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synced 2025-02-18 11:21:18 +01:00
152 lines
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152 lines
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package feed
import (
_ "time/tzdata"
type PlacesResponseJson struct {
Results []PlaceJson
type PlaceJson struct {
Name string
Latitude float64
Longitude float64
Timezone string
Country string
location *time.Location
type WeatherResponseJson struct {
Daily struct {
Sunrise []int64 `json:"sunrise"`
Sunset []int64 `json:"sunset"`
} `json:"daily"`
Hourly struct {
Temperature []float64 `json:"temperature_2m"`
PrecipitationProbability []int `json:"precipitation_probability"`
} `json:"hourly"`
Current struct {
Temperature float64 `json:"temperature_2m"`
ApparentTemperature float64 `json:"apparent_temperature"`
WeatherCode int `json:"weather_code"`
} `json:"current"`
type weatherColumn struct {
Temperature int
Scale float64
HasPrecipitation bool
func FetchPlaceFromName(location string) (*PlaceJson, error) {
requestUrl := fmt.Sprintf("https://geocoding-api.open-meteo.com/v1/search?name=%s&count=1&language=en&format=json", url.QueryEscape(location))
request, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", requestUrl, nil)
responseJson, err := decodeJsonFromRequest[PlacesResponseJson](defaultClient, request)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not fetch places data: %v", err)
if len(responseJson.Results) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no places found for %s", location)
place := &responseJson.Results[0]
loc, err := time.LoadLocation(place.Timezone)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not load location: %v", err)
place.location = loc
return place, nil
func barIndexFromHour(h int) int {
return h / 2
// TODO: bunch of spaget, refactor
// TODO: allow changing between C and F
func FetchWeatherForPlace(place *PlaceJson) (*Weather, error) {
query := url.Values{}
query.Add("latitude", fmt.Sprintf("%f", place.Latitude))
query.Add("longitude", fmt.Sprintf("%f", place.Longitude))
query.Add("timeformat", "unixtime")
query.Add("timezone", place.Timezone)
query.Add("forecast_days", "1")
query.Add("current", "temperature_2m,apparent_temperature,weather_code,wind_speed_10m")
query.Add("hourly", "temperature_2m,precipitation_probability")
query.Add("daily", "sunrise,sunset")
requestUrl := "https://api.open-meteo.com/v1/forecast?" + query.Encode()
request, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", requestUrl, nil)
responseJson, err := decodeJsonFromRequest[WeatherResponseJson](defaultClient, request)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: %v", ErrNoContent, err)
now := time.Now().In(place.location)
bars := make([]weatherColumn, 0, 24)
currentBar := barIndexFromHour(now.Hour())
sunriseBar := barIndexFromHour(time.Unix(int64(responseJson.Daily.Sunrise[0]), 0).In(place.location).Hour())
sunsetBar := barIndexFromHour(time.Unix(int64(responseJson.Daily.Sunset[0]), 0).In(place.location).Hour()) - 1
if sunsetBar < 0 {
sunsetBar = 0
if len(responseJson.Hourly.Temperature) == 24 {
temperatures := make([]int, 12)
precipitations := make([]bool, 12)
t := responseJson.Hourly.Temperature
p := responseJson.Hourly.PrecipitationProbability
for i := 0; i < 24; i += 2 {
if i/2 == currentBar {
temperatures[i/2] = int(responseJson.Current.Temperature)
} else {
temperatures[i/2] = int(math.Round((t[i] + t[i+1]) / 2))
precipitations[i/2] = (p[i]+p[i+1])/2 > 75
minT := slices.Min(temperatures)
maxT := slices.Max(temperatures)
for i := 0; i < 12; i++ {
bars = append(bars, weatherColumn{
Temperature: temperatures[i],
Scale: float64(temperatures[i]-minT) / float64(maxT-minT),
HasPrecipitation: precipitations[i],
return &Weather{
Temperature: int(responseJson.Current.Temperature),
ApparentTemperature: int(responseJson.Current.ApparentTemperature),
WeatherCode: responseJson.Current.WeatherCode,
CurrentColumn: currentBar,
SunriseColumn: sunriseBar,
SunsetColumn: sunsetBar,
Columns: bars,
}, nil