migrate go version to 1.17 (#203)

* migrate go version to 1.17

* update contributing
This commit is contained in:
tobi 2021-09-10 14:42:14 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent e681aac589
commit f2e5bedea6
No known key found for this signature in database
282 changed files with 11863 additions and 12600 deletions

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ steps:
# We use golangci-lint for linting.
# See: https://golangci-lint.run/
- name: lint
image: golangci/golangci-lint:v1.41.1
image: golangci/golangci-lint:v1.42.1
- name: go-build-cache
path: /root/.cache/go-build
@ -27,17 +27,16 @@ steps:
- pull_request
- name: test
image: golang:1.16.4
image: golang:1.17.1
- name: go-build-cache
path: /root/.cache/go-build
GTS_DB_ADDRESS: postgres
# `-count 1` => run all tests at least once
# `-p 1` => run maximum one test at a time
# `./...` => run all tests
- go test -count 1 -p 1 ./...
- go test -p 1 ./...
@ -86,6 +85,6 @@ trigger:
kind: signature
hmac: 7fa6fa70be0a5c436ecb2f02f4b74bd1be5e90817e2d95a16898e3d29cbadf80
hmac: 268d484fd9c5d14834a3e2a1e39cfe605c3898d601d2969dba5c2e11c1ea2f3b

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Hey! Welcome to the CONTRIBUTING.md for GoToSocial :) Thanks for taking a look,
This document will expand as the project expands, so for now this is basically a stub.
Contributions are welcome at this point, since the API is fairly stable now and the structure is at least vaguely coherent.
Contributions are welcome at this point, since the API is fairly stable now and the structure is somewhat coherent.
Check the [issues](https://github.com/superseriousbusiness/gotosocial/issues) to see if there's anything you fancy jumping in on.
@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ In lieu of a fuller code of conduct, here are a few ground rules.
1. We *DO NOT ACCEPT* PRs from right-wingers, Nazis, transphobes, homophobes, racists, harassers, abusers, white-supremacists, misogynists, tech-bros of questionable ethics. If that's you, politely fuck off somewhere else.
2. Any PR that moves GoToSocial in the direction of surveillance capitalism or other bad fediverse behavior will be rejected.
3. Don't spam the chat too hard.
3. Don't spam the general chat too hard.
## Setting up your development environment
To get started, you first need to have Go installed. GTS was developed with Go 1.16.4, so you should take that too. See [here](https://golang.org/doc/install).
To get started, you first need to have Go installed. GtS is currently using Go 1.17, so you should take that too. See [here](https://golang.org/doc/install).
Once you've got go installed, clone this repository into your Go path. Normally, this should be `~/go/src/github.com/superseriousbusiness/gotosocial`.
@ -70,33 +70,13 @@ In case this post disappears, here are the steps (slightly modified):
GoToSocial provides a [testrig](https://github.com/superseriousbusiness/gotosocial/tree/main/testrig) with a bunch of mock packages you can use in integration tests.
One thing that *isn't* mocked is the Database interface, because it's just easier to use a real Postgres database running on localhost.
You can spin up a Postgres easily using Docker:
docker run -d --user postgres --network host -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres postgres
If you want a nice interface for peeking at what's in the Postgres database during tests, use PGWeb:
docker run -d --user postgres --network host sosedoff/pgweb
This will launch a pgweb at `http://localhost:8081`.
One thing that *isn't* mocked is the Database interface, because it's just easier to use an in-memory SQLite database than to mock everything out.
### Standalone Testrig
You can also launch a testrig as a standalone server running at localhost, which you can connect to using something like [Pinafore](https://github.com/nolanlawson/pinafore).
To do this, first build the gotosocial binary with `go build ./cmd/gotosocial`.
Then launch a clean Postgres container on localhost:
docker run -d --user postgres --network host -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres postgres
To do this, first build the gotosocial binary with `./build.sh`.
Then, launch the testrig by invoking the binary as follows:
@ -118,19 +98,19 @@ At the login screen, enter the email address `zork@example.org` and password `pa
Note the following constraints:
- The testrig data will be destroyed when the testrig is destroyed. It does this by dropping all tables in Postgres on shutdown. As such, you should **NEVER RUN THE TESTRIG AGAINST A DATABASE WITH REAL DATA IN IT** because it will be destroyed. Be especially careful if you're forwarding database ports from a remote instance to your local machine, because you can easily and irreversibly nuke that data if you run the testrig against it.
- Since the testrig uses an in-memory database, the database will be destroyed when the testrig is stopped.
- If you stop the testrig and start it again, any tokens or applications you created during your tests will also be removed. As such, you need to log out and in again every time you stop/start the rig.
- The testrig does not make any actual external http calls, so federation will (obviously) not work from a testrig.
## Running tests
Because the tests use a real Postgres under the hood, you can't run them in parallel, so you need to run tests with the following command:
Because the tests use a real SQLite database under the hood, you can't run them in parallel, so you need to run tests with the following command:
go test -count 1 -p 1 ./...
go test -p 1 ./...
The `count` flag means that tests will be run at least once, and the `-p 1` flag means that only 1 test will be run at a time.
The `-p 1` flag means that only 1 test will be run at a time.
## Linting

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# STEP ONE: build the GoToSocial binary
FROM golang:1.16.4-alpine3.13 AS binary_builder
FROM golang:1.17.1-alpine3.13 AS binary_builder
RUN apk update && apk upgrade --no-cache
RUN apk add git

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@ -1,12 +1,52 @@
module github.com/superseriousbusiness/gotosocial
go 1.16
go 1.17
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modernc.org/sqlite v1.13.0
mvdan.cc/xurls/v2 v2.3.0
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github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery v1.7.1 // indirect
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github.com/dsoprea/go-iptc v0.0.0-20200610044640-bc9ca208b413 // indirect
@ -15,54 +55,56 @@ require (
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@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
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go 1.14

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@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
module github.com/dsoprea/go-exif
go 1.13
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View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
module github.com/dsoprea/go-exif/v2
go 1.13
// Development only
// replace github.com/dsoprea/go-logging => ../../go-logging
require (
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github.com/dsoprea/go-utility v0.0.0-20200711062821-fab8125e9bdf // indirect
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gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.3.0

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@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
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View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
module github.com/dsoprea/go-iptc
go 1.13
require github.com/dsoprea/go-logging v0.0.0-20200517223158-a10564966e9d

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
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View File

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
module github.com/dsoprea/go-jpeg-image-structure
go 1.13
// Development only
// replace github.com/dsoprea/go-utility => ../go-utility
// replace github.com/dsoprea/go-logging => ../go-logging
// replace github.com/dsoprea/go-exif/v2 => ../go-exif/v2
// replace github.com/dsoprea/go-photoshop-info-format => ../go-photoshop-info-format
// replace github.com/dsoprea/go-iptc => ../go-iptc
require (
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github.com/dsoprea/go-exif/v3 v3.0.0-20210512043655-120bcdb2a55e // indirect
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View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
module github.com/dsoprea/go-logging
go 1.13
require (
github.com/go-errors/errors v1.0.2
golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20200501053045-e0ff5e5a1de5

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
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View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
module github.com/dsoprea/go-photoshop-info-format
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@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
module github.com/dsoprea/go-png-image-structure
go 1.13
// Development only
// replace github.com/dsoprea/go-utility => ../go-utility
// replace github.com/dsoprea/go-exif/v2 => ../go-exif/v2
require (
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@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
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gopkg.in/go-playground/assert.v1 v1.2.1 h1:xoYuJVE7KT85PYWrN730RguIQO0ePzVRfFMXadIrXTM=
gopkg.in/go-playground/assert.v1 v1.2.1/go.mod h1:9RXL0bg/zibRAgZUYszZSwO/z8Y/a8bDuhia5mkpMnE=
gopkg.in/go-playground/validator.v9 v9.29.1 h1:SvGtYmN60a5CVKTOzMSyfzWDeZRxRuGvRQyEAKbw1xc=
gopkg.in/go-playground/validator.v9 v9.29.1/go.mod h1:+c9/zcJMFNgbLvly1L1V+PpxWdVbfP1avr/N00E2vyQ=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.2 h1:ZCJp+EgiOT7lHqUV2J862kp8Qj64Jo6az82+3Td9dZw=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.2/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI=

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
module github.com/gin-contrib/sse
go 1.12
require github.com/stretchr/testify v1.3.0

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.0 h1:ZDRjVQ15GmhC3fiQ8ni8+OwkZQO4DARzQgrnXU1Liz8=
github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.0/go.mod h1:J7Y8YcW2NihsgmVo/mv3lAwl/skON4iLHjSsI+c5H38=
github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0 h1:4DBwDE0NGyQoBHbLQYPwSUPoCMWR5BEzIk/f1lZbAQM=
github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0/go.mod h1:iKH77koFhYxTK1pcRnkKkqfTogsbg7gZNVY4sRDYZ/4=
github.com/stretchr/objx v0.1.0/go.mod h1:HFkY916IF+rwdDfMAkV7OtwuqBVzrE8GR6GFx+wExME=
github.com/stretchr/testify v1.3.0 h1:TivCn/peBQ7UY8ooIcPgZFpTNSz0Q2U6UrFlUfqbe0Q=
github.com/stretchr/testify v1.3.0/go.mod h1:M5WIy9Dh21IEIfnGCwXGc5bZfKNJtfHm1UVUgZn+9EI=

vendor/github.com/gin-gonic/gin/.golangci.yml generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
timeout: 5m
- gofmt
- misspell
- revive
- linters:
- structcheck
- unused
text: "`data` is unused"
- linters:
- staticcheck
text: "SA1019:"
- linters:
- revive
text: "var-naming:"
- linters:
- revive
text: "exported:"

View File

@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
# Gin ChangeLog
## Gin v1.7.3
* fix level 1 router match [#2767](https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin/issues/2767), [#2796](https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin/issues/2796)
## Gin v1.7.2

View File

@ -256,14 +256,15 @@ func main() {
// For each matched request Context will hold the route definition
router.POST("/user/:name/*action", func(c *gin.Context) {
c.FullPath() == "/user/:name/*action" // true
b := c.FullPath() == "/user/:name/*action" // true
c.String(http.StatusOK, "%t", b)
// This handler will add a new router for /user/groups.
// Exact routes are resolved before param routes, regardless of the order they were defined.
// Routes starting with /user/groups are never interpreted as /user/:name/... routes
router.GET("/user/groups", func(c *gin.Context) {
c.String(http.StatusOK, "The available groups are [...]", name)
c.String(http.StatusOK, "The available groups are [...]")

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ var (
ErrConvertToMapString = errors.New("can not convert to map of strings")
func mapUri(ptr interface{}, m map[string][]string) error {
func mapURI(ptr interface{}, m map[string][]string) error {
return mapFormByTag(ptr, m, "uri")
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ func mapping(value reflect.Value, field reflect.StructField, setter setter, tag
return false, nil
var vKind = value.Kind()
vKind := value.Kind()
if vKind == reflect.Ptr {
var isNew bool
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ func setWithProperType(val string, value reflect.Value, field reflect.StructFiel
case reflect.Int64:
switch value.Interface().(type) {
case time.Duration:
return setTimeDuration(val, value, field)
return setTimeDuration(val, value)
return setIntField(val, 64, value)
case reflect.Uint:
@ -310,7 +310,6 @@ func setTimeField(val string, structField reflect.StructField, value reflect.Val
t := time.Unix(tv/int64(d), tv%int64(d))
return nil
if val == "" {
@ -360,7 +359,7 @@ func setSlice(vals []string, value reflect.Value, field reflect.StructField) err
return nil
func setTimeDuration(val string, value reflect.Value, field reflect.StructField) error {
func setTimeDuration(val string, value reflect.Value) error {
d, err := time.ParseDuration(val)
if err != nil {
return err

View File

@ -5,10 +5,11 @@
package binding
import (
type protobufBinding struct{}
@ -26,7 +27,11 @@ func (b protobufBinding) Bind(req *http.Request, obj interface{}) error {
func (protobufBinding) BindBody(body []byte, obj interface{}) error {
if err := proto.Unmarshal(body, obj.(proto.Message)); err != nil {
msg, ok := obj.(proto.Message)
if !ok {
return errors.New("obj is not ProtoMessage")
if err := proto.Unmarshal(body, msg); err != nil {
return err
// Here it's same to return validate(obj), but util now we can't add

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ func (uriBinding) Name() string {
func (uriBinding) BindUri(m map[string][]string, obj interface{}) error {
if err := mapUri(obj, m); err != nil {
if err := mapURI(obj, m); err != nil {
return err
return validate(obj)

View File

@ -383,6 +383,15 @@ func (c *Context) Param(key string) string {
return c.Params.ByName(key)
// AddParam adds param to context and
// replaces path param key with given value for e2e testing purposes
// Example Route: "/user/:id"
// AddParam("id", 1)
// Result: "/user/1"
func (c *Context) AddParam(key, value string) {
c.Params = append(c.Params, Param{Key: key, Value: value})
// Query returns the keyed url query value if it exists,
// otherwise it returns an empty string `("")`.
// It is shortcut for `c.Request.URL.Query().Get(key)`
@ -391,9 +400,9 @@ func (c *Context) Param(key string) string {
// c.Query("name") == "Manu"
// c.Query("value") == ""
// c.Query("wtf") == ""
func (c *Context) Query(key string) string {
value, _ := c.GetQuery(key)
return value
func (c *Context) Query(key string) (value string) {
value, _ = c.GetQuery(key)
// DefaultQuery returns the keyed url query value if it exists,
@ -427,9 +436,9 @@ func (c *Context) GetQuery(key string) (string, bool) {
// QueryArray returns a slice of strings for a given query key.
// The length of the slice depends on the number of params with the given key.
func (c *Context) QueryArray(key string) []string {
values, _ := c.GetQueryArray(key)
return values
func (c *Context) QueryArray(key string) (values []string) {
values, _ = c.GetQueryArray(key)
func (c *Context) initQueryCache() {
@ -444,18 +453,16 @@ func (c *Context) initQueryCache() {
// GetQueryArray returns a slice of strings for a given query key, plus
// a boolean value whether at least one value exists for the given key.
func (c *Context) GetQueryArray(key string) ([]string, bool) {
func (c *Context) GetQueryArray(key string) (values []string, ok bool) {
if values, ok := c.queryCache[key]; ok && len(values) > 0 {
return values, true
return []string{}, false
values, ok = c.queryCache[key]
// QueryMap returns a map for a given query key.
func (c *Context) QueryMap(key string) map[string]string {
dicts, _ := c.GetQueryMap(key)
return dicts
func (c *Context) QueryMap(key string) (dicts map[string]string) {
dicts, _ = c.GetQueryMap(key)
// GetQueryMap returns a map for a given query key, plus a boolean value
@ -467,9 +474,9 @@ func (c *Context) GetQueryMap(key string) (map[string]string, bool) {
// PostForm returns the specified key from a POST urlencoded form or multipart form
// when it exists, otherwise it returns an empty string `("")`.
func (c *Context) PostForm(key string) string {
value, _ := c.GetPostForm(key)
return value
func (c *Context) PostForm(key string) (value string) {
value, _ = c.GetPostForm(key)
// DefaultPostForm returns the specified key from a POST urlencoded form or multipart form
@ -498,9 +505,9 @@ func (c *Context) GetPostForm(key string) (string, bool) {
// PostFormArray returns a slice of strings for a given form key.
// The length of the slice depends on the number of params with the given key.
func (c *Context) PostFormArray(key string) []string {
values, _ := c.GetPostFormArray(key)
return values
func (c *Context) PostFormArray(key string) (values []string) {
values, _ = c.GetPostFormArray(key)
func (c *Context) initFormCache() {
@ -518,18 +525,16 @@ func (c *Context) initFormCache() {
// GetPostFormArray returns a slice of strings for a given form key, plus
// a boolean value whether at least one value exists for the given key.
func (c *Context) GetPostFormArray(key string) ([]string, bool) {
func (c *Context) GetPostFormArray(key string) (values []string, ok bool) {
if values := c.formCache[key]; len(values) > 0 {
return values, true
return []string{}, false
values, ok = c.formCache[key]
// PostFormMap returns a map for a given form key.
func (c *Context) PostFormMap(key string) map[string]string {
dicts, _ := c.GetPostFormMap(key)
return dicts
func (c *Context) PostFormMap(key string) (dicts map[string]string) {
dicts, _ = c.GetPostFormMap(key)
// GetPostFormMap returns a map for a given form key, plus a boolean value
@ -1161,23 +1166,29 @@ func (c *Context) SetAccepted(formats ...string) {
// Deadline always returns that there is no deadline (ok==false),
// maybe you want to use Request.Context().Deadline() instead.
// Deadline returns that there is no deadline (ok==false) when c.Request has no Context.
func (c *Context) Deadline() (deadline time.Time, ok bool) {
if c.Request == nil || c.Request.Context() == nil {
// Done always returns nil (chan which will wait forever),
// if you want to abort your work when the connection was closed
// you should use Request.Context().Done() instead.
func (c *Context) Done() <-chan struct{} {
return nil
return c.Request.Context().Deadline()
// Err always returns nil, maybe you want to use Request.Context().Err() instead.
func (c *Context) Err() error {
// Done returns nil (chan which will wait forever) when c.Request has no Context.
func (c *Context) Done() <-chan struct{} {
if c.Request == nil || c.Request.Context() == nil {
return nil
return c.Request.Context().Done()
// Err returns nil when c.Request has no Context.
func (c *Context) Err() error {
if c.Request == nil || c.Request.Context() == nil {
return nil
return c.Request.Context().Err()
// Value returns the value associated with this context for key, or nil
// if no value is associated with key. Successive calls to Value with

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
module github.com/gin-gonic/gin
go 1.13
require (
github.com/gin-contrib/sse v0.1.0
github.com/go-playground/validator/v10 v10.6.1
github.com/goccy/go-json v0.5.1
github.com/golang/protobuf v1.3.3
github.com/json-iterator/go v1.1.9
github.com/mattn/go-isatty v0.0.12
github.com/stretchr/testify v1.4.0
github.com/ugorji/go/codec v1.2.6
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.8

View File

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.0/go.mod h1:J7Y8YcW2NihsgmVo/mv3lAwl/skON4iLHjSsI+c5H38=
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github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1/go.mod h1:J7Y8YcW2NihsgmVo/mv3lAwl/skON4iLHjSsI+c5H38=
github.com/gin-contrib/sse v0.1.0 h1:Y/yl/+YNO8GZSjAhjMsSuLt29uWRFHdHYUb5lYOV9qE=
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github.com/go-playground/assert/v2 v2.0.1 h1:MsBgLAaY856+nPRTKrp3/OZK38U/wa0CcBYNjji3q3A=
github.com/go-playground/assert/v2 v2.0.1/go.mod h1:VDjEfimB/XKnb+ZQfWdccd7VUvScMdVu0Titje2rxJ4=
github.com/go-playground/locales v0.13.0 h1:HyWk6mgj5qFqCT5fjGBuRArbVDfE4hi8+e8ceBS/t7Q=
github.com/go-playground/locales v0.13.0/go.mod h1:taPMhCMXrRLJO55olJkUXHZBHCxTMfnGwq/HNwmWNS8=
github.com/go-playground/universal-translator v0.17.0 h1:icxd5fm+REJzpZx7ZfpaD876Lmtgy7VtROAbHHXk8no=
github.com/go-playground/universal-translator v0.17.0/go.mod h1:UkSxE5sNxxRwHyU+Scu5vgOQjsIJAF8j9muTVoKLVtA=
github.com/go-playground/validator/v10 v10.6.1 h1:W6TRDXt4WcWp4c4nf/G+6BkGdhiIo0k417gfr+V6u4I=
github.com/go-playground/validator/v10 v10.6.1/go.mod h1:xm76BBt941f7yWdGnI2DVPFFg1UK3YY04qifoXU3lOk=
github.com/goccy/go-json v0.5.1 h1:R9UYTOUvo7eIY9aeDMZ4L6OVtHaSr1k2No9W6MKjXrA=
github.com/goccy/go-json v0.5.1/go.mod h1:6MelG93GURQebXPDq3khkgXZkazVtN9CRI+MGFi0w8I=
github.com/golang/protobuf v1.3.3 h1:gyjaxf+svBWX08ZjK86iN9geUJF0H6gp2IRKX6Nf6/I=
github.com/golang/protobuf v1.3.3/go.mod h1:vzj43D7+SQXF/4pzW/hwtAqwc6iTitCiVSaWz5lYuqw=
github.com/google/gofuzz v1.0.0/go.mod h1:dBl0BpW6vV/+mYPU4Po3pmUjxk6FQPldtuIdl/M65Eg=
github.com/json-iterator/go v1.1.9 h1:9yzud/Ht36ygwatGx56VwCZtlI/2AD15T1X2sjSuGns=
github.com/json-iterator/go v1.1.9/go.mod h1:KdQUCv79m/52Kvf8AW2vK1V8akMuk1QjK/uOdHXbAo4=
github.com/leodido/go-urn v1.2.0 h1:hpXL4XnriNwQ/ABnpepYM/1vCLWNDfUNts8dX3xTG6Y=
github.com/leodido/go-urn v1.2.0/go.mod h1:+8+nEpDfqqsY+g338gtMEUOtuK+4dEMhiQEgxpxOKII=
github.com/mattn/go-isatty v0.0.12 h1:wuysRhFDzyxgEmMf5xjvJ2M9dZoWAXNNr5LSBS7uHXY=
github.com/mattn/go-isatty v0.0.12/go.mod h1:cbi8OIDigv2wuxKPP5vlRcQ1OAZbq2CE4Kysco4FUpU=
github.com/modern-go/concurrent v0.0.0-20180228061459-e0a39a4cb421 h1:ZqeYNhU3OHLH3mGKHDcjJRFFRrJa6eAM5H+CtDdOsPc=
github.com/modern-go/concurrent v0.0.0-20180228061459-e0a39a4cb421/go.mod h1:6dJC0mAP4ikYIbvyc7fijjWJddQyLn8Ig3JB5CqoB9Q=
github.com/modern-go/reflect2 v0.0.0-20180701023420-4b7aa43c6742 h1:Esafd1046DLDQ0W1YjYsBW+p8U2u7vzgW2SQVmlNazg=
github.com/modern-go/reflect2 v0.0.0-20180701023420-4b7aa43c6742/go.mod h1:bx2lNnkwVCuqBIxFjflWJWanXIb3RllmbCylyMrvgv0=
github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0 h1:4DBwDE0NGyQoBHbLQYPwSUPoCMWR5BEzIk/f1lZbAQM=
github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0/go.mod h1:iKH77koFhYxTK1pcRnkKkqfTogsbg7gZNVY4sRDYZ/4=
github.com/stretchr/objx v0.1.0/go.mod h1:HFkY916IF+rwdDfMAkV7OtwuqBVzrE8GR6GFx+wExME=
github.com/stretchr/testify v1.3.0/go.mod h1:M5WIy9Dh21IEIfnGCwXGc5bZfKNJtfHm1UVUgZn+9EI=
github.com/stretchr/testify v1.4.0 h1:2E4SXV/wtOkTonXsotYi4li6zVWxYlZuYNCXe9XRJyk=
github.com/stretchr/testify v1.4.0/go.mod h1:j7eGeouHqKxXV5pUuKE4zz7dFj8WfuZ+81PSLYec5m4=
github.com/ugorji/go v1.2.6 h1:tGiWC9HENWE2tqYycIqFTNorMmFRVhNwCpDOpWqnk8E=
github.com/ugorji/go v1.2.6/go.mod h1:anCg0y61KIhDlPZmnH+so+RQbysYVyDko0IMgJv0Nn0=
github.com/ugorji/go/codec v1.2.6 h1:7kbGefxLoDBuYXOms4yD7223OpNMMPNPZxXk5TvFcyQ=
github.com/ugorji/go/codec v1.2.6/go.mod h1:V6TCNZ4PHqoHGFZuSG1W8nrCzzdgA2DozYxWFFpvxTw=
golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20190308221718-c2843e01d9a2/go.mod h1:djNgcEr1/C05ACkg1iLfiJU5Ep61QUkGW8qpdssI0+w=
golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20200622213623-75b288015ac9 h1:psW17arqaxU48Z5kZ0CQnkZWQJsqcURM6tKiBApRjXI=
golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20200622213623-75b288015ac9/go.mod h1:LzIPMQfyMNhhGPhUkYOs5KpL4U8rLKemX1yGLhDgUto=
golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20190404232315-eb5bcb51f2a3/go.mod h1:t9HGtf8HONx5eT2rtn7q6eTqICYqUVnKs3thJo3Qplg=
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190215142949-d0b11bdaac8a/go.mod h1:STP8DvDyc/dI5b8T5hshtkjS+E42TnysNCUPdjciGhY=
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190412213103-97732733099d/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7wpKNCjG9DtNlClVuFLEZdDNbEs=
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20200116001909-b77594299b42 h1:vEOn+mP2zCOVzKckCZy6YsCtDblrpj/w7B9nxGNELpg=
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20200116001909-b77594299b42/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7wpKNCjG9DtNlClVuFLEZdDNbEs=
golang.org/x/text v0.3.0/go.mod h1:NqM8EUOU14njkJ3fqMW+pc6Ldnwhi/IjpwHt7yyuwOQ=
golang.org/x/text v0.3.2 h1:tW2bmiBqwgJj/UpqtC8EpXEZVYOwU0yG4iWbprSVAcs=
golang.org/x/text v0.3.2/go.mod h1:bEr9sfX3Q8Zfm5fL9x+3itogRgK3+ptLWKqgva+5dAk=
golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20180917221912-90fa682c2a6e/go.mod h1:n7NCudcB/nEzxVGmLbDWY5pfWTLqBcC2KZ6jyYvM4mQ=
gopkg.in/check.v1 v0.0.0-20161208181325-20d25e280405 h1:yhCVgyC4o1eVCa2tZl7eS0r+SDo693bJlVdllGtEeKM=
gopkg.in/check.v1 v0.0.0-20161208181325-20d25e280405/go.mod h1:Co6ibVJAznAaIkqp8huTwlJQCZ016jof/cbN4VW5Yz0=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.2/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.8 h1:obN1ZagJSUGI0Ek/LBmuj4SNLPfIny3KsKFopxRdj10=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.8/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI=

View File

@ -41,8 +41,10 @@ var DefaultWriter io.Writer = os.Stdout
// DefaultErrorWriter is the default io.Writer used by Gin to debug errors
var DefaultErrorWriter io.Writer = os.Stderr
var ginMode = debugCode
var modeName = DebugMode
var (
ginMode = debugCode
modeName = DebugMode
func init() {
mode := os.Getenv(EnvGinMode)

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ type PureJSON struct {
var (
jsonContentType = []string{"application/json; charset=utf-8"}
jsonpContentType = []string{"application/javascript; charset=utf-8"}
jsonAsciiContentType = []string{"application/json"}
jsonASCIIContentType = []string{"application/json"}
// Render (JSON) writes data with custom ContentType.
@ -102,8 +102,7 @@ func (r SecureJSON) Render(w http.ResponseWriter) error {
// if the jsonBytes is array values
if bytes.HasPrefix(jsonBytes, bytesconv.StringToBytes("[")) && bytes.HasSuffix(jsonBytes,
bytesconv.StringToBytes("]")) {
_, err = w.Write(bytesconv.StringToBytes(r.Prefix))
if err != nil {
if _, err = w.Write(bytesconv.StringToBytes(r.Prefix)); err != nil {
return err
@ -130,20 +129,19 @@ func (r JsonpJSON) Render(w http.ResponseWriter) (err error) {
callback := template.JSEscapeString(r.Callback)
_, err = w.Write(bytesconv.StringToBytes(callback))
if err != nil {
if _, err = w.Write(bytesconv.StringToBytes(callback)); err != nil {
return err
_, err = w.Write(bytesconv.StringToBytes("("))
if err != nil {
if _, err = w.Write(bytesconv.StringToBytes("(")); err != nil {
return err
_, err = w.Write(ret)
if err != nil {
if _, err = w.Write(ret); err != nil {
return err
_, err = w.Write(bytesconv.StringToBytes(");"))
if err != nil {
if _, err = w.Write(bytesconv.StringToBytes(");")); err != nil {
return err
@ -178,7 +176,7 @@ func (r AsciiJSON) Render(w http.ResponseWriter) (err error) {
// WriteContentType (AsciiJSON) writes JSON ContentType.
func (r AsciiJSON) WriteContentType(w http.ResponseWriter) {
writeContentType(w, jsonAsciiContentType)
writeContentType(w, jsonASCIIContentType)
// Render (PureJSON) writes custom ContentType and encodes the given interface object.

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ package render
import (
// ProtoBuf contains the given interface object.

View File

@ -101,8 +101,7 @@ func countParams(path string) uint16 {
type nodeType uint8
const (
static nodeType = iota // default
root nodeType = iota + 1
@ -400,23 +399,10 @@ type nodeValue struct {
// made if a handle exists with an extra (without the) trailing slash for the
// given path.
func (n *node) getValue(path string, params *Params, unescape bool) (value nodeValue) {
// path: /abc/123/def
// level 1 router:abc
// level 2 router:123
// level 3 router:def
var (
skippedPath string
latestNode = n // not found `level 2 router` use latestNode
// match '/' count
// matchNum < 1: `level 2 router` not found,the current node needs to be equal to latestNode
// matchNum >= 1: `level (2 or 3 or 4 or ...) router`: Normal handling
matchNum int // each match will accumulate
latestNode = n // Caching the latest node
//if path == "/", no need to look for tree node
if len(path) == 1 {
matchNum = 1
walk: // Outer loop for walking the tree
for {
@ -444,17 +430,13 @@ walk: // Outer loop for walking the tree
n = n.children[i]
// match '/', If this condition is matched, the next route is found
if (len(n.fullPath) != 0 && n.wildChild) || path[len(path)-1] == '/' {
continue walk
// level 2 router not found,the current node needs to be equal to latestNode
if matchNum < 1 {
// If the path at the end of the loop is not equal to '/' and the current node has no child nodes
// the current node needs to be equal to the latest matching node
matched := path != "/" && !n.wildChild
if matched {
n = latestNode
@ -472,6 +454,16 @@ walk: // Outer loop for walking the tree
switch n.nType {
case param:
// fix truncate the parameter
// tree_test.go line: 204
if matched {
path = prefix + path
// The saved path is used after the prefix route is intercepted by matching
if n.indices == "/" {
path = skippedPath[1:]
// Find param end (either '/' or path end)
end := 0
for end < len(path) && path[end] != '/' {
@ -503,18 +495,6 @@ walk: // Outer loop for walking the tree
if len(n.children) > 0 {
path = path[end:]
n = n.children[0]
// next node,the latestNode needs to be equal to currentNode and handle next router
latestNode = n
// not found router in (level 1 router and handle next node),skippedPath cannot execute
// example:
// * /:cc/cc
// call /a/cc expectations:match/200 Actual:match/200
// call /a/dd expectations:unmatch/404 Actual: panic
// call /addr/dd/aa expectations:unmatch/404 Actual: panic
// skippedPath: It can only be executed if the secondary route is not found
// matchNum: Go to the next level of routing tree node search,need add matchNum
skippedPath = ""
continue walk
@ -567,8 +547,9 @@ walk: // Outer loop for walking the tree
if path == prefix {
// level 2 router not found and latestNode.wildChild is true
if matchNum < 1 && latestNode.wildChild {
// If the current path does not equal '/' and the node does not have a registered handle and the most recently matched node has a child node
// the current node needs to be equal to the latest matching node
if latestNode.wildChild && n.handlers == nil && path != "/" {
n = latestNode.children[len(latestNode.children)-1]
// We should have reached the node containing the handle.
@ -600,10 +581,17 @@ walk: // Outer loop for walking the tree
// path != "/" && skippedPath != ""
if len(path) != 1 && len(skippedPath) > 0 && strings.HasSuffix(skippedPath, path) {
if path != "/" && len(skippedPath) > 0 && strings.HasSuffix(skippedPath, path) {
path = skippedPath
n = latestNode
// Reduce the number of cycles
n, latestNode = latestNode, n
// skippedPath cannot execute
// example:
// * /:cc/cc
// call /a/cc expectations:match/200 Actual:match/200
// call /a/dd expectations:unmatch/404 Actual: panic
// call /addr/dd/aa expectations:unmatch/404 Actual: panic
// skippedPath: It can only be executed if the secondary route is not found
skippedPath = ""
continue walk

View File

@ -5,4 +5,4 @@
package gin
// Version is the current gin framework's version.
const Version = "v1.7.2"
const Version = "v1.7.3"

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
module github.com/go-errors/errors
go 1.14
// Was not API-compatible with earlier or later releases.
retract v1.3.0

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
module github.com/go-fed/httpsig
require golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20200622213623-75b288015ac9
go 1.13

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20190308221718-c2843e01d9a2/go.mod h1:djNgcEr1/C05ACkg1iLfiJU5Ep61QUkGW8qpdssI0+w=
golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20200622213623-75b288015ac9 h1:psW17arqaxU48Z5kZ0CQnkZWQJsqcURM6tKiBApRjXI=
golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20200622213623-75b288015ac9/go.mod h1:LzIPMQfyMNhhGPhUkYOs5KpL4U8rLKemX1yGLhDgUto=
golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20190404232315-eb5bcb51f2a3/go.mod h1:t9HGtf8HONx5eT2rtn7q6eTqICYqUVnKs3thJo3Qplg=
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190215142949-d0b11bdaac8a/go.mod h1:STP8DvDyc/dI5b8T5hshtkjS+E42TnysNCUPdjciGhY=
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190412213103-97732733099d h1:+R4KGOnez64A81RvjARKc4UT5/tI9ujCIVX+P5KiHuI=
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190412213103-97732733099d/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7wpKNCjG9DtNlClVuFLEZdDNbEs=
golang.org/x/text v0.3.0/go.mod h1:NqM8EUOU14njkJ3fqMW+pc6Ldnwhi/IjpwHt7yyuwOQ=

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
## locales
<img align="right" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/go-playground/locales/master/logo.png">![Project status](https://img.shields.io/badge/version-0.13.0-green.svg)
<img align="right" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/go-playground/locales/master/logo.png">![Project status](https://img.shields.io/badge/version-0.14.0-green.svg)
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/go-playground/locales.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/go-playground/locales)
[![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/go-playground/locales)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/go-playground/locales)
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ an i18n package; these were built for use with, but not exclusive to, [Universal
- [x] Rules generated from the latest [CLDR](http://cldr.unicode.org/index/downloads) data, v31.0.1
- [x] Rules generated from the latest [CLDR](http://cldr.unicode.org/index/downloads) data, v36.0.1
- [x] Contains Cardinal, Ordinal and Range Plural Rules
- [x] Contains Month, Weekday and Timezone translations built in
- [x] Contains Date & Time formatting functions

View File

@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ const (
@ -262,9 +263,11 @@ const (

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
module github.com/go-playground/locales
go 1.13
require golang.org/x/text v0.3.2

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
golang.org/x/text v0.3.2 h1:tW2bmiBqwgJj/UpqtC8EpXEZVYOwU0yG4iWbprSVAcs=
golang.org/x/text v0.3.2/go.mod h1:bEr9sfX3Q8Zfm5fL9x+3itogRgK3+ptLWKqgva+5dAk=
golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20180917221912-90fa682c2a6e/go.mod h1:n7NCudcB/nEzxVGmLbDWY5pfWTLqBcC2KZ6jyYvM4mQ=

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
@golangci-lint --version >/dev/null 2>&1 || { \
echo "installing linting tools..."; \
curl -sfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golangci/golangci-lint/master/install.sh| sh -s v1.41.1; \
lint: linters-install
golangci-lint run
$(GOCMD) test -cover -race ./...
$(GOCMD) test -bench=. -benchmem ./...
.PHONY: test lint linters-install

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
## universal-translator
<img align="right" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/go-playground/universal-translator/master/logo.png">![Project status](https://img.shields.io/badge/version-0.17.0-green.svg)
<img align="right" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/go-playground/universal-translator/master/logo.png">![Project status](https://img.shields.io/badge/version-0.18.0-green.svg)
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/go-playground/universal-translator.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/go-playground/universal-translator)
[![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/go-playground/universal-translator/badge.svg)](https://coveralls.io/github/go-playground/universal-translator)
[![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/go-playground/universal-translator)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/go-playground/universal-translator)
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ use in your applications.
- [x] Rules generated from the [CLDR](http://cldr.unicode.org/index/downloads) data, v30.0.3
- [x] Rules generated from the [CLDR](http://cldr.unicode.org/index/downloads) data, v36.0.1
- [x] Contains Cardinal, Ordinal and Range Plural Rules
- [x] Contains Month, Weekday and Timezone translations built in
- [x] Contains Date & Time formatting functions
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Please see https://godoc.org/github.com/go-playground/universal-translator for u
File formatting
All types, Plain substitution, Cardinal, Ordinal and Range translations can all be contained withing the same file(s);
All types, Plain substitution, Cardinal, Ordinal and Range translations can all be contained within the same file(s);
they are only separated for easy viewing.
##### Examples:

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
module github.com/go-playground/universal-translator
go 1.13
require github.com/go-playground/locales v0.13.0

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
github.com/go-playground/locales v0.13.0 h1:HyWk6mgj5qFqCT5fjGBuRArbVDfE4hi8+e8ceBS/t7Q=
github.com/go-playground/locales v0.13.0/go.mod h1:taPMhCMXrRLJO55olJkUXHZBHCxTMfnGwq/HNwmWNS8=
golang.org/x/text v0.3.2/go.mod h1:bEr9sfX3Q8Zfm5fL9x+3itogRgK3+ptLWKqgva+5dAk=
golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20180917221912-90fa682c2a6e/go.mod h1:n7NCudcB/nEzxVGmLbDWY5pfWTLqBcC2KZ6jyYvM4mQ=

View File

@ -257,6 +257,8 @@ func (t *UniversalTranslator) ImportByReader(format ImportExportFormat, reader i
func stringToPR(s string) locales.PluralRule {
switch s {
case "Zero":
return locales.PluralRuleZero
case "One":
return locales.PluralRuleOne
case "Two":

View File

@ -159,13 +159,13 @@ func (t *translator) AddCardinal(key interface{}, text string, rule locales.Plur
} else {
tarr = make([]*transText, 7, 7)
tarr = make([]*transText, 7)
t.cardinalTanslations[key] = tarr
trans := &transText{
text: text,
indexes: make([]int, 2, 2),
indexes: make([]int, 2),
tarr[rule] = trans
@ -211,13 +211,13 @@ func (t *translator) AddOrdinal(key interface{}, text string, rule locales.Plura
} else {
tarr = make([]*transText, 7, 7)
tarr = make([]*transText, 7)
t.ordinalTanslations[key] = tarr
trans := &transText{
text: text,
indexes: make([]int, 2, 2),
indexes: make([]int, 2),
tarr[rule] = trans
@ -261,13 +261,13 @@ func (t *translator) AddRange(key interface{}, text string, rule locales.PluralR
} else {
tarr = make([]*transText, 7, 7)
tarr = make([]*transText, 7)
t.rangeTanslations[key] = tarr
trans := &transText{
text: text,
indexes: make([]int, 4, 4),
indexes: make([]int, 4),
tarr[rule] = trans

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ GOCMD=GO111MODULE=on go
@golangci-lint --version >/dev/null 2>&1 || { \
echo "installing linting tools..."; \
curl -sfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golangci/golangci-lint/master/install.sh| sh -s v1.39.0; \
curl -sfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golangci/golangci-lint/master/install.sh| sh -s v1.41.1; \
lint: linters-install

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Package validator
<img align="right" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/go-playground/validator/v9/logo.png">[![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/go-playground/validator](https://badges.gitter.im/Join%20Chat.svg)](https://gitter.im/go-playground/validator?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge)
![Project status](https://img.shields.io/badge/version-10.7.0-green.svg)
![Project status](https://img.shields.io/badge/version-10.9.0-green.svg)
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/go-playground/validator.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/go-playground/validator)
[![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/go-playground/validator/badge.svg?branch=master&service=github)](https://coveralls.io/github/go-playground/validator?branch=master)
[![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/go-playground/validator)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/go-playground/validator)
@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ Installation
Use go get.
go get github.com/go-playground/validator
go get github.com/go-playground/validator/v10
Then import the validator package into your own code.
import "github.com/go-playground/validator"
import "github.com/go-playground/validator/v10"
Error Return Value
@ -126,15 +126,21 @@ Baked-in Validations
| alphanumunicode | Alphanumeric Unicode |
| alphaunicode | Alpha Unicode |
| ascii | ASCII |
| boolean | Boolean |
| contains | Contains |
| containsany | Contains Any |
| containsrune | Contains Rune |
| endsnotwith | Ends With |
| endswith | Ends With |
| excludes | Excludes |
| excludesall | Excludes All |
| excludesrune | Excludes Rune |
| lowercase | Lowercase |
| multibyte | Multi-Byte Characters |
| number | NOT DOCUMENTED IN doc.go |
| numeric | Numeric |
| printascii | Printable ASCII |
| startsnotwith | Starts Not With |
| startswith | Starts With |
| uppercase | Uppercase |
@ -143,6 +149,8 @@ Baked-in Validations
| - | - |
| base64 | Base64 String |
| base64url | Base64URL String |
| bic | Business Identifier Code (ISO 9362) |
| bcp47_language_tag | Language tag (BCP 47) |
| btc_addr | Bitcoin Address |
| btc_addr_bech32 | Bitcoin Bech32 Address (segwit) |
| datetime | Datetime |
@ -158,12 +166,21 @@ Baked-in Validations
| isbn | International Standard Book Number |
| isbn10 | International Standard Book Number 10 |
| isbn13 | International Standard Book Number 13 |
| iso3166_1_alpha2 | Two-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) |
| iso3166_1_alpha3 | Three-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3) |
| iso3166_1_alpha_numeric | Numeric country code (ISO 3166-1 numeric) |
| iso3166_2 | Country subdivision code (ISO 3166-2) |
| iso4217 | Currency code (ISO 4217) |
| json | JSON |
| jwt | JSON Web Token (JWT) |
| latitude | Latitude |
| longitude | Longitude |
| postcode_iso3166_alpha2 | Postcode |
| postcode_iso3166_alpha2_field | Postcode |
| rgb | RGB String |
| rgba | RGBA String |
| ssn | Social Security Number SSN |
| timezone | Timezone |
| uuid | Universally Unique Identifier UUID |
| uuid3 | Universally Unique Identifier UUID v3 |
| uuid3_rfc4122 | Universally Unique Identifier UUID v3 RFC4122 |
@ -187,10 +204,6 @@ Baked-in Validations
| Tag | Description |
| - | - |
| dir | Directory |
| endswith | Ends With |
| excludes | Excludes |
| excludesall | Excludes All |
| excludesrune | Excludes Rune |
| file | File path |
| isdefault | Is Default |
| len | Length |
@ -210,6 +223,12 @@ Baked-in Validations
| excluded_without_all | Excluded Without All |
| unique | Unique |
#### Aliases:
| Tag | Description |
| - | - |
| iscolor | hexcolor\|rgb\|rgba\|hsl\|hsla |
| country_code | iso3166_1_alpha2\|iso3166_1_alpha3\|iso3166_1_alpha_numeric |
###### Run on MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2017) go version go1.10.2 darwin/amd64

View File

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ var (
isdefault: {},
// BakedInAliasValidators is a default mapping of a single validation tag that
// bakedInAliases is a default mapping of a single validation tag that
// defines a common or complex set of validation(s) to simplify
// adding validation to structs.
bakedInAliases = map[string]string{
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ var (
"country_code": "iso3166_1_alpha2|iso3166_1_alpha3|iso3166_1_alpha_numeric",
// BakedInValidators is the default map of ValidationFunc
// bakedInValidators is the default map of ValidationFunc
// you can add, remove or even replace items to suite your needs,
// or even disregard and use your own map if so desired.
bakedInValidators = map[string]Func{
@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ var (
"alphanum": isAlphanum,
"alphaunicode": isAlphaUnicode,
"alphanumunicode": isAlphanumUnicode,
"boolean": isBoolean,
"numeric": isNumeric,
"number": isNumber,
"hexadecimal": isHexadecimal,
@ -181,6 +182,7 @@ var (
"url_encoded": isURLEncoded,
"dir": isDir,
"json": isJSON,
"jwt": isJWT,
"hostname_port": isHostnamePort,
"lowercase": isLowercase,
"uppercase": isUppercase,
@ -190,6 +192,8 @@ var (
"iso3166_1_alpha3": isIso3166Alpha3,
"iso3166_1_alpha_numeric": isIso3166AlphaNumeric,
"iso3166_2": isIso31662,
"iso4217": isIso4217,
"iso4217_numeric": isIso4217Numeric,
"bcp47_language_tag": isBCP47LanguageTag,
"postcode_iso3166_alpha2": isPostcodeByIso3166Alpha2,
"postcode_iso3166_alpha2_field": isPostcodeByIso3166Alpha2Field,
@ -302,7 +306,7 @@ func isUnique(fl FieldLevel) bool {
// IsMAC is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid MAC address.
// isMAC is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid MAC address.
func isMAC(fl FieldLevel) bool {
_, err := net.ParseMAC(fl.Field().String())
@ -310,7 +314,7 @@ func isMAC(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return err == nil
// IsCIDRv4 is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid v4 CIDR address.
// isCIDRv4 is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid v4 CIDR address.
func isCIDRv4(fl FieldLevel) bool {
ip, _, err := net.ParseCIDR(fl.Field().String())
@ -318,7 +322,7 @@ func isCIDRv4(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return err == nil && ip.To4() != nil
// IsCIDRv6 is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid v6 CIDR address.
// isCIDRv6 is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid v6 CIDR address.
func isCIDRv6(fl FieldLevel) bool {
ip, _, err := net.ParseCIDR(fl.Field().String())
@ -326,7 +330,7 @@ func isCIDRv6(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return err == nil && ip.To4() == nil
// IsCIDR is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid v4 or v6 CIDR address.
// isCIDR is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid v4 or v6 CIDR address.
func isCIDR(fl FieldLevel) bool {
_, _, err := net.ParseCIDR(fl.Field().String())
@ -334,7 +338,7 @@ func isCIDR(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return err == nil
// IsIPv4 is the validation function for validating if a value is a valid v4 IP address.
// isIPv4 is the validation function for validating if a value is a valid v4 IP address.
func isIPv4(fl FieldLevel) bool {
ip := net.ParseIP(fl.Field().String())
@ -342,7 +346,7 @@ func isIPv4(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return ip != nil && ip.To4() != nil
// IsIPv6 is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid v6 IP address.
// isIPv6 is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid v6 IP address.
func isIPv6(fl FieldLevel) bool {
ip := net.ParseIP(fl.Field().String())
@ -350,7 +354,7 @@ func isIPv6(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return ip != nil && ip.To4() == nil
// IsIP is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid v4 or v6 IP address.
// isIP is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid v4 or v6 IP address.
func isIP(fl FieldLevel) bool {
ip := net.ParseIP(fl.Field().String())
@ -358,7 +362,7 @@ func isIP(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return ip != nil
// IsSSN is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid SSN.
// isSSN is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid SSN.
func isSSN(fl FieldLevel) bool {
field := fl.Field()
@ -370,7 +374,7 @@ func isSSN(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return sSNRegex.MatchString(field.String())
// IsLongitude is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid longitude coordinate.
// isLongitude is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid longitude coordinate.
func isLongitude(fl FieldLevel) bool {
field := fl.Field()
@ -393,7 +397,7 @@ func isLongitude(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return longitudeRegex.MatchString(v)
// IsLatitude is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid latitude coordinate.
// isLatitude is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid latitude coordinate.
func isLatitude(fl FieldLevel) bool {
field := fl.Field()
@ -416,7 +420,7 @@ func isLatitude(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return latitudeRegex.MatchString(v)
// IsDataURI is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid data URI.
// isDataURI is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid data URI.
func isDataURI(fl FieldLevel) bool {
uri := strings.SplitN(fl.Field().String(), ",", 2)
@ -432,7 +436,7 @@ func isDataURI(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return base64Regex.MatchString(uri[1])
// HasMultiByteCharacter is the validation function for validating if the field's value has a multi byte character.
// hasMultiByteCharacter is the validation function for validating if the field's value has a multi byte character.
func hasMultiByteCharacter(fl FieldLevel) bool {
field := fl.Field()
@ -444,62 +448,62 @@ func hasMultiByteCharacter(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return multibyteRegex.MatchString(field.String())
// IsPrintableASCII is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid printable ASCII character.
// isPrintableASCII is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid printable ASCII character.
func isPrintableASCII(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return printableASCIIRegex.MatchString(fl.Field().String())
// IsASCII is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid ASCII character.
// isASCII is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid ASCII character.
func isASCII(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return aSCIIRegex.MatchString(fl.Field().String())
// IsUUID5 is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid v5 UUID.
// isUUID5 is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid v5 UUID.
func isUUID5(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return uUID5Regex.MatchString(fl.Field().String())
// IsUUID4 is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid v4 UUID.
// isUUID4 is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid v4 UUID.
func isUUID4(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return uUID4Regex.MatchString(fl.Field().String())
// IsUUID3 is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid v3 UUID.
// isUUID3 is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid v3 UUID.
func isUUID3(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return uUID3Regex.MatchString(fl.Field().String())
// IsUUID is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid UUID of any version.
// isUUID is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid UUID of any version.
func isUUID(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return uUIDRegex.MatchString(fl.Field().String())
// IsUUID5RFC4122 is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid RFC4122 v5 UUID.
// isUUID5RFC4122 is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid RFC4122 v5 UUID.
func isUUID5RFC4122(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return uUID5RFC4122Regex.MatchString(fl.Field().String())
// IsUUID4RFC4122 is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid RFC4122 v4 UUID.
// isUUID4RFC4122 is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid RFC4122 v4 UUID.
func isUUID4RFC4122(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return uUID4RFC4122Regex.MatchString(fl.Field().String())
// IsUUID3RFC4122 is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid RFC4122 v3 UUID.
// isUUID3RFC4122 is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid RFC4122 v3 UUID.
func isUUID3RFC4122(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return uUID3RFC4122Regex.MatchString(fl.Field().String())
// IsUUIDRFC4122 is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid RFC4122 UUID of any version.
// isUUIDRFC4122 is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid RFC4122 UUID of any version.
func isUUIDRFC4122(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return uUIDRFC4122Regex.MatchString(fl.Field().String())
// IsISBN is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid v10 or v13 ISBN.
// isISBN is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid v10 or v13 ISBN.
func isISBN(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return isISBN10(fl) || isISBN13(fl)
// IsISBN13 is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid v13 ISBN.
// isISBN13 is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid v13 ISBN.
func isISBN13(fl FieldLevel) bool {
s := strings.Replace(strings.Replace(fl.Field().String(), "-", "", 4), " ", "", 4)
@ -520,7 +524,7 @@ func isISBN13(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return (int32(s[12]-'0'))-((10-(checksum%10))%10) == 0
// IsISBN10 is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid v10 ISBN.
// isISBN10 is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid v10 ISBN.
func isISBN10(fl FieldLevel) bool {
s := strings.Replace(strings.Replace(fl.Field().String(), "-", "", 3), " ", "", 3)
@ -545,7 +549,7 @@ func isISBN10(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return checksum%11 == 0
// IsEthereumAddress is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid Ethereum address.
// isEthereumAddress is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid Ethereum address.
func isEthereumAddress(fl FieldLevel) bool {
address := fl.Field().String()
@ -576,7 +580,7 @@ func isEthereumAddress(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return true
// IsBitcoinAddress is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid btc address
// isBitcoinAddress is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid btc address
func isBitcoinAddress(fl FieldLevel) bool {
address := fl.Field().String()
@ -613,7 +617,7 @@ func isBitcoinAddress(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return validchecksum == computedchecksum
// IsBitcoinBech32Address is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid bech32 btc address
// isBitcoinBech32Address is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a valid bech32 btc address
func isBitcoinBech32Address(fl FieldLevel) bool {
address := fl.Field().String()
@ -693,22 +697,22 @@ func isBitcoinBech32Address(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return true
// ExcludesRune is the validation function for validating that the field's value does not contain the rune specified within the param.
// excludesRune is the validation function for validating that the field's value does not contain the rune specified within the param.
func excludesRune(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return !containsRune(fl)
// ExcludesAll is the validation function for validating that the field's value does not contain any of the characters specified within the param.
// excludesAll is the validation function for validating that the field's value does not contain any of the characters specified within the param.
func excludesAll(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return !containsAny(fl)
// Excludes is the validation function for validating that the field's value does not contain the text specified within the param.
// excludes is the validation function for validating that the field's value does not contain the text specified within the param.
func excludes(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return !contains(fl)
// ContainsRune is the validation function for validating that the field's value contains the rune specified within the param.
// containsRune is the validation function for validating that the field's value contains the rune specified within the param.
func containsRune(fl FieldLevel) bool {
r, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(fl.Param())
@ -716,37 +720,37 @@ func containsRune(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return strings.ContainsRune(fl.Field().String(), r)
// ContainsAny is the validation function for validating that the field's value contains any of the characters specified within the param.
// containsAny is the validation function for validating that the field's value contains any of the characters specified within the param.
func containsAny(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return strings.ContainsAny(fl.Field().String(), fl.Param())
// Contains is the validation function for validating that the field's value contains the text specified within the param.
// contains is the validation function for validating that the field's value contains the text specified within the param.
func contains(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return strings.Contains(fl.Field().String(), fl.Param())
// StartsWith is the validation function for validating that the field's value starts with the text specified within the param.
// startsWith is the validation function for validating that the field's value starts with the text specified within the param.
func startsWith(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(fl.Field().String(), fl.Param())
// EndsWith is the validation function for validating that the field's value ends with the text specified within the param.
// endsWith is the validation function for validating that the field's value ends with the text specified within the param.
func endsWith(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return strings.HasSuffix(fl.Field().String(), fl.Param())
// StartsNotWith is the validation function for validating that the field's value does not start with the text specified within the param.
// startsNotWith is the validation function for validating that the field's value does not start with the text specified within the param.
func startsNotWith(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return !startsWith(fl)
// EndsNotWith is the validation function for validating that the field's value does not end with the text specified within the param.
// endsNotWith is the validation function for validating that the field's value does not end with the text specified within the param.
func endsNotWith(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return !endsWith(fl)
// FieldContains is the validation function for validating if the current field's value contains the field specified by the param's value.
// fieldContains is the validation function for validating if the current field's value contains the field specified by the param's value.
func fieldContains(fl FieldLevel) bool {
field := fl.Field()
@ -759,7 +763,7 @@ func fieldContains(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return strings.Contains(field.String(), currentField.String())
// FieldExcludes is the validation function for validating if the current field's value excludes the field specified by the param's value.
// fieldExcludes is the validation function for validating if the current field's value excludes the field specified by the param's value.
func fieldExcludes(fl FieldLevel) bool {
field := fl.Field()
@ -771,7 +775,7 @@ func fieldExcludes(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return !strings.Contains(field.String(), currentField.String())
// IsNeField is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is not equal to the field specified by the param's value.
// isNeField is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is not equal to the field specified by the param's value.
func isNeField(fl FieldLevel) bool {
field := fl.Field()
@ -823,12 +827,12 @@ func isNeField(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return field.String() != currentField.String()
// IsNe is the validation function for validating that the field's value does not equal the provided param value.
// isNe is the validation function for validating that the field's value does not equal the provided param value.
func isNe(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return !isEq(fl)
// IsLteCrossStructField is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is less than or equal to the field, within a separate struct, specified by the param's value.
// isLteCrossStructField is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is less than or equal to the field, within a separate struct, specified by the param's value.
func isLteCrossStructField(fl FieldLevel) bool {
field := fl.Field()
@ -875,7 +879,7 @@ func isLteCrossStructField(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return field.String() <= topField.String()
// IsLtCrossStructField is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is less than the field, within a separate struct, specified by the param's value.
// isLtCrossStructField is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is less than the field, within a separate struct, specified by the param's value.
// NOTE: This is exposed for use within your own custom functions and not intended to be called directly.
func isLtCrossStructField(fl FieldLevel) bool {
@ -923,7 +927,7 @@ func isLtCrossStructField(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return field.String() < topField.String()
// IsGteCrossStructField is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is greater than or equal to the field, within a separate struct, specified by the param's value.
// isGteCrossStructField is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is greater than or equal to the field, within a separate struct, specified by the param's value.
func isGteCrossStructField(fl FieldLevel) bool {
field := fl.Field()
@ -970,7 +974,7 @@ func isGteCrossStructField(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return field.String() >= topField.String()
// IsGtCrossStructField is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is greater than the field, within a separate struct, specified by the param's value.
// isGtCrossStructField is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is greater than the field, within a separate struct, specified by the param's value.
func isGtCrossStructField(fl FieldLevel) bool {
field := fl.Field()
@ -1017,7 +1021,7 @@ func isGtCrossStructField(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return field.String() > topField.String()
// IsNeCrossStructField is the validation function for validating that the current field's value is not equal to the field, within a separate struct, specified by the param's value.
// isNeCrossStructField is the validation function for validating that the current field's value is not equal to the field, within a separate struct, specified by the param's value.
func isNeCrossStructField(fl FieldLevel) bool {
field := fl.Field()
@ -1067,7 +1071,7 @@ func isNeCrossStructField(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return topField.String() != field.String()
// IsEqCrossStructField is the validation function for validating that the current field's value is equal to the field, within a separate struct, specified by the param's value.
// isEqCrossStructField is the validation function for validating that the current field's value is equal to the field, within a separate struct, specified by the param's value.
func isEqCrossStructField(fl FieldLevel) bool {
field := fl.Field()
@ -1117,7 +1121,7 @@ func isEqCrossStructField(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return topField.String() == field.String()
// IsEqField is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is equal to the field specified by the param's value.
// isEqField is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is equal to the field specified by the param's value.
func isEqField(fl FieldLevel) bool {
field := fl.Field()
@ -1168,7 +1172,7 @@ func isEqField(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return field.String() == currentField.String()
// IsEq is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is equal to the param's value.
// isEq is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is equal to the param's value.
func isEq(fl FieldLevel) bool {
field := fl.Field()
@ -1249,17 +1253,17 @@ func isPostcodeByIso3166Alpha2Field(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return reg.MatchString(field.String())
// IsBase64 is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid base 64.
// isBase64 is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid base 64.
func isBase64(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return base64Regex.MatchString(fl.Field().String())
// IsBase64URL is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid base64 URL safe string.
// isBase64URL is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid base64 URL safe string.
func isBase64URL(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return base64URLRegex.MatchString(fl.Field().String())
// IsURI is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid URI.
// isURI is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid URI.
func isURI(fl FieldLevel) bool {
field := fl.Field()
@ -1288,7 +1292,7 @@ func isURI(fl FieldLevel) bool {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Bad field type %T", field.Interface()))
// IsURL is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid URL.
// isURL is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid URL.
func isURL(fl FieldLevel) bool {
field := fl.Field()
@ -1340,7 +1344,7 @@ func isUrnRFC2141(fl FieldLevel) bool {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Bad field type %T", field.Interface()))
// IsFile is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid file path.
// isFile is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid file path.
func isFile(fl FieldLevel) bool {
field := fl.Field()
@ -1357,47 +1361,47 @@ func isFile(fl FieldLevel) bool {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Bad field type %T", field.Interface()))
// IsE164 is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid e.164 formatted phone number.
// isE164 is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid e.164 formatted phone number.
func isE164(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return e164Regex.MatchString(fl.Field().String())
// IsEmail is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid email address.
// isEmail is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid email address.
func isEmail(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return emailRegex.MatchString(fl.Field().String())
// IsHSLA is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid HSLA color.
// isHSLA is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid HSLA color.
func isHSLA(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return hslaRegex.MatchString(fl.Field().String())
// IsHSL is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid HSL color.
// isHSL is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid HSL color.
func isHSL(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return hslRegex.MatchString(fl.Field().String())
// IsRGBA is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid RGBA color.
// isRGBA is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid RGBA color.
func isRGBA(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return rgbaRegex.MatchString(fl.Field().String())
// IsRGB is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid RGB color.
// isRGB is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid RGB color.
func isRGB(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return rgbRegex.MatchString(fl.Field().String())
// IsHEXColor is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid HEX color.
// isHEXColor is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid HEX color.
func isHEXColor(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return hexColorRegex.MatchString(fl.Field().String())
// IsHexadecimal is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid hexadecimal.
// isHexadecimal is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid hexadecimal.
func isHexadecimal(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return hexadecimalRegex.MatchString(fl.Field().String())
// IsNumber is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid number.
// isNumber is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid number.
func isNumber(fl FieldLevel) bool {
switch fl.Field().Kind() {
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr, reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
@ -1407,7 +1411,7 @@ func isNumber(fl FieldLevel) bool {
// IsNumeric is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid numeric value.
// isNumeric is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid numeric value.
func isNumeric(fl FieldLevel) bool {
switch fl.Field().Kind() {
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr, reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
@ -1417,32 +1421,38 @@ func isNumeric(fl FieldLevel) bool {
// IsAlphanum is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid alphanumeric value.
// isAlphanum is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid alphanumeric value.
func isAlphanum(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return alphaNumericRegex.MatchString(fl.Field().String())
// IsAlpha is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid alpha value.
// isAlpha is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid alpha value.
func isAlpha(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return alphaRegex.MatchString(fl.Field().String())
// IsAlphanumUnicode is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid alphanumeric unicode value.
// isAlphanumUnicode is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid alphanumeric unicode value.
func isAlphanumUnicode(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return alphaUnicodeNumericRegex.MatchString(fl.Field().String())
// IsAlphaUnicode is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid alpha unicode value.
// isAlphaUnicode is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid alpha unicode value.
func isAlphaUnicode(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return alphaUnicodeRegex.MatchString(fl.Field().String())
// isBoolean is the validation function for validating if the current field's value can be safely converted to a boolean.
func isBoolean(fl FieldLevel) bool {
_, err := strconv.ParseBool(fl.Field().String())
return err == nil
// isDefault is the opposite of required aka hasValue
func isDefault(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return !hasValue(fl)
// HasValue is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is not the default static value.
// hasValue is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is not the default static value.
func hasValue(fl FieldLevel) bool {
field := fl.Field()
switch field.Kind() {
@ -1540,7 +1550,7 @@ func requiredUnless(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return hasValue(fl)
// ExcludedWith is the validation function
// excludedWith is the validation function
// The field under validation must not be present or is empty if any of the other specified fields are present.
func excludedWith(fl FieldLevel) bool {
params := parseOneOfParam2(fl.Param())
@ -1552,7 +1562,7 @@ func excludedWith(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return true
// RequiredWith is the validation function
// requiredWith is the validation function
// The field under validation must be present and not empty only if any of the other specified fields are present.
func requiredWith(fl FieldLevel) bool {
params := parseOneOfParam2(fl.Param())
@ -1564,7 +1574,7 @@ func requiredWith(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return true
// ExcludedWithAll is the validation function
// excludedWithAll is the validation function
// The field under validation must not be present or is empty if all of the other specified fields are present.
func excludedWithAll(fl FieldLevel) bool {
params := parseOneOfParam2(fl.Param())
@ -1576,7 +1586,7 @@ func excludedWithAll(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return !hasValue(fl)
// RequiredWithAll is the validation function
// requiredWithAll is the validation function
// The field under validation must be present and not empty only if all of the other specified fields are present.
func requiredWithAll(fl FieldLevel) bool {
params := parseOneOfParam2(fl.Param())
@ -1588,7 +1598,7 @@ func requiredWithAll(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return hasValue(fl)
// ExcludedWithout is the validation function
// excludedWithout is the validation function
// The field under validation must not be present or is empty when any of the other specified fields are not present.
func excludedWithout(fl FieldLevel) bool {
if requireCheckFieldKind(fl, strings.TrimSpace(fl.Param()), true) {
@ -1597,7 +1607,7 @@ func excludedWithout(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return true
// RequiredWithout is the validation function
// requiredWithout is the validation function
// The field under validation must be present and not empty only when any of the other specified fields are not present.
func requiredWithout(fl FieldLevel) bool {
if requireCheckFieldKind(fl, strings.TrimSpace(fl.Param()), true) {
@ -1606,7 +1616,7 @@ func requiredWithout(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return true
// ExcludedWithoutAll is the validation function
// excludedWithoutAll is the validation function
// The field under validation must not be present or is empty when all of the other specified fields are not present.
func excludedWithoutAll(fl FieldLevel) bool {
params := parseOneOfParam2(fl.Param())
@ -1618,7 +1628,7 @@ func excludedWithoutAll(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return !hasValue(fl)
// RequiredWithoutAll is the validation function
// requiredWithoutAll is the validation function
// The field under validation must be present and not empty only when all of the other specified fields are not present.
func requiredWithoutAll(fl FieldLevel) bool {
params := parseOneOfParam2(fl.Param())
@ -1630,7 +1640,7 @@ func requiredWithoutAll(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return hasValue(fl)
// IsGteField is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is greater than or equal to the field specified by the param's value.
// isGteField is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is greater than or equal to the field specified by the param's value.
func isGteField(fl FieldLevel) bool {
field := fl.Field()
@ -1677,7 +1687,7 @@ func isGteField(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return len(field.String()) >= len(currentField.String())
// IsGtField is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is greater than the field specified by the param's value.
// isGtField is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is greater than the field specified by the param's value.
func isGtField(fl FieldLevel) bool {
field := fl.Field()
@ -1724,7 +1734,7 @@ func isGtField(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return len(field.String()) > len(currentField.String())
// IsGte is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is greater than or equal to the param's value.
// isGte is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is greater than or equal to the param's value.
func isGte(fl FieldLevel) bool {
field := fl.Field()
@ -1771,7 +1781,7 @@ func isGte(fl FieldLevel) bool {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Bad field type %T", field.Interface()))
// IsGt is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is greater than the param's value.
// isGt is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is greater than the param's value.
func isGt(fl FieldLevel) bool {
field := fl.Field()
@ -1814,7 +1824,7 @@ func isGt(fl FieldLevel) bool {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Bad field type %T", field.Interface()))
// HasLengthOf is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is equal to the param's value.
// hasLengthOf is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is equal to the param's value.
func hasLengthOf(fl FieldLevel) bool {
field := fl.Field()
@ -1851,12 +1861,12 @@ func hasLengthOf(fl FieldLevel) bool {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Bad field type %T", field.Interface()))
// HasMinOf is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is greater than or equal to the param's value.
// hasMinOf is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is greater than or equal to the param's value.
func hasMinOf(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return isGte(fl)
// IsLteField is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is less than or equal to the field specified by the param's value.
// isLteField is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is less than or equal to the field specified by the param's value.
func isLteField(fl FieldLevel) bool {
field := fl.Field()
@ -1903,7 +1913,7 @@ func isLteField(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return len(field.String()) <= len(currentField.String())
// IsLtField is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is less than the field specified by the param's value.
// isLtField is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is less than the field specified by the param's value.
func isLtField(fl FieldLevel) bool {
field := fl.Field()
@ -1950,7 +1960,7 @@ func isLtField(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return len(field.String()) < len(currentField.String())
// IsLte is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is less than or equal to the param's value.
// isLte is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is less than or equal to the param's value.
func isLte(fl FieldLevel) bool {
field := fl.Field()
@ -1997,7 +2007,7 @@ func isLte(fl FieldLevel) bool {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Bad field type %T", field.Interface()))
// IsLt is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is less than the param's value.
// isLt is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is less than the param's value.
func isLt(fl FieldLevel) bool {
field := fl.Field()
@ -2041,12 +2051,12 @@ func isLt(fl FieldLevel) bool {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Bad field type %T", field.Interface()))
// HasMaxOf is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is less than or equal to the param's value.
// hasMaxOf is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is less than or equal to the param's value.
func hasMaxOf(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return isLte(fl)
// IsTCP4AddrResolvable is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a resolvable tcp4 address.
// isTCP4AddrResolvable is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a resolvable tcp4 address.
func isTCP4AddrResolvable(fl FieldLevel) bool {
if !isIP4Addr(fl) {
@ -2057,7 +2067,7 @@ func isTCP4AddrResolvable(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return err == nil
// IsTCP6AddrResolvable is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a resolvable tcp6 address.
// isTCP6AddrResolvable is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a resolvable tcp6 address.
func isTCP6AddrResolvable(fl FieldLevel) bool {
if !isIP6Addr(fl) {
@ -2069,7 +2079,7 @@ func isTCP6AddrResolvable(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return err == nil
// IsTCPAddrResolvable is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a resolvable tcp address.
// isTCPAddrResolvable is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a resolvable tcp address.
func isTCPAddrResolvable(fl FieldLevel) bool {
if !isIP4Addr(fl) && !isIP6Addr(fl) {
@ -2081,7 +2091,7 @@ func isTCPAddrResolvable(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return err == nil
// IsUDP4AddrResolvable is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a resolvable udp4 address.
// isUDP4AddrResolvable is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a resolvable udp4 address.
func isUDP4AddrResolvable(fl FieldLevel) bool {
if !isIP4Addr(fl) {
@ -2093,7 +2103,7 @@ func isUDP4AddrResolvable(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return err == nil
// IsUDP6AddrResolvable is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a resolvable udp6 address.
// isUDP6AddrResolvable is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a resolvable udp6 address.
func isUDP6AddrResolvable(fl FieldLevel) bool {
if !isIP6Addr(fl) {
@ -2105,7 +2115,7 @@ func isUDP6AddrResolvable(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return err == nil
// IsUDPAddrResolvable is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a resolvable udp address.
// isUDPAddrResolvable is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a resolvable udp address.
func isUDPAddrResolvable(fl FieldLevel) bool {
if !isIP4Addr(fl) && !isIP6Addr(fl) {
@ -2117,7 +2127,7 @@ func isUDPAddrResolvable(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return err == nil
// IsIP4AddrResolvable is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a resolvable ip4 address.
// isIP4AddrResolvable is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a resolvable ip4 address.
func isIP4AddrResolvable(fl FieldLevel) bool {
if !isIPv4(fl) {
@ -2129,7 +2139,7 @@ func isIP4AddrResolvable(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return err == nil
// IsIP6AddrResolvable is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a resolvable ip6 address.
// isIP6AddrResolvable is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a resolvable ip6 address.
func isIP6AddrResolvable(fl FieldLevel) bool {
if !isIPv6(fl) {
@ -2141,7 +2151,7 @@ func isIP6AddrResolvable(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return err == nil
// IsIPAddrResolvable is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a resolvable ip address.
// isIPAddrResolvable is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a resolvable ip address.
func isIPAddrResolvable(fl FieldLevel) bool {
if !isIP(fl) {
@ -2153,7 +2163,7 @@ func isIPAddrResolvable(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return err == nil
// IsUnixAddrResolvable is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a resolvable unix address.
// isUnixAddrResolvable is the validation function for validating if the field's value is a resolvable unix address.
func isUnixAddrResolvable(fl FieldLevel) bool {
_, err := net.ResolveUnixAddr("unix", fl.Field().String())
@ -2207,7 +2217,7 @@ func isFQDN(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return fqdnRegexRFC1123.MatchString(val)
// IsDir is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid directory.
// isDir is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid directory.
func isDir(fl FieldLevel) bool {
field := fl.Field()
@ -2235,6 +2245,11 @@ func isJSON(fl FieldLevel) bool {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Bad field type %T", field.Interface()))
// isJWT is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid JWT string.
func isJWT(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return jWTRegex.MatchString(fl.Field().String())
// isHostnamePort validates a <dns>:<port> combination for fields typically used for socket address.
func isHostnamePort(fl FieldLevel) bool {
val := fl.Field().String()
@ -2352,6 +2367,28 @@ func isIso31662(fl FieldLevel) bool {
return iso3166_2[val]
// isIso4217 is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid iso4217 currency code.
func isIso4217(fl FieldLevel) bool {
val := fl.Field().String()
return iso4217[val]
// isIso4217Numeric is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid iso4217 numeric currency code.
func isIso4217Numeric(fl FieldLevel) bool {
field := fl.Field()
var code int
switch field.Kind() {
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
code = int(field.Int())
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
code = int(field.Uint())
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Bad field type %T", field.Interface()))
return iso4217_numeric[code]
// isBCP47LanguageTag is the validation function for validating if the current field's value is a valid BCP 47 language tag, as parsed by language.Parse
func isBCP47LanguageTag(fl FieldLevel) bool {
field := fl.Field()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
package validator
var iso4217 = map[string]bool{
"AFN": true, "EUR": true, "ALL": true, "DZD": true, "USD": true,
"AOA": true, "XCD": true, "ARS": true, "AMD": true, "AWG": true,
"AUD": true, "AZN": true, "BSD": true, "BHD": true, "BDT": true,
"BBD": true, "BYN": true, "BZD": true, "XOF": true, "BMD": true,
"INR": true, "BTN": true, "BOB": true, "BOV": true, "BAM": true,
"BWP": true, "NOK": true, "BRL": true, "BND": true, "BGN": true,
"BIF": true, "CVE": true, "KHR": true, "XAF": true, "CAD": true,
"KYD": true, "CLP": true, "CLF": true, "CNY": true, "COP": true,
"COU": true, "KMF": true, "CDF": true, "NZD": true, "CRC": true,
"HRK": true, "CUP": true, "CUC": true, "ANG": true, "CZK": true,
"DKK": true, "DJF": true, "DOP": true, "EGP": true, "SVC": true,
"ERN": true, "SZL": true, "ETB": true, "FKP": true, "FJD": true,
"XPF": true, "GMD": true, "GEL": true, "GHS": true, "GIP": true,
"GTQ": true, "GBP": true, "GNF": true, "GYD": true, "HTG": true,
"HNL": true, "HKD": true, "HUF": true, "ISK": true, "IDR": true,
"XDR": true, "IRR": true, "IQD": true, "ILS": true, "JMD": true,
"JPY": true, "JOD": true, "KZT": true, "KES": true, "KPW": true,
"KRW": true, "KWD": true, "KGS": true, "LAK": true, "LBP": true,
"LSL": true, "ZAR": true, "LRD": true, "LYD": true, "CHF": true,
"MOP": true, "MKD": true, "MGA": true, "MWK": true, "MYR": true,
"MVR": true, "MRU": true, "MUR": true, "XUA": true, "MXN": true,
"MXV": true, "MDL": true, "MNT": true, "MAD": true, "MZN": true,
"MMK": true, "NAD": true, "NPR": true, "NIO": true, "NGN": true,
"OMR": true, "PKR": true, "PAB": true, "PGK": true, "PYG": true,
"PEN": true, "PHP": true, "PLN": true, "QAR": true, "RON": true,
"RUB": true, "RWF": true, "SHP": true, "WST": true, "STN": true,
"SAR": true, "RSD": true, "SCR": true, "SLL": true, "SGD": true,
"XSU": true, "SBD": true, "SOS": true, "SSP": true, "LKR": true,
"SDG": true, "SRD": true, "SEK": true, "CHE": true, "CHW": true,
"SYP": true, "TWD": true, "TJS": true, "TZS": true, "THB": true,
"TOP": true, "TTD": true, "TND": true, "TRY": true, "TMT": true,
"UGX": true, "UAH": true, "AED": true, "USN": true, "UYU": true,
"UYI": true, "UYW": true, "UZS": true, "VUV": true, "VES": true,
"VND": true, "YER": true, "ZMW": true, "ZWL": true, "XBA": true,
"XBB": true, "XBC": true, "XBD": true, "XTS": true, "XXX": true,
"XAU": true, "XPD": true, "XPT": true, "XAG": true,
var iso4217_numeric = map[int]bool{
8: true, 12: true, 32: true, 36: true, 44: true,
48: true, 50: true, 51: true, 52: true, 60: true,
64: true, 68: true, 72: true, 84: true, 90: true,
96: true, 104: true, 108: true, 116: true, 124: true,
132: true, 136: true, 144: true, 152: true, 156: true,
170: true, 174: true, 188: true, 191: true, 192: true,
203: true, 208: true, 214: true, 222: true, 230: true,
232: true, 238: true, 242: true, 262: true, 270: true,
292: true, 320: true, 324: true, 328: true, 332: true,
340: true, 344: true, 348: true, 352: true, 356: true,
360: true, 364: true, 368: true, 376: true, 388: true,
392: true, 398: true, 400: true, 404: true, 408: true,
410: true, 414: true, 417: true, 418: true, 422: true,
426: true, 430: true, 434: true, 446: true, 454: true,
458: true, 462: true, 480: true, 484: true, 496: true,
498: true, 504: true, 512: true, 516: true, 524: true,
532: true, 533: true, 548: true, 554: true, 558: true,
566: true, 578: true, 586: true, 590: true, 598: true,
600: true, 604: true, 608: true, 634: true, 643: true,
646: true, 654: true, 682: true, 690: true, 694: true,
702: true, 704: true, 706: true, 710: true, 728: true,
748: true, 752: true, 756: true, 760: true, 764: true,
776: true, 780: true, 784: true, 788: true, 800: true,
807: true, 818: true, 826: true, 834: true, 840: true,
858: true, 860: true, 882: true, 886: true, 901: true,
927: true, 928: true, 929: true, 930: true, 931: true,
932: true, 933: true, 934: true, 936: true, 938: true,
940: true, 941: true, 943: true, 944: true, 946: true,
947: true, 948: true, 949: true, 950: true, 951: true,
952: true, 953: true, 955: true, 956: true, 957: true,
958: true, 959: true, 960: true, 961: true, 962: true,
963: true, 964: true, 965: true, 967: true, 968: true,
969: true, 970: true, 971: true, 972: true, 973: true,
975: true, 976: true, 977: true, 978: true, 979: true,
980: true, 981: true, 984: true, 985: true, 986: true,
990: true, 994: true, 997: true, 999: true,

View File

@ -7,6 +7,14 @@ and has the ability to dive into arrays and maps of any type.
see more examples https://github.com/go-playground/validator/tree/master/_examples
Validator is designed to be thread-safe and used as a singleton instance.
It caches information about your struct and validations,
in essence only parsing your validation tags once per struct type.
Using multiple instances neglects the benefit of caching.
The not thread-safe functions are explicitly marked as such in the documentation.
Validation Functions Return Type error
Doing things this way is actually the way the standard library does, see the
@ -726,6 +734,12 @@ This validates that a string value contains unicode alphanumeric characters only
Usage: alphanumunicode
This validates that a string value can successfully be parsed into a boolean with strconv.ParseBool
Usage: boolean
This validates that a string value contains number values only.
@ -811,6 +825,12 @@ This validates that a string value is valid JSON
Usage: json
JWT String
This validates that a string value is a valid JWT
Usage: jwt
File path
This validates that a string value contains a valid file path and that

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
module github.com/go-playground/validator/v10
go 1.13
require (
github.com/go-playground/assert/v2 v2.0.1
github.com/go-playground/locales v0.13.0
github.com/go-playground/universal-translator v0.17.0
github.com/leodido/go-urn v1.2.0
golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20200622213623-75b288015ac9
golang.org/x/text v0.3.2 // indirect

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.0 h1:ZDRjVQ15GmhC3fiQ8ni8+OwkZQO4DARzQgrnXU1Liz8=
github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.0/go.mod h1:J7Y8YcW2NihsgmVo/mv3lAwl/skON4iLHjSsI+c5H38=
github.com/go-playground/assert/v2 v2.0.1 h1:MsBgLAaY856+nPRTKrp3/OZK38U/wa0CcBYNjji3q3A=
github.com/go-playground/assert/v2 v2.0.1/go.mod h1:VDjEfimB/XKnb+ZQfWdccd7VUvScMdVu0Titje2rxJ4=
github.com/go-playground/locales v0.13.0 h1:HyWk6mgj5qFqCT5fjGBuRArbVDfE4hi8+e8ceBS/t7Q=
github.com/go-playground/locales v0.13.0/go.mod h1:taPMhCMXrRLJO55olJkUXHZBHCxTMfnGwq/HNwmWNS8=
github.com/go-playground/universal-translator v0.17.0 h1:icxd5fm+REJzpZx7ZfpaD876Lmtgy7VtROAbHHXk8no=
github.com/go-playground/universal-translator v0.17.0/go.mod h1:UkSxE5sNxxRwHyU+Scu5vgOQjsIJAF8j9muTVoKLVtA=
github.com/leodido/go-urn v1.2.0 h1:hpXL4XnriNwQ/ABnpepYM/1vCLWNDfUNts8dX3xTG6Y=
github.com/leodido/go-urn v1.2.0/go.mod h1:+8+nEpDfqqsY+g338gtMEUOtuK+4dEMhiQEgxpxOKII=
github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0 h1:4DBwDE0NGyQoBHbLQYPwSUPoCMWR5BEzIk/f1lZbAQM=
github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0/go.mod h1:iKH77koFhYxTK1pcRnkKkqfTogsbg7gZNVY4sRDYZ/4=
github.com/stretchr/objx v0.1.0 h1:4G4v2dO3VZwixGIRoQ5Lfboy6nUhCyYzaqnIAPPhYs4=
github.com/stretchr/objx v0.1.0/go.mod h1:HFkY916IF+rwdDfMAkV7OtwuqBVzrE8GR6GFx+wExME=
github.com/stretchr/testify v1.4.0 h1:2E4SXV/wtOkTonXsotYi4li6zVWxYlZuYNCXe9XRJyk=
github.com/stretchr/testify v1.4.0/go.mod h1:j7eGeouHqKxXV5pUuKE4zz7dFj8WfuZ+81PSLYec5m4=
golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20190308221718-c2843e01d9a2/go.mod h1:djNgcEr1/C05ACkg1iLfiJU5Ep61QUkGW8qpdssI0+w=
golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20200622213623-75b288015ac9 h1:psW17arqaxU48Z5kZ0CQnkZWQJsqcURM6tKiBApRjXI=
golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20200622213623-75b288015ac9/go.mod h1:LzIPMQfyMNhhGPhUkYOs5KpL4U8rLKemX1yGLhDgUto=
golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20190404232315-eb5bcb51f2a3 h1:0GoQqolDA55aaLxZyTzK/Y2ePZzZTUrRacwib7cNsYQ=
golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20190404232315-eb5bcb51f2a3/go.mod h1:t9HGtf8HONx5eT2rtn7q6eTqICYqUVnKs3thJo3Qplg=
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190215142949-d0b11bdaac8a/go.mod h1:STP8DvDyc/dI5b8T5hshtkjS+E42TnysNCUPdjciGhY=
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190412213103-97732733099d h1:+R4KGOnez64A81RvjARKc4UT5/tI9ujCIVX+P5KiHuI=
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190412213103-97732733099d/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7wpKNCjG9DtNlClVuFLEZdDNbEs=
golang.org/x/text v0.3.0/go.mod h1:NqM8EUOU14njkJ3fqMW+pc6Ldnwhi/IjpwHt7yyuwOQ=
golang.org/x/text v0.3.2 h1:tW2bmiBqwgJj/UpqtC8EpXEZVYOwU0yG4iWbprSVAcs=
golang.org/x/text v0.3.2/go.mod h1:bEr9sfX3Q8Zfm5fL9x+3itogRgK3+ptLWKqgva+5dAk=
golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20180917221912-90fa682c2a6e h1:FDhOuMEY4JVRztM/gsbk+IKUQ8kj74bxZrgw87eMMVc=
golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20180917221912-90fa682c2a6e/go.mod h1:n7NCudcB/nEzxVGmLbDWY5pfWTLqBcC2KZ6jyYvM4mQ=
gopkg.in/check.v1 v0.0.0-20161208181325-20d25e280405 h1:yhCVgyC4o1eVCa2tZl7eS0r+SDo693bJlVdllGtEeKM=
gopkg.in/check.v1 v0.0.0-20161208181325-20d25e280405/go.mod h1:Co6ibVJAznAaIkqp8huTwlJQCZ016jof/cbN4VW5Yz0=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.2 h1:ZCJp+EgiOT7lHqUV2J862kp8Qj64Jo6az82+3Td9dZw=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.2/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI=

View File

@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ const (
uRLEncodedRegexString = `^(?:[^%]|%[0-9A-Fa-f]{2})*$`
hTMLEncodedRegexString = `&#[x]?([0-9a-fA-F]{2})|(&gt)|(&lt)|(&quot)|(&amp)+[;]?`
hTMLRegexString = `<[/]?([a-zA-Z]+).*?>`
jWTRegexString = "^[A-Za-z0-9-_]+\\.[A-Za-z0-9-_]+\\.[A-Za-z0-9-_]*$"
splitParamsRegexString = `'[^']*'|\S+`
bicRegexString = `^[A-Za-z]{6}[A-Za-z0-9]{2}([A-Za-z0-9]{3})?$`
@ -98,6 +99,7 @@ var (
uRLEncodedRegex = regexp.MustCompile(uRLEncodedRegexString)
hTMLEncodedRegex = regexp.MustCompile(hTMLEncodedRegexString)
hTMLRegex = regexp.MustCompile(hTMLRegexString)
jWTRegex = regexp.MustCompile(jWTRegexString)
splitParamsRegex = regexp.MustCompile(splitParamsRegexString)
bicRegex = regexp.MustCompile(bicRegexString)

View File

@ -89,6 +89,10 @@ type Validate struct {
// New returns a new instance of 'validate' with sane defaults.
// Validate is designed to be thread-safe and used as a singleton instance.
// It caches information about your struct and validations,
// in essence only parsing your validation tags once per struct type.
// Using multiple instances neglects the benefit of caching.
func New() *Validate {
tc := new(tagCache)
@ -207,11 +211,11 @@ func (v *Validate) RegisterValidationCtx(tag string, fn FuncCtx, callValidationE
func (v *Validate) registerValidation(tag string, fn FuncCtx, bakedIn bool, nilCheckable bool) error {
if len(tag) == 0 {
return errors.New("Function Key cannot be empty")
return errors.New("function Key cannot be empty")
if fn == nil {
return errors.New("Function cannot be empty")
return errors.New("function cannot be empty")
_, ok := restrictedTags[tag]

View File

@ -28,4 +28,5 @@ comment:
require_changes: no
- internal/encoder/vm_debug
- internal/encoder/vm_color
- internal/encoder/vm_color_indent

View File

@ -1,3 +1,118 @@
# v0.7.8 - 2021/09/01
* Fix mapassign_faststr for indirect struct type ( #283 )
* Fix encoding of not empty interface type ( #284 )
* Fix encoding of empty struct interface type ( #286 )
# v0.7.7 - 2021/08/25
* Fix invalid utf8 on stream decoder ( #279 )
* Fix buffer length bug on string stream decoder ( #280 )
Thank you @orisano !!
# v0.7.6 - 2021/08/13
* Fix nil slice assignment ( #276 )
* Improve error message ( #277 )
# v0.7.5 - 2021/08/12
* Fix encoding of embedded struct with tags ( #265 )
* Fix encoding of embedded struct that isn't first field ( #272 )
* Fix decoding of binary type with escaped char ( #273 )
# v0.7.4 - 2021/07/06
* Fix encoding of indirect layout structure ( #264 )
# v0.7.3 - 2021/06/29
* Fix encoding of pointer type in empty interface ( #262 )
# v0.7.2 - 2021/06/26
### Fix decoder
* Add decoder for func type to fix decoding of nil function value ( #257 )
* Fix stream decoding of []byte type ( #258 )
### Performance
* Improve decoding performance of map[string]interface{} type ( use `mapassign_faststr` ) ( #256 )
* Improve encoding performance of empty interface type ( remove recursive calling of `vm.Run` ) ( #259 )
### Benchmark
* Add bytedance/sonic as benchmark target ( #254 )
# v0.7.1 - 2021/06/18
### Fix decoder
* Fix error when unmarshal empty array ( #253 )
# v0.7.0 - 2021/06/12
### Support context for MarshalJSON and UnmarshalJSON ( #248 )
* json.MarshalContext(context.Context, interface{}, ...json.EncodeOption) ([]byte, error)
* json.NewEncoder(io.Writer).EncodeContext(context.Context, interface{}, ...json.EncodeOption) error
* json.UnmarshalContext(context.Context, []byte, interface{}, ...json.DecodeOption) error
* json.NewDecoder(io.Reader).DecodeContext(context.Context, interface{}) error
type MarshalerContext interface {
MarshalJSON(context.Context) ([]byte, error)
type UnmarshalerContext interface {
UnmarshalJSON(context.Context, []byte) error
### Add DecodeFieldPriorityFirstWin option ( #242 )
In the default behavior, go-json, like encoding/json, will reflect the result of the last evaluation when a field with the same name exists. I've added new options to allow you to change this behavior. `json.DecodeFieldPriorityFirstWin` option reflects the result of the first evaluation if a field with the same name exists. This behavior has a performance advantage as it allows the subsequent strings to be skipped if all fields have been evaluated.
### Fix encoder
* Fix indent number contains recursive type ( #249 )
* Fix encoding of using empty interface as map key ( #244 )
### Fix decoder
* Fix decoding fields containing escaped characters ( #237 )
### Refactor
* Move some tests to subdirectory ( #243 )
* Refactor package layout for decoder ( #238 )
# v0.6.1 - 2021/06/02
### Fix encoder
* Fix value of totalLength for encoding ( #236 )
# v0.6.0 - 2021/06/01
### Support Colorize option for encoding (#233)
b, err := json.MarshalWithOption(v, json.Colorize(json.DefaultColorScheme))
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(string(b)) // print colored json
### Refactor
* Fix opcode layout - Adjust memory layout of the opcode to 128 bytes in a 64-bit environment ( #230 )
* Refactor encode option ( #231 )
* Refactor escape string ( #232 )
# v0.5.1 - 2021/5/20
### Optimization

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
PKG := github.com/goccy/go-json
BIN_DIR := $(CURDIR)/bin
PKGS := $(shell go list ./... | grep -v internal/cmd)
PKGS := $(shell go list ./... | grep -v internal/cmd|grep -v test)
COVER_PKGS := $(foreach pkg,$(PKGS),$(subst $(PKG),.,$(pkg)))
COMMA := ,
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ $(BIN_DIR):
.PHONY: cover
go test -coverpkg=$(COVERPKG_OPT) -coverprofile=cover.out .
go test -coverpkg=$(COVERPKG_OPT) -coverprofile=cover.out ./...
.PHONY: cover-html
cover-html: cover

View File

@ -13,23 +13,26 @@ Fast JSON encoder/decoder compatible with encoding/json for Go
* version ( expected release date )
* v0.5.0
| refactor all sources for maintainability and improve performance
* v0.6.0 ( 2021/05 Mid )
* v0.7.0
| while maintaining compatibility with encoding/json, we will add convenient APIs
* v1.0.0 ( 2021/06 Mid )
* v1.0.0
We are accepting requests for features that will be implemented between v0.6.0 and v.1.0.0.
We are accepting requests for features that will be implemented between v0.7.0 and v.1.0.0.
If you have the API you need, please submit your issue [here](https://github.com/goccy/go-json/issues).
For example, I'm thinking of supporting `context.Context` of `json.Marshaler` and decoding using JSON Path.
# Features
- Drop-in replacement of `encoding/json`
- Fast ( See [Benchmark section](https://github.com/goccy/go-json#benchmarks) )
- Flexible customization with options
- Coloring the encoded string
- Can propagate context.Context to `MarshalJSON` or `UnmarshalJSON`
# Installation
@ -53,13 +56,26 @@ Replace import statement from `encoding/json` to `github.com/goccy/go-json`
| [json-iterator/go](https://github.com/json-iterator/go) | yes | yes | partial |
| [easyjson](https://github.com/mailru/easyjson) | yes | yes | no |
| [gojay](https://github.com/francoispqt/gojay) | yes | yes | no |
| [segmentio/encoding/json](https://github.com/segmentio/encoding/tree/master/json) | yes | yes | yes |
| [segmentio/encoding/json](https://github.com/segmentio/encoding/tree/master/json) | yes | yes | partial |
| [jettison](https://github.com/wI2L/jettison) | yes | no | no |
| [simdjson-go](https://github.com/minio/simdjson-go) | no | yes | no |
| goccy/go-json | yes | yes | yes |
- `json-iterator/go` isn't compatible with `encoding/json` in many ways, but it hasn't been supported for a long time.
- `json-iterator/go` isn't compatible with `encoding/json` in many ways (e.g. https://github.com/json-iterator/go/issues/229 ), but it hasn't been supported for a long time.
- `segmentio/encoding/json` is well supported for encoders, but some are not supported for decoder APIs such as `Token` ( streaming decode )
## Other libraries
- [jingo](https://github.com/bet365/jingo)
I tried the benchmark but it didn't work.
Also, it seems to panic when it receives an unexpected value because there is no error handling...
- [ffjson](https://github.com/pquerna/ffjson)
Benchmarking gave very slow results.
It seems that it is assumed that the user will use the buffer pool properly.
Also, development seems to have already stopped
# Benchmarks
@ -176,7 +192,7 @@ For this reason, to date `reflect.Type` is the same as `*reflect.rtype`.
Therefore, by directly handling `*reflect.rtype`, which is an implementation of `reflect.Type`, it is possible to avoid escaping because it changes from `interface` to using `struct`.
The technique for working with `*reflect.rtype` directly from `go-json` is implemented at https://github.com/goccy/go-json/blob/master/rtype.go.
The technique for working with `*reflect.rtype` directly from `go-json` is implemented at [rtype.go](https://github.com/goccy/go-json/blob/master/internal/runtime/rtype.go)
Also, the same technique is cut out as a library ( https://github.com/goccy/go-reflect )
@ -337,7 +353,7 @@ However, if there is too much type information, it will use a lot of memory, so
If this approach is not available, it will fall back to the `atomic` based process described above.
If you want to know more, please refer to the implementation [here](https://github.com/goccy/go-json/blob/master/codec.go#L24-L76 )
If you want to know more, please refer to the implementation [here](https://github.com/goccy/go-json/blob/master/internal/runtime/type.go#L36-L100)
## Decoder

View File

@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
package json
import (
const (
maxAcceptableTypeAddrRange = 1024 * 1024 * 2 // 2 Mib
var (
cachedDecoder []decoder
cachedDecoderMap unsafe.Pointer // map[uintptr]decoder
baseTypeAddr uintptr
maxTypeAddr uintptr
typeAddrShift uintptr
//go:linkname typelinks reflect.typelinks
func typelinks() ([]unsafe.Pointer, [][]int32)
//go:linkname rtypeOff reflect.rtypeOff
func rtypeOff(unsafe.Pointer, int32) unsafe.Pointer
func setupCodec() error {
sections, offsets := typelinks()
if len(sections) != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get sections")
if len(offsets) != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get offsets")
section := sections[0]
offset := offsets[0]
var (
min uintptr = uintptr(^uint(0))
max uintptr = 0
isAligned64 = true
isAligned32 = true
for i := 0; i < len(offset); i++ {
typ := (*rtype)(rtypeOff(section, offset[i]))
addr := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(typ))
if min > addr {
min = addr
if max < addr {
max = addr
if typ.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
addr = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(typ.Elem()))
if min > addr {
min = addr
if max < addr {
max = addr
// check every address is aligned from the base address
isAligned64 = isAligned64 && (addr-min)&63 == 0
isAligned32 = isAligned32 && (addr-min)&31 == 0
addrRange := max - min
if addrRange == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get address range of types")
if isAligned64 {
typeAddrShift = 6
} else if isAligned32 {
typeAddrShift = 5
cacheSize := addrRange >> typeAddrShift
if cacheSize > maxAcceptableTypeAddrRange {
return fmt.Errorf("too big address range %d", addrRange)
cachedDecoder = make([]decoder, cacheSize)
baseTypeAddr = min
maxTypeAddr = max
return nil
func init() {
_ = setupCodec()
func loadDecoderMap() map[uintptr]decoder {
p := atomic.LoadPointer(&cachedDecoderMap)
return *(*map[uintptr]decoder)(unsafe.Pointer(&p))
func storeDecoder(typ uintptr, dec decoder, m map[uintptr]decoder) {
newDecoderMap := make(map[uintptr]decoder, len(m)+1)
newDecoderMap[typ] = dec
for k, v := range m {
newDecoderMap[k] = v
atomic.StorePointer(&cachedDecoderMap, *(*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&newDecoderMap)))

vendor/github.com/goccy/go-json/color.go generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
package json
import (
type (
ColorFormat = encoder.ColorFormat
ColorScheme = encoder.ColorScheme
const escape = "\x1b"
type colorAttr int
const (
fgBlackColor colorAttr = iota + 30
const (
fgHiBlackColor colorAttr = iota + 90
func createColorFormat(attr colorAttr) ColorFormat {
return ColorFormat{
Header: wrapColor(attr),
Footer: resetColor(),
func wrapColor(attr colorAttr) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s[%dm", escape, attr)
func resetColor() string {
return wrapColor(colorAttr(0))
var (
DefaultColorScheme = &ColorScheme{
Int: createColorFormat(fgHiMagentaColor),
Uint: createColorFormat(fgHiMagentaColor),
Float: createColorFormat(fgHiMagentaColor),
Bool: createColorFormat(fgHiYellowColor),
String: createColorFormat(fgHiGreenColor),
Binary: createColorFormat(fgHiRedColor),
ObjectKey: createColorFormat(fgHiCyanColor),
Null: createColorFormat(fgBlueColor),

View File

@ -1,34 +1,31 @@
package json
import (
type decoder interface {
decode([]byte, int64, int64, unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error)
decodeStream(*stream, int64, unsafe.Pointer) error
type Decoder struct {
s *stream
s *decoder.Stream
var (
unmarshalJSONType = reflect.TypeOf((*Unmarshaler)(nil)).Elem()
unmarshalTextType = reflect.TypeOf((*encoding.TextUnmarshaler)(nil)).Elem()
const (
nul = '\000'
maxDecodeNestingDepth = 10000
func unmarshal(data []byte, v interface{}) error {
type emptyInterface struct {
typ *runtime.Type
ptr unsafe.Pointer
func unmarshal(data []byte, v interface{}, optFuncs ...DecodeOptionFunc) error {
src := make([]byte, len(data)+1) // append nul byte to the end
copy(src, data)
@ -37,18 +34,26 @@ func unmarshal(data []byte, v interface{}) error {
if err := validateType(header.typ, uintptr(header.ptr)); err != nil {
return err
dec, err := decodeCompileToGetDecoder(header.typ)
dec, err := decoder.CompileToGetDecoder(header.typ)
if err != nil {
return err
cursor, err := dec.decode(src, 0, 0, header.ptr)
ctx := decoder.TakeRuntimeContext()
ctx.Buf = src
ctx.Option.Flags = 0
for _, optFunc := range optFuncs {
cursor, err := dec.Decode(ctx, 0, 0, header.ptr)
if err != nil {
return err
return validateEndBuf(src, cursor)
func unmarshalNoEscape(data []byte, v interface{}) error {
func unmarshalContext(ctx context.Context, data []byte, v interface{}, optFuncs ...DecodeOptionFunc) error {
src := make([]byte, len(data)+1) // append nul byte to the end
copy(src, data)
@ -57,14 +62,53 @@ func unmarshalNoEscape(data []byte, v interface{}) error {
if err := validateType(header.typ, uintptr(header.ptr)); err != nil {
return err
dec, err := decodeCompileToGetDecoder(header.typ)
dec, err := decoder.CompileToGetDecoder(header.typ)
if err != nil {
return err
cursor, err := dec.decode(src, 0, 0, noescape(header.ptr))
rctx := decoder.TakeRuntimeContext()
rctx.Buf = src
rctx.Option.Flags = 0
rctx.Option.Flags |= decoder.ContextOption
rctx.Option.Context = ctx
for _, optFunc := range optFuncs {
cursor, err := dec.Decode(rctx, 0, 0, header.ptr)
if err != nil {
return err
return validateEndBuf(src, cursor)
func unmarshalNoEscape(data []byte, v interface{}, optFuncs ...DecodeOptionFunc) error {
src := make([]byte, len(data)+1) // append nul byte to the end
copy(src, data)
header := (*emptyInterface)(unsafe.Pointer(&v))
if err := validateType(header.typ, uintptr(header.ptr)); err != nil {
return err
dec, err := decoder.CompileToGetDecoder(header.typ)
if err != nil {
return err
ctx := decoder.TakeRuntimeContext()
ctx.Buf = src
ctx.Option.Flags = 0
for _, optFunc := range optFuncs {
cursor, err := dec.Decode(ctx, 0, 0, noescape(header.ptr))
if err != nil {
return err
return validateEndBuf(src, cursor)
@ -77,7 +121,7 @@ func validateEndBuf(src []byte, cursor int64) error {
case nul:
return nil
return errSyntax(
return errors.ErrSyntax(
fmt.Sprintf("invalid character '%c' after top-level value", src[cursor]),
@ -91,9 +135,9 @@ func noescape(p unsafe.Pointer) unsafe.Pointer {
return unsafe.Pointer(x ^ 0)
func validateType(typ *rtype, p uintptr) error {
func validateType(typ *runtime.Type, p uintptr) error {
if typ == nil || typ.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || p == 0 {
return &InvalidUnmarshalError{Type: rtype2type(typ)}
return &InvalidUnmarshalError{Type: runtime.RType2Type(typ)}
return nil
@ -103,7 +147,7 @@ func validateType(typ *rtype, p uintptr) error {
// The decoder introduces its own buffering and may
// read data from r beyond the JSON values requested.
func NewDecoder(r io.Reader) *Decoder {
s := newStream(r)
s := decoder.NewStream(r)
return &Decoder{
s: s,
@ -112,28 +156,7 @@ func NewDecoder(r io.Reader) *Decoder {
// Buffered returns a reader of the data remaining in the Decoder's
// buffer. The reader is valid until the next call to Decode.
func (d *Decoder) Buffered() io.Reader {
return d.s.buffered()
func (d *Decoder) prepareForDecode() error {
s := d.s
for {
switch s.char() {
case ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n':
case ',', ':':
return nil
case nul:
if s.read() {
return io.EOF
return nil
return d.s.Buffered()
// Decode reads the next JSON-encoded value from its
@ -142,120 +165,68 @@ func (d *Decoder) prepareForDecode() error {
// See the documentation for Unmarshal for details about
// the conversion of JSON into a Go value.
func (d *Decoder) Decode(v interface{}) error {
return d.DecodeWithOption(v)
// DecodeContext reads the next JSON-encoded value from its
// input and stores it in the value pointed to by v with context.Context.
func (d *Decoder) DecodeContext(ctx context.Context, v interface{}) error {
d.s.Option.Flags |= decoder.ContextOption
d.s.Option.Context = ctx
return d.DecodeWithOption(v)
func (d *Decoder) DecodeWithOption(v interface{}, optFuncs ...DecodeOptionFunc) error {
header := (*emptyInterface)(unsafe.Pointer(&v))
typ := header.typ
ptr := uintptr(header.ptr)
typeptr := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(typ))
// noescape trick for header.typ ( reflect.*rtype )
copiedType := *(**rtype)(unsafe.Pointer(&typeptr))
copiedType := *(**runtime.Type)(unsafe.Pointer(&typeptr))
if err := validateType(copiedType, ptr); err != nil {
return err
dec, err := decodeCompileToGetDecoder(typ)
dec, err := decoder.CompileToGetDecoder(typ)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := d.prepareForDecode(); err != nil {
if err := d.s.PrepareForDecode(); err != nil {
return err
s := d.s
if err := dec.decodeStream(s, 0, header.ptr); err != nil {
for _, optFunc := range optFuncs {
if err := dec.DecodeStream(s, 0, header.ptr); err != nil {
return err
s.bufSize = initBufSize
return nil
func (d *Decoder) More() bool {
s := d.s
for {
switch s.char() {
case ' ', '\n', '\r', '\t':
case '}', ']':
return false
case nul:
if s.read() {
return false
return true
return d.s.More()
func (d *Decoder) Token() (Token, error) {
s := d.s
for {
c := s.char()
switch c {
case ' ', '\n', '\r', '\t':
case '{', '[', ']', '}':
return Delim(c), nil
case ',', ':':
case '-', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
bytes := floatBytes(s)
s := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&bytes))
f64, err := strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return f64, nil
case '"':
bytes, err := stringBytes(s)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return string(bytes), nil
case 't':
if err := trueBytes(s); err != nil {
return nil, err
return true, nil
case 'f':
if err := falseBytes(s); err != nil {
return nil, err
return false, nil
case 'n':
if err := nullBytes(s); err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, nil
case nul:
if s.read() {
goto END
return nil, errInvalidCharacter(s.char(), "token", s.totalOffset())
return nil, io.EOF
return d.s.Token()
// DisallowUnknownFields causes the Decoder to return an error when the destination
// is a struct and the input contains object keys which do not match any
// non-ignored, exported fields in the destination.
func (d *Decoder) DisallowUnknownFields() {
d.s.disallowUnknownFields = true
d.s.DisallowUnknownFields = true
func (d *Decoder) InputOffset() int64 {
return d.s.totalOffset()
return d.s.TotalOffset()
// UseNumber causes the Decoder to unmarshal a number into an interface{} as a
// Number instead of as a float64.
func (d *Decoder) UseNumber() {
d.s.useNumber = true
d.s.UseNumber = true

View File

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
package json
import (
type anonymousFieldDecoder struct {
structType *rtype
offset uintptr
dec decoder
func newAnonymousFieldDecoder(structType *rtype, offset uintptr, dec decoder) *anonymousFieldDecoder {
return &anonymousFieldDecoder{
structType: structType,
offset: offset,
dec: dec,
func (d *anonymousFieldDecoder) decodeStream(s *stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
if *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) == nil {
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = unsafe_New(d.structType)
p = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p)
return d.dec.decodeStream(s, depth, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p)+d.offset))
func (d *anonymousFieldDecoder) decode(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
if *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) == nil {
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = unsafe_New(d.structType)
p = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p)
return d.dec.decode(buf, cursor, depth, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p)+d.offset))

View File

@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
package json
import (
type bytesDecoder struct {
typ *rtype
sliceDecoder decoder
structName string
fieldName string
func byteUnmarshalerSliceDecoder(typ *rtype, structName string, fieldName string) decoder {
var unmarshalDecoder decoder
switch {
case rtype_ptrTo(typ).Implements(unmarshalJSONType):
unmarshalDecoder = newUnmarshalJSONDecoder(rtype_ptrTo(typ), structName, fieldName)
case rtype_ptrTo(typ).Implements(unmarshalTextType):
unmarshalDecoder = newUnmarshalTextDecoder(rtype_ptrTo(typ), structName, fieldName)
if unmarshalDecoder == nil {
return nil
return newSliceDecoder(unmarshalDecoder, typ, 1, structName, fieldName)
func newBytesDecoder(typ *rtype, structName string, fieldName string) *bytesDecoder {
return &bytesDecoder{
typ: typ,
sliceDecoder: byteUnmarshalerSliceDecoder(typ, structName, fieldName),
structName: structName,
fieldName: fieldName,
func (d *bytesDecoder) decodeStream(s *stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
bytes, err := d.decodeStreamBinary(s, depth, p)
if err != nil {
return err
if bytes == nil {
return nil
decodedLen := base64.StdEncoding.DecodedLen(len(bytes))
buf := make([]byte, decodedLen)
if _, err := base64.StdEncoding.Decode(buf, bytes); err != nil {
return err
*(*[]byte)(p) = buf
return nil
func (d *bytesDecoder) decode(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
bytes, c, err := d.decodeBinary(buf, cursor, depth, p)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if bytes == nil {
return c, nil
cursor = c
decodedLen := base64.StdEncoding.DecodedLen(len(bytes))
b := make([]byte, decodedLen)
n, err := base64.StdEncoding.Decode(b, bytes)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
*(*[]byte)(p) = b[:n]
return cursor, nil
func binaryBytes(s *stream) ([]byte, error) {
start := s.cursor
for {
switch s.char() {
case '"':
literal := s.buf[start:s.cursor]
return literal, nil
case nul:
if s.read() {
goto ERROR
return nil, errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("[]byte", s.totalOffset())
func (d *bytesDecoder) decodeStreamBinary(s *stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) ([]byte, error) {
for {
switch s.char() {
case ' ', '\n', '\t', '\r':
case '"':
return binaryBytes(s)
case 'n':
if err := nullBytes(s); err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, nil
case '[':
if d.sliceDecoder == nil {
return nil, &UnmarshalTypeError{
Type: rtype2type(d.typ),
Offset: s.totalOffset(),
if err := d.sliceDecoder.decodeStream(s, depth, p); err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, nil
case nul:
if s.read() {
return nil, errNotAtBeginningOfValue(s.totalOffset())
func (d *bytesDecoder) decodeBinary(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) ([]byte, int64, error) {
for {
switch buf[cursor] {
case ' ', '\n', '\t', '\r':
case '"':
start := cursor
for {
switch buf[cursor] {
case '"':
literal := buf[start:cursor]
return literal, cursor, nil
case nul:
return nil, 0, errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("[]byte", cursor)
case '[':
if d.sliceDecoder == nil {
return nil, 0, &UnmarshalTypeError{
Type: rtype2type(d.typ),
Offset: cursor,
c, err := d.sliceDecoder.decode(buf, cursor, depth, p)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
return nil, c, nil
case 'n':
if err := validateNull(buf, cursor); err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
cursor += 4
return nil, cursor, nil
return nil, 0, errNotAtBeginningOfValue(cursor)

View File

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
// +build !race
package json
import "unsafe"
func decodeCompileToGetDecoder(typ *rtype) (decoder, error) {
typeptr := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(typ))
if typeptr > maxTypeAddr {
return decodeCompileToGetDecoderSlowPath(typeptr, typ)
index := (typeptr - baseTypeAddr) >> typeAddrShift
if dec := cachedDecoder[index]; dec != nil {
return dec, nil
dec, err := decodeCompileHead(typ, map[uintptr]decoder{})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cachedDecoder[index] = dec
return dec, nil

View File

@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
package json
import (
type mapDecoder struct {
mapType *rtype
keyType *rtype
valueType *rtype
keyDecoder decoder
valueDecoder decoder
structName string
fieldName string
func newMapDecoder(mapType *rtype, keyType *rtype, keyDec decoder, valueType *rtype, valueDec decoder, structName, fieldName string) *mapDecoder {
return &mapDecoder{
mapType: mapType,
keyDecoder: keyDec,
keyType: keyType,
valueType: valueType,
valueDecoder: valueDec,
structName: structName,
fieldName: fieldName,
//go:linkname makemap reflect.makemap
func makemap(*rtype, int) unsafe.Pointer
//go:linkname mapassign reflect.mapassign
func mapassign(t *rtype, m unsafe.Pointer, key, val unsafe.Pointer)
func (d *mapDecoder) decodeStream(s *stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
if depth > maxDecodeNestingDepth {
return errExceededMaxDepth(s.char(), s.cursor)
switch s.char() {
case 'n':
if err := nullBytes(s); err != nil {
return err
**(**unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&p)) = nil
return nil
case '{':
return errExpected("{ character for map value", s.totalOffset())
mapValue := *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p)
if mapValue == nil {
mapValue = makemap(d.mapType, 0)
if s.buf[s.cursor+1] == '}' {
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = mapValue
s.cursor += 2
return nil
for {
k := unsafe_New(d.keyType)
if err := d.keyDecoder.decodeStream(s, depth, k); err != nil {
return err
if !s.equalChar(':') {
return errExpected("colon after object key", s.totalOffset())
v := unsafe_New(d.valueType)
if err := d.valueDecoder.decodeStream(s, depth, v); err != nil {
return err
mapassign(d.mapType, mapValue, k, v)
if s.equalChar('}') {
**(**unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&p)) = mapValue
return nil
if !s.equalChar(',') {
return errExpected("comma after object value", s.totalOffset())
func (d *mapDecoder) decode(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
if depth > maxDecodeNestingDepth {
return 0, errExceededMaxDepth(buf[cursor], cursor)
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, cursor)
buflen := int64(len(buf))
if buflen < 2 {
return 0, errExpected("{} for map", cursor)
switch buf[cursor] {
case 'n':
if err := validateNull(buf, cursor); err != nil {
return 0, err
cursor += 4
**(**unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&p)) = nil
return cursor, nil
case '{':
return 0, errExpected("{ character for map value", cursor)
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, cursor)
mapValue := *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p)
if mapValue == nil {
mapValue = makemap(d.mapType, 0)
if buf[cursor] == '}' {
**(**unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&p)) = mapValue
return cursor, nil
for {
k := unsafe_New(d.keyType)
keyCursor, err := d.keyDecoder.decode(buf, cursor, depth, k)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, keyCursor)
if buf[cursor] != ':' {
return 0, errExpected("colon after object key", cursor)
v := unsafe_New(d.valueType)
valueCursor, err := d.valueDecoder.decode(buf, cursor, depth, v)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
mapassign(d.mapType, mapValue, k, v)
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, valueCursor)
if buf[cursor] == '}' {
**(**unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&p)) = mapValue
return cursor, nil
if buf[cursor] != ',' {
return 0, errExpected("comma after object value", cursor)

View File

@ -1,623 +0,0 @@
package json
import (
type structFieldSet struct {
dec decoder
offset uintptr
isTaggedKey bool
key string
keyLen int64
err error
type structDecoder struct {
fieldMap map[string]*structFieldSet
stringDecoder *stringDecoder
structName string
fieldName string
isTriedOptimize bool
keyBitmapUint8 [][256]uint8
keyBitmapUint16 [][256]uint16
sortedFieldSets []*structFieldSet
keyDecoder func(*structDecoder, []byte, int64) (int64, *structFieldSet, error)
keyStreamDecoder func(*structDecoder, *stream) (*structFieldSet, string, error)
var (
largeToSmallTable [256]byte
func init() {
for i := 0; i < 256; i++ {
c := i
if 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' {
c += 'a' - 'A'
largeToSmallTable[i] = byte(c)
func newStructDecoder(structName, fieldName string, fieldMap map[string]*structFieldSet) *structDecoder {
return &structDecoder{
fieldMap: fieldMap,
stringDecoder: newStringDecoder(structName, fieldName),
structName: structName,
fieldName: fieldName,
keyDecoder: decodeKey,
keyStreamDecoder: decodeKeyStream,
const (
allowOptimizeMaxKeyLen = 64
allowOptimizeMaxFieldLen = 16
func (d *structDecoder) tryOptimize() {
if d.isTriedOptimize {
fieldMap := map[string]*structFieldSet{}
conflicted := map[string]struct{}{}
for k, v := range d.fieldMap {
key := strings.ToLower(k)
if key != k {
// already exists same key (e.g. Hello and HELLO has same lower case key
if _, exists := conflicted[key]; exists {
d.isTriedOptimize = true
conflicted[key] = struct{}{}
if field, exists := fieldMap[key]; exists {
if field != v {
d.isTriedOptimize = true
fieldMap[key] = v
if len(fieldMap) > allowOptimizeMaxFieldLen {
d.isTriedOptimize = true
var maxKeyLen int
sortedKeys := []string{}
for key := range fieldMap {
keyLen := len(key)
if keyLen > allowOptimizeMaxKeyLen {
d.isTriedOptimize = true
if maxKeyLen < keyLen {
maxKeyLen = keyLen
sortedKeys = append(sortedKeys, key)
// By allocating one extra capacity than `maxKeyLen`,
// it is possible to avoid the process of comparing the index of the key with the length of the bitmap each time.
bitmapLen := maxKeyLen + 1
if len(sortedKeys) <= 8 {
keyBitmap := make([][256]uint8, bitmapLen)
for i, key := range sortedKeys {
for j := 0; j < len(key); j++ {
c := key[j]
keyBitmap[j][c] |= (1 << uint(i))
d.sortedFieldSets = append(d.sortedFieldSets, fieldMap[key])
d.keyBitmapUint8 = keyBitmap
d.keyDecoder = decodeKeyByBitmapUint8
d.keyStreamDecoder = decodeKeyByBitmapUint8Stream
} else {
keyBitmap := make([][256]uint16, bitmapLen)
for i, key := range sortedKeys {
for j := 0; j < len(key); j++ {
c := key[j]
keyBitmap[j][c] |= (1 << uint(i))
d.sortedFieldSets = append(d.sortedFieldSets, fieldMap[key])
d.keyBitmapUint16 = keyBitmap
d.keyDecoder = decodeKeyByBitmapUint16
d.keyStreamDecoder = decodeKeyByBitmapUint16Stream
func decodeKeyByBitmapUint8(d *structDecoder, buf []byte, cursor int64) (int64, *structFieldSet, error) {
var (
field *structFieldSet
curBit uint8 = math.MaxUint8
b := (*sliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf)).data
for {
switch char(b, cursor) {
case ' ', '\n', '\t', '\r':
case '"':
c := char(b, cursor)
switch c {
case '"':
return cursor, field, nil
case nul:
return 0, nil, errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", cursor)
keyIdx := 0
bitmap := d.keyBitmapUint8
start := cursor
for {
c := char(b, cursor)
switch c {
case '"':
fieldSetIndex := bits.TrailingZeros8(curBit)
field = d.sortedFieldSets[fieldSetIndex]
keyLen := cursor - start
if keyLen < field.keyLen {
// early match
return cursor, nil, nil
return cursor, field, nil
case nul:
return 0, nil, errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", cursor)
curBit &= bitmap[keyIdx][largeToSmallTable[c]]
if curBit == 0 {
for {
switch char(b, cursor) {
case '"':
return cursor, field, nil
case '\\':
if char(b, cursor) == nul {
return 0, nil, errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", cursor)
case nul:
return 0, nil, errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", cursor)
return cursor, nil, errNotAtBeginningOfValue(cursor)
func decodeKeyByBitmapUint16(d *structDecoder, buf []byte, cursor int64) (int64, *structFieldSet, error) {
var (
field *structFieldSet
curBit uint16 = math.MaxUint16
b := (*sliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf)).data
for {
switch char(b, cursor) {
case ' ', '\n', '\t', '\r':
case '"':
c := char(b, cursor)
switch c {
case '"':
return cursor, field, nil
case nul:
return 0, nil, errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", cursor)
keyIdx := 0
bitmap := d.keyBitmapUint16
start := cursor
for {
c := char(b, cursor)
switch c {
case '"':
fieldSetIndex := bits.TrailingZeros16(curBit)
field = d.sortedFieldSets[fieldSetIndex]
keyLen := cursor - start
if keyLen < field.keyLen {
// early match
return cursor, nil, nil
return cursor, field, nil
case nul:
return 0, nil, errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", cursor)
curBit &= bitmap[keyIdx][largeToSmallTable[c]]
if curBit == 0 {
for {
switch char(b, cursor) {
case '"':
return cursor, field, nil
case '\\':
if char(b, cursor) == nul {
return 0, nil, errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", cursor)
case nul:
return 0, nil, errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", cursor)
return cursor, nil, errNotAtBeginningOfValue(cursor)
func decodeKey(d *structDecoder, buf []byte, cursor int64) (int64, *structFieldSet, error) {
key, c, err := d.stringDecoder.decodeByte(buf, cursor)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, err
cursor = c
k := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&key))
field, exists := d.fieldMap[k]
if !exists {
return cursor, nil, nil
return cursor, field, nil
func decodeKeyByBitmapUint8Stream(d *structDecoder, s *stream) (*structFieldSet, string, error) {
var (
field *structFieldSet
curBit uint8 = math.MaxUint8
buf, cursor, p := s.stat()
for {
switch char(p, cursor) {
case ' ', '\n', '\t', '\r':
case nul:
s.cursor = cursor
if s.read() {
buf, cursor, p = s.stat()
return nil, "", errNotAtBeginningOfValue(s.totalOffset())
case '"':
start := cursor
switch char(p, cursor) {
case '"':
s.cursor = cursor
return field, "", nil
case nul:
s.cursor = cursor
if s.read() {
buf, cursor, p = s.stat()
return nil, "", errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", s.totalOffset())
keyIdx := 0
bitmap := d.keyBitmapUint8
for {
c := char(p, cursor)
switch c {
case '"':
fieldSetIndex := bits.TrailingZeros8(curBit)
field = d.sortedFieldSets[fieldSetIndex]
keyLen := cursor - start
s.cursor = cursor
if keyLen < field.keyLen {
// early match
return nil, field.key, nil
return field, field.key, nil
case nul:
s.cursor = cursor
if s.read() {
buf, cursor, p = s.stat()
return nil, "", errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", s.totalOffset())
curBit &= bitmap[keyIdx][largeToSmallTable[c]]
if curBit == 0 {
for {
switch char(p, cursor) {
case '"':
b := buf[start:cursor]
key := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&b))
s.cursor = cursor
return field, key, nil
case '\\':
if char(p, cursor) == nul {
s.cursor = cursor
if !s.read() {
return nil, "", errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", s.totalOffset())
buf, cursor, p = s.statForRetry()
case nul:
s.cursor = cursor
if !s.read() {
return nil, "", errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", s.totalOffset())
buf, cursor, p = s.statForRetry()
return nil, "", errNotAtBeginningOfValue(s.totalOffset())
func decodeKeyByBitmapUint16Stream(d *structDecoder, s *stream) (*structFieldSet, string, error) {
var (
field *structFieldSet
curBit uint16 = math.MaxUint16
buf, cursor, p := s.stat()
for {
switch char(p, cursor) {
case ' ', '\n', '\t', '\r':
case nul:
s.cursor = cursor
if s.read() {
buf, cursor, p = s.stat()
return nil, "", errNotAtBeginningOfValue(s.totalOffset())
case '"':
start := cursor
switch char(p, cursor) {
case '"':
s.cursor = cursor
return field, "", nil
case nul:
s.cursor = cursor
if s.read() {
buf, cursor, p = s.stat()
return nil, "", errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", s.totalOffset())
keyIdx := 0
bitmap := d.keyBitmapUint16
for {
c := char(p, cursor)
switch c {
case '"':
fieldSetIndex := bits.TrailingZeros16(curBit)
field = d.sortedFieldSets[fieldSetIndex]
keyLen := cursor - start
s.cursor = cursor
if keyLen < field.keyLen {
// early match
return nil, field.key, nil
return field, field.key, nil
case nul:
s.cursor = cursor
if s.read() {
buf, cursor, p = s.stat()
return nil, "", errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", s.totalOffset())
curBit &= bitmap[keyIdx][largeToSmallTable[c]]
if curBit == 0 {
for {
switch char(p, cursor) {
case '"':
b := buf[start:cursor]
key := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&b))
s.cursor = cursor
return field, key, nil
case '\\':
if char(p, cursor) == nul {
s.cursor = cursor
if !s.read() {
return nil, "", errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", s.totalOffset())
buf, cursor, p = s.statForRetry()
case nul:
s.cursor = cursor
if !s.read() {
return nil, "", errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", s.totalOffset())
buf, cursor, p = s.statForRetry()
return nil, "", errNotAtBeginningOfValue(s.totalOffset())
func decodeKeyStream(d *structDecoder, s *stream) (*structFieldSet, string, error) {
key, err := d.stringDecoder.decodeStreamByte(s)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
k := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&key))
return d.fieldMap[k], k, nil
func (d *structDecoder) decodeStream(s *stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
if depth > maxDecodeNestingDepth {
return errExceededMaxDepth(s.char(), s.cursor)
switch s.char() {
case 'n':
if err := nullBytes(s); err != nil {
return err
return nil
case nul:
if s.char() != '{' {
return errNotAtBeginningOfValue(s.totalOffset())
if s.char() == '}' {
return nil
for {
field, key, err := d.keyStreamDecoder(d, s)
if err != nil {
return err
if s.char() != ':' {
return errExpected("colon after object key", s.totalOffset())
if s.char() == nul {
if !s.read() {
return errExpected("object value after colon", s.totalOffset())
if field != nil {
if field.err != nil {
return field.err
if err := field.dec.decodeStream(s, depth, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p)+field.offset)); err != nil {
return err
} else if s.disallowUnknownFields {
return fmt.Errorf("json: unknown field %q", key)
} else {
if err := s.skipValue(depth); err != nil {
return err
c := s.char()
if c == '}' {
return nil
if c != ',' {
return errExpected("comma after object element", s.totalOffset())
func (d *structDecoder) decode(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
if depth > maxDecodeNestingDepth {
return 0, errExceededMaxDepth(buf[cursor], cursor)
buflen := int64(len(buf))
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, cursor)
b := (*sliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf)).data
switch char(b, cursor) {
case 'n':
if err := validateNull(buf, cursor); err != nil {
return 0, err
cursor += 4
return cursor, nil
case '{':
return 0, errNotAtBeginningOfValue(cursor)
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, cursor)
if buf[cursor] == '}' {
return cursor, nil
for {
c, field, err := d.keyDecoder(d, buf, cursor)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, c)
if char(b, cursor) != ':' {
return 0, errExpected("colon after object key", cursor)
if cursor >= buflen {
return 0, errExpected("object value after colon", cursor)
if field != nil {
if field.err != nil {
return 0, field.err
c, err := field.dec.decode(buf, cursor, depth, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p)+field.offset))
if err != nil {
return 0, err
cursor = c
} else {
c, err := skipValue(buf, cursor, depth)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
cursor = c
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, cursor)
if char(b, cursor) == '}' {
return cursor, nil
if char(b, cursor) != ',' {
return 0, errExpected("comma after object element", cursor)

View File

@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
package json
import (
type unmarshalJSONDecoder struct {
typ *rtype
structName string
fieldName string
func newUnmarshalJSONDecoder(typ *rtype, structName, fieldName string) *unmarshalJSONDecoder {
return &unmarshalJSONDecoder{
typ: typ,
structName: structName,
fieldName: fieldName,
func (d *unmarshalJSONDecoder) annotateError(cursor int64, err error) {
switch e := err.(type) {
case *UnmarshalTypeError:
e.Struct = d.structName
e.Field = d.fieldName
case *SyntaxError:
e.Offset = cursor
func (d *unmarshalJSONDecoder) decodeStream(s *stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
start := s.cursor
if err := s.skipValue(depth); err != nil {
return err
src := s.buf[start:s.cursor]
dst := make([]byte, len(src))
copy(dst, src)
v := *(*interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(&emptyInterface{
typ: d.typ,
ptr: p,
if err := v.(Unmarshaler).UnmarshalJSON(dst); err != nil {
d.annotateError(s.cursor, err)
return err
return nil
func (d *unmarshalJSONDecoder) decode(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, cursor)
start := cursor
end, err := skipValue(buf, cursor, depth)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
src := buf[start:end]
dst := make([]byte, len(src))
copy(dst, src)
v := *(*interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(&emptyInterface{
typ: d.typ,
ptr: p,
if err := v.(Unmarshaler).UnmarshalJSON(dst); err != nil {
d.annotateError(cursor, err)
return 0, err
return end, nil

View File

@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
package json
import (
@ -20,15 +21,6 @@ type Encoder struct {
indentStr string
type EncodeOption int
const (
EncodeOptionHTMLEscape EncodeOption = 1 << iota
// NewEncoder returns a new encoder that writes to w.
func NewEncoder(w io.Writer) *Encoder {
return &Encoder{w: w, enabledHTMLEscape: true}
@ -44,6 +36,7 @@ func (e *Encoder) Encode(v interface{}) error {
// EncodeWithOption call Encode with EncodeOption.
func (e *Encoder) EncodeWithOption(v interface{}, optFuncs ...EncodeOptionFunc) error {
ctx := encoder.TakeRuntimeContext()
ctx.Option.Flag = 0
err := e.encodeWithOption(ctx, v, optFuncs...)
@ -51,22 +44,34 @@ func (e *Encoder) EncodeWithOption(v interface{}, optFuncs ...EncodeOptionFunc)
return err
// EncodeContext call Encode with context.Context and EncodeOption.
func (e *Encoder) EncodeContext(ctx context.Context, v interface{}, optFuncs ...EncodeOptionFunc) error {
rctx := encoder.TakeRuntimeContext()
rctx.Option.Flag = 0
rctx.Option.Flag |= encoder.ContextOption
rctx.Option.Context = ctx
err := e.encodeWithOption(rctx, v, optFuncs...)
return err
func (e *Encoder) encodeWithOption(ctx *encoder.RuntimeContext, v interface{}, optFuncs ...EncodeOptionFunc) error {
var opt EncodeOption
if e.enabledHTMLEscape {
opt |= EncodeOptionHTMLEscape
ctx.Option.Flag |= encoder.HTMLEscapeOption
for _, optFunc := range optFuncs {
opt = optFunc(opt)
var (
buf []byte
err error
if e.enabledIndent {
buf, err = encodeIndent(ctx, v, e.prefix, e.indentStr, opt)
buf, err = encodeIndent(ctx, v, e.prefix, e.indentStr)
} else {
buf, err = encode(ctx, v, opt)
buf, err = encode(ctx, v)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -103,10 +108,43 @@ func (e *Encoder) SetIndent(prefix, indent string) {
e.enabledIndent = true
func marshal(v interface{}, opt EncodeOption) ([]byte, error) {
func marshalContext(ctx context.Context, v interface{}, optFuncs ...EncodeOptionFunc) ([]byte, error) {
rctx := encoder.TakeRuntimeContext()
rctx.Option.Flag = 0
rctx.Option.Flag = encoder.HTMLEscapeOption | encoder.ContextOption
rctx.Option.Context = ctx
for _, optFunc := range optFuncs {
buf, err := encode(rctx, v)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// this line exists to escape call of `runtime.makeslicecopy` .
// if use `make([]byte, len(buf)-1)` and `copy(copied, buf)`,
// dst buffer size and src buffer size are differrent.
// in this case, compiler uses `runtime.makeslicecopy`, but it is slow.
buf = buf[:len(buf)-1]
copied := make([]byte, len(buf))
copy(copied, buf)
return copied, nil
func marshal(v interface{}, optFuncs ...EncodeOptionFunc) ([]byte, error) {
ctx := encoder.TakeRuntimeContext()
buf, err := encode(ctx, v, opt|EncodeOptionHTMLEscape)
ctx.Option.Flag = 0
ctx.Option.Flag |= encoder.HTMLEscapeOption
for _, optFunc := range optFuncs {
buf, err := encode(ctx, v)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -124,10 +162,13 @@ func marshal(v interface{}, opt EncodeOption) ([]byte, error) {
return copied, nil
func marshalNoEscape(v interface{}, opt EncodeOption) ([]byte, error) {
func marshalNoEscape(v interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
ctx := encoder.TakeRuntimeContext()
buf, err := encodeNoEscape(ctx, v, opt|EncodeOptionHTMLEscape)
ctx.Option.Flag = 0
ctx.Option.Flag |= encoder.HTMLEscapeOption
buf, err := encodeNoEscape(ctx, v)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -145,10 +186,16 @@ func marshalNoEscape(v interface{}, opt EncodeOption) ([]byte, error) {
return copied, nil
func marshalIndent(v interface{}, prefix, indent string, opt EncodeOption) ([]byte, error) {
func marshalIndent(v interface{}, prefix, indent string, optFuncs ...EncodeOptionFunc) ([]byte, error) {
ctx := encoder.TakeRuntimeContext()
buf, err := encodeIndent(ctx, v, prefix, indent, opt|EncodeOptionHTMLEscape)
ctx.Option.Flag = 0
ctx.Option.Flag |= (encoder.HTMLEscapeOption | encoder.IndentOption)
for _, optFunc := range optFuncs {
buf, err := encodeIndent(ctx, v, prefix, indent)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -162,11 +209,11 @@ func marshalIndent(v interface{}, prefix, indent string, opt EncodeOption) ([]by
return copied, nil
func encode(ctx *encoder.RuntimeContext, v interface{}, opt EncodeOption) ([]byte, error) {
func encode(ctx *encoder.RuntimeContext, v interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
b := ctx.Buf[:0]
if v == nil {
b = encoder.AppendNull(b)
b = encoder.AppendComma(b)
b = encoder.AppendNull(ctx, b)
b = encoder.AppendComma(ctx, b)
return b, nil
header := (*emptyInterface)(unsafe.Pointer(&v))
@ -182,7 +229,7 @@ func encode(ctx *encoder.RuntimeContext, v interface{}, opt EncodeOption) ([]byt
ctx.Init(p, codeSet.CodeLength)
ctx.KeepRefs = append(ctx.KeepRefs, header.ptr)
buf, err := encodeRunCode(ctx, b, codeSet, opt)
buf, err := encodeRunCode(ctx, b, codeSet)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -190,11 +237,11 @@ func encode(ctx *encoder.RuntimeContext, v interface{}, opt EncodeOption) ([]byt
return buf, nil
func encodeNoEscape(ctx *encoder.RuntimeContext, v interface{}, opt EncodeOption) ([]byte, error) {
func encodeNoEscape(ctx *encoder.RuntimeContext, v interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
b := ctx.Buf[:0]
if v == nil {
b = encoder.AppendNull(b)
b = encoder.AppendComma(b)
b = encoder.AppendNull(ctx, b)
b = encoder.AppendComma(ctx, b)
return b, nil
header := (*emptyInterface)(unsafe.Pointer(&v))
@ -208,7 +255,7 @@ func encodeNoEscape(ctx *encoder.RuntimeContext, v interface{}, opt EncodeOption
p := uintptr(header.ptr)
ctx.Init(p, codeSet.CodeLength)
buf, err := encodeRunCode(ctx, b, codeSet, opt)
buf, err := encodeRunCode(ctx, b, codeSet)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -217,11 +264,11 @@ func encodeNoEscape(ctx *encoder.RuntimeContext, v interface{}, opt EncodeOption
return buf, nil
func encodeIndent(ctx *encoder.RuntimeContext, v interface{}, prefix, indent string, opt EncodeOption) ([]byte, error) {
func encodeIndent(ctx *encoder.RuntimeContext, v interface{}, prefix, indent string) ([]byte, error) {
b := ctx.Buf[:0]
if v == nil {
b = encoder.AppendNull(b)
b = encoder.AppendCommaIndent(b)
b = encoder.AppendNull(ctx, b)
b = encoder.AppendCommaIndent(ctx, b)
return b, nil
header := (*emptyInterface)(unsafe.Pointer(&v))
@ -235,7 +282,7 @@ func encodeIndent(ctx *encoder.RuntimeContext, v interface{}, prefix, indent str
p := uintptr(header.ptr)
ctx.Init(p, codeSet.CodeLength)
buf, err := encodeRunIndentCode(ctx, b, codeSet, prefix, indent, opt)
buf, err := encodeRunIndentCode(ctx, b, codeSet, prefix, indent)
ctx.KeepRefs = append(ctx.KeepRefs, header.ptr)
@ -247,38 +294,30 @@ func encodeIndent(ctx *encoder.RuntimeContext, v interface{}, prefix, indent str
return buf, nil
func encodeRunCode(ctx *encoder.RuntimeContext, b []byte, codeSet *encoder.OpcodeSet, opt EncodeOption) ([]byte, error) {
if (opt & EncodeOptionDebug) != 0 {
return encodeDebugRunCode(ctx, b, codeSet, opt)
func encodeRunCode(ctx *encoder.RuntimeContext, b []byte, codeSet *encoder.OpcodeSet) ([]byte, error) {
if (ctx.Option.Flag & encoder.DebugOption) != 0 {
if (ctx.Option.Flag & encoder.ColorizeOption) != 0 {
return vm_color.DebugRun(ctx, b, codeSet)
if (opt & EncodeOptionHTMLEscape) != 0 {
return vm_escaped.Run(ctx, b, codeSet, encoder.Option(opt))
return vm.DebugRun(ctx, b, codeSet)
return vm.Run(ctx, b, codeSet, encoder.Option(opt))
if (ctx.Option.Flag & encoder.ColorizeOption) != 0 {
return vm_color.Run(ctx, b, codeSet)
return vm.Run(ctx, b, codeSet)
func encodeDebugRunCode(ctx *encoder.RuntimeContext, b []byte, codeSet *encoder.OpcodeSet, opt EncodeOption) ([]byte, error) {
if (opt & EncodeOptionHTMLEscape) != 0 {
return vm_escaped.DebugRun(ctx, b, codeSet, encoder.Option(opt))
return vm.DebugRun(ctx, b, codeSet, encoder.Option(opt))
func encodeRunIndentCode(ctx *encoder.RuntimeContext, b []byte, codeSet *encoder.OpcodeSet, prefix, indent string, opt EncodeOption) ([]byte, error) {
func encodeRunIndentCode(ctx *encoder.RuntimeContext, b []byte, codeSet *encoder.OpcodeSet, prefix, indent string) ([]byte, error) {
ctx.Prefix = []byte(prefix)
ctx.IndentStr = []byte(indent)
if (opt & EncodeOptionDebug) != 0 {
return encodeDebugRunIndentCode(ctx, b, codeSet, opt)
if (ctx.Option.Flag & encoder.DebugOption) != 0 {
if (ctx.Option.Flag & encoder.ColorizeOption) != 0 {
return vm_color_indent.DebugRun(ctx, b, codeSet)
if (opt & EncodeOptionHTMLEscape) != 0 {
return vm_escaped_indent.Run(ctx, b, codeSet, encoder.Option(opt))
return vm_indent.DebugRun(ctx, b, codeSet)
return vm_indent.Run(ctx, b, codeSet, encoder.Option(opt))
if (ctx.Option.Flag & encoder.ColorizeOption) != 0 {
return vm_color_indent.Run(ctx, b, codeSet)
func encodeDebugRunIndentCode(ctx *encoder.RuntimeContext, b []byte, codeSet *encoder.OpcodeSet, opt EncodeOption) ([]byte, error) {
if (opt & EncodeOptionHTMLEscape) != 0 {
return vm_escaped_indent.DebugRun(ctx, b, codeSet, encoder.Option(opt))
return vm_indent.DebugRun(ctx, b, codeSet, encoder.Option(opt))
return vm_indent.Run(ctx, b, codeSet)

View File

@ -37,13 +37,3 @@ type UnmarshalTypeError = errors.UnmarshalTypeError
type UnsupportedTypeError = errors.UnsupportedTypeError
type UnsupportedValueError = errors.UnsupportedValueError
var (
errExceededMaxDepth = errors.ErrExceededMaxDepth
errNotAtBeginningOfValue = errors.ErrNotAtBeginningOfValue
errUnexpectedEndOfJSON = errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON
errExpected = errors.ErrExpected
errInvalidCharacter = errors.ErrInvalidCharacter
errSyntax = errors.ErrSyntax
errMarshaler = errors.ErrMarshaler

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
module github.com/goccy/go-json
go 1.12

View File

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
package decoder
import (
type anonymousFieldDecoder struct {
structType *runtime.Type
offset uintptr
dec Decoder
func newAnonymousFieldDecoder(structType *runtime.Type, offset uintptr, dec Decoder) *anonymousFieldDecoder {
return &anonymousFieldDecoder{
structType: structType,
offset: offset,
dec: dec,
func (d *anonymousFieldDecoder) DecodeStream(s *Stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
if *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) == nil {
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = unsafe_New(d.structType)
p = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p)
return d.dec.DecodeStream(s, depth, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p)+d.offset))
func (d *anonymousFieldDecoder) Decode(ctx *RuntimeContext, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
if *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) == nil {
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = unsafe_New(d.structType)
p = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p)
return d.dec.Decode(ctx, cursor, depth, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p)+d.offset))

View File

@ -1,20 +1,23 @@
package json
package decoder
import (
type arrayDecoder struct {
elemType *rtype
elemType *runtime.Type
size uintptr
valueDecoder decoder
valueDecoder Decoder
alen int
structName string
fieldName string
zeroValue unsafe.Pointer
func newArrayDecoder(dec decoder, elemType *rtype, alen int, structName, fieldName string) *arrayDecoder {
func newArrayDecoder(dec Decoder, elemType *runtime.Type, alen int, structName, fieldName string) *arrayDecoder {
zeroValue := *(*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe_New(elemType))
return &arrayDecoder{
valueDecoder: dec,
@ -27,10 +30,10 @@ func newArrayDecoder(dec decoder, elemType *rtype, alen int, structName, fieldNa
func (d *arrayDecoder) decodeStream(s *stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
func (d *arrayDecoder) DecodeStream(s *Stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
if depth > maxDecodeNestingDepth {
return errExceededMaxDepth(s.char(), s.cursor)
return errors.ErrExceededMaxDepth(s.char(), s.cursor)
for {
@ -43,10 +46,18 @@ func (d *arrayDecoder) decodeStream(s *stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) er
return nil
case '[':
idx := 0
for {
if s.skipWhiteSpace() == ']' {
for idx < d.alen {
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p) + uintptr(idx)*d.size)) = d.zeroValue
return nil
for {
if idx < d.alen {
if err := d.valueDecoder.decodeStream(s, depth, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p)+uintptr(idx)*d.size)); err != nil {
if err := d.valueDecoder.DecodeStream(s, depth, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p)+uintptr(idx)*d.size)); err != nil {
return err
} else {
@ -55,8 +66,7 @@ func (d *arrayDecoder) decodeStream(s *stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) er
switch s.char() {
switch s.skipWhiteSpace() {
case ']':
for idx < d.alen {
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p) + uintptr(idx)*d.size)) = d.zeroValue
@ -65,9 +75,11 @@ func (d *arrayDecoder) decodeStream(s *stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) er
return nil
case ',':
case nul:
if s.read() {
goto ERROR
@ -86,13 +98,14 @@ func (d *arrayDecoder) decodeStream(s *stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) er
return errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("array", s.totalOffset())
return errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("array", s.totalOffset())
func (d *arrayDecoder) decode(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
func (d *arrayDecoder) Decode(ctx *RuntimeContext, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
buf := ctx.Buf
if depth > maxDecodeNestingDepth {
return 0, errExceededMaxDepth(buf[cursor], cursor)
return 0, errors.ErrExceededMaxDepth(buf[cursor], cursor)
for {
@ -108,10 +121,19 @@ func (d *arrayDecoder) decode(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer)
return cursor, nil
case '[':
idx := 0
for {
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, cursor)
if buf[cursor] == ']' {
for idx < d.alen {
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p) + uintptr(idx)*d.size)) = d.zeroValue
return cursor, nil
for {
if idx < d.alen {
c, err := d.valueDecoder.decode(buf, cursor, depth, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p)+uintptr(idx)*d.size))
c, err := d.valueDecoder.Decode(ctx, cursor, depth, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p)+uintptr(idx)*d.size))
if err != nil {
return 0, err
@ -134,13 +156,14 @@ func (d *arrayDecoder) decode(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer)
return cursor, nil
case ',':
return 0, errInvalidCharacter(buf[cursor], "array", cursor)
return 0, errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(buf[cursor], "array", cursor)
return 0, errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("array", cursor)
return 0, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("array", cursor)

View File

@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
package json
package decoder
import (
type boolDecoder struct {
@ -13,10 +15,10 @@ func newBoolDecoder(structName, fieldName string) *boolDecoder {
return &boolDecoder{structName: structName, fieldName: fieldName}
func (d *boolDecoder) decodeStream(s *stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
func (d *boolDecoder) DecodeStream(s *Stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
c := s.skipWhiteSpace()
for {
switch s.char() {
switch c {
case 't':
if err := trueBytes(s); err != nil {
return err
@ -36,6 +38,7 @@ func (d *boolDecoder) decodeStream(s *stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) err
return nil
case nul:
if s.read() {
c = s.char()
goto ERROR
@ -43,10 +46,11 @@ func (d *boolDecoder) decodeStream(s *stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) err
return errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("bool", s.totalOffset())
return errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("bool", s.totalOffset())
func (d *boolDecoder) decode(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
func (d *boolDecoder) Decode(ctx *RuntimeContext, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
buf := ctx.Buf
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, cursor)
switch buf[cursor] {
case 't':
@ -70,5 +74,5 @@ func (d *boolDecoder) decode(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer)
cursor += 4
return cursor, nil
return 0, errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("bool", cursor)
return 0, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("bool", cursor)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
package decoder
import (
type bytesDecoder struct {
typ *runtime.Type
sliceDecoder Decoder
stringDecoder *stringDecoder
structName string
fieldName string
func byteUnmarshalerSliceDecoder(typ *runtime.Type, structName string, fieldName string) Decoder {
var unmarshalDecoder Decoder
switch {
case runtime.PtrTo(typ).Implements(unmarshalJSONType):
unmarshalDecoder = newUnmarshalJSONDecoder(runtime.PtrTo(typ), structName, fieldName)
case runtime.PtrTo(typ).Implements(unmarshalTextType):
unmarshalDecoder = newUnmarshalTextDecoder(runtime.PtrTo(typ), structName, fieldName)
if unmarshalDecoder == nil {
return nil
return newSliceDecoder(unmarshalDecoder, typ, 1, structName, fieldName)
func newBytesDecoder(typ *runtime.Type, structName string, fieldName string) *bytesDecoder {
return &bytesDecoder{
typ: typ,
sliceDecoder: byteUnmarshalerSliceDecoder(typ, structName, fieldName),
stringDecoder: newStringDecoder(structName, fieldName),
structName: structName,
fieldName: fieldName,
func (d *bytesDecoder) DecodeStream(s *Stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
bytes, err := d.decodeStreamBinary(s, depth, p)
if err != nil {
return err
if bytes == nil {
return nil
decodedLen := base64.StdEncoding.DecodedLen(len(bytes))
buf := make([]byte, decodedLen)
n, err := base64.StdEncoding.Decode(buf, bytes)
if err != nil {
return err
*(*[]byte)(p) = buf[:n]
return nil
func (d *bytesDecoder) Decode(ctx *RuntimeContext, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
bytes, c, err := d.decodeBinary(ctx, cursor, depth, p)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if bytes == nil {
return c, nil
cursor = c
decodedLen := base64.StdEncoding.DecodedLen(len(bytes))
b := make([]byte, decodedLen)
n, err := base64.StdEncoding.Decode(b, bytes)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
*(*[]byte)(p) = b[:n]
return cursor, nil
func (d *bytesDecoder) decodeStreamBinary(s *Stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) ([]byte, error) {
c := s.skipWhiteSpace()
if c == '[' {
if d.sliceDecoder == nil {
return nil, &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Type: runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
Offset: s.totalOffset(),
err := d.sliceDecoder.DecodeStream(s, depth, p)
return nil, err
return d.stringDecoder.decodeStreamByte(s)
func (d *bytesDecoder) decodeBinary(ctx *RuntimeContext, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) ([]byte, int64, error) {
buf := ctx.Buf
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, cursor)
if buf[cursor] == '[' {
if d.sliceDecoder == nil {
return nil, 0, &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Type: runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
Offset: cursor,
c, err := d.sliceDecoder.Decode(ctx, cursor, depth, p)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
return nil, c, nil
return d.stringDecoder.decodeByte(buf, cursor)

View File

@ -1,27 +1,56 @@
package json
package decoder
import (
var (
jsonNumberType = reflect.TypeOf(json.Number(""))
typeAddr *runtime.TypeAddr
cachedDecoderMap unsafe.Pointer // map[uintptr]decoder
cachedDecoder []Decoder
func decodeCompileToGetDecoderSlowPath(typeptr uintptr, typ *rtype) (decoder, error) {
func init() {
typeAddr = runtime.AnalyzeTypeAddr()
if typeAddr == nil {
typeAddr = &runtime.TypeAddr{}
cachedDecoder = make([]Decoder, typeAddr.AddrRange>>typeAddr.AddrShift)
func loadDecoderMap() map[uintptr]Decoder {
p := atomic.LoadPointer(&cachedDecoderMap)
return *(*map[uintptr]Decoder)(unsafe.Pointer(&p))
func storeDecoder(typ uintptr, dec Decoder, m map[uintptr]Decoder) {
newDecoderMap := make(map[uintptr]Decoder, len(m)+1)
newDecoderMap[typ] = dec
for k, v := range m {
newDecoderMap[k] = v
atomic.StorePointer(&cachedDecoderMap, *(*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&newDecoderMap)))
func compileToGetDecoderSlowPath(typeptr uintptr, typ *runtime.Type) (Decoder, error) {
decoderMap := loadDecoderMap()
if dec, exists := decoderMap[typeptr]; exists {
return dec, nil
dec, err := decodeCompileHead(typ, map[uintptr]decoder{})
dec, err := compileHead(typ, map[uintptr]Decoder{})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -29,84 +58,88 @@ func decodeCompileToGetDecoderSlowPath(typeptr uintptr, typ *rtype) (decoder, er
return dec, nil
func decodeCompileHead(typ *rtype, structTypeToDecoder map[uintptr]decoder) (decoder, error) {
func compileHead(typ *runtime.Type, structTypeToDecoder map[uintptr]Decoder) (Decoder, error) {
switch {
case rtype_ptrTo(typ).Implements(unmarshalJSONType):
return newUnmarshalJSONDecoder(rtype_ptrTo(typ), "", ""), nil
case rtype_ptrTo(typ).Implements(unmarshalTextType):
return newUnmarshalTextDecoder(rtype_ptrTo(typ), "", ""), nil
case implementsUnmarshalJSONType(runtime.PtrTo(typ)):
return newUnmarshalJSONDecoder(runtime.PtrTo(typ), "", ""), nil
case runtime.PtrTo(typ).Implements(unmarshalTextType):
return newUnmarshalTextDecoder(runtime.PtrTo(typ), "", ""), nil
return decodeCompile(typ.Elem(), "", "", structTypeToDecoder)
return compile(typ.Elem(), "", "", structTypeToDecoder)
func decodeCompile(typ *rtype, structName, fieldName string, structTypeToDecoder map[uintptr]decoder) (decoder, error) {
func compile(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string, structTypeToDecoder map[uintptr]Decoder) (Decoder, error) {
switch {
case rtype_ptrTo(typ).Implements(unmarshalJSONType):
return newUnmarshalJSONDecoder(rtype_ptrTo(typ), structName, fieldName), nil
case rtype_ptrTo(typ).Implements(unmarshalTextType):
return newUnmarshalTextDecoder(rtype_ptrTo(typ), structName, fieldName), nil
case implementsUnmarshalJSONType(runtime.PtrTo(typ)):
return newUnmarshalJSONDecoder(runtime.PtrTo(typ), structName, fieldName), nil
case runtime.PtrTo(typ).Implements(unmarshalTextType):
return newUnmarshalTextDecoder(runtime.PtrTo(typ), structName, fieldName), nil
switch typ.Kind() {
case reflect.Ptr:
return decodeCompilePtr(typ, structName, fieldName, structTypeToDecoder)
return compilePtr(typ, structName, fieldName, structTypeToDecoder)
case reflect.Struct:
return decodeCompileStruct(typ, structName, fieldName, structTypeToDecoder)
return compileStruct(typ, structName, fieldName, structTypeToDecoder)
case reflect.Slice:
elem := typ.Elem()
if elem.Kind() == reflect.Uint8 {
return decodeCompileBytes(elem, structName, fieldName)
return compileBytes(elem, structName, fieldName)
return decodeCompileSlice(typ, structName, fieldName, structTypeToDecoder)
return compileSlice(typ, structName, fieldName, structTypeToDecoder)
case reflect.Array:
return decodeCompileArray(typ, structName, fieldName, structTypeToDecoder)
return compileArray(typ, structName, fieldName, structTypeToDecoder)
case reflect.Map:
return decodeCompileMap(typ, structName, fieldName, structTypeToDecoder)
return compileMap(typ, structName, fieldName, structTypeToDecoder)
case reflect.Interface:
return decodeCompileInterface(typ, structName, fieldName)
return compileInterface(typ, structName, fieldName)
case reflect.Uintptr:
return decodeCompileUint(typ, structName, fieldName)
return compileUint(typ, structName, fieldName)
case reflect.Int:
return decodeCompileInt(typ, structName, fieldName)
return compileInt(typ, structName, fieldName)
case reflect.Int8:
return decodeCompileInt8(typ, structName, fieldName)
return compileInt8(typ, structName, fieldName)
case reflect.Int16:
return decodeCompileInt16(typ, structName, fieldName)
return compileInt16(typ, structName, fieldName)
case reflect.Int32:
return decodeCompileInt32(typ, structName, fieldName)
return compileInt32(typ, structName, fieldName)
case reflect.Int64:
return decodeCompileInt64(typ, structName, fieldName)
return compileInt64(typ, structName, fieldName)
case reflect.Uint:
return decodeCompileUint(typ, structName, fieldName)
return compileUint(typ, structName, fieldName)
case reflect.Uint8:
return decodeCompileUint8(typ, structName, fieldName)
return compileUint8(typ, structName, fieldName)
case reflect.Uint16:
return decodeCompileUint16(typ, structName, fieldName)
return compileUint16(typ, structName, fieldName)
case reflect.Uint32:
return decodeCompileUint32(typ, structName, fieldName)
return compileUint32(typ, structName, fieldName)
case reflect.Uint64:
return decodeCompileUint64(typ, structName, fieldName)
return compileUint64(typ, structName, fieldName)
case reflect.String:
return decodeCompileString(typ, structName, fieldName)
return compileString(typ, structName, fieldName)
case reflect.Bool:
return decodeCompileBool(structName, fieldName)
return compileBool(structName, fieldName)
case reflect.Float32:
return decodeCompileFloat32(structName, fieldName)
return compileFloat32(structName, fieldName)
case reflect.Float64:
return decodeCompileFloat64(structName, fieldName)
return compileFloat64(structName, fieldName)
case reflect.Func:
return compileFunc(typ, structName, fieldName)
return nil, &UnmarshalTypeError{
return nil, &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: "object",
Type: rtype2type(typ),
Type: runtime.RType2Type(typ),
Offset: 0,
Struct: structName,
Field: fieldName,
func isStringTagSupportedType(typ *rtype) bool {
func isStringTagSupportedType(typ *runtime.Type) bool {
switch {
case rtype_ptrTo(typ).Implements(unmarshalJSONType):
case implementsUnmarshalJSONType(runtime.PtrTo(typ)):
return false
case rtype_ptrTo(typ).Implements(unmarshalTextType):
case runtime.PtrTo(typ).Implements(unmarshalTextType):
return false
switch typ.Kind() {
@ -124,11 +157,11 @@ func isStringTagSupportedType(typ *rtype) bool {
return true
func decodeCompileMapKey(typ *rtype, structName, fieldName string, structTypeToDecoder map[uintptr]decoder) (decoder, error) {
if rtype_ptrTo(typ).Implements(unmarshalTextType) {
return newUnmarshalTextDecoder(rtype_ptrTo(typ), structName, fieldName), nil
func compileMapKey(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string, structTypeToDecoder map[uintptr]Decoder) (Decoder, error) {
if runtime.PtrTo(typ).Implements(unmarshalTextType) {
return newUnmarshalTextDecoder(runtime.PtrTo(typ), structName, fieldName), nil
dec, err := decodeCompile(typ, structName, fieldName, structTypeToDecoder)
dec, err := compile(typ, structName, fieldName, structTypeToDecoder)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -145,145 +178,151 @@ func decodeCompileMapKey(typ *rtype, structName, fieldName string, structTypeToD
return nil, &UnmarshalTypeError{
return nil, &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: "object",
Type: rtype2type(typ),
Type: runtime.RType2Type(typ),
Offset: 0,
Struct: structName,
Field: fieldName,
func decodeCompilePtr(typ *rtype, structName, fieldName string, structTypeToDecoder map[uintptr]decoder) (decoder, error) {
dec, err := decodeCompile(typ.Elem(), structName, fieldName, structTypeToDecoder)
func compilePtr(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string, structTypeToDecoder map[uintptr]Decoder) (Decoder, error) {
dec, err := compile(typ.Elem(), structName, fieldName, structTypeToDecoder)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return newPtrDecoder(dec, typ.Elem(), structName, fieldName), nil
func decodeCompileInt(typ *rtype, structName, fieldName string) (decoder, error) {
func compileInt(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string) (Decoder, error) {
return newIntDecoder(typ, structName, fieldName, func(p unsafe.Pointer, v int64) {
*(*int)(p) = int(v)
}), nil
func decodeCompileInt8(typ *rtype, structName, fieldName string) (decoder, error) {
func compileInt8(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string) (Decoder, error) {
return newIntDecoder(typ, structName, fieldName, func(p unsafe.Pointer, v int64) {
*(*int8)(p) = int8(v)
}), nil
func decodeCompileInt16(typ *rtype, structName, fieldName string) (decoder, error) {
func compileInt16(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string) (Decoder, error) {
return newIntDecoder(typ, structName, fieldName, func(p unsafe.Pointer, v int64) {
*(*int16)(p) = int16(v)
}), nil
func decodeCompileInt32(typ *rtype, structName, fieldName string) (decoder, error) {
func compileInt32(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string) (Decoder, error) {
return newIntDecoder(typ, structName, fieldName, func(p unsafe.Pointer, v int64) {
*(*int32)(p) = int32(v)
}), nil
func decodeCompileInt64(typ *rtype, structName, fieldName string) (decoder, error) {
func compileInt64(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string) (Decoder, error) {
return newIntDecoder(typ, structName, fieldName, func(p unsafe.Pointer, v int64) {
*(*int64)(p) = v
}), nil
func decodeCompileUint(typ *rtype, structName, fieldName string) (decoder, error) {
func compileUint(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string) (Decoder, error) {
return newUintDecoder(typ, structName, fieldName, func(p unsafe.Pointer, v uint64) {
*(*uint)(p) = uint(v)
}), nil
func decodeCompileUint8(typ *rtype, structName, fieldName string) (decoder, error) {
func compileUint8(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string) (Decoder, error) {
return newUintDecoder(typ, structName, fieldName, func(p unsafe.Pointer, v uint64) {
*(*uint8)(p) = uint8(v)
}), nil
func decodeCompileUint16(typ *rtype, structName, fieldName string) (decoder, error) {
func compileUint16(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string) (Decoder, error) {
return newUintDecoder(typ, structName, fieldName, func(p unsafe.Pointer, v uint64) {
*(*uint16)(p) = uint16(v)
}), nil
func decodeCompileUint32(typ *rtype, structName, fieldName string) (decoder, error) {
func compileUint32(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string) (Decoder, error) {
return newUintDecoder(typ, structName, fieldName, func(p unsafe.Pointer, v uint64) {
*(*uint32)(p) = uint32(v)
}), nil
func decodeCompileUint64(typ *rtype, structName, fieldName string) (decoder, error) {
func compileUint64(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string) (Decoder, error) {
return newUintDecoder(typ, structName, fieldName, func(p unsafe.Pointer, v uint64) {
*(*uint64)(p) = v
}), nil
func decodeCompileFloat32(structName, fieldName string) (decoder, error) {
func compileFloat32(structName, fieldName string) (Decoder, error) {
return newFloatDecoder(structName, fieldName, func(p unsafe.Pointer, v float64) {
*(*float32)(p) = float32(v)
}), nil
func decodeCompileFloat64(structName, fieldName string) (decoder, error) {
func compileFloat64(structName, fieldName string) (Decoder, error) {
return newFloatDecoder(structName, fieldName, func(p unsafe.Pointer, v float64) {
*(*float64)(p) = v
}), nil
func decodeCompileString(typ *rtype, structName, fieldName string) (decoder, error) {
if typ == type2rtype(jsonNumberType) {
return newNumberDecoder(structName, fieldName, func(p unsafe.Pointer, v Number) {
*(*Number)(p) = v
func compileString(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string) (Decoder, error) {
if typ == runtime.Type2RType(jsonNumberType) {
return newNumberDecoder(structName, fieldName, func(p unsafe.Pointer, v json.Number) {
*(*json.Number)(p) = v
}), nil
return newStringDecoder(structName, fieldName), nil
func decodeCompileBool(structName, fieldName string) (decoder, error) {
func compileBool(structName, fieldName string) (Decoder, error) {
return newBoolDecoder(structName, fieldName), nil
func decodeCompileBytes(typ *rtype, structName, fieldName string) (decoder, error) {
func compileBytes(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string) (Decoder, error) {
return newBytesDecoder(typ, structName, fieldName), nil
func decodeCompileSlice(typ *rtype, structName, fieldName string, structTypeToDecoder map[uintptr]decoder) (decoder, error) {
func compileSlice(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string, structTypeToDecoder map[uintptr]Decoder) (Decoder, error) {
elem := typ.Elem()
decoder, err := decodeCompile(elem, structName, fieldName, structTypeToDecoder)
decoder, err := compile(elem, structName, fieldName, structTypeToDecoder)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return newSliceDecoder(decoder, elem, elem.Size(), structName, fieldName), nil
func decodeCompileArray(typ *rtype, structName, fieldName string, structTypeToDecoder map[uintptr]decoder) (decoder, error) {
func compileArray(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string, structTypeToDecoder map[uintptr]Decoder) (Decoder, error) {
elem := typ.Elem()
decoder, err := decodeCompile(elem, structName, fieldName, structTypeToDecoder)
decoder, err := compile(elem, structName, fieldName, structTypeToDecoder)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return newArrayDecoder(decoder, elem, typ.Len(), structName, fieldName), nil
func decodeCompileMap(typ *rtype, structName, fieldName string, structTypeToDecoder map[uintptr]decoder) (decoder, error) {
keyDec, err := decodeCompileMapKey(typ.Key(), structName, fieldName, structTypeToDecoder)
func compileMap(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string, structTypeToDecoder map[uintptr]Decoder) (Decoder, error) {
keyDec, err := compileMapKey(typ.Key(), structName, fieldName, structTypeToDecoder)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
valueDec, err := decodeCompile(typ.Elem(), structName, fieldName, structTypeToDecoder)
valueDec, err := compile(typ.Elem(), structName, fieldName, structTypeToDecoder)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return newMapDecoder(typ, typ.Key(), keyDec, typ.Elem(), valueDec, structName, fieldName), nil
func decodeCompileInterface(typ *rtype, structName, fieldName string) (decoder, error) {
func compileInterface(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string) (Decoder, error) {
return newInterfaceDecoder(typ, structName, fieldName), nil
func decodeRemoveConflictFields(fieldMap map[string]*structFieldSet, conflictedMap map[string]struct{}, dec *structDecoder, field reflect.StructField) {
func compileFunc(typ *runtime.Type, strutName, fieldName string) (Decoder, error) {
return newFuncDecoder(typ, strutName, fieldName), nil
func removeConflictFields(fieldMap map[string]*structFieldSet, conflictedMap map[string]struct{}, dec *structDecoder, field reflect.StructField) {
for k, v := range dec.fieldMap {
if _, exists := conflictedMap[k]; exists {
// already conflicted key
@ -338,7 +377,7 @@ func decodeRemoveConflictFields(fieldMap map[string]*structFieldSet, conflictedM
func decodeCompileStruct(typ *rtype, structName, fieldName string, structTypeToDecoder map[uintptr]decoder) (decoder, error) {
func compileStruct(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string, structTypeToDecoder map[uintptr]Decoder) (Decoder, error) {
fieldNum := typ.NumField()
conflictedMap := map[string]struct{}{}
fieldMap := map[string]*structFieldSet{}
@ -356,17 +395,17 @@ func decodeCompileStruct(typ *rtype, structName, fieldName string, structTypeToD
isUnexportedField := unicode.IsLower([]rune(field.Name)[0])
tag := runtime.StructTagFromField(field)
dec, err := decodeCompile(type2rtype(field.Type), structName, field.Name, structTypeToDecoder)
dec, err := compile(runtime.Type2RType(field.Type), structName, field.Name, structTypeToDecoder)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if field.Anonymous && !tag.IsTaggedKey {
if stDec, ok := dec.(*structDecoder); ok {
if type2rtype(field.Type) == typ {
if runtime.Type2RType(field.Type) == typ {
// recursive definition
decodeRemoveConflictFields(fieldMap, conflictedMap, stDec, field)
removeConflictFields(fieldMap, conflictedMap, stDec, field)
} else if pdec, ok := dec.(*ptrDecoder); ok {
contentDec := pdec.contentDecoder()
if pdec.typ == typ {
@ -438,8 +477,8 @@ func decodeCompileStruct(typ *rtype, structName, fieldName string, structTypeToD
} else {
if tag.IsString && isStringTagSupportedType(type2rtype(field.Type)) {
dec = newWrappedStringDecoder(type2rtype(field.Type), dec, structName, field.Name)
if tag.IsString && isStringTagSupportedType(runtime.Type2RType(field.Type)) {
dec = newWrappedStringDecoder(runtime.Type2RType(field.Type), dec, structName, field.Name)
var key string
if tag.Key != "" {
@ -465,3 +504,7 @@ func decodeCompileStruct(typ *rtype, structName, fieldName string, structTypeToD
return structDec, nil
func implementsUnmarshalJSONType(typ *runtime.Type) bool {
return typ.Implements(unmarshalJSONType) || typ.Implements(unmarshalJSONContextType)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
// +build !race
package decoder
import (
func CompileToGetDecoder(typ *runtime.Type) (Decoder, error) {
typeptr := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(typ))
if typeptr > typeAddr.MaxTypeAddr {
return compileToGetDecoderSlowPath(typeptr, typ)
index := (typeptr - typeAddr.BaseTypeAddr) >> typeAddr.AddrShift
if dec := cachedDecoder[index]; dec != nil {
return dec, nil
dec, err := compileHead(typ, map[uintptr]Decoder{})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cachedDecoder[index] = dec
return dec, nil

View File

@ -1,21 +1,23 @@
// +build race
package json
package decoder
import (
var decMu sync.RWMutex
func decodeCompileToGetDecoder(typ *rtype) (decoder, error) {
func CompileToGetDecoder(typ *runtime.Type) (Decoder, error) {
typeptr := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(typ))
if typeptr > maxTypeAddr {
return decodeCompileToGetDecoderSlowPath(typeptr, typ)
if typeptr > typeAddr.MaxTypeAddr {
return compileToGetDecoderSlowPath(typeptr, typ)
index := (typeptr - baseTypeAddr) >> typeAddrShift
index := (typeptr - typeAddr.BaseTypeAddr) >> typeAddr.AddrShift
if dec := cachedDecoder[index]; dec != nil {
@ -23,7 +25,7 @@ func decodeCompileToGetDecoder(typ *rtype) (decoder, error) {
dec, err := decodeCompileHead(typ, map[uintptr]decoder{})
dec, err := compileHead(typ, map[uintptr]Decoder{})
if err != nil {
return nil, err

View File

@ -1,9 +1,35 @@
package json
package decoder
import (
type RuntimeContext struct {
Buf []byte
Option *Option
var (
runtimeContextPool = sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return &RuntimeContext{
Option: &Option{},
func TakeRuntimeContext() *RuntimeContext {
return runtimeContextPool.Get().(*RuntimeContext)
func ReleaseRuntimeContext(ctx *RuntimeContext) {
var (
isWhiteSpace = [256]bool{}
@ -34,7 +60,7 @@ func skipObject(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64) (int64, error) {
if depth > maxDecodeNestingDepth {
return 0, errExceededMaxDepth(buf[cursor], cursor)
return 0, errors.ErrExceededMaxDepth(buf[cursor], cursor)
case '}':
@ -45,7 +71,7 @@ func skipObject(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64) (int64, error) {
case '[':
if depth > maxDecodeNestingDepth {
return 0, errExceededMaxDepth(buf[cursor], cursor)
return 0, errors.ErrExceededMaxDepth(buf[cursor], cursor)
case ']':
@ -56,16 +82,16 @@ func skipObject(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64) (int64, error) {
case '\\':
if buf[cursor] == nul {
return 0, errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string of object", cursor)
return 0, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string of object", cursor)
case '"':
case nul:
return 0, errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string of object", cursor)
return 0, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string of object", cursor)
case nul:
return 0, errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("object of object", cursor)
return 0, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("object of object", cursor)
@ -80,7 +106,7 @@ func skipArray(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64) (int64, error) {
if depth > maxDecodeNestingDepth {
return 0, errExceededMaxDepth(buf[cursor], cursor)
return 0, errors.ErrExceededMaxDepth(buf[cursor], cursor)
case ']':
@ -91,7 +117,7 @@ func skipArray(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64) (int64, error) {
case '{':
if depth > maxDecodeNestingDepth {
return 0, errExceededMaxDepth(buf[cursor], cursor)
return 0, errors.ErrExceededMaxDepth(buf[cursor], cursor)
case '}':
@ -102,16 +128,16 @@ func skipArray(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64) (int64, error) {
case '\\':
if buf[cursor] == nul {
return 0, errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string of object", cursor)
return 0, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string of object", cursor)
case '"':
case nul:
return 0, errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string of object", cursor)
return 0, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string of object", cursor)
case nul:
return 0, errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("array of object", cursor)
return 0, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("array of object", cursor)
@ -135,12 +161,12 @@ func skipValue(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64) (int64, error) {
case '\\':
if buf[cursor] == nul {
return 0, errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string of object", cursor)
return 0, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string of object", cursor)
case '"':
return cursor + 1, nil
case nul:
return 0, errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string of object", cursor)
return 0, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string of object", cursor)
case '-', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
@ -171,58 +197,58 @@ func skipValue(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64) (int64, error) {
cursor += 4
return cursor, nil
return cursor, errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("null", cursor)
return cursor, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("null", cursor)
func validateTrue(buf []byte, cursor int64) error {
if cursor+3 >= int64(len(buf)) {
return errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("true", cursor)
return errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("true", cursor)
if buf[cursor+1] != 'r' {
return errInvalidCharacter(buf[cursor+1], "true", cursor)
return errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(buf[cursor+1], "true", cursor)
if buf[cursor+2] != 'u' {
return errInvalidCharacter(buf[cursor+2], "true", cursor)
return errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(buf[cursor+2], "true", cursor)
if buf[cursor+3] != 'e' {
return errInvalidCharacter(buf[cursor+3], "true", cursor)
return errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(buf[cursor+3], "true", cursor)
return nil
func validateFalse(buf []byte, cursor int64) error {
if cursor+4 >= int64(len(buf)) {
return errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("false", cursor)
return errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("false", cursor)
if buf[cursor+1] != 'a' {
return errInvalidCharacter(buf[cursor+1], "false", cursor)
return errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(buf[cursor+1], "false", cursor)
if buf[cursor+2] != 'l' {
return errInvalidCharacter(buf[cursor+2], "false", cursor)
return errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(buf[cursor+2], "false", cursor)
if buf[cursor+3] != 's' {
return errInvalidCharacter(buf[cursor+3], "false", cursor)
return errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(buf[cursor+3], "false", cursor)
if buf[cursor+4] != 'e' {
return errInvalidCharacter(buf[cursor+4], "false", cursor)
return errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(buf[cursor+4], "false", cursor)
return nil
func validateNull(buf []byte, cursor int64) error {
if cursor+3 >= int64(len(buf)) {
return errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("null", cursor)
return errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("null", cursor)
if buf[cursor+1] != 'u' {
return errInvalidCharacter(buf[cursor+1], "null", cursor)
return errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(buf[cursor+1], "null", cursor)
if buf[cursor+2] != 'l' {
return errInvalidCharacter(buf[cursor+2], "null", cursor)
return errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(buf[cursor+2], "null", cursor)
if buf[cursor+3] != 'l' {
return errInvalidCharacter(buf[cursor+3], "null", cursor)
return errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(buf[cursor+3], "null", cursor)
return nil

View File

@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
package json
package decoder
import (
type floatDecoder struct {
@ -47,7 +49,7 @@ var (
func floatBytes(s *stream) []byte {
func floatBytes(s *Stream) []byte {
start := s.cursor
for {
@ -64,7 +66,7 @@ func floatBytes(s *stream) []byte {
return s.buf[start:s.cursor]
func (d *floatDecoder) decodeStreamByte(s *stream) ([]byte, error) {
func (d *floatDecoder) decodeStreamByte(s *Stream) ([]byte, error) {
for {
switch s.char() {
case ' ', '\n', '\t', '\r':
@ -87,7 +89,7 @@ func (d *floatDecoder) decodeStreamByte(s *stream) ([]byte, error) {
return nil, errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("float", s.totalOffset())
return nil, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("float", s.totalOffset())
func (d *floatDecoder) decodeByte(buf []byte, cursor int64) ([]byte, int64, error) {
@ -111,12 +113,12 @@ func (d *floatDecoder) decodeByte(buf []byte, cursor int64) ([]byte, int64, erro
cursor += 4
return nil, cursor, nil
return nil, 0, errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("float", cursor)
return nil, 0, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("float", cursor)
func (d *floatDecoder) decodeStream(s *stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
func (d *floatDecoder) DecodeStream(s *Stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
bytes, err := d.decodeStreamByte(s)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -127,13 +129,14 @@ func (d *floatDecoder) decodeStream(s *stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) er
str := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&bytes))
f64, err := strconv.ParseFloat(str, 64)
if err != nil {
return errSyntax(err.Error(), s.totalOffset())
return errors.ErrSyntax(err.Error(), s.totalOffset())
d.op(p, f64)
return nil
func (d *floatDecoder) decode(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
func (d *floatDecoder) Decode(ctx *RuntimeContext, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
buf := ctx.Buf
bytes, c, err := d.decodeByte(buf, cursor)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
@ -143,12 +146,12 @@ func (d *floatDecoder) decode(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer)
cursor = c
if !validEndNumberChar[buf[cursor]] {
return 0, errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("float", cursor)
return 0, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("float", cursor)
s := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&bytes))
f64, err := strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64)
if err != nil {
return 0, errSyntax(err.Error(), cursor)
return 0, errors.ErrSyntax(err.Error(), cursor)
d.op(p, f64)
return cursor, nil

View File

@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
package decoder
import (
type funcDecoder struct {
typ *runtime.Type
structName string
fieldName string
func newFuncDecoder(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string) *funcDecoder {
fnDecoder := &funcDecoder{typ, structName, fieldName}
return fnDecoder
func (d *funcDecoder) DecodeStream(s *Stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
start := s.cursor
if err := s.skipValue(depth); err != nil {
return err
src := s.buf[start:s.cursor]
if len(src) > 0 {
switch src[0] {
case '"':
return &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: "string",
Type: runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
Offset: s.totalOffset(),
case '[':
return &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: "array",
Type: runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
Offset: s.totalOffset(),
case '{':
return &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: "object",
Type: runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
Offset: s.totalOffset(),
case '-', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
return &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: "number",
Type: runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
Offset: s.totalOffset(),
case 'n':
if err := nullBytes(s); err != nil {
return err
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = nil
return nil
case 't':
if err := trueBytes(s); err == nil {
return &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: "boolean",
Type: runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
Offset: s.totalOffset(),
case 'f':
if err := falseBytes(s); err == nil {
return &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: "boolean",
Type: runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
Offset: s.totalOffset(),
return errors.ErrInvalidBeginningOfValue(s.buf[s.cursor], s.totalOffset())
func (d *funcDecoder) Decode(ctx *RuntimeContext, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
buf := ctx.Buf
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, cursor)
start := cursor
end, err := skipValue(buf, cursor, depth)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
src := buf[start:end]
if len(src) > 0 {
switch src[0] {
case '"':
return 0, &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: "string",
Type: runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
Offset: start,
case '[':
return 0, &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: "array",
Type: runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
Offset: start,
case '{':
return 0, &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: "object",
Type: runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
Offset: start,
case '-', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
return 0, &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: "number",
Type: runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
Offset: start,
case 'n':
if bytes.Equal(src, nullbytes) {
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = nil
return end, nil
case 't':
if err := validateTrue(buf, start); err == nil {
return 0, &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: "boolean",
Type: runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
Offset: start,
case 'f':
if err := validateFalse(buf, start); err == nil {
return 0, &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: "boolean",
Type: runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
Offset: start,
return cursor, errors.ErrInvalidBeginningOfValue(buf[cursor], cursor)

View File

@ -1,20 +1,23 @@
package json
package decoder
import (
type intDecoder struct {
typ *rtype
typ *runtime.Type
kind reflect.Kind
op func(unsafe.Pointer, int64)
structName string
fieldName string
func newIntDecoder(typ *rtype, structName, fieldName string, op func(unsafe.Pointer, int64)) *intDecoder {
func newIntDecoder(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string, op func(unsafe.Pointer, int64)) *intDecoder {
return &intDecoder{
typ: typ,
kind: typ.Kind(),
@ -24,10 +27,10 @@ func newIntDecoder(typ *rtype, structName, fieldName string, op func(unsafe.Poin
func (d *intDecoder) typeError(buf []byte, offset int64) *UnmarshalTypeError {
return &UnmarshalTypeError{
func (d *intDecoder) typeError(buf []byte, offset int64) *errors.UnmarshalTypeError {
return &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: fmt.Sprintf("number %s", string(buf)),
Type: rtype2type(d.typ),
Type: runtime.RType2Type(d.typ),
Struct: d.structName,
Field: d.fieldName,
Offset: offset,
@ -79,7 +82,11 @@ var (
func (d *intDecoder) decodeStreamByte(s *stream) ([]byte, error) {
var (
numZeroBuf = []byte{'0'}
func (d *intDecoder) decodeStreamByte(s *Stream) ([]byte, error) {
for {
switch s.char() {
case ' ', '\n', '\t', '\r':
@ -106,7 +113,7 @@ func (d *intDecoder) decodeStreamByte(s *stream) ([]byte, error) {
return num, nil
case '0':
return []byte{'0'}, nil
return numZeroBuf, nil
case '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
start := s.cursor
for {
@ -138,7 +145,7 @@ func (d *intDecoder) decodeStreamByte(s *stream) ([]byte, error) {
return nil, errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("number(integer)", s.totalOffset())
return nil, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("number(integer)", s.totalOffset())
func (d *intDecoder) decodeByte(buf []byte, cursor int64) ([]byte, int64, error) {
@ -150,7 +157,7 @@ func (d *intDecoder) decodeByte(buf []byte, cursor int64) ([]byte, int64, error)
case '0':
return []byte{'0'}, cursor, nil
return numZeroBuf, cursor, nil
case '-', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
start := cursor
@ -171,7 +178,7 @@ func (d *intDecoder) decodeByte(buf []byte, cursor int64) ([]byte, int64, error)
func (d *intDecoder) decodeStream(s *stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
func (d *intDecoder) DecodeStream(s *Stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
bytes, err := d.decodeStreamByte(s)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -202,8 +209,8 @@ func (d *intDecoder) decodeStream(s *stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) erro
return nil
func (d *intDecoder) decode(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
bytes, c, err := d.decodeByte(buf, cursor)
func (d *intDecoder) Decode(ctx *RuntimeContext, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
bytes, c, err := d.decodeByte(ctx.Buf, cursor)
if err != nil {
return 0, err

View File

@ -1,14 +1,18 @@
package json
package decoder
import (
type interfaceDecoder struct {
typ *rtype
typ *runtime.Type
structName string
fieldName string
sliceDecoder *sliceDecoder
@ -26,7 +30,7 @@ func newEmptyInterfaceDecoder(structName, fieldName string) *interfaceDecoder {
floatDecoder: newFloatDecoder(structName, fieldName, func(p unsafe.Pointer, v float64) {
*(*interface{})(p) = v
numberDecoder: newNumberDecoder(structName, fieldName, func(p unsafe.Pointer, v Number) {
numberDecoder: newNumberDecoder(structName, fieldName, func(p unsafe.Pointer, v json.Number) {
*(*interface{})(p) = v
stringDecoder: newStringDecoder(structName, fieldName),
@ -49,7 +53,7 @@ func newEmptyInterfaceDecoder(structName, fieldName string) *interfaceDecoder {
return ifaceDecoder
func newInterfaceDecoder(typ *rtype, structName, fieldName string) *interfaceDecoder {
func newInterfaceDecoder(typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string) *interfaceDecoder {
emptyIfaceDecoder := newEmptyInterfaceDecoder(structName, fieldName)
stringDecoder := newStringDecoder(structName, fieldName)
return &interfaceDecoder{
@ -74,31 +78,31 @@ func newInterfaceDecoder(typ *rtype, structName, fieldName string) *interfaceDec
floatDecoder: newFloatDecoder(structName, fieldName, func(p unsafe.Pointer, v float64) {
*(*interface{})(p) = v
numberDecoder: newNumberDecoder(structName, fieldName, func(p unsafe.Pointer, v Number) {
numberDecoder: newNumberDecoder(structName, fieldName, func(p unsafe.Pointer, v json.Number) {
*(*interface{})(p) = v
stringDecoder: stringDecoder,
func (d *interfaceDecoder) numDecoder(s *stream) decoder {
if s.useNumber {
func (d *interfaceDecoder) numDecoder(s *Stream) Decoder {
if s.UseNumber {
return d.numberDecoder
return d.floatDecoder
var (
emptyInterfaceType = type2rtype(reflect.TypeOf((*interface{})(nil)).Elem())
interfaceMapType = type2rtype(
emptyInterfaceType = runtime.Type2RType(reflect.TypeOf((*interface{})(nil)).Elem())
interfaceMapType = runtime.Type2RType(
stringType = type2rtype(
stringType = runtime.Type2RType(
func decodeStreamUnmarshaler(s *stream, depth int64, unmarshaler Unmarshaler) error {
func decodeStreamUnmarshaler(s *Stream, depth int64, unmarshaler json.Unmarshaler) error {
start := s.cursor
if err := s.skipValue(depth); err != nil {
return err
@ -113,7 +117,22 @@ func decodeStreamUnmarshaler(s *stream, depth int64, unmarshaler Unmarshaler) er
return nil
func decodeUnmarshaler(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64, unmarshaler Unmarshaler) (int64, error) {
func decodeStreamUnmarshalerContext(s *Stream, depth int64, unmarshaler unmarshalerContext) error {
start := s.cursor
if err := s.skipValue(depth); err != nil {
return err
src := s.buf[start:s.cursor]
dst := make([]byte, len(src))
copy(dst, src)
if err := unmarshaler.UnmarshalJSON(s.Option.Context, dst); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func decodeUnmarshaler(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64, unmarshaler json.Unmarshaler) (int64, error) {
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, cursor)
start := cursor
end, err := skipValue(buf, cursor, depth)
@ -130,7 +149,24 @@ func decodeUnmarshaler(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64, unmarshaler Unmarshaler)
return end, nil
func decodeStreamTextUnmarshaler(s *stream, depth int64, unmarshaler encoding.TextUnmarshaler, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
func decodeUnmarshalerContext(ctx *RuntimeContext, buf []byte, cursor, depth int64, unmarshaler unmarshalerContext) (int64, error) {
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, cursor)
start := cursor
end, err := skipValue(buf, cursor, depth)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
src := buf[start:end]
dst := make([]byte, len(src))
copy(dst, src)
if err := unmarshaler.UnmarshalJSON(ctx.Option.Context, dst); err != nil {
return 0, err
return end, nil
func decodeStreamTextUnmarshaler(s *Stream, depth int64, unmarshaler encoding.TextUnmarshaler, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
start := s.cursor
if err := s.skipValue(depth); err != nil {
return err
@ -171,14 +207,14 @@ func decodeTextUnmarshaler(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64, unmarshaler encoding
return end, nil
func (d *interfaceDecoder) decodeStreamEmptyInterface(s *stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
func (d *interfaceDecoder) decodeStreamEmptyInterface(s *Stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
c := s.skipWhiteSpace()
for {
switch s.char() {
switch c {
case '{':
var v map[string]interface{}
ptr := unsafe.Pointer(&v)
if err := d.mapDecoder.decodeStream(s, depth, ptr); err != nil {
if err := d.mapDecoder.DecodeStream(s, depth, ptr); err != nil {
return err
*(*interface{})(p) = v
@ -186,20 +222,20 @@ func (d *interfaceDecoder) decodeStreamEmptyInterface(s *stream, depth int64, p
case '[':
var v []interface{}
ptr := unsafe.Pointer(&v)
if err := d.sliceDecoder.decodeStream(s, depth, ptr); err != nil {
if err := d.sliceDecoder.DecodeStream(s, depth, ptr); err != nil {
return err
*(*interface{})(p) = v
return nil
case '-', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
return d.numDecoder(s).decodeStream(s, depth, p)
return d.numDecoder(s).DecodeStream(s, depth, p)
case '"':
start := s.cursor
for {
switch s.char() {
case '\\':
if err := decodeEscapeString(s); err != nil {
if _, err := decodeEscapeString(s, nil); err != nil {
return err
case '"':
@ -211,7 +247,7 @@ func (d *interfaceDecoder) decodeStreamEmptyInterface(s *stream, depth int64, p
if s.read() {
return errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", s.totalOffset())
return errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", s.totalOffset())
@ -235,29 +271,37 @@ func (d *interfaceDecoder) decodeStreamEmptyInterface(s *stream, depth int64, p
return nil
case nul:
if s.read() {
c = s.char()
return errNotAtBeginningOfValue(s.totalOffset())
return errors.ErrInvalidBeginningOfValue(c, s.totalOffset())
func (d *interfaceDecoder) decodeStream(s *stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
type emptyInterface struct {
typ *runtime.Type
ptr unsafe.Pointer
func (d *interfaceDecoder) DecodeStream(s *Stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
runtimeInterfaceValue := *(*interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(&emptyInterface{
typ: d.typ,
ptr: p,
rv := reflect.ValueOf(runtimeInterfaceValue)
if rv.NumMethod() > 0 && rv.CanInterface() {
if u, ok := rv.Interface().(Unmarshaler); ok {
if u, ok := rv.Interface().(unmarshalerContext); ok {
return decodeStreamUnmarshalerContext(s, depth, u)
if u, ok := rv.Interface().(json.Unmarshaler); ok {
return decodeStreamUnmarshaler(s, depth, u)
if u, ok := rv.Interface().(encoding.TextUnmarshaler); ok {
return decodeStreamTextUnmarshaler(s, depth, u, p)
if s.char() == 'n' {
if s.skipWhiteSpace() == 'n' {
if err := nullBytes(s); err != nil {
return err
@ -276,23 +320,22 @@ func (d *interfaceDecoder) decodeStream(s *stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer
if typ.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && typ.Elem() == d.typ || typ.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
return d.decodeStreamEmptyInterface(s, depth, p)
if s.char() == 'n' {
if s.skipWhiteSpace() == 'n' {
if err := nullBytes(s); err != nil {
return err
*(*interface{})(p) = nil
return nil
decoder, err := decodeCompileToGetDecoder(typ)
decoder, err := CompileToGetDecoder(typ)
if err != nil {
return err
return decoder.decodeStream(s, depth, ifaceHeader.ptr)
return decoder.DecodeStream(s, depth, ifaceHeader.ptr)
func (d *interfaceDecoder) errUnmarshalType(typ reflect.Type, offset int64) *UnmarshalTypeError {
return &UnmarshalTypeError{
func (d *interfaceDecoder) errUnmarshalType(typ reflect.Type, offset int64) *errors.UnmarshalTypeError {
return &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: typ.String(),
Type: typ,
Offset: offset,
@ -301,14 +344,18 @@ func (d *interfaceDecoder) errUnmarshalType(typ reflect.Type, offset int64) *Unm
func (d *interfaceDecoder) decode(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
func (d *interfaceDecoder) Decode(ctx *RuntimeContext, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
buf := ctx.Buf
runtimeInterfaceValue := *(*interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(&emptyInterface{
typ: d.typ,
ptr: p,
rv := reflect.ValueOf(runtimeInterfaceValue)
if rv.NumMethod() > 0 && rv.CanInterface() {
if u, ok := rv.Interface().(Unmarshaler); ok {
if u, ok := rv.Interface().(unmarshalerContext); ok {
return decodeUnmarshalerContext(ctx, buf, cursor, depth, u)
if u, ok := rv.Interface().(json.Unmarshaler); ok {
return decodeUnmarshaler(buf, cursor, depth, u)
if u, ok := rv.Interface().(encoding.TextUnmarshaler); ok {
@ -331,10 +378,10 @@ func (d *interfaceDecoder) decode(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Poin
typ := ifaceHeader.typ
if ifaceHeader.ptr == nil || d.typ == typ || typ == nil {
// concrete type is empty interface
return d.decodeEmptyInterface(buf, cursor, depth, p)
return d.decodeEmptyInterface(ctx, cursor, depth, p)
if typ.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && typ.Elem() == d.typ || typ.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
return d.decodeEmptyInterface(buf, cursor, depth, p)
return d.decodeEmptyInterface(ctx, cursor, depth, p)
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, cursor)
if buf[cursor] == 'n' {
@ -345,20 +392,21 @@ func (d *interfaceDecoder) decode(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Poin
**(**interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(&p)) = nil
return cursor, nil
decoder, err := decodeCompileToGetDecoder(typ)
decoder, err := CompileToGetDecoder(typ)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return decoder.decode(buf, cursor, depth, ifaceHeader.ptr)
return decoder.Decode(ctx, cursor, depth, ifaceHeader.ptr)
func (d *interfaceDecoder) decodeEmptyInterface(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
func (d *interfaceDecoder) decodeEmptyInterface(ctx *RuntimeContext, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
buf := ctx.Buf
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, cursor)
switch buf[cursor] {
case '{':
var v map[string]interface{}
ptr := unsafe.Pointer(&v)
cursor, err := d.mapDecoder.decode(buf, cursor, depth, ptr)
cursor, err := d.mapDecoder.Decode(ctx, cursor, depth, ptr)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
@ -367,18 +415,18 @@ func (d *interfaceDecoder) decodeEmptyInterface(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64,
case '[':
var v []interface{}
ptr := unsafe.Pointer(&v)
cursor, err := d.sliceDecoder.decode(buf, cursor, depth, ptr)
cursor, err := d.sliceDecoder.Decode(ctx, cursor, depth, ptr)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
**(**interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(&p)) = v
return cursor, nil
case '-', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
return d.floatDecoder.decode(buf, cursor, depth, p)
return d.floatDecoder.Decode(ctx, cursor, depth, p)
case '"':
var v string
ptr := unsafe.Pointer(&v)
cursor, err := d.stringDecoder.decode(buf, cursor, depth, ptr)
cursor, err := d.stringDecoder.Decode(ctx, cursor, depth, ptr)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
@ -406,5 +454,5 @@ func (d *interfaceDecoder) decodeEmptyInterface(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64,
**(**interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(&p)) = nil
return cursor, nil
return cursor, errNotAtBeginningOfValue(cursor)
return cursor, errors.ErrInvalidBeginningOfValue(buf[cursor], cursor)

vendor/github.com/goccy/go-json/internal/decoder/map.go generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
package decoder
import (
type mapDecoder struct {
mapType *runtime.Type
keyType *runtime.Type
valueType *runtime.Type
canUseAssignFaststrType bool
keyDecoder Decoder
valueDecoder Decoder
structName string
fieldName string
func newMapDecoder(mapType *runtime.Type, keyType *runtime.Type, keyDec Decoder, valueType *runtime.Type, valueDec Decoder, structName, fieldName string) *mapDecoder {
return &mapDecoder{
mapType: mapType,
keyDecoder: keyDec,
keyType: keyType,
canUseAssignFaststrType: canUseAssignFaststrType(keyType, valueType),
valueType: valueType,
valueDecoder: valueDec,
structName: structName,
fieldName: fieldName,
const (
mapMaxElemSize = 128
// See detail: https://github.com/goccy/go-json/pull/283
func canUseAssignFaststrType(key *runtime.Type, value *runtime.Type) bool {
indirectElem := value.Size() > mapMaxElemSize
if indirectElem {
return false
return key.Kind() == reflect.String
//go:linkname makemap reflect.makemap
func makemap(*runtime.Type, int) unsafe.Pointer
//go:linkname mapassign_faststr runtime.mapassign_faststr
func mapassign_faststr(t *runtime.Type, m unsafe.Pointer, s string) unsafe.Pointer
//go:linkname mapassign reflect.mapassign
func mapassign(t *runtime.Type, m unsafe.Pointer, k, v unsafe.Pointer)
func (d *mapDecoder) mapassign(t *runtime.Type, m, k, v unsafe.Pointer) {
if d.canUseAssignFaststrType {
mapV := mapassign_faststr(t, m, *(*string)(k))
typedmemmove(d.valueType, mapV, v)
} else {
mapassign(t, m, k, v)
func (d *mapDecoder) DecodeStream(s *Stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
if depth > maxDecodeNestingDepth {
return errors.ErrExceededMaxDepth(s.char(), s.cursor)
switch s.skipWhiteSpace() {
case 'n':
if err := nullBytes(s); err != nil {
return err
**(**unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&p)) = nil
return nil
case '{':
return errors.ErrExpected("{ character for map value", s.totalOffset())
mapValue := *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p)
if mapValue == nil {
mapValue = makemap(d.mapType, 0)
if s.buf[s.cursor+1] == '}' {
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = mapValue
s.cursor += 2
return nil
for {
k := unsafe_New(d.keyType)
if err := d.keyDecoder.DecodeStream(s, depth, k); err != nil {
return err
if !s.equalChar(':') {
return errors.ErrExpected("colon after object key", s.totalOffset())
v := unsafe_New(d.valueType)
if err := d.valueDecoder.DecodeStream(s, depth, v); err != nil {
return err
d.mapassign(d.mapType, mapValue, k, v)
if s.equalChar('}') {
**(**unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&p)) = mapValue
return nil
if !s.equalChar(',') {
return errors.ErrExpected("comma after object value", s.totalOffset())
func (d *mapDecoder) Decode(ctx *RuntimeContext, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
buf := ctx.Buf
if depth > maxDecodeNestingDepth {
return 0, errors.ErrExceededMaxDepth(buf[cursor], cursor)
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, cursor)
buflen := int64(len(buf))
if buflen < 2 {
return 0, errors.ErrExpected("{} for map", cursor)
switch buf[cursor] {
case 'n':
if err := validateNull(buf, cursor); err != nil {
return 0, err
cursor += 4
**(**unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&p)) = nil
return cursor, nil
case '{':
return 0, errors.ErrExpected("{ character for map value", cursor)
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, cursor)
mapValue := *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p)
if mapValue == nil {
mapValue = makemap(d.mapType, 0)
if buf[cursor] == '}' {
**(**unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&p)) = mapValue
return cursor, nil
for {
k := unsafe_New(d.keyType)
keyCursor, err := d.keyDecoder.Decode(ctx, cursor, depth, k)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, keyCursor)
if buf[cursor] != ':' {
return 0, errors.ErrExpected("colon after object key", cursor)
v := unsafe_New(d.valueType)
valueCursor, err := d.valueDecoder.Decode(ctx, cursor, depth, v)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
d.mapassign(d.mapType, mapValue, k, v)
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, valueCursor)
if buf[cursor] == '}' {
**(**unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&p)) = mapValue
return cursor, nil
if buf[cursor] != ',' {
return 0, errors.ErrExpected("comma after object value", cursor)

View File

@ -1,18 +1,21 @@
package json
package decoder
import (
type numberDecoder struct {
stringDecoder *stringDecoder
op func(unsafe.Pointer, Number)
op func(unsafe.Pointer, json.Number)
structName string
fieldName string
func newNumberDecoder(structName, fieldName string, op func(unsafe.Pointer, Number)) *numberDecoder {
func newNumberDecoder(structName, fieldName string, op func(unsafe.Pointer, json.Number)) *numberDecoder {
return &numberDecoder{
stringDecoder: newStringDecoder(structName, fieldName),
op: op,
@ -21,34 +24,35 @@ func newNumberDecoder(structName, fieldName string, op func(unsafe.Pointer, Numb
func (d *numberDecoder) decodeStream(s *stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
func (d *numberDecoder) DecodeStream(s *Stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
bytes, err := d.decodeStreamByte(s)
if err != nil {
return err
if _, err := strconv.ParseFloat(*(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&bytes)), 64); err != nil {
return errSyntax(err.Error(), s.totalOffset())
return errors.ErrSyntax(err.Error(), s.totalOffset())
d.op(p, Number(string(bytes)))
d.op(p, json.Number(string(bytes)))
return nil
func (d *numberDecoder) decode(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
bytes, c, err := d.decodeByte(buf, cursor)
func (d *numberDecoder) Decode(ctx *RuntimeContext, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
bytes, c, err := d.decodeByte(ctx.Buf, cursor)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if _, err := strconv.ParseFloat(*(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&bytes)), 64); err != nil {
return 0, errSyntax(err.Error(), c)
return 0, errors.ErrSyntax(err.Error(), c)
cursor = c
s := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&bytes))
d.op(p, Number(s))
d.op(p, json.Number(s))
return cursor, nil
func (d *numberDecoder) decodeStreamByte(s *stream) ([]byte, error) {
func (d *numberDecoder) decodeStreamByte(s *Stream) ([]byte, error) {
start := s.cursor
for {
switch s.char() {
case ' ', '\n', '\t', '\r':
@ -73,7 +77,10 @@ func (d *numberDecoder) decodeStreamByte(s *stream) ([]byte, error) {
return nil, errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("json.Number", s.totalOffset())
if s.cursor == start {
return nil, errors.ErrInvalidBeginningOfValue(s.char(), s.totalOffset())
return nil, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("json.Number", s.totalOffset())
func (d *numberDecoder) decodeByte(buf []byte, cursor int64) ([]byte, int64, error) {
@ -99,7 +106,7 @@ func (d *numberDecoder) decodeByte(buf []byte, cursor int64) ([]byte, int64, err
case '"':
return d.stringDecoder.decodeByte(buf, cursor)
return nil, 0, errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("json.Number", cursor)
return nil, 0, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("json.Number", cursor)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
package decoder
import "context"
type OptionFlags uint8
const (
FirstWinOption OptionFlags = 1 << iota
type Option struct {
Flags OptionFlags
Context context.Context

View File

@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
package json
package decoder
import (
type ptrDecoder struct {
dec decoder
typ *rtype
dec Decoder
typ *runtime.Type
structName string
fieldName string
func newPtrDecoder(dec decoder, typ *rtype, structName, fieldName string) *ptrDecoder {
func newPtrDecoder(dec Decoder, typ *runtime.Type, structName, fieldName string) *ptrDecoder {
return &ptrDecoder{
dec: dec,
typ: typ,
@ -20,7 +22,7 @@ func newPtrDecoder(dec decoder, typ *rtype, structName, fieldName string) *ptrDe
func (d *ptrDecoder) contentDecoder() decoder {
func (d *ptrDecoder) contentDecoder() Decoder {
dec, ok := d.dec.(*ptrDecoder)
if !ok {
return d.dec
@ -30,11 +32,10 @@ func (d *ptrDecoder) contentDecoder() decoder {
//go:linkname unsafe_New reflect.unsafe_New
func unsafe_New(*rtype) unsafe.Pointer
func unsafe_New(*runtime.Type) unsafe.Pointer
func (d *ptrDecoder) decodeStream(s *stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
if s.char() == nul {
func (d *ptrDecoder) DecodeStream(s *Stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
if s.skipWhiteSpace() == nul {
if s.char() == 'n' {
@ -51,13 +52,14 @@ func (d *ptrDecoder) decodeStream(s *stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) erro
} else {
newptr = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p)
if err := d.dec.decodeStream(s, depth, newptr); err != nil {
if err := d.dec.DecodeStream(s, depth, newptr); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (d *ptrDecoder) decode(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
func (d *ptrDecoder) Decode(ctx *RuntimeContext, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
buf := ctx.Buf
cursor = skipWhiteSpace(buf, cursor)
if buf[cursor] == 'n' {
if err := validateNull(buf, cursor); err != nil {
@ -76,7 +78,7 @@ func (d *ptrDecoder) decode(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (
} else {
newptr = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p)
c, err := d.dec.decode(buf, cursor, depth, newptr)
c, err := d.dec.Decode(ctx, cursor, depth, newptr)
if err != nil {
return 0, err

View File

@ -1,15 +1,25 @@
package json
package decoder
import (
var (
sliceType = runtime.Type2RType(
nilSlice = unsafe.Pointer(&sliceHeader{})
type sliceDecoder struct {
elemType *rtype
elemType *runtime.Type
isElemPointerType bool
valueDecoder decoder
valueDecoder Decoder
size uintptr
arrayPool sync.Pool
structName string
@ -29,7 +39,7 @@ const (
defaultSliceCapacity = 2
func newSliceDecoder(dec decoder, elemType *rtype, size uintptr, structName, fieldName string) *sliceDecoder {
func newSliceDecoder(dec Decoder, elemType *runtime.Type, size uintptr, structName, fieldName string) *sliceDecoder {
return &sliceDecoder{
valueDecoder: dec,
elemType: elemType,
@ -71,28 +81,28 @@ func (d *sliceDecoder) releaseSlice(p *sliceHeader) {
//go:linkname copySlice reflect.typedslicecopy
func copySlice(elemType *rtype, dst, src sliceHeader) int
func copySlice(elemType *runtime.Type, dst, src sliceHeader) int
//go:linkname newArray reflect.unsafe_NewArray
func newArray(*rtype, int) unsafe.Pointer
func newArray(*runtime.Type, int) unsafe.Pointer
//go:linkname typedmemmove reflect.typedmemmove
func typedmemmove(t *rtype, dst, src unsafe.Pointer)
func typedmemmove(t *runtime.Type, dst, src unsafe.Pointer)
func (d *sliceDecoder) errNumber(offset int64) *UnmarshalTypeError {
return &UnmarshalTypeError{
func (d *sliceDecoder) errNumber(offset int64) *errors.UnmarshalTypeError {
return &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: "number",
Type: reflect.SliceOf(rtype2type(d.elemType)),
Type: reflect.SliceOf(runtime.RType2Type(d.elemType)),
Struct: d.structName,
Field: d.fieldName,
Offset: offset,
func (d *sliceDecoder) decodeStream(s *stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
func (d *sliceDecoder) DecodeStream(s *Stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
if depth > maxDecodeNestingDepth {
return errExceededMaxDepth(s.char(), s.cursor)
return errors.ErrExceededMaxDepth(s.char(), s.cursor)
for {
@ -104,12 +114,11 @@ func (d *sliceDecoder) decodeStream(s *stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) er
if err := nullBytes(s); err != nil {
return err
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = nil
typedmemmove(sliceType, p, nilSlice)
return nil
case '[':
if s.char() == ']' {
if s.skipWhiteSpace() == ']' {
dst := (*sliceHeader)(p)
if dst.data == nil {
dst.data = newArray(d.elemType, 0)
@ -144,7 +153,7 @@ func (d *sliceDecoder) decodeStream(s *stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) er
if err := d.valueDecoder.decodeStream(s, depth, ep); err != nil {
if err := d.valueDecoder.DecodeStream(s, depth, ep); err != nil {
return err
@ -194,13 +203,14 @@ func (d *sliceDecoder) decodeStream(s *stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) er
return errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("slice", s.totalOffset())
return errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("slice", s.totalOffset())
func (d *sliceDecoder) decode(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
func (d *sliceDecoder) Decode(ctx *RuntimeContext, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
buf := ctx.Buf
if depth > maxDecodeNestingDepth {
return 0, errExceededMaxDepth(buf[cursor], cursor)
return 0, errors.ErrExceededMaxDepth(buf[cursor], cursor)
for {
@ -213,7 +223,7 @@ func (d *sliceDecoder) decode(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer)
return 0, err
cursor += 4
*(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = nil
typedmemmove(sliceType, p, nilSlice)
return cursor, nil
case '[':
@ -251,7 +261,7 @@ func (d *sliceDecoder) decode(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer)
typedmemmove(d.elemType, ep, unsafe_New(d.elemType))
c, err := d.valueDecoder.decode(buf, cursor, depth, ep)
c, err := d.valueDecoder.Decode(ctx, cursor, depth, ep)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
@ -278,14 +288,14 @@ func (d *sliceDecoder) decode(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer)
slice.cap = capacity
slice.data = data
return 0, errInvalidCharacter(buf[cursor], "slice", cursor)
return 0, errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(buf[cursor], "slice", cursor)
case '-', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
return 0, d.errNumber(cursor)
return 0, errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("slice", cursor)
return 0, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("slice", cursor)

View File

@ -1,16 +1,20 @@
package json
package decoder
import (
const (
initBufSize = 512
type stream struct {
type Stream struct {
buf []byte
bufSize int64
length int64
@ -19,19 +23,25 @@ type stream struct {
cursor int64
filledBuffer bool
allRead bool
useNumber bool
disallowUnknownFields bool
UseNumber bool
DisallowUnknownFields bool
Option *Option
func newStream(r io.Reader) *stream {
return &stream{
func NewStream(r io.Reader) *Stream {
return &Stream{
r: r,
bufSize: initBufSize,
buf: []byte{nul},
buf: make([]byte, initBufSize),
Option: &Option{},
func (s *stream) buffered() io.Reader {
func (s *Stream) TotalOffset() int64 {
return s.totalOffset()
func (s *Stream) Buffered() io.Reader {
buflen := int64(len(s.buf))
for i := s.cursor; i < buflen; i++ {
if s.buf[i] == nul {
@ -41,15 +51,35 @@ func (s *stream) buffered() io.Reader {
return bytes.NewReader(s.buf[s.cursor:])
func (s *stream) totalOffset() int64 {
func (s *Stream) PrepareForDecode() error {
for {
switch s.char() {
case ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n':
case ',', ':':
return nil
case nul:
if s.read() {
return io.EOF
return nil
func (s *Stream) totalOffset() int64 {
return s.offset + s.cursor
func (s *stream) char() byte {
func (s *Stream) char() byte {
return s.buf[s.cursor]
func (s *stream) equalChar(c byte) bool {
func (s *Stream) equalChar(c byte) bool {
cur := s.buf[s.cursor]
if cur == nul {
@ -58,23 +88,104 @@ func (s *stream) equalChar(c byte) bool {
return cur == c
func (s *stream) stat() ([]byte, int64, unsafe.Pointer) {
func (s *Stream) stat() ([]byte, int64, unsafe.Pointer) {
return s.buf, s.cursor, (*sliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&s.buf)).data
func (s *stream) statForRetry() ([]byte, int64, unsafe.Pointer) {
func (s *Stream) bufptr() unsafe.Pointer {
return (*sliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&s.buf)).data
func (s *Stream) statForRetry() ([]byte, int64, unsafe.Pointer) {
s.cursor-- // for retry ( because caller progress cursor position in each loop )
return s.buf, s.cursor, (*sliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&s.buf)).data
func (s *stream) reset() {
func (s *Stream) Reset() {
s.bufSize = initBufSize
func (s *Stream) More() bool {
for {
switch s.char() {
case ' ', '\n', '\r', '\t':
case '}', ']':
return false
case nul:
if s.read() {
return false
return true
func (s *Stream) Token() (interface{}, error) {
for {
c := s.char()
switch c {
case ' ', '\n', '\r', '\t':
case '{', '[', ']', '}':
return json.Delim(c), nil
case ',', ':':
case '-', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
bytes := floatBytes(s)
s := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&bytes))
f64, err := strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return f64, nil
case '"':
bytes, err := stringBytes(s)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return string(bytes), nil
case 't':
if err := trueBytes(s); err != nil {
return nil, err
return true, nil
case 'f':
if err := falseBytes(s); err != nil {
return nil, err
return false, nil
case 'n':
if err := nullBytes(s); err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, nil
case nul:
if s.read() {
goto END
return nil, errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(s.char(), "token", s.totalOffset())
return nil, io.EOF
func (s *Stream) reset() {
s.offset += s.cursor
s.buf = s.buf[s.cursor:]
s.length -= s.cursor
s.cursor = 0
func (s *stream) readBuf() []byte {
func (s *Stream) readBuf() []byte {
if s.filledBuffer {
s.bufSize *= 2
remainBuf := s.buf
@ -89,10 +200,11 @@ func (s *stream) readBuf() []byte {
s.length = s.cursor + remainNotNulCharNum
return s.buf[s.cursor+remainNotNulCharNum:]
func (s *stream) read() bool {
func (s *Stream) read() bool {
if s.allRead {
return false
@ -100,7 +212,7 @@ func (s *stream) read() bool {
last := len(buf) - 1
buf[last] = nul
n, err := s.r.Read(buf[:last])
s.length = s.cursor + int64(n)
s.length += int64(n)
if n == last {
s.filledBuffer = true
} else {
@ -114,20 +226,24 @@ func (s *stream) read() bool {
return true
func (s *stream) skipWhiteSpace() {
func (s *Stream) skipWhiteSpace() byte {
p := s.bufptr()
switch s.char() {
c := char(p, s.cursor)
switch c {
case ' ', '\n', '\t', '\r':
goto LOOP
case nul:
if s.read() {
p = s.bufptr()
goto LOOP
return c
func (s *stream) skipObject(depth int64) error {
func (s *Stream) skipObject(depth int64) error {
braceCount := 1
_, cursor, p := s.stat()
for {
@ -136,7 +252,7 @@ func (s *stream) skipObject(depth int64) error {
if depth > maxDecodeNestingDepth {
return errExceededMaxDepth(s.char(), s.cursor)
return errors.ErrExceededMaxDepth(s.char(), s.cursor)
case '}':
@ -148,7 +264,7 @@ func (s *stream) skipObject(depth int64) error {
case '[':
if depth > maxDecodeNestingDepth {
return errExceededMaxDepth(s.char(), s.cursor)
return errors.ErrExceededMaxDepth(s.char(), s.cursor)
case ']':
@ -164,7 +280,7 @@ func (s *stream) skipObject(depth int64) error {
_, cursor, p = s.statForRetry()
return errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string of object", cursor)
return errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string of object", cursor)
case '"':
@ -174,7 +290,7 @@ func (s *stream) skipObject(depth int64) error {
_, cursor, p = s.statForRetry()
return errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string of object", cursor)
return errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string of object", cursor)
case nul:
@ -183,14 +299,14 @@ func (s *stream) skipObject(depth int64) error {
_, cursor, p = s.stat()
return errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("object of object", cursor)
return errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("object of object", cursor)
func (s *stream) skipArray(depth int64) error {
func (s *Stream) skipArray(depth int64) error {
bracketCount := 1
_, cursor, p := s.stat()
for {
@ -199,7 +315,7 @@ func (s *stream) skipArray(depth int64) error {
if depth > maxDecodeNestingDepth {
return errExceededMaxDepth(s.char(), s.cursor)
return errors.ErrExceededMaxDepth(s.char(), s.cursor)
case ']':
@ -211,7 +327,7 @@ func (s *stream) skipArray(depth int64) error {
case '{':
if depth > maxDecodeNestingDepth {
return errExceededMaxDepth(s.char(), s.cursor)
return errors.ErrExceededMaxDepth(s.char(), s.cursor)
case '}':
@ -227,7 +343,7 @@ func (s *stream) skipArray(depth int64) error {
_, cursor, p = s.statForRetry()
return errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string of object", cursor)
return errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string of object", cursor)
case '"':
@ -237,7 +353,7 @@ func (s *stream) skipArray(depth int64) error {
_, cursor, p = s.statForRetry()
return errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string of object", cursor)
return errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string of object", cursor)
case nul:
@ -246,14 +362,14 @@ func (s *stream) skipArray(depth int64) error {
_, cursor, p = s.stat()
return errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("array of object", cursor)
return errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("array of object", cursor)
func (s *stream) skipValue(depth int64) error {
func (s *Stream) skipValue(depth int64) error {
_, cursor, p := s.stat()
for {
switch char(p, cursor) {
@ -266,7 +382,7 @@ func (s *stream) skipValue(depth int64) error {
_, cursor, p = s.stat()
return errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("value of object", s.totalOffset())
return errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("value of object", s.totalOffset())
case '{':
s.cursor = cursor + 1
return s.skipObject(depth + 1)
@ -285,7 +401,7 @@ func (s *stream) skipValue(depth int64) error {
_, cursor, p = s.statForRetry()
return errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("value of string", s.totalOffset())
return errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("value of string", s.totalOffset())
case '"':
s.cursor = cursor + 1
@ -296,7 +412,7 @@ func (s *stream) skipValue(depth int64) error {
_, cursor, p = s.statForRetry()
return errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("value of string", s.totalOffset())
return errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("value of string", s.totalOffset())
case '-', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9':
@ -338,7 +454,7 @@ func (s *stream) skipValue(depth int64) error {
func nullBytes(s *stream) error {
func nullBytes(s *Stream) error {
// current cursor's character is 'n'
if s.char() != 'u' {
@ -362,14 +478,14 @@ func nullBytes(s *stream) error {
return nil
func retryReadNull(s *stream) error {
func retryReadNull(s *Stream) error {
if s.char() == nul && s.read() {
return nil
return errInvalidCharacter(s.char(), "null", s.totalOffset())
return errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(s.char(), "null", s.totalOffset())
func trueBytes(s *stream) error {
func trueBytes(s *Stream) error {
// current cursor's character is 't'
if s.char() != 'r' {
@ -393,14 +509,14 @@ func trueBytes(s *stream) error {
return nil
func retryReadTrue(s *stream) error {
func retryReadTrue(s *Stream) error {
if s.char() == nul && s.read() {
return nil
return errInvalidCharacter(s.char(), "bool(true)", s.totalOffset())
return errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(s.char(), "bool(true)", s.totalOffset())
func falseBytes(s *stream) error {
func falseBytes(s *Stream) error {
// current cursor's character is 'f'
if s.char() != 'a' {
@ -430,9 +546,9 @@ func falseBytes(s *stream) error {
return nil
func retryReadFalse(s *stream) error {
func retryReadFalse(s *Stream) error {
if s.char() == nul && s.read() {
return nil
return errInvalidCharacter(s.char(), "bool(false)", s.totalOffset())
return errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(s.char(), "bool(false)", s.totalOffset())

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package json
package decoder
import (
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ import (
type stringDecoder struct {
@ -20,8 +22,8 @@ func newStringDecoder(structName, fieldName string) *stringDecoder {
func (d *stringDecoder) errUnmarshalType(typeName string, offset int64) *UnmarshalTypeError {
return &UnmarshalTypeError{
func (d *stringDecoder) errUnmarshalType(typeName string, offset int64) *errors.UnmarshalTypeError {
return &errors.UnmarshalTypeError{
Value: typeName,
Type: reflect.TypeOf(""),
Offset: offset,
@ -30,7 +32,7 @@ func (d *stringDecoder) errUnmarshalType(typeName string, offset int64) *Unmarsh
func (d *stringDecoder) decodeStream(s *stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
func (d *stringDecoder) DecodeStream(s *Stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) error {
bytes, err := d.decodeStreamByte(s)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -43,8 +45,8 @@ func (d *stringDecoder) decodeStream(s *stream, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) e
return nil
func (d *stringDecoder) decode(buf []byte, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
bytes, c, err := d.decodeByte(buf, cursor)
func (d *stringDecoder) Decode(ctx *RuntimeContext, cursor, depth int64, p unsafe.Pointer) (int64, error) {
bytes, c, err := d.decodeByte(ctx.Buf, cursor)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
@ -91,38 +93,40 @@ func unicodeToRune(code []byte) rune {
return r
func decodeUnicodeRune(s *stream) (rune, int64, error) {
func decodeUnicodeRune(s *Stream, p unsafe.Pointer) (rune, int64, unsafe.Pointer, error) {
const defaultOffset = 5
const surrogateOffset = 11
if s.cursor+defaultOffset >= s.length {
if !s.read() {
return rune(0), 0, errInvalidCharacter(s.char(), "escaped string", s.totalOffset())
return rune(0), 0, nil, errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(s.char(), "escaped string", s.totalOffset())
p = s.bufptr()
r := unicodeToRune(s.buf[s.cursor+1 : s.cursor+defaultOffset])
if utf16.IsSurrogate(r) {
if s.cursor+surrogateOffset >= s.length {
p = s.bufptr()
if s.cursor+surrogateOffset >= s.length || s.buf[s.cursor+defaultOffset] != '\\' || s.buf[s.cursor+defaultOffset+1] != 'u' {
return unicode.ReplacementChar, defaultOffset, nil
return unicode.ReplacementChar, defaultOffset, p, nil
r2 := unicodeToRune(s.buf[s.cursor+defaultOffset+2 : s.cursor+surrogateOffset])
if r := utf16.DecodeRune(r, r2); r != unicode.ReplacementChar {
return r, surrogateOffset, nil
return r, surrogateOffset, p, nil
return r, defaultOffset, nil
return r, defaultOffset, p, nil
func decodeUnicode(s *stream) error {
func decodeUnicode(s *Stream, p unsafe.Pointer) (unsafe.Pointer, error) {
const backSlashAndULen = 2 // length of \u
r, offset, err := decodeUnicodeRune(s)
r, offset, pp, err := decodeUnicodeRune(s, p)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil, err
unicode := []byte(string(r))
unicodeLen := int64(len(unicode))
@ -130,10 +134,10 @@ func decodeUnicode(s *stream) error {
unicodeOrgLen := offset - 1
s.length = s.length - (backSlashAndULen + (unicodeOrgLen - unicodeLen))
s.cursor = s.cursor - backSlashAndULen + unicodeLen
return nil
return pp, nil
func decodeEscapeString(s *stream) error {
func decodeEscapeString(s *Stream, p unsafe.Pointer) (unsafe.Pointer, error) {
switch s.buf[s.cursor] {
@ -154,19 +158,20 @@ RETRY:
case 't':
s.buf[s.cursor] = '\t'
case 'u':
return decodeUnicode(s)
return decodeUnicode(s, p)
case nul:
if !s.read() {
return errInvalidCharacter(s.char(), "escaped string", s.totalOffset())
return nil, errors.ErrInvalidCharacter(s.char(), "escaped string", s.totalOffset())
goto RETRY
return errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", s.totalOffset())
return nil, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", s.totalOffset())
s.buf = append(s.buf[:s.cursor-1], s.buf[s.cursor:]...)
return nil
p = s.bufptr()
return p, nil
var (
@ -174,7 +179,7 @@ var (
runeErrBytesLen = int64(len(runeErrBytes))
func stringBytes(s *stream) ([]byte, error) {
func stringBytes(s *Stream) ([]byte, error) {
_, cursor, p := s.stat()
cursor++ // skip double quote char
start := cursor
@ -182,9 +187,11 @@ func stringBytes(s *stream) ([]byte, error) {
switch char(p, cursor) {
case '\\':
s.cursor = cursor
if err := decodeEscapeString(s); err != nil {
pp, err := decodeEscapeString(s, p)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
p = pp
cursor = s.cursor
case '"':
literal := s.buf[start:cursor]
@ -232,23 +239,32 @@ func stringBytes(s *stream) ([]byte, error) {
// multi bytes character
r, _ := utf8.DecodeRune(s.buf[cursor:])
b := []byte(string(r))
if r == utf8.RuneError {
s.buf = append(append(append([]byte{}, s.buf[:cursor]...), b...), s.buf[cursor+1:]...)
_, _, p = s.stat()
if !utf8.FullRune(s.buf[cursor : len(s.buf)-1]) {
s.cursor = cursor
if s.read() {
_, cursor, p = s.stat()
goto ERROR
r, size := utf8.DecodeRune(s.buf[cursor:])
if r == utf8.RuneError {
s.buf = append(append(append([]byte{}, s.buf[:cursor]...), runeErrBytes...), s.buf[cursor+1:]...)
cursor += runeErrBytesLen
s.length += runeErrBytesLen
_, _, p = s.stat()
} else {
cursor += int64(size)
cursor += int64(len(b))
s.length += int64(len(b))
return nil, errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", s.totalOffset())
return nil, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", s.totalOffset())
func (d *stringDecoder) decodeStreamByte(s *stream) ([]byte, error) {
func (d *stringDecoder) decodeStreamByte(s *Stream) ([]byte, error) {
for {
switch s.char() {
case ' ', '\n', '\t', '\r':
@ -274,7 +290,7 @@ func (d *stringDecoder) decodeStreamByte(s *stream) ([]byte, error) {
return nil, errNotAtBeginningOfValue(s.totalOffset())
return nil, errors.ErrInvalidBeginningOfValue(s.char(), s.totalOffset())
func (d *stringDecoder) decodeByte(buf []byte, cursor int64) ([]byte, int64, error) {
@ -324,13 +340,13 @@ func (d *stringDecoder) decodeByte(buf []byte, cursor int64) ([]byte, int64, err
case 'u':
buflen := int64(len(buf))
if cursor+5 >= buflen {
return nil, 0, errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("escaped string", cursor)
return nil, 0, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("escaped string", cursor)
code := unicodeToRune(buf[cursor+1 : cursor+5])
unicode := []byte(string(code))
buf = append(append(buf[:cursor-1], unicode...), buf[cursor+5:]...)
return nil, 0, errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("escaped string", cursor)
return nil, 0, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("escaped string", cursor)
case '"':
@ -338,7 +354,7 @@ func (d *stringDecoder) decodeByte(buf []byte, cursor int64) ([]byte, int64, err
return literal, cursor, nil
case nul:
return nil, 0, errUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", cursor)
return nil, 0, errors.ErrUnexpectedEndOfJSON("string", cursor)
@ -349,7 +365,7 @@ func (d *stringDecoder) decodeByte(buf []byte, cursor int64) ([]byte, int64, err
cursor += 4
return nil, cursor, nil
return nil, 0, errNotAtBeginningOfValue(cursor)
return nil, 0, errors.ErrInvalidBeginningOfValue(buf[cursor], cursor)

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