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// Package driver provides a database/sql driver for SQLite.
// Importing package driver registers a [database/sql] driver named "sqlite3".
// You may also need to import package embed.
// import _ "github.com/ncruces/go-sqlite3/driver"
// import _ "github.com/ncruces/go-sqlite3/embed"
// The data source name for "sqlite3" databases can be a filename or a "file:" [URI].
// # Default transaction mode
// The [TRANSACTION] mode can be specified using "_txlock":
// sql.Open("sqlite3", "file:demo.db?_txlock=immediate")
// Possible values are: "deferred" (the default), "immediate", "exclusive".
// Regardless of "_txlock":
// - a [linearizable] transaction is always "exclusive";
// - a [serializable] transaction is always "immediate";
// - a [read-only] transaction is always "deferred".
// # Working with time
// The time encoding/decoding format can be specified using "_timefmt":
// sql.Open("sqlite3", "file:demo.db?_timefmt=sqlite")
// Possible values are: "auto" (the default), "sqlite", "rfc3339";
// - "auto" encodes as RFC 3339 and decodes any [format] supported by SQLite;
// - "sqlite" encodes as SQLite and decodes any [format] supported by SQLite;
// - "rfc3339" encodes and decodes RFC 3339 only.
// If you encode as RFC 3339 (the default),
// consider using the TIME [collating sequence] to produce a time-ordered sequence.
// To scan values in other formats, [sqlite3.TimeFormat.Scanner] may be helpful.
// To bind values in other formats, [sqlite3.TimeFormat.Encode] them before binding.
// When using a custom time struct, you'll have to implement
// [database/sql/driver.Valuer] and [database/sql.Scanner].
// The Value method should ideally encode to a time [format] supported by SQLite.
// This ensures SQL date and time functions work as they should,
// and that your schema works with other SQLite tools.
// [sqlite3.TimeFormat.Encode] may help.
// The Scan method needs to take into account that the value it receives can be of differing types.
// It can already be a [time.Time], if the driver decoded the value according to "_timefmt" rules.
// Or it can be a: string, int64, float64, []byte, or nil,
// depending on the column type and what whoever wrote the value.
// [sqlite3.TimeFormat.Decode] may help.
// # Setting PRAGMAs
// [PRAGMA] statements can be specified using "_pragma":
// sql.Open("sqlite3", "file:demo.db?_pragma=busy_timeout(10000)")
// If no PRAGMAs are specified, a busy timeout of 1 minute is set.
// Order matters:
// encryption keys, busy timeout and locking mode should be the first PRAGMAs set,
// in that order.
// [URI]: https://sqlite.org/uri.html
// [PRAGMA]: https://sqlite.org/pragma.html
// [TRANSACTION]: https://sqlite.org/lang_transaction.html#deferred_immediate_and_exclusive_transactions
// [linearizable]: https://pkg.go.dev/database/sql#TxOptions
// [serializable]: https://pkg.go.dev/database/sql#TxOptions
// [read-only]: https://pkg.go.dev/database/sql#TxOptions
// [format]: https://sqlite.org/lang_datefunc.html#time_values
// [collating sequence]: https://sqlite.org/datatype3.html#collating_sequences
package driver
import (
// This variable can be replaced with -ldflags:
// go build -ldflags="-X github.com/ncruces/go-sqlite3/driver.driverName=sqlite"
var driverName = "sqlite3"
func init() {
if driverName != "" {
sql.Register(driverName, &SQLite{})
// Open opens the SQLite database specified by dataSourceName as a [database/sql.DB].
// Open accepts zero, one, or two callbacks (nil callbacks are ignored).
// The first callback is called when the driver opens a new connection.
// The second callback is called before the driver closes a connection.
// The [sqlite3.Conn] can be used to execute queries, register functions, etc.
func Open(dataSourceName string, fn ...func(*sqlite3.Conn) error) (*sql.DB, error) {
if len(fn) > 2 {
return nil, sqlite3.MISUSE
var init, term func(*sqlite3.Conn) error
if len(fn) > 1 {
term = fn[1]
if len(fn) > 0 {
init = fn[0]
c, err := newConnector(dataSourceName, init, term)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return sql.OpenDB(c), nil
// SQLite implements [database/sql/driver.Driver].
type SQLite struct{}
var (
// Ensure these interfaces are implemented:
_ driver.DriverContext = &SQLite{}
// Open implements [database/sql/driver.Driver].
func (d *SQLite) Open(name string) (driver.Conn, error) {
c, err := newConnector(name, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return c.Connect(context.Background())
// OpenConnector implements [database/sql/driver.DriverContext].
func (d *SQLite) OpenConnector(name string) (driver.Connector, error) {
return newConnector(name, nil, nil)
func newConnector(name string, init, term func(*sqlite3.Conn) error) (*connector, error) {
c := connector{name: name, init: init, term: term}
var txlock, timefmt string
if strings.HasPrefix(name, "file:") {
if _, after, ok := strings.Cut(name, "?"); ok {
query, err := url.ParseQuery(after)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
txlock = query.Get("_txlock")
timefmt = query.Get("_timefmt")
c.pragmas = query.Has("_pragma")
switch txlock {
case "", "deferred", "concurrent", "immediate", "exclusive":
c.txLock = txlock
return nil, fmt.Errorf("sqlite3: invalid _txlock: %s", txlock)
switch timefmt {
case "":
c.tmRead = sqlite3.TimeFormatAuto
c.tmWrite = sqlite3.TimeFormatDefault
case "sqlite":
c.tmRead = sqlite3.TimeFormatAuto
c.tmWrite = sqlite3.TimeFormat3
case "rfc3339":
c.tmRead = sqlite3.TimeFormatDefault
c.tmWrite = sqlite3.TimeFormatDefault
c.tmRead = sqlite3.TimeFormat(timefmt)
c.tmWrite = sqlite3.TimeFormat(timefmt)
return &c, nil
type connector struct {
init func(*sqlite3.Conn) error
term func(*sqlite3.Conn) error
name string
txLock string
tmRead sqlite3.TimeFormat
tmWrite sqlite3.TimeFormat
pragmas bool
func (n *connector) Driver() driver.Driver {
return &SQLite{}
func (n *connector) Connect(ctx context.Context) (ret driver.Conn, err error) {
c := &conn{
txLock: n.txLock,
tmRead: n.tmRead,
tmWrite: n.tmWrite,
c.Conn, err = sqlite3.OpenContext(ctx, n.name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() {
if ret == nil {
old := c.Conn.SetInterrupt(ctx)
defer c.Conn.SetInterrupt(old)
if !n.pragmas {
err = c.Conn.BusyTimeout(time.Minute)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if n.init != nil {
err = n.init(c.Conn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if n.pragmas || n.init != nil {
s, _, err := c.Conn.Prepare(`PRAGMA query_only`)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer s.Close()
if s.Step() && s.ColumnBool(0) {
c.readOnly = '1'
} else {
c.readOnly = '0'
err = s.Close()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if n.term != nil {
err = c.Conn.Trace(sqlite3.TRACE_CLOSE, func(sqlite3.TraceEvent, any, any) error {
return n.term(c.Conn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return c, nil
// Conn is implemented by the SQLite [database/sql] driver connections.
// It can be used to access SQLite features like [online backup]:
// db, err := driver.Open("temp.db")
// if err != nil {
// log.Fatal(err)
// }
// defer db.Close()
// conn, err := db.Conn(context.TODO())
// if err != nil {
// log.Fatal(err)
// }
// defer conn.Close()
// err = conn.Raw(func(driverConn any) error {
// conn := driverConn.(driver.Conn)
// return conn.Raw().Backup("main", "backup.db")
// })
// if err != nil {
// log.Fatal(err)
// }
// [online backup]: https://sqlite.org/backup.html
type Conn interface {
Raw() *sqlite3.Conn
type conn struct {
txLock string
txReset string
tmRead sqlite3.TimeFormat
tmWrite sqlite3.TimeFormat
readOnly byte
var (
// Ensure these interfaces are implemented:
_ Conn = &conn{}
_ driver.ExecerContext = &conn{}
func (c *conn) Raw() *sqlite3.Conn {
return c.Conn
// Deprecated: use BeginTx instead.
func (c *conn) Begin() (driver.Tx, error) {
// notest
return c.BeginTx(context.Background(), driver.TxOptions{})
func (c *conn) BeginTx(ctx context.Context, opts driver.TxOptions) (driver.Tx, error) {
var txLock string
switch opts.Isolation {
return nil, util.IsolationErr
case driver.IsolationLevel(sql.LevelLinearizable):
txLock = "exclusive"
case driver.IsolationLevel(sql.LevelSerializable):
txLock = "immediate"
case driver.IsolationLevel(sql.LevelDefault):
if !opts.ReadOnly {
txLock = c.txLock
c.txReset = ``
txBegin := `BEGIN ` + txLock
if opts.ReadOnly {
txBegin += ` ; PRAGMA query_only=on`
c.txReset = `; PRAGMA query_only=` + string(c.readOnly)
old := c.Conn.SetInterrupt(ctx)
defer c.Conn.SetInterrupt(old)
err := c.Conn.Exec(txBegin)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return c, nil
func (c *conn) Commit() error {
err := c.Conn.Exec(`COMMIT` + c.txReset)
if err != nil && !c.Conn.GetAutocommit() {
return err
func (c *conn) Rollback() error {
err := c.Conn.Exec(`ROLLBACK` + c.txReset)
if errors.Is(err, sqlite3.INTERRUPT) {
old := c.Conn.SetInterrupt(context.Background())
defer c.Conn.SetInterrupt(old)
err = c.Conn.Exec(`ROLLBACK` + c.txReset)
return err
func (c *conn) Prepare(query string) (driver.Stmt, error) {
// notest
return c.PrepareContext(context.Background(), query)
func (c *conn) PrepareContext(ctx context.Context, query string) (driver.Stmt, error) {
old := c.Conn.SetInterrupt(ctx)
defer c.Conn.SetInterrupt(old)
s, tail, err := c.Conn.Prepare(query)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if notWhitespace(tail) {
return nil, util.TailErr
return &stmt{Stmt: s, tmRead: c.tmRead, tmWrite: c.tmWrite, inputs: -2}, nil
func (c *conn) ExecContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args []driver.NamedValue) (driver.Result, error) {
if len(args) != 0 {
// Slow path.
return nil, driver.ErrSkip
if savept, ok := ctx.(*saveptCtx); ok {
// Called from driver.Savepoint.
savept.Savepoint = c.Conn.Savepoint()
return resultRowsAffected(0), nil
old := c.Conn.SetInterrupt(ctx)
defer c.Conn.SetInterrupt(old)
err := c.Conn.Exec(query)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return newResult(c.Conn), nil
func (c *conn) CheckNamedValue(arg *driver.NamedValue) error {
// Fast path: short circuit argument verification.
// Arguments will be rejected by conn.ExecContext.
return nil
type stmt struct {
tmWrite sqlite3.TimeFormat
tmRead sqlite3.TimeFormat
inputs int
var (
// Ensure these interfaces are implemented:
_ driver.StmtExecContext = &stmt{}
_ driver.StmtQueryContext = &stmt{}
_ driver.NamedValueChecker = &stmt{}
func (s *stmt) NumInput() int {
if s.inputs >= -1 {
return s.inputs
n := s.Stmt.BindCount()
for i := 1; i <= n; i++ {
if s.Stmt.BindName(i) != "" {
s.inputs = -1
return -1
s.inputs = n
return n
// Deprecated: use ExecContext instead.
func (s *stmt) Exec(args []driver.Value) (driver.Result, error) {
// notest
return s.ExecContext(context.Background(), namedValues(args))
// Deprecated: use QueryContext instead.
func (s *stmt) Query(args []driver.Value) (driver.Rows, error) {
// notest
return s.QueryContext(context.Background(), namedValues(args))
func (s *stmt) ExecContext(ctx context.Context, args []driver.NamedValue) (driver.Result, error) {
err := s.setupBindings(args)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
old := s.Stmt.Conn().SetInterrupt(ctx)
defer s.Stmt.Conn().SetInterrupt(old)
err = errors.Join(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return newResult(s.Stmt.Conn()), nil
func (s *stmt) QueryContext(ctx context.Context, args []driver.NamedValue) (driver.Rows, error) {
err := s.setupBindings(args)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &rows{ctx: ctx, stmt: s}, nil
func (s *stmt) setupBindings(args []driver.NamedValue) (err error) {
var ids [3]int
for _, arg := range args {
ids := ids[:0]
if arg.Name == "" {
ids = append(ids, arg.Ordinal)
} else {
for _, prefix := range [...]string{":", "@", "$"} {
if id := s.Stmt.BindIndex(prefix + arg.Name); id != 0 {
ids = append(ids, id)
for _, id := range ids {
switch a := arg.Value.(type) {
case bool:
err = s.Stmt.BindBool(id, a)
case int:
err = s.Stmt.BindInt(id, a)
case int64:
err = s.Stmt.BindInt64(id, a)
case float64:
err = s.Stmt.BindFloat(id, a)
case string:
err = s.Stmt.BindText(id, a)
case []byte:
err = s.Stmt.BindBlob(id, a)
case sqlite3.ZeroBlob:
err = s.Stmt.BindZeroBlob(id, int64(a))
case time.Time:
err = s.Stmt.BindTime(id, a, s.tmWrite)
case util.JSON:
err = s.Stmt.BindJSON(id, a.Value)
case util.PointerUnwrap:
err = s.Stmt.BindPointer(id, util.UnwrapPointer(a))
case nil:
err = s.Stmt.BindNull(id)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *stmt) CheckNamedValue(arg *driver.NamedValue) error {
switch arg.Value.(type) {
case bool, int, int64, float64, string, []byte,
time.Time, sqlite3.ZeroBlob,
util.JSON, util.PointerUnwrap,
return nil
return driver.ErrSkip
func newResult(c *sqlite3.Conn) driver.Result {
rows := c.Changes()
if rows != 0 {
id := c.LastInsertRowID()
if id != 0 {
return result{id, rows}
return resultRowsAffected(rows)
type result struct{ lastInsertId, rowsAffected int64 }
func (r result) LastInsertId() (int64, error) {
return r.lastInsertId, nil
func (r result) RowsAffected() (int64, error) {
return r.rowsAffected, nil
type resultRowsAffected int64
func (r resultRowsAffected) LastInsertId() (int64, error) {
return 0, nil
func (r resultRowsAffected) RowsAffected() (int64, error) {
return int64(r), nil
type rows struct {
ctx context.Context
names []string
types []string
nulls []bool
scans []scantype
type scantype byte
const (
_ANY scantype = iota
_INT scantype = scantype(sqlite3.INTEGER)
_REAL scantype = scantype(sqlite3.FLOAT)
_TEXT scantype = scantype(sqlite3.TEXT)
_BLOB scantype = scantype(sqlite3.BLOB)
_NULL scantype = scantype(sqlite3.NULL)
_BOOL scantype = iota
var (
// Ensure these interfaces are implemented:
_ driver.RowsColumnTypeDatabaseTypeName = &rows{}
_ driver.RowsColumnTypeNullable = &rows{}
func (r *rows) Close() error {
return errors.Join(
func (r *rows) Columns() []string {
if r.names == nil {
count := r.Stmt.ColumnCount()
names := make([]string, count)
for i := range names {
names[i] = r.Stmt.ColumnName(i)
r.names = names
return r.names
func (r *rows) loadColumnMetadata() {
if r.nulls == nil {
count := r.Stmt.ColumnCount()
nulls := make([]bool, count)
types := make([]string, count)
scans := make([]scantype, count)
for i := range nulls {
if col := r.Stmt.ColumnOriginName(i); col != "" {
types[i], _, nulls[i], _, _, _ = r.Stmt.Conn().TableColumnMetadata(
types[i] = strings.ToUpper(types[i])
// These types are only used before we have rows,
// and otherwise as type hints.
// The first few ensure STRICT tables are strictly typed.
// The other two are type hints for booleans and time.
switch types[i] {
case "INT", "INTEGER":
scans[i] = _INT
case "REAL":
scans[i] = _REAL
case "TEXT":
scans[i] = _TEXT
case "BLOB":
scans[i] = _BLOB
case "BOOLEAN":
scans[i] = _BOOL
scans[i] = _TIME
r.nulls = nulls
r.types = types
r.scans = scans
func (r *rows) declType(index int) string {
if r.types == nil {
count := r.Stmt.ColumnCount()
types := make([]string, count)
for i := range types {
types[i] = strings.ToUpper(r.Stmt.ColumnDeclType(i))
r.types = types
return r.types[index]
func (r *rows) ColumnTypeDatabaseTypeName(index int) string {
decltype := r.types[index]
if len := len(decltype); len > 0 && decltype[len-1] == ')' {
if i := strings.LastIndexByte(decltype, '('); i >= 0 {
decltype = decltype[:i]
return strings.TrimSpace(decltype)
func (r *rows) ColumnTypeNullable(index int) (nullable, ok bool) {
if r.nulls[index] {
return false, true
return true, false
func (r *rows) ColumnTypeScanType(index int) (typ reflect.Type) {
scan := r.scans[index]
if r.Stmt.Busy() {
// SQLite is dynamically typed and we now have a row.
// Always use the type of the value itself,
// unless the scan type is more specific
// and can scan the actual value.
val := scantype(r.Stmt.ColumnType(index))
useValType := true
switch {
case scan == _TIME && val != _BLOB && val != _NULL:
t := r.Stmt.ColumnTime(index, r.tmRead)
useValType = t == time.Time{}
case scan == _BOOL && val == _INT:
i := r.Stmt.ColumnInt64(index)
useValType = i != 0 && i != 1
case scan == _BLOB && val == _NULL:
useValType = false
if useValType {
scan = val
switch scan {
case _INT:
return reflect.TypeFor[int64]()
case _REAL:
return reflect.TypeFor[float64]()
case _TEXT:
return reflect.TypeFor[string]()
case _BLOB:
return reflect.TypeFor[[]byte]()
case _BOOL:
return reflect.TypeFor[bool]()
case _TIME:
return reflect.TypeFor[time.Time]()
return reflect.TypeFor[any]()
func (r *rows) Next(dest []driver.Value) error {
old := r.Stmt.Conn().SetInterrupt(r.ctx)
defer r.Stmt.Conn().SetInterrupt(old)
if !r.Stmt.Step() {
if err := r.Stmt.Err(); err != nil {
return err
return io.EOF
data := unsafe.Slice((*any)(unsafe.SliceData(dest)), len(dest))
err := r.Stmt.Columns(data...)
for i := range dest {
if t, ok := r.decodeTime(i, dest[i]); ok {
dest[i] = t
return err
func (r *rows) decodeTime(i int, v any) (_ time.Time, ok bool) {
switch v := v.(type) {
case int64, float64:
// could be a time value
case string:
if r.tmWrite != "" && r.tmWrite != time.RFC3339 && r.tmWrite != time.RFC3339Nano {
t, ok := maybeTime(v)
if ok {
return t, true
switch r.declType(i) {
// could be a time value
t, err := r.tmRead.Decode(v)
return t, err == nil