%{ // Copyright 2019 The CC Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Based on [0], 6.5-6.10. package cc // import "modernc.org/cc/v3" %} %union { Token Token node Node } %token /*yy:token "%c" */ IDENTIFIER /*yy:token "%c_e" */ ENUMCONST /*yy:token "%c_t" */ TYPEDEFNAME /*yy:token "%d" */ INTCONST /*yy:token "'%c'" */ CHARCONST /*yy:token "1.%d" */ FLOATCONST /*yy:token "L'%c'" */ LONGCHARCONST /*yy:token "L\"%c\"" */ LONGSTRINGLITERAL /*yy:token "\"%c\"" */ STRINGLITERAL ACCUM "_Accum" ADDASSIGN "+=" ALIGNAS "_Alignas" ALIGNOF "_Alignof" ANDAND "&&" ANDASSIGN "&=" ARROW "->" ASM "__asm__" ATOMIC "_Atomic" ATTRIBUTE "__attribute__" AUTO "auto" BOOL "_Bool" BREAK "break" BUILTINCHOOSEXPR "__builtin_choose_expr" BUILTINTYPESCOMPATIBLE "__builtin_types_compatible_p" CASE "case" CHAR "char" COMPLEX "_Complex" CONST "const" CONTINUE "continue" DDD "..." DEC "--" DECIMAL128 "_Decimal128" DECIMAL32 "_Decimal32" DECIMAL64 "_Decimal64" DEFAULT "default" DIVASSIGN "/=" DO "do" DOUBLE "double" ELSE "else" ENUM "enum" EQ "==" EXTERN "extern" FLOAT "float" FLOAT128 "_Float128" FLOAT16 "__fp16" FLOAT32 "_Float32" FLOAT32X "_Float32x" FLOAT64 "_Float64" FLOAT64x "_Float64x" FLOAT80 "__float80" FOR "for" FRACT "_Fract" GEQ ">=" GOTO "goto" IF "if" IMAG "__imag__" INC "++" INLINE "inline" INT "int" INT8 "__int8" INT16 "__int16" INT32 "__int32" INT64 "__int64" INT128 "__int128" LABEL "__label__" LEQ "<=" LONG "long" LSH "<<" LSHASSIGN "<<=" MODASSIGN "%=" MULASSIGN "*=" NEQ "!=" NORETURN "_Noreturn" ORASSIGN "|=" OROR "||" PPNUMBER "preprocessing number" PPPASTE "##" PRAGMASTDC "__pragma_stdc" REAL "__real__" REGISTER "register" RESTRICT "restrict" RETURN "return" RSH ">>" RSHASSIGN ">>=" SAT "_Sat" SHORT "short" SIGNED "signed" SIZEOF "sizeof" STATIC "static" STRUCT "struct" SUBASSIGN "-=" SWITCH "switch" THREADLOCAL "_Thread_local" TYPEDEF "typedef" TYPEOF "typeof" UNION "union" UNSIGNED "unsigned" VOID "void" VOLATILE "volatile" WHILE "while" XORASSIGN "^=" %precedence BELOW_ELSE %precedence ELSE %precedence BELOW_ATTRIBUTE %precedence ATTRIBUTE %start TranslationUnit %% /* [0], 6.5.1 Primary expressions */ /*yy:field Operand Operand */ /*yy:field lexicalScope Scope */ /*yy:field resolvedIn Scope */ /*yy:field resolvedTo Node */ /*yy:field IsSideEffectsFree bool */ /*yy:example int i = x; */ /*yy:case Ident */ PrimaryExpression: IDENTIFIER /*yy:example int i = 42; */ /*yy:case Int */ | INTCONST /*yy:example int i = 3.14; */ /*yy:case Float */ | FLOATCONST /*yy:example enum e {a}; int i = a; */ /*yy:case Enum */ | ENUMCONST /*yy:example int i = 'x'; */ /*yy:case Char */ | CHARCONST /*yy:example int i = L'x'; */ /*yy:case LChar */ | LONGCHARCONST /*yy:example char *c = "x"; */ /*yy:case String */ | STRINGLITERAL /*yy:example char *c = L"x"; */ /*yy:case LString */ | LONGSTRINGLITERAL /*yy:example int i = (x+y); */ /*yy:case Expr */ | '(' Expression ')' /*yy:example int i = ({x();}); */ /*yy:case Stmt */ | '(' CompoundStatement ')' /* [0], 6.5.2 Postfix operators */ /*yy:field Operand Operand */ /*yy:field Field Field // Case Select, PSelect */ /*yy:field IsSideEffectsFree bool */ /*yy:example int i = x; */ /*yy:case Primary */ PostfixExpression: PrimaryExpression /*yy:example int i = x[y]; */ /*yy:case Index */ | PostfixExpression '[' Expression ']' /*yy:example int i = x(y); */ /*yy:case Call */ | PostfixExpression '(' ArgumentExpressionList ')' /*yy:example int i = x.y; */ /*yy:case Select */ | PostfixExpression '.' IDENTIFIER /*yy:example int i = x->y; */ /*yy:case PSelect */ | PostfixExpression "->" IDENTIFIER /*yy:example int i = x++; */ /*yy:case Inc */ | PostfixExpression "++" /*yy:example int i = x--; */ /*yy:case Dec */ | PostfixExpression "--" /*yy:example int i = (int[]){y}; */ /*yy:case Complit */ | '(' TypeName ')' '{' InitializerList ',' '}' /*yy:example int i = __builtin_types_compatible_p(int, double); */ /*yy:case TypeCmp */ | "__builtin_types_compatible_p" '(' TypeName ',' TypeName ')' /*yy:example int i = __builtin_choose_expr(1, 2, "foo"); */ /*yy:case ChooseExpr*/ | "__builtin_choose_expr" '(' AssignmentExpression ',' AssignmentExpression ',' AssignmentExpression ')' /*yy:example int i = f(x); */ ArgumentExpressionList: AssignmentExpression /*yy:example int i = f(x, y); */ | ArgumentExpressionList ',' AssignmentExpression /* [0], 6.5.3 Unary operators */ /*yy:field Operand Operand */ /*yy:field lexicalScope Scope */ /*yy:field IsSideEffectsFree bool */ /*yy:example int i = x; */ /*yy:case Postfix */ UnaryExpression: PostfixExpression /*yy:example int i = ++x; */ /*yy:case Inc */ | "++" UnaryExpression /*yy:example int i = --x; */ /*yy:case Dec */ | "--" UnaryExpression /*yy:example int *i = &x; */ /*yy:case Addrof */ | '&' CastExpression /*yy:example int i = *x; */ /*yy:case Deref */ | '*' CastExpression /*yy:example int i = +x; */ /*yy:case Plus */ | '+' CastExpression /*yy:example int i = -x; */ /*yy:case Minus */ | '-' CastExpression /*yy:example int i = ~x; */ /*yy:case Cpl */ | '~' CastExpression /*yy:example int i = !x; */ /*yy:case Not */ | '!' CastExpression /*yy:example int i = sizeof x; */ /*yy:case SizeofExpr */ | "sizeof" UnaryExpression /*yy:example int i = sizeof(int); */ /*yy:case SizeofType */ | "sizeof" '(' TypeName ')' /*yy:example int f() { L: &&L; }*/ /*yy:case LabelAddr */ | "&&" IDENTIFIER /*yy:example int i = _Alignof(x); */ /*yy:case AlignofExpr*/ | "_Alignof" UnaryExpression /*yy:example int i = _Alignof(int); */ /*yy:case AlignofType*/ | "_Alignof" '(' TypeName ')' /*yy:example double i = __imag__ x; */ /*yy:case Imag */ | "__imag__" UnaryExpression /*yy:example double i = __real__ x; */ /*yy:case Real */ | "__real__" UnaryExpression /* [0], 6.5.4 Cast operators */ /*yy:field Operand Operand */ /*yy:field IsSideEffectsFree bool */ /*yy:example int i = 42; */ /*yy:case Unary */ CastExpression: UnaryExpression /*yy:example int i = (int)3.14; */ /*yy:case Cast */ | '(' TypeName ')' CastExpression /* [0], 6.5.5 Multiplicative operators */ /*yy:field Operand Operand */ /*yy:field promote Type */ /*yy:field IsSideEffectsFree bool */ /*yy:example int i = x;*/ /*yy:case Cast */ MultiplicativeExpression: CastExpression /*yy:example int i = x * y;*/ /*yy:case Mul */ | MultiplicativeExpression '*' CastExpression /*yy:example int i = x / y;*/ /*yy:case Div */ | MultiplicativeExpression '/' CastExpression /*yy:example int i = x % y;*/ /*yy:case Mod */ | MultiplicativeExpression '%' CastExpression /* [0], 6.5.6 Additive operators */ /*yy:field lexicalScope Scope */ /*yy:field Operand Operand */ /*yy:field promote Type */ /*yy:field IsSideEffectsFree bool */ /*yy:example int i = x; */ /*yy:case Mul */ AdditiveExpression: MultiplicativeExpression /*yy:example int i = x+y; */ /*yy:case Add */ | AdditiveExpression '+' MultiplicativeExpression /*yy:example int i = x-y; */ /*yy:case Sub */ | AdditiveExpression '-' MultiplicativeExpression /* [0], 6.5.7 Bitwise shift operators */ /*yy:field Operand Operand */ /*yy:field promote Type // shift count promoted type */ /*yy:field IsSideEffectsFree bool */ /*yy:example int i = x; */ /*yy:case Add */ ShiftExpression: AdditiveExpression /*yy:example int i = x << y; */ /*yy:case Lsh */ | ShiftExpression "<<" AdditiveExpression /*yy:example int i = x >> y; */ /*yy:case Rsh */ | ShiftExpression ">>" AdditiveExpression /* [0], 6.5.8 Relational operators */ /*yy:field Operand Operand */ /*yy:field promote Type */ /*yy:field IsSideEffectsFree bool */ /*yy:example int i = x; */ /*yy:case Shift */ RelationalExpression: ShiftExpression /*yy:example int i = x < y; */ /*yy:case Lt */ | RelationalExpression '<' ShiftExpression /*yy:example int i = x > y; */ /*yy:case Gt */ | RelationalExpression '>' ShiftExpression /*yy:example int i = x <= y; */ /*yy:case Leq */ | RelationalExpression "<=" ShiftExpression /*yy:example int i = x >= y; */ /*yy:case Geq */ | RelationalExpression ">=" ShiftExpression /* [0], 6.5.9 Equality operators */ /*yy:field Operand Operand */ /*yy:field promote Type */ /*yy:field IsSideEffectsFree bool */ /*yy:example int i = x; */ /*yy:case Rel */ EqualityExpression: RelationalExpression /*yy:example int i = x == y; */ /*yy:case Eq */ | EqualityExpression "==" RelationalExpression /*yy:example int i = x != y; */ /*yy:case Neq */ | EqualityExpression "!=" RelationalExpression /* [0], 6.5.10 Bitwise AND operator */ /*yy:field Operand Operand */ /*yy:field promote Type */ /*yy:field IsSideEffectsFree bool */ /*yy:example int i = x; */ /*yy:case Eq */ AndExpression: EqualityExpression /*yy:example int i = x & y; */ /*yy:case And */ | AndExpression '&' EqualityExpression /* [0], 6.5.11 Bitwise exclusive OR operator */ /*yy:field Operand Operand */ /*yy:field promote Type */ /*yy:field IsSideEffectsFree bool */ /*yy:example int i = x; */ /*yy:case And */ ExclusiveOrExpression: AndExpression /*yy:example int i = x^y; */ /*yy:case Xor */ | ExclusiveOrExpression '^' AndExpression /* [0], 6.5.12 Bitwise inclusive OR operator */ /*yy:field Operand Operand */ /*yy:field promote Type */ /*yy:field IsSideEffectsFree bool */ /*yy:example int i = x; */ /*yy:case Xor */ InclusiveOrExpression: ExclusiveOrExpression /*yy:example int i = x|y; */ /*yy:case Or */ | InclusiveOrExpression '|' ExclusiveOrExpression /* [0], 6.5.13 Logical AND operator */ /*yy:field Operand Operand */ /*yy:field IsSideEffectsFree bool */ /*yy:example int i = x;*/ /*yy:case Or */ LogicalAndExpression: InclusiveOrExpression /*yy:example int i = x && y;*/ /*yy:case LAnd */ | LogicalAndExpression "&&" InclusiveOrExpression /* [0], 6.5.14 Logical OR operator */ /*yy:field Operand Operand */ /*yy:field IsSideEffectsFree bool */ /*yy:example int i = x;*/ /*yy:case LAnd */ LogicalOrExpression: LogicalAndExpression /*yy:example int i = x || y;*/ /*yy:case LOr */ | LogicalOrExpression "||" LogicalAndExpression /* [0], 6.5.15 Conditional operator */ /*yy:field Operand Operand */ /*yy:field IsSideEffectsFree bool */ /*yy:example int i = x; */ /*yy:case LOr */ ConditionalExpression: LogicalOrExpression /*yy:example int i = x ? y : z; */ /*yy:case Cond */ | LogicalOrExpression '?' Expression ':' ConditionalExpression /* [0], 6.5.16 Assignment operators */ /*yy:field Operand Operand */ /*yy:field InitializerOperand Operand // When the expression is used in an initializer */ /*yy:field lexicalScope Scope */ /*yy:field promote Type */ /*yy:field IsSideEffectsFree bool */ /*yy:example int i = x; } */ /*yy:case Cond */ AssignmentExpression: ConditionalExpression /*yy:example int f() { x = y; } */ /*yy:case Assign */ | UnaryExpression '=' AssignmentExpression /*yy:example int f() { x *= y; } */ /*yy:case Mul */ | UnaryExpression "*=" AssignmentExpression /*yy:example int f() { x /= y; } */ /*yy:case Div */ | UnaryExpression "/=" AssignmentExpression /*yy:example int f() { x %= y; } */ /*yy:case Mod */ | UnaryExpression "%=" AssignmentExpression /*yy:example int f() { x += y; } */ /*yy:case Add */ | UnaryExpression "+=" AssignmentExpression /*yy:example int f() { x -= y; } */ /*yy:case Sub */ | UnaryExpression "-=" AssignmentExpression /*yy:example int f() { x <<= y; } */ /*yy:case Lsh */ | UnaryExpression "<<=" AssignmentExpression /*yy:example int f() { x >>= y; } */ /*yy:case Rsh */ | UnaryExpression ">>=" AssignmentExpression /*yy:example int f() { x &= y; } */ /*yy:case And */ | UnaryExpression "&=" AssignmentExpression /*yy:example int f() { x ^= y; } */ /*yy:case Xor */ | UnaryExpression "^=" AssignmentExpression /*yy:example int f() { x |= y; } */ /*yy:case Or */ | UnaryExpression "|=" AssignmentExpression /* [0], 6.5.17 Comma operator */ /*yy:field Operand Operand */ /*yy:field IsSideEffectsFree bool */ /*yy:example int f() { i = x; }; */ /*yy:case Assign */ Expression: AssignmentExpression /*yy:example int f() { x, y; }; */ /*yy:case Comma */ | Expression ',' AssignmentExpression /* [0], 6.6 Constant expressions */ /*yy:field Operand Operand */ /*yy:example struct { int i:3; }; */ ConstantExpression: ConditionalExpression /* [0], 6.7 Declarations */ /*yy:example int i, j; */ Declaration: DeclarationSpecifiers InitDeclaratorList ';' /*yy:field class storageClass */ /*yy:example static int i; */ /*yy:case Storage */ DeclarationSpecifiers: StorageClassSpecifier DeclarationSpecifiers /*yy:example int i; */ /*yy:case TypeSpec */ | TypeSpecifier DeclarationSpecifiers /*yy:example volatile int i; */ /*yy:case TypeQual */ | TypeQualifier DeclarationSpecifiers /*yy:example inline int f() {} */ /*yy:case Func */ | FunctionSpecifier DeclarationSpecifiers /*yy:example _Alignas(double) int i; */ /*yy:case AlignSpec */ | AlignmentSpecifier DeclarationSpecifiers /*yy:example int __attribute__((a)) i; */ /*yy:case Attribute */ | AttributeSpecifier DeclarationSpecifiers /*yy:example int i; */ InitDeclaratorList: InitDeclarator /*yy:example int i, j; */ | InitDeclaratorList ',' AttributeSpecifierList InitDeclarator /*yy:field initializer *InitializerValue */ /*yy:example int i; */ /*yy:case Decl */ InitDeclarator: Declarator AttributeSpecifierList /*yy:example int i = x; */ /*yy:case Init */ | Declarator AttributeSpecifierList '=' Initializer /* [0], 6.7.1 Storage-class specifiers */ /*yy:example typedef int int_t;*/ /*yy:case Typedef */ StorageClassSpecifier: "typedef" /*yy:example extern int i;*/ /*yy:case Extern */ | "extern" /*yy:example static int i;*/ /*yy:case Static */ | "static" /*yy:example auto int i;*/ /*yy:case Auto */ | "auto" /*yy:example register int i;*/ /*yy:case Register */ | "register" /*yy:example _Thread_local int i;*/ /*yy:case ThreadLocal*/ | "_Thread_local" /* [0], 6.7.2 Type specifiers */ /*yy:field resolvedIn Scope // Case TypedefName */ /*yy:field typ Type */ /*yy:example void i(); */ /*yy:case Void */ TypeSpecifier: "void" /*yy:example char i; */ /*yy:case Char */ | "char" /*yy:example short i; */ /*yy:case Short */ | "short" /*yy:example int i; */ /*yy:case Int */ | "int" /*yy:example __int8 i; */ /*yy:case Int8 */ | "__int8" /*yy:example __int16 i; */ /*yy:case Int16 */ | "__int16" /*yy:example __int32 i; */ /*yy:case Int32 */ | "__int32" /*yy:example __int64 i; */ /*yy:case Int64 */ | "__int64" /*yy:example __int128 i; */ /*yy:case Int128 */ | "__int128" /*yy:example long i; */ /*yy:case Long */ | "long" /*yy:example float i; */ /*yy:case Float */ | "float" /*yy:example __fp16 i; */ /*yy:case Float16 */ | "__fp16" /*yy:example _Decimal32 i; */ /*yy:case Decimal32 */ | "_Decimal32" /*yy:example _Decimal64 i; */ /*yy:case Decimal64 */ | "_Decimal64" /*yy:example _Decimal128 i; */ /*yy:case Decimal128 */ | "_Decimal128" /*yy:example _Float128 i; */ /*yy:case Float128 */ | "_Float128" /*yy:example __float80 i; */ /*yy:case Float80 */ | "__float80" /*yy:example double i; */ /*yy:case Double */ | "double" /*yy:example signed i; */ /*yy:case Signed */ | "signed" /*yy:example unsigned i; */ /*yy:case Unsigned */ | "unsigned" /*yy:example _Bool i; */ /*yy:case Bool */ | "_Bool" /*yy:example _Complex i; */ /*yy:case Complex */ | "_Complex" /*yy:example struct s i; */ /*yy:case StructOrUnion */ | StructOrUnionSpecifier /*yy:example enum e i; */ /*yy:case Enum */ | EnumSpecifier /*yy:example typedef const T; T i; */ /*yy:case TypedefName*/ | TYPEDEFNAME /*yy:example typeof(42) i; */ /*yy:case TypeofExpr */ | "typeof" '(' Expression ')' /*yy:example typedef const T; typeof(T) i; */ /*yy:case TypeofType */ | "typeof" '(' TypeName ')' /*yy:example _Atomic(int) i; */ /*yy:case Atomic */ | AtomicTypeSpecifier /*yy:example _Fract i; */ /*yy:case Fract */ | "_Fract" /*yy:example _Sat i; */ /*yy:case Sat */ | "_Sat" /*yy:example _Accum i; */ /*yy:case Accum */ | "_Accum" /*yy:example _Float32 i; */ /*yy:case Float32 */ | "_Float32" /*yy:example _Float64 i; */ /*yy:case Float64 */ | "_Float64" /*yy:example _Float32x i; */ /*yy:case Float32x */ | "_Float32x" /*yy:example _Float64x i; */ /*yy:case Float64x */ | "_Float64x" /* [0], Structure and union specifiers */ /*yy:field lexicalScope Scope */ /*yy:field maxAlign int */ /*yy:field typ Type */ /*yy:example struct s { int i; }; */ /*yy:case Def */ StructOrUnionSpecifier: StructOrUnion AttributeSpecifierList IDENTIFIER '{' StructDeclarationList '}' /*yy:example struct s v; */ /*yy:case Tag */ | StructOrUnion AttributeSpecifierList IDENTIFIER /*yy:example struct { int i; } s; */ /*yy:case Struct */ StructOrUnion: "struct" /*yy:example union { int i; double d; } u; */ /*yy:case Union */ | "union" /*yy:example struct{ int i; } */ StructDeclarationList: StructDeclaration /*yy:example struct{ int i; double d; } */ | StructDeclarationList StructDeclaration /*yy:example struct{ int i; } */ /*yy:field Empty bool // TCC extension */ StructDeclaration: SpecifierQualifierList StructDeclaratorList ';' /*yy:field noStorageClass */ /*yy:example struct {int i;};*/ /*yy:case TypeSpec */ SpecifierQualifierList: TypeSpecifier SpecifierQualifierList /*yy:example struct {const int i;};*/ /*yy:case TypeQual */ | TypeQualifier SpecifierQualifierList /*yy:example struct {_Alignas(double) int i;};*/ /*yy:case AlignSpec */ | AlignmentSpecifier SpecifierQualifierList /*yy:example struct {__attribute__((a)) int i;};*/ /*yy:case Attribute */ | AttributeSpecifier SpecifierQualifierList /*yy:example struct{ int i; } */ StructDeclaratorList: StructDeclarator /*yy:example struct{ int i, j; } */ | StructDeclaratorList ',' StructDeclarator /*yy:field decl *StructDeclaration */ /*yy:example struct{ int i; } */ /*yy:case Decl */ StructDeclarator: Declarator /*yy:example struct{ int i:3; } */ /*yy:case BitField */ | Declarator ':' ConstantExpression AttributeSpecifierList /* [0], Enumeration specifiers */ /*yy:field lexicalScope Scope */ /*yy:field typ Type */ /*yy:field min Value */ /*yy:field max Value */ /*yy:example enum e {a}; */ /*yy:case Def */ EnumSpecifier: "enum" AttributeSpecifierList IDENTIFIER '{' EnumeratorList ',' '}' /*yy:example enum e i; */ /*yy:case Tag */ | "enum" AttributeSpecifierList IDENTIFIER /*yy:example enum e {a}; */ EnumeratorList: Enumerator /*yy:example enum e {a, b}; */ | EnumeratorList ',' Enumerator /*yy:field lexicalScope Scope */ /*yy:field Operand Operand */ /*yy:example enum e {a}; */ /*yy:case Ident */ Enumerator: IDENTIFIER AttributeSpecifierList /*yy:example enum e {a = 42}; */ /*yy:case Expr */ | IDENTIFIER AttributeSpecifierList '=' ConstantExpression /* [2], Atomic type specifiers */ /*yy:example _Atomic(int) i; */ AtomicTypeSpecifier: "_Atomic" '(' TypeName ')' /* [0], 6.7.3 Type qualifiers */ /*yy:example const int i; */ /*yy:case Const */ TypeQualifier: "const" /*yy:example restrict int i; */ /*yy:case Restrict */ | "restrict" /*yy:example volatile int i; */ /*yy:case Volatile */ | "volatile" /*yy:example _Atomic int i; */ /*yy:case Atomic */ | "_Atomic" /* [0], 6.7.4 Function specifiers */ /*yy:example inline int f() {}*/ /*yy:case Inline */ FunctionSpecifier: "inline" /*yy:example _Noreturn int f() {}*/ /*yy:case Noreturn */ | "_Noreturn" /* [0], 6.7.5 Declarators */ /*yy:field Linkage Linkage */ /*yy:field Read int */ /*yy:field StorageClass StorageClass */ /*yy:field Write int */ /*yy:field funcDefinition *FunctionDefinition */ /*yy:field lhs map[*Declarator]struct{} */ /*yy:field td typeDescriptor */ /*yy:field typ Type */ /*yy:field AddressTaken bool */ /*yy:field IsParameter bool */ /*yy:field IsTypedefName bool */ /*yy:field SubjectOfAsgnOp bool */ /*yy:field SubjectOfIncDec bool */ /*yy:field called bool */ /*yy:field fnDef bool */ /*yy:field hasInitializer bool */ /*yy:example int *p __attribute__ ((foo)); */ Declarator: Pointer DirectDeclarator AttributeSpecifierList %prec BELOW_ATTRIBUTE /* [2], 6.7.5 Alignment specifier */ /*yy:example _Alignas(double) char c; */ /*yy:case AlignasType*/ AlignmentSpecifier: "_Alignas" '(' TypeName ')' /*yy:example _Alignas(0ll) char c; */ /*yy:case AlignasExpr*/ | "_Alignas" '(' ConstantExpression ')' /*yy:field lexicalScope Scope */ /*yy:field paramScope Scope */ /*yy:field typeQualifiers *typeBase */ /*yy:field idListNoDeclList bool */ /*yy:example int i; */ /*yy:case Ident */ DirectDeclarator: IDENTIFIER Asm /*yy:example int (f); */ /*yy:case Decl */ | '(' AttributeSpecifierList Declarator ')' /*yy:example int i[const 42]; */ /*yy:case Arr */ | DirectDeclarator '[' TypeQualifiers AssignmentExpression ']' /*yy:example int i[static const 42]; */ /*yy:case StaticArr */ | DirectDeclarator '[' "static" TypeQualifiers AssignmentExpression ']' /*yy:example int i[const static 42]; */ /*yy:case ArrStatic */ | DirectDeclarator '[' TypeQualifiers "static" AssignmentExpression ']' /*yy:example int i[const *]; */ /*yy:case Star */ | DirectDeclarator '[' TypeQualifiers '*' ']' /*yy:example int f(int i); */ /*yy:case FuncParam */ | DirectDeclarator '(' ParameterTypeList ')' /*yy:example int f(a); */ /*yy:case FuncIdent */ | DirectDeclarator '(' IdentifierList ')' /*yy:field typeQualifiers *typeBase*/ /*yy:example int *p; */ /*yy:case TypeQual */ Pointer: '*' TypeQualifiers /*yy:example int **p; */ /*yy:case Ptr */ | '*' TypeQualifiers Pointer /*yy:field noStorageClass */ /*yy:example int * const i; */ /*yy:case TypeQual */ TypeQualifiers: TypeQualifier /*yy:example int * __attribute__((a)) i; */ /*yy:case Attribute */ | AttributeSpecifier /*yy:example int * const volatile i; */ | TypeQualifiers TypeQualifier /*yy:example int * __attribute__((a)) __attribute__((b)) i; */ | TypeQualifiers AttributeSpecifier /*yy:example int f(int i) {} */ /*yy:case List */ ParameterTypeList: ParameterList /*yy:example int f(int i, ...) {} */ /*yy:case Var */ | ParameterList ',' "..." /*yy:example int f(int i) {} */ ParameterList: ParameterDeclaration /*yy:example int f(int i, int j) {} */ | ParameterList ',' ParameterDeclaration /*yy:field typ Type */ /*yy:example int f(int i) {} */ /*yy:case Decl */ ParameterDeclaration: DeclarationSpecifiers Declarator AttributeSpecifierList /*yy:example int f(int*) {} */ /*yy:case Abstract */ | DeclarationSpecifiers AbstractDeclarator /*yy:field lexicalScope Scope */ /*yy:example int f(i) int i; {}*/ IdentifierList: IDENTIFIER /*yy:example int f(i, j) int i, j; {}*/ | IdentifierList ',' IDENTIFIER /* [0], 6.7.6 Type names */ /*yy:field typ Type */ /*yy:example int i = (int)x; */ TypeName: SpecifierQualifierList AbstractDeclarator /*yy:field typ Type */ /*yy:example void f(int*); */ /*yy:case Ptr */ AbstractDeclarator: Pointer /*yy:example void f(int()); */ /*yy:case Decl */ | Pointer DirectAbstractDeclarator /*yy:field paramScope Scope */ /*yy:field typeQualifiers *typeBase */ /*yy:example void f(int()); */ /*yy:case Decl */ DirectAbstractDeclarator: '(' AbstractDeclarator ')' /*yy:example void f(int[const 42]); */ /*yy:case Arr */ | DirectAbstractDeclarator '[' TypeQualifiers AssignmentExpression ']' /*yy:example void f(int[static const 42]); */ /*yy:case StaticArr */ | DirectAbstractDeclarator '[' "static" TypeQualifiers AssignmentExpression ']' /*yy:example void f(int[const static 42]); */ /*yy:case ArrStatic */ | DirectAbstractDeclarator '[' TypeQualifiers "static" AssignmentExpression ']' /*yy:example void f(int[*]); */ /*yy:case ArrStar */ | DirectAbstractDeclarator '[' '*' ']' /*yy:example void f(int(char)); */ /*yy:case Func */ | DirectAbstractDeclarator '(' ParameterTypeList ')' /* [0], 6.7.8 Initialization */ /*yy:field Field Field // Where aplicable */ /*yy:field Offset uintptr // Case Expr */ /*yy:field field0 Field */ /*yy:field list []*Initializer */ /*yy:field parent *Initializer */ /*yy:field trailingComma *Token */ /*yy:field typ Type */ /*yy:field isConst bool */ /*yy:field isZero bool */ /*yy:example int i = x; */ /*yy:case Expr */ Initializer: AssignmentExpression /*yy:example int i[] = { x }; */ /*yy:case InitList */ | '{' InitializerList ',' '}' /*yy:field list []*Initializer */ /*yy:field isConst bool */ /*yy:field isZero bool */ /*yy:example int i[] = { [10] = x }; */ InitializerList: Designation Initializer /*yy:example int i[] = { [10] = x, [20] = y }; */ | InitializerList ',' Designation Initializer /*yy:example int a[] = { [42] = 314 }; */ Designation: DesignatorList '=' /*yy:example int a[] = { [42] = 314 }; */ DesignatorList: Designator /*yy:example int a[100][] = { [42][12] = 314 }; */ | DesignatorList Designator /*yy:field lexicalScope Scope */ /*yy:example int a[] = { [42] = 314 }; */ /*yy:case Index */ Designator: '[' ConstantExpression ']' /*yy:example struct t s = { .fld = 314 }; */ /*yy:case Field */ | '.' IDENTIFIER /*yy:example struct t s = { fld: 314 }; */ /*yy:case Field2 */ | IDENTIFIER ':' /* [0], 6.8 Statements and blocks */ /*yy:field Operand Operand // Case CompoundStatement, ExpressionStatement*/ /*yy:example int f() { L: x(); }*/ /*yy:case Labeled */ Statement: LabeledStatement /*yy:example int f() { { y(); } }*/ /*yy:case Compound */ | CompoundStatement /*yy:example int f() { x(); }*/ /*yy:case Expr */ | ExpressionStatement /*yy:example int f() { if(x) y(); }*/ /*yy:case Selection */ | SelectionStatement /*yy:example int f() { for(;;) x(); }*/ /*yy:case Iteration */ | IterationStatement /*yy:example int f() { return x; }*/ /*yy:case Jump */ | JumpStatement /*yy:example int f() { __asm__("nop"); }*/ /*yy:case Asm */ | AsmStatement /* [0], 6.8.1 Labeled statements */ /*yy:field block *CompoundStatement */ /*yy:field lexicalScope Scope */ /*yy:example int f() { L: goto L; } */ /*yy:case Label */ LabeledStatement: IDENTIFIER ':' AttributeSpecifierList Statement /*yy:example int f() { switch(i) case 42: x(); } */ /*yy:case CaseLabel */ | "case" ConstantExpression ':' Statement /*yy:example int f() { switch(i) case 42 ... 56: x(); } */ /*yy:case Range */ | "case" ConstantExpression "..." ConstantExpression ':' Statement /*yy:example int f() { switch(i) default: x(); } */ /*yy:case Default */ | "default" ':' Statement /* [0], 6.8.2 Compound statement */ /*yy:field Operand Operand */ /*yy:field children []*CompoundStatement */ /*yy:field declarations []*Declaration */ /*yy:field isJumpTarget bool */ /*yy:field labeledStmts []*LabeledStatement */ /*yy:field parent *CompoundStatement */ /*yy:field scope Scope */ /*yy:example int f() { int i; } */ CompoundStatement: '{' BlockItemList '}' /*yy:example int f() { int i; }*/ BlockItemList: BlockItem /*yy:example int f() { int i; double j; }*/ | BlockItemList BlockItem /*yy:field fn *FunctionDefinition // Case FuncDef */ /*yy:field closure map[StringID]struct{} // Case FuncDef */ /*yy:field Last bool */ /*yy:example int f() { int i; }*/ /*yy:case Decl */ BlockItem: Declaration /*yy:example int f() { g(); }*/ /*yy:case Stmt */ | Statement /*yy:example int f() { __label__ L; }*/ /*yy:case Label */ | LabelDeclaration /*yy:example int f() { int g() {} }*/ /*yy:case FuncDef */ | DeclarationSpecifiers Declarator CompoundStatement /*yy:example int f() {\n#pragma STDC FENV_ACCESS OFF\n}*/ /*yy:case Pragma */ | PragmaSTDC /* [0], 6.8.3 Expression and null statements */ /*yy:example int f() { g(); }*/ ExpressionStatement: Expression AttributeSpecifierList ';' /* [0], 6.8.4 Selection statements */ /*yy:field promote Type // switch expression promoted type */ /*yy:field cases []*LabeledStatement */ /*yy:example int f() { if(x) y(); } */ /*yy:case If */ SelectionStatement: "if" '(' Expression ')' Statement %prec BELOW_ELSE /*yy:example int f() { if(x) y(); else z(); } */ /*yy:case IfElse */ | "if" '(' Expression ')' Statement "else" Statement /*yy:example int f() { switch(i) case 42: x(); } */ /*yy:case Switch */ | "switch" '(' Expression ')' Statement /* [0], 6.8.5 Iteration statements */ /*yy:example int f() { while(x) y(); } */ /*yy:case While */ IterationStatement: "while" '(' Expression ')' Statement /*yy:example int f() { do x(); while(y); } */ /*yy:case Do */ | "do" Statement "while" '(' Expression ')' ';' /*yy:example int f() { for( i = 0; i < 10; i++) x(); } */ /*yy:case For */ | "for" '(' Expression ';' Expression ';' Expression ')' Statement /*yy:example int f() { for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++) x(); } */ /*yy:case ForDecl */ | "for" '(' Declaration Expression ';' Expression ')' Statement /* [0], 6.8.6 Jump statements */ /*yy:field context Node */ /*yy:field lexicalScope Scope */ /*yy:example int f() { L: goto L; } */ /*yy:case Goto */ JumpStatement: "goto" IDENTIFIER ';' /*yy:example int f() { L: x(); void *p = &&L; goto *p; } */ /*yy:case GotoExpr */ | "goto" '*' Expression ';' /*yy:example int f() { for(;;) if (i) continue; } */ /*yy:case Continue */ | "continue" ';' /*yy:example int f() { for(;;) if (i) break; } */ /*yy:case Break */ | "break" ';' /*yy:example int f() { if (i) return x; } */ /*yy:case Return */ | "return" Expression ';' /* [0], 6.9 External definitions */ /*yy:list*/ /*yy:example int i; */ TranslationUnit: ExternalDeclaration /*yy:example int i; int j; */ | TranslationUnit ExternalDeclaration /*yy:example int f() {} */ /*yy:case FuncDef */ ExternalDeclaration: FunctionDefinition /*yy:example int i; */ /*yy:case Decl */ | Declaration /*yy:example int f() __asm__("nop"); */ /*yy:case Asm */ | AsmFunctionDefinition /*yy:example __asm__("nop"); */ /*yy:case AsmStmt */ | AsmStatement /*yy:example ; */ /*yy:case Empty */ | ';' /*yy:example #pragma STDC CX_LIMITED_RANGE DEFAULT */ /*yy:case Pragma */ | PragmaSTDC /* [0], 6.9.1 Function definitions */ /*yy:field CallSiteComplexExpr []*AssignmentExpression */ /*yy:field CompositeLiterals []*PostfixExpression */ /*yy:field ComputedGotos map[StringID]*UnaryExpression */ /*yy:field Gotos map[StringID]*JumpStatement */ /*yy:field InitDeclarators []*InitDeclarator */ /*yy:field Labels map[StringID]*LabeledStatement */ /*yy:field ReturnComplexExpr []*Expression */ /*yy:field VLAs []*Declarator */ /*yy:field compoundStatements []*CompoundStatement */ /*yy:field checked bool */ /*yy:example int f() {} */ FunctionDefinition: DeclarationSpecifiers Declarator DeclarationList CompoundStatement /*yy:example int f(i) int i; {} */ DeclarationList: Declaration /*yy:example int f(i, j) int i; int j; {} */ | DeclarationList Declaration /* -------------------------------------- Extensions */ /*yy:example __asm__("nop": [a] b); */ AsmIndex: '[' Expression ']' /*yy:example __asm__("nop": a); */ AsmExpressionList: AsmIndex AssignmentExpression /*yy:example __asm__("nop": a, b); */ | AsmExpressionList ',' AsmIndex AssignmentExpression /*yy:example __asm__("nop": a); */ AsmArgList: ':' AsmExpressionList /*yy:example __asm__("nop": a : b); */ | AsmArgList ':' AsmExpressionList /*yy:example __asm__("nop"); */ Asm: "__asm__" AsmQualifierList '(' STRINGLITERAL AsmArgList ')' /*yy:example void f() { __asm__("nop"); } */ AsmStatement: Asm AttributeSpecifierList ';' /*yy:example int f() __asm__("nop"); */ AsmFunctionDefinition: DeclarationSpecifiers Declarator AsmStatement /*yy:example __asm__ volatile ("nop"); */ /*yy:case Volatile */ AsmQualifier: "volatile" /*yy:example __asm__ inline ("nop"); */ /*yy:case Inline */ | "inline" /*yy:example __asm__ goto ("nop"); */ /*yy:case Goto */ | "goto" /*yy:example __asm__ inline ("nop"); */ AsmQualifierList: AsmQualifier /*yy:example __asm__ inline volatile ("nop"); */ | AsmQualifierList AsmQualifier /*yy:example int f() { __label__ L; L: x(); } */ LabelDeclaration: "__label__" IdentifierList ';' /* [4], 6.37 Attribute Syntax */ /*yy:example int i __attribute__((a(b))); */ ExpressionList: AssignmentExpression /*yy:example int i __attribute__((a(b, c))); */ | ExpressionList ',' AssignmentExpression /*yy:field lexicalScope Scope */ /*yy:example int i __attribute__((a)); */ /*yy:case Ident */ AttributeValue: IDENTIFIER /*yy:example int i __attribute__((a(b))); */ /*yy:case Expr */ | IDENTIFIER '(' ExpressionList ')' /*yy:example int i __attribute__((a)); */ AttributeValueList: AttributeValue /*yy:example int i __attribute__((a, b)); */ | AttributeValueList ',' AttributeValue /*yy:example int i __attribute__((a)); */ AttributeSpecifier: "__attribute__" '(' '(' AttributeValueList ')' ')' /*yy:example int i __attribute__((a)); */ AttributeSpecifierList: AttributeSpecifier %prec BELOW_ATTRIBUTE /*yy:example int i __attribute__((a)) __attribute((b)); */ | AttributeSpecifierList AttributeSpecifier /*yy:example _Pragma("STDC FP_CONTRACT ON") */ PragmaSTDC: "__pragma_stdc" IDENTIFIER IDENTIFIER IDENTIFIER