package web

import (

const (
	// DefaultAddress is the default address the application will bind to
	DefaultAddress = ""

	// DefaultPort is the default port the application will listen on
	DefaultPort = 8080

	// DefaultReadBufferSize is the default value for ReadBufferSize
	DefaultReadBufferSize = 8192

	// MinimumReadBufferSize is the minimum value for ReadBufferSize, and also the default value set
	// for fiber.Config.ReadBufferSize
	MinimumReadBufferSize = 4096

// Config is the structure which supports the configuration of the server listening to requests
type Config struct {
	// Address to listen on (defaults to specified by DefaultAddress)
	Address string `yaml:"address"`

	// Port to listen on (default to 8080 specified by DefaultPort)
	Port int `yaml:"port"`

	// ReadBufferSize sets fiber.Config.ReadBufferSize, which is the buffer size for reading requests coming from a
	// single connection and also acts as a limit for the maximum header size.
	// If you're getting occasional "Request Header Fields Too Large", you may want to try increasing this value.
	// Defaults to DefaultReadBufferSize
	ReadBufferSize int `yaml:"read-buffer-size,omitempty"`

	// TLS configuration (optional)
	TLS *TLSConfig `yaml:"tls,omitempty"`

type TLSConfig struct {
	// CertificateFile is the public certificate for TLS in PEM format.
	CertificateFile string `yaml:"certificate-file,omitempty"`

	// PrivateKeyFile is the private key file for TLS in PEM format.
	PrivateKeyFile string `yaml:"private-key-file,omitempty"`

// GetDefaultConfig returns a Config struct with the default values
func GetDefaultConfig() *Config {
	return &Config{
		Address:        DefaultAddress,
		Port:           DefaultPort,
		ReadBufferSize: DefaultReadBufferSize,

// ValidateAndSetDefaults validates the web configuration and sets the default values if necessary.
func (web *Config) ValidateAndSetDefaults() error {
	// Validate the Address
	if len(web.Address) == 0 {
		web.Address = DefaultAddress
	// Validate the Port
	if web.Port == 0 {
		web.Port = DefaultPort
	} else if web.Port < 0 || web.Port > math.MaxUint16 {
		return fmt.Errorf("invalid port: value should be between %d and %d", 0, math.MaxUint16)
	// Validate ReadBufferSize
	if web.ReadBufferSize == 0 {
		web.ReadBufferSize = DefaultReadBufferSize // Not set? Use the default value.
	} else if web.ReadBufferSize < MinimumReadBufferSize {
		web.ReadBufferSize = MinimumReadBufferSize // Below the minimum? Use the minimum value.
	// Try to load the TLS certificates
	if web.TLS != nil {
		if err := web.TLS.isValid(); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("invalid tls config: %w", err)
	return nil

func (web *Config) HasTLS() bool {
	return web.TLS != nil && len(web.TLS.CertificateFile) > 0 && len(web.TLS.PrivateKeyFile) > 0

// SocketAddress returns the combination of the Address and the Port
func (web *Config) SocketAddress() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", web.Address, web.Port)

func (t *TLSConfig) isValid() error {
	if len(t.CertificateFile) > 0 && len(t.PrivateKeyFile) > 0 {
		_, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(t.CertificateFile, t.PrivateKeyFile)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		return nil
	return errors.New("certificate-file and private-key-file must be specified")