
312 lines
9.4 KiB
Raw Normal View History

Copyright (C) 2021-2022 GoToSocial Authors
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
package media
import (
// ProcessingEmoji represents an emoji currently processing. It exposes
// various functions for retrieving data from the process.
type ProcessingEmoji struct {
mu sync.Mutex
// id of this instance's account -- pinned for convenience here so we only need to fetch it once
instanceAccountID string
below fields should be set on newly created media;
emoji will be updated incrementally as media goes through processing
emoji *gtsmodel.Emoji
data DataFunc
rawData []byte // will be set once the fetchRawData function has been called
below fields represent the processing state of the static version of the emoji
staticState processState
static *ImageMeta
below fields represent the processing state of the emoji image
fullSizeState processState
fullSize *ImageMeta
below pointers to database and storage are maintained so that
the media can store and update itself during processing steps
database db.DB
storage *kv.KVStore
err error // error created during processing, if any
// EmojiID returns the ID of the underlying emoji without blocking processing.
func (p *ProcessingEmoji) EmojiID() string {
return p.emoji.ID
// LoadEmoji blocks until the static and fullsize image
// has been processed, and then returns the completed emoji.
func (p *ProcessingEmoji) LoadEmoji(ctx context.Context) (*gtsmodel.Emoji, error) {
if err := p.fetchRawData(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
if _, err := p.loadStatic(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
if _, err := p.loadFullSize(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
return p.emoji, nil
// Finished returns true if processing has finished for both the thumbnail
// and full fized version of this piece of media.
func (p *ProcessingEmoji) Finished() bool {
return p.staticState == complete && p.fullSizeState == complete
func (p *ProcessingEmoji) loadStatic(ctx context.Context) (*ImageMeta, error) {
switch p.staticState {
case received:
// we haven't processed a static version of this emoji yet so do it now
static, err := deriveStaticEmoji(p.rawData, p.emoji.ImageContentType)
if err != nil {
p.err = fmt.Errorf("error deriving static: %s", err)
p.staticState = errored
return nil, p.err
// put the static in storage
if err :=, static.image); err != nil {
p.err = fmt.Errorf("error storing static: %s", err)
p.staticState = errored
return nil, p.err
// set appropriate fields on the emoji based on the static version we derived
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p.emoji.ImageStaticFileSize = len(static.image)
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// update the emoji in the db
if err := putOrUpdate(ctx, p.database, p.emoji); err != nil {
p.err = err
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p.staticState = errored
return nil, err
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// set the static on the processing emoji
p.static = static
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// we're done processing the static version of the emoji!
p.staticState = complete
case complete:
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return p.static, nil
case errored:
return nil, p.err
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return nil, fmt.Errorf("static processing status %d unknown", p.staticState)
func (p *ProcessingEmoji) loadFullSize(ctx context.Context) (*ImageMeta, error) {
switch p.fullSizeState {
case received:
var err error
var decoded *ImageMeta
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ct := p.emoji.ImageContentType
switch ct {
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case mimeImagePng:
decoded, err = decodeImage(p.rawData, ct)
case mimeImageGif:
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decoded, err = decodeGif(p.rawData)
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err = fmt.Errorf("content type %s not a processible emoji type", ct)
if err != nil {
p.err = err
p.fullSizeState = errored
return nil, err
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// put the full size emoji in storage
if err :=, decoded.image); err != nil {
p.err = fmt.Errorf("error storing full size emoji: %s", err)
p.fullSizeState = errored
return nil, p.err
// set the fullsize of this media
p.fullSize = decoded
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// we're done processing the full-size emoji
p.fullSizeState = complete
case complete:
return p.fullSize, nil
case errored:
return nil, p.err
return nil, fmt.Errorf("full size processing status %d unknown", p.fullSizeState)
// fetchRawData calls the data function attached to p if it hasn't been called yet,
// and updates the underlying attachment fields as necessary.
// It should only be called from within a function that already has a lock on p!
func (p *ProcessingEmoji) fetchRawData(ctx context.Context) error {
// check if we've already done this and bail early if we have
if p.rawData != nil {
return nil
// execute the data function and pin the raw bytes for further processing
b, err :=
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("fetchRawData: error executing data function: %s", err)
p.rawData = b
// now we have the data we can work out the content type
contentType, err := parseContentType(p.rawData)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("fetchRawData: error parsing content type: %s", err)
if !supportedEmoji(contentType) {
return fmt.Errorf("fetchRawData: content type %s was not valid for an emoji", contentType)
split := strings.Split(contentType, "/")
extension := split[1] // something like 'gif'
// set some additional fields on the emoji now that
// we know more about what the underlying image actually is
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p.emoji.ImageURL = uris.GenerateURIForAttachment(p.instanceAccountID, string(TypeEmoji), string(SizeOriginal), p.emoji.ID, extension)
p.emoji.ImagePath = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s/%s.%s", p.instanceAccountID, TypeEmoji, SizeOriginal, p.emoji.ID, extension)
p.emoji.ImageContentType = contentType
p.emoji.ImageFileSize = len(p.rawData)
return nil
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func (m *manager) preProcessEmoji(ctx context.Context, data DataFunc, shortcode string, id string, uri string, ai *AdditionalEmojiInfo) (*ProcessingEmoji, error) {
instanceAccount, err := m.db.GetInstanceAccount(ctx, "")
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("preProcessEmoji: error fetching this instance account from the db: %s", err)
// populate initial fields on the emoji -- some of these will be overwritten as we proceed
emoji := &gtsmodel.Emoji{
ID: id,
CreatedAt: time.Now(),
UpdatedAt: time.Now(),
Shortcode: shortcode,
Domain: "", // assume our own domain unless told otherwise
ImageRemoteURL: "",
ImageStaticRemoteURL: "",
ImageURL: "", // we don't know yet
ImageStaticURL: uris.GenerateURIForAttachment(instanceAccount.ID, string(TypeEmoji), string(SizeStatic), id, mimePng), // all static emojis are encoded as png
ImagePath: "", // we don't know yet
ImageStaticPath: fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s/%s.%s", instanceAccount.ID, TypeEmoji, SizeStatic, id, mimePng), // all static emojis are encoded as png
ImageContentType: "", // we don't know yet
ImageStaticContentType: mimeImagePng, // all static emojis are encoded as png
ImageFileSize: 0,
ImageStaticFileSize: 0,
ImageUpdatedAt: time.Now(),
Disabled: false,
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URI: uri,
VisibleInPicker: true,
CategoryID: "",
// check if we have additional info to add to the emoji,
// and overwrite some of the emoji fields if so
if ai != nil {
if ai.CreatedAt != nil {
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emoji.CreatedAt = *ai.CreatedAt
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if ai.Domain != nil {
emoji.Domain = *ai.Domain
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if ai.ImageRemoteURL != nil {
emoji.ImageRemoteURL = *ai.ImageRemoteURL
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if ai.ImageStaticRemoteURL != nil {
emoji.ImageStaticRemoteURL = *ai.ImageStaticRemoteURL
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if ai.Disabled != nil {
emoji.Disabled = *ai.Disabled
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if ai.VisibleInPicker != nil {
emoji.VisibleInPicker = *ai.VisibleInPicker
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if ai.CategoryID != nil {
emoji.CategoryID = *ai.CategoryID
processingEmoji := &ProcessingEmoji{
instanceAccountID: instanceAccount.ID,
emoji: emoji,
data: data,
staticState: received,
fullSizeState: received,
database: m.db,
return processingEmoji, nil