Tobi Smethurst 98263a7de6
Grand test fixup (#138)
* start fixing up tests

* fix up tests + automate with drone

* fiddle with linting

* messing about with drone.yml

* some more fiddling

* hmmm

* add cache

* add vendor directory

* verbose

* ci updates

* update some little things

* update sig
2021-08-12 21:03:24 +02:00
.travis.yml Grand test fixup (#138) 2021-08-12 21:03:24 +02:00
hex_amd64.go Grand test fixup (#138) 2021-08-12 21:03:24 +02:00
hex_decode_amd64.s Grand test fixup (#138) 2021-08-12 21:03:24 +02:00
hex_encode_amd64.s Grand test fixup (#138) 2021-08-12 21:03:24 +02:00
hex_other.go Grand test fixup (#138) 2021-08-12 21:03:24 +02:00
hex.go Grand test fixup (#138) 2021-08-12 21:03:24 +02:00
LICENSE Grand test fixup (#138) 2021-08-12 21:03:24 +02:00 Grand test fixup (#138) 2021-08-12 21:03:24 +02:00


GoDoc Build Status

An efficient hexadecimal implementation for Golang.

go-hex provides hex encoding and decoding using SSE/AVX instructions on x86-64.


go get



BenchmarkEncode/15-8     	100000000	        17.4 ns/op	 863.43 MB/s
BenchmarkEncode/32-8     	100000000	        11.9 ns/op	2690.43 MB/s
BenchmarkEncode/128-8    	100000000	        21.4 ns/op	5982.92 MB/s
BenchmarkEncode/1k-8     	20000000	        88.5 ns/op	11572.80 MB/s
BenchmarkEncode/16k-8    	 1000000	      1254 ns/op	13058.10 MB/s
BenchmarkEncode/128k-8   	  100000	     12965 ns/op	10109.53 MB/s
BenchmarkEncode/1M-8     	   10000	    119465 ns/op	8777.23 MB/s
BenchmarkEncode/16M-8    	     500	   3530380 ns/op	4752.24 MB/s
BenchmarkEncode/128M-8   	      50	  28001913 ns/op	4793.16 MB/s
BenchmarkDecode/14-8    	100000000	        12.6 ns/op	1110.01 MB/s
BenchmarkDecode/32-8     	100000000	        12.5 ns/op	2558.10 MB/s
BenchmarkDecode/128-8    	50000000	        27.2 ns/op	4697.66 MB/s
BenchmarkDecode/1k-8     	10000000	       168 ns/op	6093.43 MB/s
BenchmarkDecode/16k-8    	  500000	      2543 ns/op	6442.09 MB/s
BenchmarkDecode/128k-8   	  100000	     20339 ns/op	6444.24 MB/s
BenchmarkDecode/1M-8     	   10000	    164313 ns/op	6381.57 MB/s
BenchmarkDecode/16M-8    	     500	   3099822 ns/op	5412.31 MB/s
BenchmarkDecode/128M-8   	      50	  24865822 ns/op	5397.68 MB/s


BenchmarkRefEncode/15-8  	50000000	        36.1 ns/op	 415.07 MB/s
BenchmarkRefEncode/32-8  	20000000	        72.9 ns/op	 439.14 MB/s
BenchmarkRefEncode/128-8 	 5000000	       289 ns/op	 441.54 MB/s
BenchmarkRefEncode/1k-8  	 1000000	      2268 ns/op	 451.49 MB/s
BenchmarkRefEncode/16k-8 	   30000	     39110 ns/op	 418.91 MB/s
BenchmarkRefEncode/128k-8	    5000	    291260 ns/op	 450.02 MB/s
BenchmarkRefEncode/1M-8  	    1000	   2277578 ns/op	 460.39 MB/s
BenchmarkRefEncode/16M-8 	      30	  37087543 ns/op	 452.37 MB/s
BenchmarkRefEncode/128M-8	       5	 293611713 ns/op	 457.13 MB/s
BenchmarkRefDecode/14-8  	30000000	        53.7 ns/op	 260.49 MB/s
BenchmarkRefDecode/32-8  	10000000	       128 ns/op	 248.44 MB/s
BenchmarkRefDecode/128-8 	 3000000	       481 ns/op	 265.95 MB/s
BenchmarkRefDecode/1k-8  	  300000	      4172 ns/op	 245.43 MB/s
BenchmarkRefDecode/16k-8 	   10000	    111989 ns/op	 146.30 MB/s
BenchmarkRefDecode/128k-8	    2000	    909077 ns/op	 144.18 MB/s
BenchmarkRefDecode/1M-8  	     200	   7275779 ns/op	 144.12 MB/s
BenchmarkRefDecode/16M-8 	      10	 116574839 ns/op	 143.92 MB/s
BenchmarkRefDecode/128M-8	       2	 933871637 ns/op	 143.72 MB/s

encoding/hex -> go-hex:

benchmark                  old ns/op     new ns/op     delta
BenchmarkEncode/15-8       36.1          17.4          -51.80%
BenchmarkEncode/32-8       72.9          11.9          -83.68%
BenchmarkEncode/128-8      289           21.4          -92.60%
BenchmarkEncode/1k-8       2268          88.5          -96.10%
BenchmarkEncode/16k-8      39110         1254          -96.79%
BenchmarkEncode/128k-8     291260        12965         -95.55%
BenchmarkEncode/1M-8       2277578       119465        -94.75%
BenchmarkEncode/16M-8      37087543      3530380       -90.48%
BenchmarkEncode/128M-8     293611713     28001913      -90.46%
BenchmarkDecode/14-8       53.7          12.6          -76.54%
BenchmarkDecode/32-8       128           12.5          -90.23%
BenchmarkDecode/128-8      481           27.2          -94.35%
BenchmarkDecode/1k-8       4172          168           -95.97%
BenchmarkDecode/16k-8      111989        2543          -97.73%
BenchmarkDecode/128k-8     909077        20339         -97.76%
BenchmarkDecode/1M-8       7275779       164313        -97.74%
BenchmarkDecode/16M-8      116574839     3099822       -97.34%
BenchmarkDecode/128M-8     933871637     24865822      -97.34%

benchmark                  old MB/s     new MB/s     speedup
BenchmarkEncode/15-8       415.07       863.43       2.08x
BenchmarkEncode/32-8       439.14       2690.43      6.13x
BenchmarkEncode/128-8      441.54       5982.92      13.55x
BenchmarkEncode/1k-8       451.49       11572.80     25.63x
BenchmarkEncode/16k-8      418.91       13058.10     31.17x
BenchmarkEncode/128k-8     450.02       10109.53     22.46x
BenchmarkEncode/1M-8       460.39       8777.23      19.06x
BenchmarkEncode/16M-8      452.37       4752.24      10.51x
BenchmarkEncode/128M-8     457.13       4793.16      10.49x
BenchmarkDecode/14-8       260.49       1110.01      4.26x
BenchmarkDecode/32-8       248.44       2558.10      10.30x
BenchmarkDecode/128-8      265.95       4697.66      17.66x
BenchmarkDecode/1k-8       245.43       6093.43      24.83x
BenchmarkDecode/16k-8      146.30       6442.09      44.03x
BenchmarkDecode/128k-8     144.18       6444.24      44.70x
BenchmarkDecode/1M-8       144.12       6381.57      44.28x
BenchmarkDecode/16M-8      143.92       5412.31      37.61x
BenchmarkDecode/128M-8     143.72       5397.68      37.56x


Unless otherwise noted, the go-hex source files are distributed under the Modified BSD License found in the LICENSE file.