* Single, easily distributed <15mbbinaryandjustassmalldockercontainer
* All requests are parallelized, uncached pages usually load within ~1s (depending on internet speed and number of widgets)
### Configuration
Checkout the [configuration docs](docs/configuration.md) to learn more. A [preconfigured page](docs/configuration.md#preconfigured-page) is also available to get you started quickly.
### Installation
> The project is under active development, expect things to break every once in a while.
#### Manual
Checkout the [releases page](https://github.com/glanceapp/glance/releases) for available binaries. You can place the binary inside `/opt/glance/` and have it start with your server via a [systemd service](https://linuxhandbook.com/create-systemd-services/). To specify a different path for the config file use the `--config` option: