
393 lines
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Raw Normal View History

// GoToSocial
// Copyright (C) GoToSocial Authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
package typeutils
import (
apimodel ""
// toAPISize converts a set of media dimensions
// to mastodon API compatible size string.
func toAPISize(width, height int) string {
return strconv.Itoa(width) +
"x" +
// toAPIFrameRate converts a media framerate ptr
// to mastodon API compatible framerate string.
func toAPIFrameRate(framerate *float32) string {
if framerate == nil {
return ""
// The masto api expects this as a string in
// the format `integer/1`, so 30fps is `30/1`.
round := math.Round(float64(*framerate))
return strconv.Itoa(int(round)) + "/1"
type statusInteractions struct {
Favourited bool
Muted bool
Bookmarked bool
Reblogged bool
Pinned bool
func (c *Converter) interactionsWithStatusForAccount(ctx context.Context, s *gtsmodel.Status, requestingAccount *gtsmodel.Account) (*statusInteractions, error) {
si := &statusInteractions{}
if requestingAccount != nil {
faved, err := c.state.DB.IsStatusFavedBy(ctx, s.ID, requestingAccount.ID)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error checking if requesting account has faved status: %s", err)
si.Favourited = faved
reblogged, err := c.state.DB.IsStatusBoostedBy(ctx, s.ID, requestingAccount.ID)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error checking if requesting account has reblogged status: %s", err)
si.Reblogged = reblogged
muted, err := c.state.DB.IsThreadMutedByAccount(ctx, s.ThreadID, requestingAccount.ID)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error checking if requesting account has muted status: %s", err)
si.Muted = muted
bookmarked, err := c.state.DB.IsStatusBookmarkedBy(ctx, requestingAccount.ID, s.ID)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error checking if requesting account has bookmarked status: %s", err)
si.Bookmarked = bookmarked
// The only time 'pinned' should be true is if the
// requesting account is looking at its OWN status.
if s.AccountID == requestingAccount.ID {
si.Pinned = !s.PinnedAt.IsZero()
return si, nil
func misskeyReportInlineURLs(content string) []*url.URL {
m := regexes.MisskeyReportNotes.FindAllStringSubmatch(content, -1)
urls := make([]*url.URL, 0, len(m))
for _, sm := range m {
url, err := url.Parse(sm[1])
if err == nil && url != nil {
urls = append(urls, url)
return urls
// placeholderAttachments separates any attachments with missing local URL
// out of the given slice, and returns a piece of text containing links to
// those attachments, as well as the slice of remaining "known" attachments.
// If there are no unknown-type attachments in the provided slice, an empty
// string and the original slice will be returned.
// Returned text will be run through the sanitizer before being returned, to
// ensure that malicious links don't cause issues.
// Example:
// <hr>
// <p><i lang="en"> Note from 2 attachment(s) in this status were not downloaded. Treat the following external link(s) with care:</i></p>
// <ul>
// <li><a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">01HE7ZGJYTSYMXF927GF9353KR.svg</a> [SVG line art of a sloth, public domain]</li>
// <li><a href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">01HE892Y8ZS68TQCNPX7J888P3.mp3</a> [Jolly salsa song, public domain.]</li>
// </ul>
func placeholderAttachments(arr []*apimodel.Attachment) (string, []*apimodel.Attachment) {
// Extract non-locally stored attachments into a
// separate slice, deleting them from input slice.
var nonLocal []*apimodel.Attachment
arr = slices.DeleteFunc(arr, func(elem *apimodel.Attachment) bool {
if elem.URL == nil {
nonLocal = append(nonLocal, elem)
return true
return false
if len(nonLocal) == 0 {
// No non-locally
// stored media.
return "", arr
var note strings.Builder
note.WriteString(`<p><i lang="en"> Note from `)
note.WriteString(`: `)
if len(nonLocal) > 1 {
// Use plural word form.
note.WriteString(` attachments in this status were not downloaded. ` +
`Treat the following external links with care:`)
} else {
// Use singular word form.
note.WriteString(` attachment in this status was not downloaded. ` +
`Treat the following external link with care:`)
for _, a := range nonLocal {
note.WriteString(`<a href="`)
if d := a.Description; d != nil && *d != "" {
note.WriteString(` [`)
return text.SanitizeToHTML(note.String()), arr
func (c *Converter) pendingReplyNote(
ctx context.Context,
s *gtsmodel.Status,
) (string, error) {
intReq, err := c.state.DB.GetInteractionRequestByInteractionURI(ctx, s.URI)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, db.ErrNoEntries) {
// Something's gone wrong.
err := gtserror.Newf("db error getting interaction request for %s: %w", s.URI, err)
return "", err
// No interaction request present
// for this status. Race condition?
if intReq == nil {
return "", nil
var (
proto = config.GetProtocol()
host = config.GetHost()
// Build the settings panel URL at which the user
// can view + approve/reject the interaction request.
// Eg.,
settingsURL = proto + "://" + host + "/settings/user/interaction_requests/" + intReq.ID
var note strings.Builder
note.WriteString(`<p><i lang="en"> Note from ` + host + `: `)
note.WriteString(`This reply is pending your approval. You can quickly accept it by liking, boosting or replying to it. You can also accept or reject it at the following link: `)
note.WriteString(`<a href="` + settingsURL + `" `)
note.WriteString(`rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">`)
return text.SanitizeToHTML(note.String()), nil
// ContentToContentLanguage tries to
// extract a content string and language
// tag string from the given intermediary
// content.
// Either/both of the returned strings may
// be empty, depending on how things go.
func ContentToContentLanguage(
ctx context.Context,
content gtsmodel.Content,
) (
string, // content
string, // language
) {
var (
contentStr string
langTagStr string
switch contentMap := content.ContentMap; {
// Simplest case: no `contentMap`.
// Return `content`, even if empty.
case contentMap == nil:
return content.Content, ""
// `content` and `contentMap` set.
// Try to infer "primary" language.
case content.Content != "":
// Assume `content` is intended
// primary content, and look for
// corresponding language tag.
contentStr = content.Content
for t, c := range contentMap {
if contentStr == c {
langTagStr = t
// `content` not set; `contentMap`
// is set with only one value.
// This must be the "primary" lang.
case len(contentMap) == 1:
// Use an empty loop to
// get the values we want.
// nolint:revive
for langTagStr, contentStr = range contentMap {
// Only `contentMap` is set, with more
// than one value. Map order is not
// guaranteed so we can't know the
// "primary" language.
// Try to select content using our
// instance's configured languages.
// In case of no hits, just take the
// first tag and content in the map.
instanceLangs := config.GetInstanceLanguages()
for _, langTagStr = range instanceLangs.TagStrs() {
if contentStr = contentMap[langTagStr]; contentStr != "" {
// Hit!
// If nothing found, just take
// the first entry we can get by
// breaking after the first iter.
if contentStr == "" {
for langTagStr, contentStr = range contentMap {
if langTagStr != "" {
// Found a lang tag for this content,
// make sure it's valid / parseable.
lang, err := language.Parse(langTagStr)
if err != nil {
"could not parse %s as BCP47 language tag in status contentMap: %v",
langTagStr, err,
} else {
// Inferred the language!
// Use normalized version.
langTagStr = lang.TagStr
return contentStr, langTagStr
// filterableFields returns text fields from
// a status that we might want to filter on:
// - content warning
// - content (converted to plaintext from HTML)
// - media descriptions
// - poll options
// Each field should be filtered separately.
// This avoids scenarios where false-positive
// multiple-word matches can be made by matching
// the last word of one field + the first word
// of the next field together.
func filterableFields(s *gtsmodel.Status) []string {
// Estimate length of fields.
fieldCount := 2 + len(s.Attachments)
if s.Poll != nil {
fieldCount += len(s.Poll.Options)
fields := make([]string, 0, fieldCount)
// Content warning / title.
if s.ContentWarning != "" {
fields = append(fields, s.ContentWarning)
// Status content. Though we have raw text
// available for statuses created on our
// instance, use the html2text version to
// remove markdown-formatting characters
// and ensure more consistent filtering.
if s.Content != "" {
text := html2text.HTML2TextWithOptions(
if text != "" {
fields = append(fields, text)
// Media descriptions.
for _, attachment := range s.Attachments {
if attachment.Description != "" {
fields = append(fields, attachment.Description)
// Poll options.
if s.Poll != nil {
for _, opt := range s.Poll.Options {
if opt != "" {
fields = append(fields, opt)
return fields