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209 lines
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package chart
import (
// HideXAxis hides the x-axis.
func HideXAxis() XAxis {
return XAxis{
Style: Hidden(),
// XAxis represents the horizontal axis.
type XAxis struct {
Name string
NameStyle Style
Style Style
ValueFormatter ValueFormatter
Range Range
TickStyle Style
Ticks []Tick
TickPosition TickPosition
GridLines []GridLine
GridMajorStyle Style
GridMinorStyle Style
// GetName returns the name.
func (xa XAxis) GetName() string {
return xa.Name
// GetStyle returns the style.
func (xa XAxis) GetStyle() Style {
return xa.Style
// GetValueFormatter returns the value formatter for the axis.
func (xa XAxis) GetValueFormatter() ValueFormatter {
if xa.ValueFormatter != nil {
return xa.ValueFormatter
return FloatValueFormatter
// GetTickPosition returns the tick position option for the axis.
func (xa XAxis) GetTickPosition(defaults ...TickPosition) TickPosition {
if xa.TickPosition == TickPositionUnset {
if len(defaults) > 0 {
return defaults[0]
return TickPositionUnderTick
return xa.TickPosition
// GetTicks returns the ticks for a series.
// The coalesce priority is:
// - User Supplied Ticks (i.e. Ticks array on the axis itself).
// - Range ticks (i.e. if the range provides ticks).
// - Generating continuous ticks based on minimum spacing and canvas width.
func (xa XAxis) GetTicks(r Renderer, ra Range, defaults Style, vf ValueFormatter) []Tick {
if len(xa.Ticks) > 0 {
return xa.Ticks
if tp, isTickProvider := ra.(TicksProvider); isTickProvider {
return tp.GetTicks(r, defaults, vf)
tickStyle := xa.Style.InheritFrom(defaults)
return GenerateContinuousTicks(r, ra, false, tickStyle, vf)
// GetGridLines returns the gridlines for the axis.
func (xa XAxis) GetGridLines(ticks []Tick) []GridLine {
if len(xa.GridLines) > 0 {
return xa.GridLines
return GenerateGridLines(ticks, xa.GridMajorStyle, xa.GridMinorStyle)
// Measure returns the bounds of the axis.
func (xa XAxis) Measure(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, ra Range, defaults Style, ticks []Tick) Box {
tickStyle := xa.TickStyle.InheritFrom(xa.Style.InheritFrom(defaults))
tp := xa.GetTickPosition()
var ltx, rtx int
var tx, ty int
var left, right, bottom = math.MaxInt32, 0, 0
for index, t := range ticks {
v := t.Value
tb := Draw.MeasureText(r, t.Label, tickStyle.GetTextOptions())
tx = canvasBox.Left + ra.Translate(v)
ty = canvasBox.Bottom + DefaultXAxisMargin + tb.Height()
switch tp {
case TickPositionUnderTick, TickPositionUnset:
ltx = tx - tb.Width()>>1
rtx = tx + tb.Width()>>1
case TickPositionBetweenTicks:
if index > 0 {
ltx = ra.Translate(ticks[index-1].Value)
rtx = tx
left = MinInt(left, ltx)
right = MaxInt(right, rtx)
bottom = MaxInt(bottom, ty)
if !xa.NameStyle.Hidden && len(xa.Name) > 0 {
tb := Draw.MeasureText(r, xa.Name, xa.NameStyle.InheritFrom(defaults))
bottom += DefaultXAxisMargin + tb.Height()
return Box{
Top: canvasBox.Bottom,
Left: left,
Right: right,
Bottom: bottom,
// Render renders the axis
func (xa XAxis) Render(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, ra Range, defaults Style, ticks []Tick) {
tickStyle := xa.TickStyle.InheritFrom(xa.Style.InheritFrom(defaults))
r.MoveTo(canvasBox.Left, canvasBox.Bottom)
r.LineTo(canvasBox.Right, canvasBox.Bottom)
tp := xa.GetTickPosition()
var tx, ty int
var maxTextHeight int
for index, t := range ticks {
v := t.Value
lx := ra.Translate(v)
tx = canvasBox.Left + lx
r.MoveTo(tx, canvasBox.Bottom)
r.LineTo(tx, canvasBox.Bottom+DefaultVerticalTickHeight)
tickWithAxisStyle := xa.TickStyle.InheritFrom(xa.Style.InheritFrom(defaults))
tb := Draw.MeasureText(r, t.Label, tickWithAxisStyle)
switch tp {
case TickPositionUnderTick, TickPositionUnset:
if tickStyle.TextRotationDegrees == 0 {
tx = tx - tb.Width()>>1
ty = canvasBox.Bottom + DefaultXAxisMargin + tb.Height()
} else {
ty = canvasBox.Bottom + (2 * DefaultXAxisMargin)
Draw.Text(r, t.Label, tx, ty, tickWithAxisStyle)
maxTextHeight = MaxInt(maxTextHeight, tb.Height())
case TickPositionBetweenTicks:
if index > 0 {
llx := ra.Translate(ticks[index-1].Value)
ltx := canvasBox.Left + llx
finalTickStyle := tickWithAxisStyle.InheritFrom(Style{TextHorizontalAlign: TextHorizontalAlignCenter})
Draw.TextWithin(r, t.Label, Box{
Left: ltx,
Right: tx,
Top: canvasBox.Bottom + DefaultXAxisMargin,
Bottom: canvasBox.Bottom + DefaultXAxisMargin,
}, finalTickStyle)
ftb := Text.MeasureLines(r, Text.WrapFit(r, t.Label, tx-ltx, finalTickStyle), finalTickStyle)
maxTextHeight = MaxInt(maxTextHeight, ftb.Height())
nameStyle := xa.NameStyle.InheritFrom(defaults)
if !xa.NameStyle.Hidden && len(xa.Name) > 0 {
tb := Draw.MeasureText(r, xa.Name, nameStyle)
tx := canvasBox.Right - (canvasBox.Width()>>1 + tb.Width()>>1)
ty := canvasBox.Bottom + DefaultXAxisMargin + maxTextHeight + DefaultXAxisMargin + tb.Height()
Draw.Text(r, xa.Name, tx, ty, nameStyle)
if !xa.GridMajorStyle.Hidden || !xa.GridMinorStyle.Hidden {
for _, gl := range xa.GetGridLines(ticks) {
if (gl.IsMinor && !xa.GridMinorStyle.Hidden) || (!gl.IsMinor && !xa.GridMajorStyle.Hidden) {
defaults := xa.GridMajorStyle
if gl.IsMinor {
defaults = xa.GridMinorStyle
gl.Render(r, canvasBox, ra, true, gl.Style.InheritFrom(defaults))