function throttledDebounce(callback, maxDebounceTimes, debounceDelay) { let debounceTimeout; let timesDebounced = 0; return function () { if (timesDebounced == maxDebounceTimes) { clearTimeout(debounceTimeout); timesDebounced = 0; callback(); return; } clearTimeout(debounceTimeout); timesDebounced++; debounceTimeout = setTimeout(() => { timesDebounced = 0; callback(); }, debounceDelay); }; }; async function fetchPageContent(pageSlug) { // TODO: handle non 200 status codes/time outs // TODO: add retries const response = await fetch(`/api/pages/${pageSlug}/content/`); const content = await response.text(); return content; } function setupCarousels() { const carouselElements = document.getElementsByClassName("carousel-container"); if (carouselElements.length == 0) { return; } for (let i = 0; i < carouselElements.length; i++) { const carousel = carouselElements[i]; carousel.classList.add("show-right-cutoff"); const itemsContainer = carousel.getElementsByClassName("carousel-items-container")[0]; 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return; } let timeout = scheduleRepeatingUpdate(); document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", () => { if (document.hidden) { clearTimeout(timeout); return; } const delta = - lastUpdateTime; if (delta >= updateInterval) { updateElementsAndTimestamp(); timeout = scheduleRepeatingUpdate(); return; } timeout = setTimeout(() => { updateElementsAndTimestamp(); timeout = scheduleRepeatingUpdate(); }, updateInterval - delta); }); } function setupLazyImages() { const images = document.querySelectorAll("img[loading=lazy]"); if (images.length == 0) { return; } function imageFinishedTransition(image) { image.classList.add("finished-transition"); } afterContentReady(() => { setTimeout(() => { for (let i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { const image = images[i]; if (image.complete) { image.classList.add("cached"); setTimeout(() => imageFinishedTransition(image), 1); } else { // TODO: also handle error event image.addEventListener("load", () => { image.classList.add("loaded"); setTimeout(() => imageFinishedTransition(image), 400); 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'0' + minutes : minutes; }; }; function timeInZone(now, zone) { let timeInZone; try { timeInZone = new Date(now.toLocaleString('en-US', { timeZone: zone })); } catch (e) { // TODO: indicate to the user that this is an invalid timezone console.error(e); timeInZone = now } const diffInHours = Math.round((timeInZone.getTime() - now.getTime()) / 1000 / 60 / 60); return { time: timeInZone, diffInHours: diffInHours }; } function setupClocks() { const clocks = document.getElementsByClassName('clock'); if (clocks.length == 0) { return; } const updateCallbacks = []; for (var i = 0; i < clocks.length; i++) { const clock = clocks[i]; const hourFormat = clock.dataset.hourFormat; const localTimeContainer = clock.querySelector('[data-local-time]'); const localDateElement = localTimeContainer.querySelector('[data-date]'); const localWeekdayElement = localTimeContainer.querySelector('[data-weekday]'); const localYearElement = localTimeContainer.querySelector('[data-year]'); const timeZoneContainers = clock.querySelectorAll('[data-time-in-zone]'); const setLocalTime = makeSettableTimeElement( localTimeContainer.querySelector('[data-time]'), hourFormat ); updateCallbacks.push((now) => { setLocalTime(now); localDateElement.textContent = now.getDate() + ' ' + monthNames[now.getMonth()]; localWeekdayElement.textContent = weekDayNames[now.getDay()]; localYearElement.textContent = now.getFullYear(); }); for (var z = 0; z < timeZoneContainers.length; z++) { const timeZoneContainer = timeZoneContainers[z]; const diffElement = timeZoneContainer.querySelector('[data-time-diff]'); const setZoneTime = makeSettableTimeElement( timeZoneContainer.querySelector('[data-time]'), hourFormat ); updateCallbacks.push((now) => { const { time, diffInHours } = timeInZone(now, timeZoneContainer.dataset.timeInZone); setZoneTime(time); diffElement.textContent = (diffInHours <= 0 ? diffInHours : '+' + diffInHours) + 'h'; }); } } const updateClocks = () => { const now = new Date(); for (var i = 0; i < updateCallbacks.length; i++) updateCallbacks[i](now); setTimeout(updateClocks, (60 - now.getSeconds()) * 1000); }; updateClocks(); } async function setupPage() { const pageElement = document.getElementById("page"); const pageContentElement = document.getElementById("page-content"); const pageContent = await fetchPageContent(pageData.slug); pageContentElement.innerHTML = pageContent; try { setupClocks() setupCarousels(); setupCollapsibleLists(); setupCollapsibleGrids(); setupDynamicRelativeTime(); setupLazyImages(); } finally { pageElement.classList.add("content-ready"); for (let i = 0; i < contentReadyCallbacks.length; i++) { contentReadyCallbacks[i](); } setTimeout(() => { document.body.classList.add("page-columns-transitioned"); }, 300); } } if (document.readyState === "loading") { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", setupPage); } else { setupPage(); }