- {{- if .context.ThreadRepliesShown }}
- jump to replies
- {{- end }}
- {{- range $status := .context.Statuses }}
- {{- include "status.tmpl" $status | indent 3 }}
- {{- if and $status.ThreadLastMain $.context.ThreadReplies }}
- {{- include "repliesStart" $ | indent 1 }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- end }}
- {{- if .context.ThreadReplies }}
{{- end }}
-{{- end }}
\ No newline at end of file
+ {{- end -}}
+ {{- with . }}
{{- template "threadSummary" . -}}
+ {{- if .context.ThreadRepliesShown }}
+ jump to replies
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- range $status := .context.Statuses }}
+ {{- include "status.tmpl" $status | indent 3 }}
+ {{- if and $status.ThreadLastMain $.context.ThreadReplies }}
+ {{- include "repliesStart" $ | indent 1 }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- if .context.ThreadReplies }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- end }}
\ No newline at end of file