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314 lines
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package config
import (
func TestGetBeforeConfigIsLoaded(t *testing.T) {
defer func() { recover() }()
t.Fatal("Should've panicked because the configuration hasn't been loaded yet")
func TestLoadFileThatDoesNotExist(t *testing.T) {
err := Load("file-that-does-not-exist.yaml")
if err == nil {
t.Error("Should've returned an error, because the file specified doesn't exist")
func TestLoadDefaultConfigurationFile(t *testing.T) {
err := LoadDefaultConfiguration()
if err == nil {
t.Error("Should've returned an error, because there's no configuration files at the default path nor the default fallback path")
func TestParseAndValidateConfigBytes(t *testing.T) {
config, err := parseAndValidateConfigBytes([]byte(`
- name: twinnation
url: https://twinnation.org/actuator/health
interval: 15s
- "[STATUS] == 200"
- name: github
url: https://api.github.com/healthz
- "[STATUS] != 400"
- "[STATUS] != 500"
if err != nil {
t.Error("No error should've been returned")
if config == nil {
t.Fatal("Config shouldn't have been nil")
if len(config.Services) != 2 {
t.Error("Should have returned two services")
if config.Services[0].URL != "https://twinnation.org/actuator/health" {
t.Errorf("URL should have been %s", "https://twinnation.org/actuator/health")
if config.Services[1].URL != "https://api.github.com/healthz" {
t.Errorf("URL should have been %s", "https://api.github.com/healthz")
if config.Services[0].Method != "GET" {
t.Errorf("Method should have been %s (default)", "GET")
if config.Services[1].Method != "GET" {
t.Errorf("Method should have been %s (default)", "GET")
if config.Services[0].Interval != 15*time.Second {
t.Errorf("Interval should have been %s", 15*time.Second)
if config.Services[1].Interval != 60*time.Second {
t.Errorf("Interval should have been %s, because it is the default value", 60*time.Second)
if len(config.Services[0].Conditions) != 1 {
t.Errorf("There should have been %d conditions", 1)
if len(config.Services[1].Conditions) != 2 {
t.Errorf("There should have been %d conditions", 2)
func TestParseAndValidateConfigBytesDefault(t *testing.T) {
config, err := parseAndValidateConfigBytes([]byte(`
- name: twinnation
url: https://twinnation.org/actuator/health
- "[STATUS] == 200"
if err != nil {
t.Error("No error should've been returned")
if config == nil {
t.Fatal("Config shouldn't have been nil")
if config.Metrics {
t.Error("Metrics should've been false by default")
if config.Services[0].URL != "https://twinnation.org/actuator/health" {
t.Errorf("URL should have been %s", "https://twinnation.org/actuator/health")
if config.Services[0].Interval != 60*time.Second {
t.Errorf("Interval should have been %s, because it is the default value", 60*time.Second)
func TestParseAndValidateConfigBytesWithMetrics(t *testing.T) {
config, err := parseAndValidateConfigBytes([]byte(`
metrics: true
- name: twinnation
url: https://twinnation.org/actuator/health
- "[STATUS] == 200"
if err != nil {
t.Error("No error should've been returned")
if config == nil {
t.Fatal("Config shouldn't have been nil")
if !config.Metrics {
t.Error("Metrics should have been true")
if config.Services[0].URL != "https://twinnation.org/actuator/health" {
t.Errorf("URL should have been %s", "https://twinnation.org/actuator/health")
if config.Services[0].Interval != 60*time.Second {
t.Errorf("Interval should have been %s, because it is the default value", 60*time.Second)
func TestParseAndValidateBadConfigBytes(t *testing.T) {
_, err := parseAndValidateConfigBytes([]byte(`
- asdsa: w0w
usadasdrl: asdxzczxc
- soup
if err == nil {
t.Error("An error should've been returned")
if err != ErrNoServiceInConfig {
t.Error("The error returned should have been of type ErrNoServiceInConfig")
func TestParseAndValidateConfigBytesWithAlerting(t *testing.T) {
config, err := parseAndValidateConfigBytes([]byte(`
webhook-url: "http://example.com"
integration-key: "00000000000000000000000000000000"
- name: twinnation
url: https://twinnation.org/actuator/health
- type: slack
enabled: true
- type: pagerduty
enabled: true
failure-threshold: 7
success-threshold: 5
description: "Healthcheck failed 7 times in a row"
- "[STATUS] == 200"
if err != nil {
t.Error("No error should've been returned")
if config == nil {
t.Fatal("Config shouldn't have been nil")
if config.Metrics {
t.Error("Metrics should've been false by default")
if config.Alerting == nil {
t.Fatal("config.Alerting shouldn't have been nil")
if config.Alerting.Slack == nil || !config.Alerting.Slack.IsValid() {
t.Fatal("Slack alerting config should've been valid")
if config.Alerting.Slack.WebhookURL != "http://example.com" {
t.Errorf("Slack webhook should've been %s, but was %s", "http://example.com", config.Alerting.Slack.WebhookURL)
if config.Alerting.PagerDuty == nil || !config.Alerting.PagerDuty.IsValid() {
t.Fatal("PagerDuty alerting config should've been valid")
if config.Alerting.PagerDuty.IntegrationKey != "00000000000000000000000000000000" {
t.Errorf("PagerDuty integration key should've been %s, but was %s", "00000000000000000000000000000000", config.Alerting.PagerDuty.IntegrationKey)
if len(config.Services) != 1 {
t.Error("There should've been 1 service")
if config.Services[0].URL != "https://twinnation.org/actuator/health" {
t.Errorf("URL should have been %s", "https://twinnation.org/actuator/health")
if config.Services[0].Interval != 60*time.Second {
t.Errorf("Interval should have been %s, because it is the default value", 60*time.Second)
if config.Services[0].Alerts == nil {
t.Fatal("The service alerts shouldn't have been nil")
if len(config.Services[0].Alerts) != 2 {
t.Fatal("There should've been 2 alert configured")
if !config.Services[0].Alerts[0].Enabled {
t.Error("The alert should've been enabled")
if config.Services[0].Alerts[0].FailureThreshold != 3 {
t.Errorf("The default failure threshold of the alert should've been %d, but it was %d", 3, config.Services[0].Alerts[0].FailureThreshold)
if config.Services[0].Alerts[0].SuccessThreshold != 2 {
t.Errorf("The default success threshold of the alert should've been %d, but it was %d", 2, config.Services[0].Alerts[0].SuccessThreshold)
if config.Services[0].Alerts[1].FailureThreshold != 7 {
t.Errorf("The failure threshold of the alert should've been %d, but it was %d", 7, config.Services[0].Alerts[1].FailureThreshold)
if config.Services[0].Alerts[1].SuccessThreshold != 5 {
t.Errorf("The success threshold of the alert should've been %d, but it was %d", 5, config.Services[0].Alerts[1].SuccessThreshold)
if config.Services[0].Alerts[0].Type != core.SlackAlert {
t.Errorf("The type of the alert should've been %s, but it was %s", core.SlackAlert, config.Services[0].Alerts[0].Type)
if config.Services[0].Alerts[1].Type != core.PagerDutyAlert {
t.Errorf("The type of the alert should've been %s, but it was %s", core.PagerDutyAlert, config.Services[0].Alerts[1].Type)
if config.Services[0].Alerts[1].Description != "Healthcheck failed 7 times in a row" {
t.Errorf("The description of the alert should've been %s, but it was %s", "Healthcheck failed 7 times in a row", config.Services[0].Alerts[0].Description)
func TestParseAndValidateConfigBytesWithInvalidPagerDutyAlertingConfig(t *testing.T) {
config, err := parseAndValidateConfigBytes([]byte(`
integration-key: "INVALID_KEY"
- name: twinnation
url: https://twinnation.org/actuator/health
- type: pagerduty
- "[STATUS] == 200"
if err != nil {
t.Error("No error should've been returned")
if config == nil {
t.Fatal("Config shouldn't have been nil")
if config.Alerting == nil {
t.Fatal("config.Alerting shouldn't have been nil")
if config.Alerting.PagerDuty == nil {
t.Fatal("PagerDuty alerting config shouldn't have been nil")
if config.Alerting.PagerDuty.IsValid() {
t.Fatal("PagerDuty alerting config should've been invalid")
func TestParseAndValidateConfigBytesWithInvalidSecurityConfig(t *testing.T) {
defer func() { recover() }()
_, _ = parseAndValidateConfigBytes([]byte(`
username: "admin"
password-sha512: "invalid-sha512-hash"
- name: twinnation
url: https://twinnation.org/actuator/health
- "[STATUS] == 200"
t.Error("Function should've panicked")
func TestParseAndValidateConfigBytesWithValidSecurityConfig(t *testing.T) {
const expectedUsername = "admin"
const expectedPasswordHash = "6b97ed68d14eb3f1aa959ce5d49c7dc612e1eb1dafd73b1e705847483fd6a6c809f2ceb4e8df6ff9984c6298ff0285cace6614bf8daa9f0070101b6c89899e22"
config, err := parseAndValidateConfigBytes([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
username: "%s"
password-sha512: "%s"
- name: twinnation
url: https://twinnation.org/actuator/health
- "[STATUS] == 200"
`, expectedUsername, expectedPasswordHash)))
if err != nil {
t.Error("No error should've been returned")
if config == nil {
t.Fatal("Config shouldn't have been nil")
if config.Security == nil {
t.Fatal("config.Security shouldn't have been nil")
if !config.Security.IsValid() {
t.Error("Security config should've been valid")
if config.Security.Basic == nil {
t.Fatal("config.Security.Basic shouldn't have been nil")
if config.Security.Basic.Username != expectedUsername {
t.Errorf("config.Security.Basic.Username should've been %s, but was %s", expectedUsername, config.Security.Basic.Username)
if config.Security.Basic.PasswordSha512Hash != expectedPasswordHash {
t.Errorf("config.Security.Basic.PasswordSha512Hash should've been %s, but was %s", expectedPasswordHash, config.Security.Basic.PasswordSha512Hash)