2022-12-06 01:41:18 -05:00

869 lines
29 KiB

package sql
import (
_ ""
_ ""
// Note that only exported functions in this file may create, commit, or rollback a transaction //
const (
// arraySeparator is the separator used to separate multiple strings in a single column.
// It's a dirty hack, but it's only used for persisting errors, and since this data will likely only ever be used
// for aesthetic purposes, I deemed it wasn't worth the performance impact of yet another one-to-many table.
arraySeparator = "|~|"
uptimeCleanUpThreshold = 10 * 24 * time.Hour // Maximum uptime age before triggering a clean up
eventsCleanUpThreshold = common.MaximumNumberOfEvents + 10 // Maximum number of events before triggering a clean up
resultsCleanUpThreshold = common.MaximumNumberOfResults + 10 // Maximum number of results before triggering a clean up
uptimeRetention = 7 * 24 * time.Hour
cacheTTL = 10 * time.Minute
var (
// ErrPathNotSpecified is the error returned when the path parameter passed in NewStore is blank
ErrPathNotSpecified = errors.New("path cannot be empty")
// ErrDatabaseDriverNotSpecified is the error returned when the driver parameter passed in NewStore is blank
ErrDatabaseDriverNotSpecified = errors.New("database driver cannot be empty")
errNoRowsReturned = errors.New("expected a row to be returned, but none was")
// Store that leverages a database
type Store struct {
driver, path string
db *sql.DB
// writeThroughCache is a cache used to drastically decrease read latency by pre-emptively
// caching writes as they happen. If nil, writes are not cached.
writeThroughCache *gocache.Cache
// NewStore initializes the database and creates the schema if it doesn't already exist in the path specified
func NewStore(driver, path string, caching bool) (*Store, error) {
if len(driver) == 0 {
return nil, ErrDatabaseDriverNotSpecified
if len(path) == 0 {
return nil, ErrPathNotSpecified
store := &Store{driver: driver, path: path}
var err error
if store.db, err = sql.Open(driver, path); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := store.db.Ping(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if driver == "sqlite" {
_, _ = store.db.Exec("PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON")
_, _ = store.db.Exec("PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL")
_, _ = store.db.Exec("PRAGMA synchronous=NORMAL")
// Prevents driver from running into "database is locked" errors
// This is because we're using WAL to improve performance
if err = store.createSchema(); err != nil {
_ = store.db.Close()
return nil, err
if caching {
store.writeThroughCache = gocache.NewCache().WithMaxSize(10000)
return store, nil
// createSchema creates the schema required to perform all database operations.
func (s *Store) createSchema() error {
if s.driver == "sqlite" {
return s.createSQLiteSchema()
return s.createPostgresSchema()
// GetAllEndpointStatuses returns all monitored core.EndpointStatus
// with a subset of core.Result defined by the page and pageSize parameters
func (s *Store) GetAllEndpointStatuses(params *paging.EndpointStatusParams) ([]*core.EndpointStatus, error) {
tx, err := s.db.Begin()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
keys, err := s.getAllEndpointKeys(tx)
if err != nil {
_ = tx.Rollback()
return nil, err
endpointStatuses := make([]*core.EndpointStatus, 0, len(keys))
for _, key := range keys {
endpointStatus, err := s.getEndpointStatusByKey(tx, key, params)
if err != nil {
endpointStatuses = append(endpointStatuses, endpointStatus)
if err = tx.Commit(); err != nil {
_ = tx.Rollback()
return endpointStatuses, err
// GetEndpointStatus returns the endpoint status for a given endpoint name in the given group
func (s *Store) GetEndpointStatus(groupName, endpointName string, params *paging.EndpointStatusParams) (*core.EndpointStatus, error) {
return s.GetEndpointStatusByKey(util.ConvertGroupAndEndpointNameToKey(groupName, endpointName), params)
// GetEndpointStatusByKey returns the endpoint status for a given key
func (s *Store) GetEndpointStatusByKey(key string, params *paging.EndpointStatusParams) (*core.EndpointStatus, error) {
tx, err := s.db.Begin()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
endpointStatus, err := s.getEndpointStatusByKey(tx, key, params)
if err != nil {
_ = tx.Rollback()
return nil, err
if err = tx.Commit(); err != nil {
_ = tx.Rollback()
return endpointStatus, err
// GetUptimeByKey returns the uptime percentage during a time range
func (s *Store) GetUptimeByKey(key string, from, to time.Time) (float64, error) {
if from.After(to) {
return 0, common.ErrInvalidTimeRange
tx, err := s.db.Begin()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
endpointID, _, _, err := s.getEndpointIDGroupAndNameByKey(tx, key)
if err != nil {
_ = tx.Rollback()
return 0, err
uptime, _, err := s.getEndpointUptime(tx, endpointID, from, to)
if err != nil {
_ = tx.Rollback()
return 0, err
if err = tx.Commit(); err != nil {
_ = tx.Rollback()
return uptime, nil
// GetAverageResponseTimeByKey returns the average response time in milliseconds (value) during a time range
func (s *Store) GetAverageResponseTimeByKey(key string, from, to time.Time) (int, error) {
if from.After(to) {
return 0, common.ErrInvalidTimeRange
tx, err := s.db.Begin()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
endpointID, _, _, err := s.getEndpointIDGroupAndNameByKey(tx, key)
if err != nil {
_ = tx.Rollback()
return 0, err
averageResponseTime, err := s.getEndpointAverageResponseTime(tx, endpointID, from, to)
if err != nil {
_ = tx.Rollback()
return 0, err
if err = tx.Commit(); err != nil {
_ = tx.Rollback()
return averageResponseTime, nil
// GetHourlyAverageResponseTimeByKey returns a map of hourly (key) average response time in milliseconds (value) during a time range
func (s *Store) GetHourlyAverageResponseTimeByKey(key string, from, to time.Time) (map[int64]int, error) {
if from.After(to) {
return nil, common.ErrInvalidTimeRange
tx, err := s.db.Begin()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
endpointID, _, _, err := s.getEndpointIDGroupAndNameByKey(tx, key)
if err != nil {
_ = tx.Rollback()
return nil, err
hourlyAverageResponseTimes, err := s.getEndpointHourlyAverageResponseTimes(tx, endpointID, from, to)
if err != nil {
_ = tx.Rollback()
return nil, err
if err = tx.Commit(); err != nil {
_ = tx.Rollback()
return hourlyAverageResponseTimes, nil
// Insert adds the observed result for the specified endpoint into the store
func (s *Store) Insert(endpoint *core.Endpoint, result *core.Result) error {
tx, err := s.db.Begin()
if err != nil {
return err
endpointID, err := s.getEndpointID(tx, endpoint)
if err != nil {
if err == common.ErrEndpointNotFound {
// Endpoint doesn't exist in the database, insert it
if endpointID, err = s.insertEndpoint(tx, endpoint); err != nil {
_ = tx.Rollback()
log.Printf("[sql][Insert] Failed to create endpoint with group=%s; endpoint=%s: %s", endpoint.Group, endpoint.Name, err.Error())
return err
} else {
_ = tx.Rollback()
log.Printf("[sql][Insert] Failed to retrieve id of endpoint with group=%s; endpoint=%s: %s", endpoint.Group, endpoint.Name, err.Error())
return err
// First, we need to check if we need to insert a new event.
// A new event must be added if either of the following cases happen:
// 1. There is only 1 event. The total number of events for a endpoint can only be 1 if the only existing event is
// of type EventStart, in which case we will have to create a new event of type EventHealthy or EventUnhealthy
// based on result.Success.
// 2. The lastResult.Success != result.Success. This implies that the endpoint went from healthy to unhealthy or
// vice-versa, in which case we will have to create a new event of type EventHealthy or EventUnhealthy
// based on result.Success.
numberOfEvents, err := s.getNumberOfEventsByEndpointID(tx, endpointID)
if err != nil {
// Silently fail
log.Printf("[sql][Insert] Failed to retrieve total number of events for group=%s; endpoint=%s: %s", endpoint.Group, endpoint.Name, err.Error())
if numberOfEvents == 0 {
// There's no events yet, which means we need to add the EventStart and the first healthy/unhealthy event
err = s.insertEndpointEvent(tx, endpointID, &core.Event{
Type: core.EventStart,
Timestamp: result.Timestamp.Add(-50 * time.Millisecond),
if err != nil {
// Silently fail
log.Printf("[sql][Insert] Failed to insert event=%s for group=%s; endpoint=%s: %s", core.EventStart, endpoint.Group, endpoint.Name, err.Error())
event := core.NewEventFromResult(result)
if err = s.insertEndpointEvent(tx, endpointID, event); err != nil {
// Silently fail
log.Printf("[sql][Insert] Failed to insert event=%s for group=%s; endpoint=%s: %s", event.Type, endpoint.Group, endpoint.Name, err.Error())
} else {
// Get the success value of the previous result
var lastResultSuccess bool
if lastResultSuccess, err = s.getLastEndpointResultSuccessValue(tx, endpointID); err != nil {
log.Printf("[sql][Insert] Failed to retrieve outcome of previous result for group=%s; endpoint=%s: %s", endpoint.Group, endpoint.Name, err.Error())
} else {
// If we managed to retrieve the outcome of the previous result, we'll compare it with the new result.
// If the final outcome (success or failure) of the previous and the new result aren't the same, it means
// that the endpoint either went from Healthy to Unhealthy or Unhealthy -> Healthy, therefore, we'll add
// an event to mark the change in state
if lastResultSuccess != result.Success {
event := core.NewEventFromResult(result)
if err = s.insertEndpointEvent(tx, endpointID, event); err != nil {
// Silently fail
log.Printf("[sql][Insert] Failed to insert event=%s for group=%s; endpoint=%s: %s", event.Type, endpoint.Group, endpoint.Name, err.Error())
// Clean up old events if there's more than twice the maximum number of events
// This lets us both keep the table clean without impacting performance too much
// (since we're only deleting MaximumNumberOfEvents at a time instead of 1)
if numberOfEvents > eventsCleanUpThreshold {
if err = s.deleteOldEndpointEvents(tx, endpointID); err != nil {
log.Printf("[sql][Insert] Failed to delete old events for group=%s; endpoint=%s: %s", endpoint.Group, endpoint.Name, err.Error())
// Second, we need to insert the result.
if err = s.insertEndpointResult(tx, endpointID, result); err != nil {
log.Printf("[sql][Insert] Failed to insert result for group=%s; endpoint=%s: %s", endpoint.Group, endpoint.Name, err.Error())
_ = tx.Rollback() // If we can't insert the result, we'll rollback now since there's no point continuing
return err
// Clean up old results
numberOfResults, err := s.getNumberOfResultsByEndpointID(tx, endpointID)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[sql][Insert] Failed to retrieve total number of results for group=%s; endpoint=%s: %s", endpoint.Group, endpoint.Name, err.Error())
} else {
if numberOfResults > resultsCleanUpThreshold {
if err = s.deleteOldEndpointResults(tx, endpointID); err != nil {
log.Printf("[sql][Insert] Failed to delete old results for group=%s; endpoint=%s: %s", endpoint.Group, endpoint.Name, err.Error())
// Finally, we need to insert the uptime data.
// Because the uptime data significantly outlives the results, we can't rely on the results for determining the uptime
if err = s.updateEndpointUptime(tx, endpointID, result); err != nil {
log.Printf("[sql][Insert] Failed to update uptime for group=%s; endpoint=%s: %s", endpoint.Group, endpoint.Name, err.Error())
// Clean up old uptime entries
ageOfOldestUptimeEntry, err := s.getAgeOfOldestEndpointUptimeEntry(tx, endpointID)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[sql][Insert] Failed to retrieve oldest endpoint uptime entry for group=%s; endpoint=%s: %s", endpoint.Group, endpoint.Name, err.Error())
} else {
if ageOfOldestUptimeEntry > uptimeCleanUpThreshold {
if err = s.deleteOldUptimeEntries(tx, endpointID, time.Now().Add(-(uptimeRetention + time.Hour))); err != nil {
log.Printf("[sql][Insert] Failed to delete old uptime entries for group=%s; endpoint=%s: %s", endpoint.Group, endpoint.Name, err.Error())
if s.writeThroughCache != nil {
cacheKeysToRefresh := s.writeThroughCache.GetKeysByPattern(endpoint.Key()+"*", 0)
for _, cacheKey := range cacheKeysToRefresh {
endpointKey, params, err := extractKeyAndParamsFromCacheKey(cacheKey)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[sql][Insert] Silently deleting cache key %s instead of refreshing due to error: %s", cacheKey, err.Error())
// Retrieve the endpoint status by key, which will in turn refresh the cache
_, _ = s.getEndpointStatusByKey(tx, endpointKey, params)
if err = tx.Commit(); err != nil {
_ = tx.Rollback()
return err
// DeleteAllEndpointStatusesNotInKeys removes all rows owned by an endpoint whose key is not within the keys provided
func (s *Store) DeleteAllEndpointStatusesNotInKeys(keys []string) int {
var err error
var result sql.Result
if len(keys) == 0 {
// Delete everything
result, err = s.db.Exec("DELETE FROM endpoints")
} else {
args := make([]interface{}, 0, len(keys))
query := "DELETE FROM endpoints WHERE endpoint_key NOT IN ("
for i := range keys {
query += fmt.Sprintf("$%d,", i+1)
args = append(args, keys[i])
query = query[:len(query)-1] + ")" // Remove the last comma and add the closing parenthesis
result, err = s.db.Exec(query, args...)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[sql][DeleteAllEndpointStatusesNotInKeys] Failed to delete rows that do not belong to any of keys=%v: %s", keys, err.Error())
return 0
if s.writeThroughCache != nil {
// It's easier to just wipe out the entire cache than to try to find all keys that are not in the keys list
_ = s.writeThroughCache.DeleteKeysByPattern("*")
// Return number of rows deleted
rowsAffects, _ := result.RowsAffected()
return int(rowsAffects)
// Clear deletes everything from the store
func (s *Store) Clear() {
_, _ = s.db.Exec("DELETE FROM endpoints")
if s.writeThroughCache != nil {
_ = s.writeThroughCache.DeleteKeysByPattern("*")
// Save does nothing, because this store is immediately persistent.
func (s *Store) Save() error {
return nil
// Close the database handle
func (s *Store) Close() {
_ = s.db.Close()
if s.writeThroughCache != nil {
// Clear the cache too. If the store's been closed, we don't want to keep the cache around.
_ = s.writeThroughCache.DeleteKeysByPattern("*")
// insertEndpoint inserts an endpoint in the store and returns the generated id of said endpoint
func (s *Store) insertEndpoint(tx *sql.Tx, endpoint *core.Endpoint) (int64, error) {
//log.Printf("[sql][insertEndpoint] Inserting endpoint with group=%s and name=%s", endpoint.Group, endpoint.Name)
var id int64
err := tx.QueryRow(
"INSERT INTO endpoints (endpoint_key, endpoint_name, endpoint_group) VALUES ($1, $2, $3) RETURNING endpoint_id",
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return id, nil
// insertEndpointEvent inserts en event in the store
func (s *Store) insertEndpointEvent(tx *sql.Tx, endpointID int64, event *core.Event) error {
_, err := tx.Exec(
"INSERT INTO endpoint_events (endpoint_id, event_type, event_timestamp) VALUES ($1, $2, $3)",
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// insertEndpointResult inserts a result in the store
func (s *Store) insertEndpointResult(tx *sql.Tx, endpointID int64, result *core.Result) error {
var endpointResultID int64
err := tx.QueryRow(
INSERT INTO endpoint_results (endpoint_id, success, errors, connected, status, dns_rcode, certificate_expiration, domain_expiration, hostname, ip, duration, timestamp)
VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12)
RETURNING endpoint_result_id
strings.Join(result.Errors, arraySeparator),
if err != nil {
return err
return s.insertConditionResults(tx, endpointResultID, result.ConditionResults)
func (s *Store) insertConditionResults(tx *sql.Tx, endpointResultID int64, conditionResults []*core.ConditionResult) error {
var err error
for _, cr := range conditionResults {
_, err = tx.Exec("INSERT INTO endpoint_result_conditions (endpoint_result_id, condition, success) VALUES ($1, $2, $3)",
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *Store) updateEndpointUptime(tx *sql.Tx, endpointID int64, result *core.Result) error {
unixTimestampFlooredAtHour := result.Timestamp.Truncate(time.Hour).Unix()
var successfulExecutions int
if result.Success {
successfulExecutions = 1
_, err := tx.Exec(
INSERT INTO endpoint_uptimes (endpoint_id, hour_unix_timestamp, total_executions, successful_executions, total_response_time)
VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5)
ON CONFLICT(endpoint_id, hour_unix_timestamp) DO UPDATE SET
total_executions = excluded.total_executions + endpoint_uptimes.total_executions,
successful_executions = excluded.successful_executions + endpoint_uptimes.successful_executions,
total_response_time = excluded.total_response_time + endpoint_uptimes.total_response_time
return err
func (s *Store) getAllEndpointKeys(tx *sql.Tx) (keys []string, err error) {
rows, err := tx.Query("SELECT endpoint_key FROM endpoints ORDER BY endpoint_key")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for rows.Next() {
var key string
_ = rows.Scan(&key)
keys = append(keys, key)
func (s *Store) getEndpointStatusByKey(tx *sql.Tx, key string, parameters *paging.EndpointStatusParams) (*core.EndpointStatus, error) {
var cacheKey string
if s.writeThroughCache != nil {
cacheKey = generateCacheKey(key, parameters)
if cachedEndpointStatus, exists := s.writeThroughCache.Get(cacheKey); exists {
if castedCachedEndpointStatus, ok := cachedEndpointStatus.(*core.EndpointStatus); ok {
return castedCachedEndpointStatus, nil
endpointID, group, endpointName, err := s.getEndpointIDGroupAndNameByKey(tx, key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
endpointStatus := core.NewEndpointStatus(group, endpointName)
if parameters.EventsPageSize > 0 {
if endpointStatus.Events, err = s.getEndpointEventsByEndpointID(tx, endpointID, parameters.EventsPage, parameters.EventsPageSize); err != nil {
log.Printf("[sql][getEndpointStatusByKey] Failed to retrieve events for key=%s: %s", key, err.Error())
if parameters.ResultsPageSize > 0 {
if endpointStatus.Results, err = s.getEndpointResultsByEndpointID(tx, endpointID, parameters.ResultsPage, parameters.ResultsPageSize); err != nil {
log.Printf("[sql][getEndpointStatusByKey] Failed to retrieve results for key=%s: %s", key, err.Error())
if s.writeThroughCache != nil {
s.writeThroughCache.SetWithTTL(cacheKey, endpointStatus, cacheTTL)
return endpointStatus, nil
func (s *Store) getEndpointIDGroupAndNameByKey(tx *sql.Tx, key string) (id int64, group, name string, err error) {
err = tx.QueryRow(
SELECT endpoint_id, endpoint_group, endpoint_name
FROM endpoints
WHERE endpoint_key = $1
).Scan(&id, &group, &name)
if err != nil {
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
return 0, "", "", common.ErrEndpointNotFound
return 0, "", "", err
func (s *Store) getEndpointEventsByEndpointID(tx *sql.Tx, endpointID int64, page, pageSize int) (events []*core.Event, err error) {
rows, err := tx.Query(
SELECT event_type, event_timestamp
FROM endpoint_events
WHERE endpoint_id = $1
ORDER BY endpoint_event_id ASC
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for rows.Next() {
event := &core.Event{}
_ = rows.Scan(&event.Type, &event.Timestamp)
events = append(events, event)
func (s *Store) getEndpointResultsByEndpointID(tx *sql.Tx, endpointID int64, page, pageSize int) (results []*core.Result, err error) {
rows, err := tx.Query(
SELECT endpoint_result_id, success, errors, connected, status, dns_rcode, certificate_expiration, domain_expiration, hostname, ip, duration, timestamp
FROM endpoint_results
WHERE endpoint_id = $1
ORDER BY endpoint_result_id DESC -- Normally, we'd sort by timestamp, but sorting by endpoint_result_id is faster
if err != nil {
return nil, err
idResultMap := make(map[int64]*core.Result)
for rows.Next() {
result := &core.Result{}
var id int64
var joinedErrors string
err = rows.Scan(&id, &result.Success, &joinedErrors, &result.Connected, &result.HTTPStatus, &result.DNSRCode, &result.CertificateExpiration, &result.DomainExpiration, &result.Hostname, &result.IP, &result.Duration, &result.Timestamp)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[sql][getEndpointResultsByEndpointID] Silently failed to retrieve endpoint result for endpointID=%d: %s", endpointID, err.Error())
err = nil
if len(joinedErrors) != 0 {
result.Errors = strings.Split(joinedErrors, arraySeparator)
// This is faster than using a subselect
results = append([]*core.Result{result}, results...)
idResultMap[id] = result
if len(idResultMap) == 0 {
// If there's no result, we'll just return an empty/nil slice
// Get condition results
args := make([]interface{}, 0, len(idResultMap))
query := `SELECT endpoint_result_id, condition, success
FROM endpoint_result_conditions
WHERE endpoint_result_id IN (`
index := 1
for endpointResultID := range idResultMap {
query += "$" + strconv.Itoa(index) + ","
args = append(args, endpointResultID)
query = query[:len(query)-1] + ")"
rows, err = tx.Query(query, args...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer rows.Close() // explicitly defer the close in case an error happens during the scan
for rows.Next() {
conditionResult := &core.ConditionResult{}
var endpointResultID int64
if err = rows.Scan(&endpointResultID, &conditionResult.Condition, &conditionResult.Success); err != nil {
idResultMap[endpointResultID].ConditionResults = append(idResultMap[endpointResultID].ConditionResults, conditionResult)
func (s *Store) getEndpointUptime(tx *sql.Tx, endpointID int64, from, to time.Time) (uptime float64, avgResponseTime time.Duration, err error) {
rows, err := tx.Query(
SELECT SUM(total_executions), SUM(successful_executions), SUM(total_response_time)
FROM endpoint_uptimes
WHERE endpoint_id = $1
AND hour_unix_timestamp >= $2
AND hour_unix_timestamp <= $3
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, err
var totalExecutions, totalSuccessfulExecutions, totalResponseTime int
for rows.Next() {
_ = rows.Scan(&totalExecutions, &totalSuccessfulExecutions, &totalResponseTime)
if totalExecutions > 0 {
uptime = float64(totalSuccessfulExecutions) / float64(totalExecutions)
avgResponseTime = time.Duration(float64(totalResponseTime)/float64(totalExecutions)) * time.Millisecond
func (s *Store) getEndpointAverageResponseTime(tx *sql.Tx, endpointID int64, from, to time.Time) (int, error) {
rows, err := tx.Query(
SELECT SUM(total_executions), SUM(total_response_time)
FROM endpoint_uptimes
WHERE endpoint_id = $1
AND total_executions > 0
AND hour_unix_timestamp >= $2
AND hour_unix_timestamp <= $3
if err != nil {
return 0, err
var totalExecutions, totalResponseTime int
for rows.Next() {
_ = rows.Scan(&totalExecutions, &totalResponseTime)
if totalExecutions == 0 {
return 0, nil
return int(float64(totalResponseTime) / float64(totalExecutions)), nil
func (s *Store) getEndpointHourlyAverageResponseTimes(tx *sql.Tx, endpointID int64, from, to time.Time) (map[int64]int, error) {
rows, err := tx.Query(
SELECT hour_unix_timestamp, total_executions, total_response_time
FROM endpoint_uptimes
WHERE endpoint_id = $1
AND total_executions > 0
AND hour_unix_timestamp >= $2
AND hour_unix_timestamp <= $3
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var totalExecutions, totalResponseTime int
var unixTimestampFlooredAtHour int64
hourlyAverageResponseTimes := make(map[int64]int)
for rows.Next() {
_ = rows.Scan(&unixTimestampFlooredAtHour, &totalExecutions, &totalResponseTime)
hourlyAverageResponseTimes[unixTimestampFlooredAtHour] = int(float64(totalResponseTime) / float64(totalExecutions))
return hourlyAverageResponseTimes, nil
func (s *Store) getEndpointID(tx *sql.Tx, endpoint *core.Endpoint) (int64, error) {
var id int64
err := tx.QueryRow("SELECT endpoint_id FROM endpoints WHERE endpoint_key = $1", endpoint.Key()).Scan(&id)
if err != nil {
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
return 0, common.ErrEndpointNotFound
return 0, err
return id, nil
func (s *Store) getNumberOfEventsByEndpointID(tx *sql.Tx, endpointID int64) (int64, error) {
var numberOfEvents int64
err := tx.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM endpoint_events WHERE endpoint_id = $1", endpointID).Scan(&numberOfEvents)
return numberOfEvents, err
func (s *Store) getNumberOfResultsByEndpointID(tx *sql.Tx, endpointID int64) (int64, error) {
var numberOfResults int64
err := tx.QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM endpoint_results WHERE endpoint_id = $1", endpointID).Scan(&numberOfResults)
return numberOfResults, err
func (s *Store) getAgeOfOldestEndpointUptimeEntry(tx *sql.Tx, endpointID int64) (time.Duration, error) {
rows, err := tx.Query(
SELECT hour_unix_timestamp
FROM endpoint_uptimes
WHERE endpoint_id = $1
ORDER BY hour_unix_timestamp
if err != nil {
return 0, err
var oldestEndpointUptimeUnixTimestamp int64
var found bool
for rows.Next() {
_ = rows.Scan(&oldestEndpointUptimeUnixTimestamp)
found = true
if !found {
return 0, errNoRowsReturned
return time.Since(time.Unix(oldestEndpointUptimeUnixTimestamp, 0)), nil
func (s *Store) getLastEndpointResultSuccessValue(tx *sql.Tx, endpointID int64) (bool, error) {
var success bool
err := tx.QueryRow("SELECT success FROM endpoint_results WHERE endpoint_id = $1 ORDER BY endpoint_result_id DESC LIMIT 1", endpointID).Scan(&success)
if err != nil {
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
return false, errNoRowsReturned
return false, err
return success, nil
// deleteOldEndpointEvents deletes endpoint events that are no longer needed
func (s *Store) deleteOldEndpointEvents(tx *sql.Tx, endpointID int64) error {
_, err := tx.Exec(
DELETE FROM endpoint_events
WHERE endpoint_id = $1
AND endpoint_event_id NOT IN (
SELECT endpoint_event_id
FROM endpoint_events
WHERE endpoint_id = $1
ORDER BY endpoint_event_id DESC
return err
// deleteOldEndpointResults deletes endpoint results that are no longer needed
func (s *Store) deleteOldEndpointResults(tx *sql.Tx, endpointID int64) error {
_, err := tx.Exec(
DELETE FROM endpoint_results
WHERE endpoint_id = $1
AND endpoint_result_id NOT IN (
SELECT endpoint_result_id
FROM endpoint_results
WHERE endpoint_id = $1
ORDER BY endpoint_result_id DESC
return err
func (s *Store) deleteOldUptimeEntries(tx *sql.Tx, endpointID int64, maxAge time.Time) error {
_, err := tx.Exec("DELETE FROM endpoint_uptimes WHERE endpoint_id = $1 AND hour_unix_timestamp < $2", endpointID, maxAge.Unix())
return err
func generateCacheKey(endpointKey string, p *paging.EndpointStatusParams) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d-%d-%d-%d", endpointKey, p.EventsPage, p.EventsPageSize, p.ResultsPage, p.ResultsPageSize)
func extractKeyAndParamsFromCacheKey(cacheKey string) (string, *paging.EndpointStatusParams, error) {
parts := strings.Split(cacheKey, "-")
if len(parts) < 5 {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid cache key: %s", cacheKey)
params := &paging.EndpointStatusParams{}
var err error
if params.EventsPage, err = strconv.Atoi(parts[len(parts)-4]); err != nil {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid cache key: %w", err)
if params.EventsPageSize, err = strconv.Atoi(parts[len(parts)-3]); err != nil {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid cache key: %w", err)
if params.ResultsPage, err = strconv.Atoi(parts[len(parts)-2]); err != nil {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid cache key: %w", err)
if params.ResultsPageSize, err = strconv.Atoi(parts[len(parts)-1]); err != nil {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid cache key: %w", err)
return strings.Join(parts[:len(parts)-4], "-"), params, nil