NetworkTCP, }) if os.Getenv("ENVIRONMENT") == "dev" { app.Use(cors.New(cors.Config{ AllowOrigins: "http://localhost:8081", AllowCredentials: true, })) } // Middlewares app.Use(recover.New()) app.Use(compress.New()) // Define metrics handler, if necessary if cfg.Metrics { metricsHandler := promhttp.InstrumentMetricHandler(prometheus.DefaultRegisterer, promhttp.HandlerFor(prometheus.DefaultGatherer, promhttp.HandlerOpts{ DisableCompression: true, })) app.Get("/metrics", adaptor.HTTPHandler(metricsHandler)) } // Define main router apiRouter := app.Group("/api") //////////////////////// // UNPROTECTED ROUTES // //////////////////////// unprotectedAPIRouter := apiRouter.Group("/") unprotectedAPIRouter.Get("/v1/config", ConfigHandler{securityConfig: cfg.Security}.GetConfig) unprotectedAPIRouter.Get("/v1/endpoints/:key/health/badge.svg", HealthBadge) unprotectedAPIRouter.Get("/v1/endpoints/:key/health/badge.shields", HealthBadgeShields) unprotectedAPIRouter.Get("/v1/endpoints/:key/uptimes/:duration/badge.svg", UptimeBadge) unprotectedAPIRouter.Get("/v1/endpoints/:key/response-times/:duration/badge.svg", ResponseTimeBadge(cfg)) unprotectedAPIRouter.Get("/v1/endpoints/:key/response-times/:duration/chart.svg", ResponseTimeChart) // This endpoint requires authz with bearer token, so technically it is protected unprotectedAPIRouter.Post("/v1/endpoints/:key/external", CreateExternalEndpointResult(cfg)) // SPA app.Get("/", SinglePageApplication(cfg.UI)) app.Get("/endpoints/:name", SinglePageApplication(cfg.UI)) // Health endpoint healthHandler := health.Handler().WithJSON(true) app.Get("/health", func(c *fiber.Ctx) error { statusCode, body := healthHandler.GetResponseStatusCodeAndBody() return c.Status(statusCode).Send(body) }) // Custom CSS app.Get("/css/custom.css", CustomCSSHandler{customCSS: cfg.UI.CustomCSS}.GetCustomCSS) // Everything else falls back on static content app.Use(redirect.New(redirect.Config{ Rules: map[string]string{ "/index.html": "/", }, StatusCode: 301, })) staticFileSystem, err := fs.Sub(static.FileSystem, static.RootPath) if err != nil { panic(err) } app.Use("/", fiberfs.New(fiberfs.Config{ Root: http.FS(staticFileSystem), Index: "index.html", Browse: true, })) ////////////////////// // PROTECTED ROUTES // ////////////////////// // ORDER IS IMPORTANT: all routes applied AFTER the security middleware will require authn protectedAPIRouter := apiRouter.Group("/") if cfg.Security != nil { if err := cfg.Security.RegisterHandlers(app); err != nil { panic(err) } if err := cfg.Security.ApplySecurityMiddleware(protectedAPIRouter); err != nil { panic(err) } } protectedAPIRouter.Get("/v1/endpoints/statuses", EndpointStatuses(cfg)) protectedAPIRouter.Get("/v1/endpoints/:key/statuses", EndpointStatus) return app }