// Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package prometheus // import "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/prometheus"

import (

	dto "github.com/prometheus/client_model/go"


const (
	targetInfoMetricName  = "target_info"
	targetInfoDescription = "Target metadata"

	scopeInfoMetricName  = "otel_scope_info"
	scopeInfoDescription = "Instrumentation Scope metadata"

var (
	scopeInfoKeys = [2]string{"otel_scope_name", "otel_scope_version"}

	errScopeInvalid = errors.New("invalid scope")

// Exporter is a Prometheus Exporter that embeds the OTel metric.Reader
// interface for easy instantiation with a MeterProvider.
type Exporter struct {

// MarshalLog returns logging data about the Exporter.
func (e *Exporter) MarshalLog() interface{} {
	const t = "Prometheus exporter"

	if r, ok := e.Reader.(*metric.ManualReader); ok {
		under := r.MarshalLog()
		if data, ok := under.(struct {
			Type       string
			Registered bool
			Shutdown   bool
		}); ok {
			data.Type = t
			return data

	return struct{ Type string }{Type: t}

var _ metric.Reader = &Exporter{}

// keyVals is used to store resource attribute key value pairs.
type keyVals struct {
	keys []string
	vals []string

// collector is used to implement prometheus.Collector.
type collector struct {
	reader metric.Reader

	withoutUnits             bool
	withoutCounterSuffixes   bool
	disableScopeInfo         bool
	namespace                string
	resourceAttributesFilter attribute.Filter

	mu                sync.Mutex // mu protects all members below from the concurrent access.
	disableTargetInfo bool
	targetInfo        prometheus.Metric
	scopeInfos        map[instrumentation.Scope]prometheus.Metric
	scopeInfosInvalid map[instrumentation.Scope]struct{}
	metricFamilies    map[string]*dto.MetricFamily
	resourceKeyVals   keyVals

// prometheus counters MUST have a _total suffix by default:
// https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/blob/v1.20.0/specification/compatibility/prometheus_and_openmetrics.md
const counterSuffix = "_total"

// New returns a Prometheus Exporter.
func New(opts ...Option) (*Exporter, error) {
	cfg := newConfig(opts...)

	// this assumes that the default temporality selector will always return cumulative.
	// we only support cumulative temporality, so building our own reader enforces this.
	// TODO (#3244): Enable some way to configure the reader, but not change temporality.
	reader := metric.NewManualReader(cfg.readerOpts...)

	collector := &collector{
		reader:                   reader,
		disableTargetInfo:        cfg.disableTargetInfo,
		withoutUnits:             cfg.withoutUnits,
		withoutCounterSuffixes:   cfg.withoutCounterSuffixes,
		disableScopeInfo:         cfg.disableScopeInfo,
		scopeInfos:               make(map[instrumentation.Scope]prometheus.Metric),
		scopeInfosInvalid:        make(map[instrumentation.Scope]struct{}),
		metricFamilies:           make(map[string]*dto.MetricFamily),
		namespace:                cfg.namespace,
		resourceAttributesFilter: cfg.resourceAttributesFilter,

	if err := cfg.registerer.Register(collector); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot register the collector: %w", err)

	e := &Exporter{
		Reader: reader,

	return e, nil

// Describe implements prometheus.Collector.
func (c *collector) Describe(ch chan<- *prometheus.Desc) {
	// The Opentelemetry SDK doesn't have information on which will exist when the collector
	// is registered. By returning nothing we are an "unchecked" collector in Prometheus,
	// and assume responsibility for consistency of the metrics produced.
	// See https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/prometheus/client_golang@v1.13.0/prometheus#hdr-Custom_Collectors_and_constant_Metrics

// Collect implements prometheus.Collector.
// This method is safe to call concurrently.
func (c *collector) Collect(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) {
	// TODO (#3047): Use a sync.Pool instead of allocating metrics every Collect.
	metrics := metricdata.ResourceMetrics{}
	err := c.reader.Collect(context.TODO(), &metrics)
	if err != nil {
		if errors.Is(err, metric.ErrReaderShutdown) {
		if errors.Is(err, metric.ErrReaderNotRegistered) {

	global.Debug("Prometheus exporter export", "Data", metrics)

	// Initialize (once) targetInfo and disableTargetInfo.
	func() {
		defer c.mu.Unlock()

		if c.targetInfo == nil && !c.disableTargetInfo {
			targetInfo, err := createInfoMetric(targetInfoMetricName, targetInfoDescription, metrics.Resource)
			if err != nil {
				// If the target info metric is invalid, disable sending it.
				c.disableTargetInfo = true

			c.targetInfo = targetInfo

	if !c.disableTargetInfo {
		ch <- c.targetInfo

	if c.resourceAttributesFilter != nil && len(c.resourceKeyVals.keys) == 0 {

	for _, scopeMetrics := range metrics.ScopeMetrics {
		var keys, values [2]string

		if !c.disableScopeInfo {
			scopeInfo, err := c.scopeInfo(scopeMetrics.Scope)
			if err == errScopeInvalid {
				// Do not report the same error multiple times.
			if err != nil {

			ch <- scopeInfo

			keys = scopeInfoKeys
			values = [2]string{scopeMetrics.Scope.Name, scopeMetrics.Scope.Version}

		for _, m := range scopeMetrics.Metrics {
			typ := c.metricType(m)
			if typ == nil {
			name := c.getName(m, typ)

			drop, help := c.validateMetrics(name, m.Description, typ)
			if drop {

			if help != "" {
				m.Description = help

			switch v := m.Data.(type) {
			case metricdata.Histogram[int64]:
				addHistogramMetric(ch, v, m, keys, values, name, c.resourceKeyVals)
			case metricdata.Histogram[float64]:
				addHistogramMetric(ch, v, m, keys, values, name, c.resourceKeyVals)
			case metricdata.Sum[int64]:
				addSumMetric(ch, v, m, keys, values, name, c.resourceKeyVals)
			case metricdata.Sum[float64]:
				addSumMetric(ch, v, m, keys, values, name, c.resourceKeyVals)
			case metricdata.Gauge[int64]:
				addGaugeMetric(ch, v, m, keys, values, name, c.resourceKeyVals)
			case metricdata.Gauge[float64]:
				addGaugeMetric(ch, v, m, keys, values, name, c.resourceKeyVals)

func addHistogramMetric[N int64 | float64](ch chan<- prometheus.Metric, histogram metricdata.Histogram[N], m metricdata.Metrics, ks, vs [2]string, name string, resourceKV keyVals) {
	// TODO(https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/issues/3163): support exemplars
	for _, dp := range histogram.DataPoints {
		keys, values := getAttrs(dp.Attributes, ks, vs, resourceKV)

		desc := prometheus.NewDesc(name, m.Description, keys, nil)
		buckets := make(map[float64]uint64, len(dp.Bounds))

		cumulativeCount := uint64(0)
		for i, bound := range dp.Bounds {
			cumulativeCount += dp.BucketCounts[i]
			buckets[bound] = cumulativeCount
		m, err := prometheus.NewConstHistogram(desc, dp.Count, float64(dp.Sum), buckets, values...)
		if err != nil {
		ch <- m

func addSumMetric[N int64 | float64](ch chan<- prometheus.Metric, sum metricdata.Sum[N], m metricdata.Metrics, ks, vs [2]string, name string, resourceKV keyVals) {
	valueType := prometheus.CounterValue
	if !sum.IsMonotonic {
		valueType = prometheus.GaugeValue

	for _, dp := range sum.DataPoints {
		keys, values := getAttrs(dp.Attributes, ks, vs, resourceKV)

		desc := prometheus.NewDesc(name, m.Description, keys, nil)
		m, err := prometheus.NewConstMetric(desc, valueType, float64(dp.Value), values...)
		if err != nil {
		ch <- m

func addGaugeMetric[N int64 | float64](ch chan<- prometheus.Metric, gauge metricdata.Gauge[N], m metricdata.Metrics, ks, vs [2]string, name string, resourceKV keyVals) {
	for _, dp := range gauge.DataPoints {
		keys, values := getAttrs(dp.Attributes, ks, vs, resourceKV)

		desc := prometheus.NewDesc(name, m.Description, keys, nil)
		m, err := prometheus.NewConstMetric(desc, prometheus.GaugeValue, float64(dp.Value), values...)
		if err != nil {
		ch <- m

// getAttrs parses the attribute.Set to two lists of matching Prometheus-style
// keys and values. It sanitizes invalid characters and handles duplicate keys
// (due to sanitization) by sorting and concatenating the values following the spec.
func getAttrs(attrs attribute.Set, ks, vs [2]string, resourceKV keyVals) ([]string, []string) {
	keysMap := make(map[string][]string)
	itr := attrs.Iter()
	for itr.Next() {
		kv := itr.Attribute()
		key := strings.Map(sanitizeRune, string(kv.Key))
		if _, ok := keysMap[key]; !ok {
			keysMap[key] = []string{kv.Value.Emit()}
		} else {
			// if the sanitized key is a duplicate, append to the list of keys
			keysMap[key] = append(keysMap[key], kv.Value.Emit())

	keys := make([]string, 0, attrs.Len())
	values := make([]string, 0, attrs.Len())
	for key, vals := range keysMap {
		keys = append(keys, key)
		sort.Slice(vals, func(i, j int) bool {
			return i < j
		values = append(values, strings.Join(vals, ";"))

	if ks[0] != "" {
		keys = append(keys, ks[:]...)
		values = append(values, vs[:]...)

	for idx := range resourceKV.keys {
		keys = append(keys, resourceKV.keys[idx])
		values = append(values, resourceKV.vals[idx])

	return keys, values

func createInfoMetric(name, description string, res *resource.Resource) (prometheus.Metric, error) {
	keys, values := getAttrs(*res.Set(), [2]string{}, [2]string{}, keyVals{})
	desc := prometheus.NewDesc(name, description, keys, nil)
	return prometheus.NewConstMetric(desc, prometheus.GaugeValue, float64(1), values...)

func createScopeInfoMetric(scope instrumentation.Scope) (prometheus.Metric, error) {
	keys := scopeInfoKeys[:]
	desc := prometheus.NewDesc(scopeInfoMetricName, scopeInfoDescription, keys, nil)
	return prometheus.NewConstMetric(desc, prometheus.GaugeValue, float64(1), scope.Name, scope.Version)

func sanitizeRune(r rune) rune {
	if unicode.IsLetter(r) || unicode.IsDigit(r) || r == ':' || r == '_' {
		return r
	return '_'

var unitSuffixes = map[string]string{
	// Time
	"d":   "_days",
	"h":   "_hours",
	"min": "_minutes",
	"s":   "_seconds",
	"ms":  "_milliseconds",
	"us":  "_microseconds",
	"ns":  "_nanoseconds",

	// Bytes
	"By":   "_bytes",
	"KiBy": "_kibibytes",
	"MiBy": "_mebibytes",
	"GiBy": "_gibibytes",
	"TiBy": "_tibibytes",
	"KBy":  "_kilobytes",
	"MBy":  "_megabytes",
	"GBy":  "_gigabytes",
	"TBy":  "_terabytes",

	// SI
	"m": "_meters",
	"V": "_volts",
	"A": "_amperes",
	"J": "_joules",
	"W": "_watts",
	"g": "_grams",

	// Misc
	"Cel": "_celsius",
	"Hz":  "_hertz",
	"1":   "_ratio",
	"%":   "_percent",

// getName returns the sanitized name, prefixed with the namespace and suffixed with unit.
func (c *collector) getName(m metricdata.Metrics, typ *dto.MetricType) string {
	name := sanitizeName(m.Name)
	addCounterSuffix := !c.withoutCounterSuffixes && *typ == dto.MetricType_COUNTER
	if addCounterSuffix {
		// Remove the _total suffix here, as we will re-add the total suffix
		// later, and it needs to come after the unit suffix.
		name = strings.TrimSuffix(name, counterSuffix)
	if c.namespace != "" {
		name = c.namespace + name
	if suffix, ok := unitSuffixes[m.Unit]; ok && !c.withoutUnits && !strings.HasSuffix(name, suffix) {
		name += suffix
	if addCounterSuffix {
		name += counterSuffix
	return name

func sanitizeName(n string) string {
	// This algorithm is based on strings.Map from Go 1.19.
	const replacement = '_'

	valid := func(i int, r rune) bool {
		// Taken from
		// https://github.com/prometheus/common/blob/dfbc25bd00225c70aca0d94c3c4bb7744f28ace0/model/metric.go#L92-L102
		if (r >= 'a' && r <= 'z') || (r >= 'A' && r <= 'Z') || r == '_' || r == ':' || (r >= '0' && r <= '9' && i > 0) {
			return true
		return false

	// This output buffer b is initialized on demand, the first time a
	// character needs to be replaced.
	var b strings.Builder
	for i, c := range n {
		if valid(i, c) {

		if i == 0 && c >= '0' && c <= '9' {
			// Prefix leading number with replacement character.
			b.Grow(len(n) + 1)
			_ = b.WriteByte(byte(replacement))
		_, _ = b.WriteString(n[:i])
		_ = b.WriteByte(byte(replacement))
		width := utf8.RuneLen(c)
		n = n[i+width:]

	// Fast path for unchanged input.
	if b.Cap() == 0 { // b.Grow was not called above.
		return n

	for _, c := range n {
		// Due to inlining, it is more performant to invoke WriteByte rather then
		// WriteRune.
		if valid(1, c) { // We are guaranteed to not be at the start.
			_ = b.WriteByte(byte(c))
		} else {
			_ = b.WriteByte(byte(replacement))

	return b.String()

func (c *collector) metricType(m metricdata.Metrics) *dto.MetricType {
	switch v := m.Data.(type) {
	case metricdata.Histogram[int64], metricdata.Histogram[float64]:
		return dto.MetricType_HISTOGRAM.Enum()
	case metricdata.Sum[float64]:
		if v.IsMonotonic {
			return dto.MetricType_COUNTER.Enum()
		return dto.MetricType_GAUGE.Enum()
	case metricdata.Sum[int64]:
		if v.IsMonotonic {
			return dto.MetricType_COUNTER.Enum()
		return dto.MetricType_GAUGE.Enum()
	case metricdata.Gauge[int64], metricdata.Gauge[float64]:
		return dto.MetricType_GAUGE.Enum()
	return nil

func (c *collector) createResourceAttributes(res *resource.Resource) {
	defer c.mu.Unlock()

	resourceAttrs, _ := res.Set().Filter(c.resourceAttributesFilter)
	resourceKeys, resourceValues := getAttrs(resourceAttrs, [2]string{}, [2]string{}, keyVals{})
	c.resourceKeyVals = keyVals{keys: resourceKeys, vals: resourceValues}

func (c *collector) scopeInfo(scope instrumentation.Scope) (prometheus.Metric, error) {
	defer c.mu.Unlock()

	scopeInfo, ok := c.scopeInfos[scope]
	if ok {
		return scopeInfo, nil

	if _, ok := c.scopeInfosInvalid[scope]; ok {
		return nil, errScopeInvalid

	scopeInfo, err := createScopeInfoMetric(scope)
	if err != nil {
		c.scopeInfosInvalid[scope] = struct{}{}
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot create scope info metric: %w", err)

	c.scopeInfos[scope] = scopeInfo

	return scopeInfo, nil

func (c *collector) validateMetrics(name, description string, metricType *dto.MetricType) (drop bool, help string) {
	defer c.mu.Unlock()

	emf, exist := c.metricFamilies[name]

	if !exist {
		c.metricFamilies[name] = &dto.MetricFamily{
			Name: proto.String(name),
			Help: proto.String(description),
			Type: metricType,
		return false, ""

	if emf.GetType() != *metricType {
			errors.New("instrument type conflict"),
			"Using existing type definition.",
			"instrument", name,
			"existing", emf.GetType(),
			"dropped", *metricType,
		return true, ""
	if emf.GetHelp() != description {
			"Instrument description conflict, using existing",
			"instrument", name,
			"existing", emf.GetHelp(),
			"dropped", description,
		return false, emf.GetHelp()

	return false, ""