
451 lines
13 KiB

package migrate
import (
type AutoMigratorOption func(m *AutoMigrator)
// WithModel adds a bun.Model to the scope of migrations.
func WithModel(models ...interface{}) AutoMigratorOption {
return func(m *AutoMigrator) {
m.includeModels = append(m.includeModels, models...)
// WithExcludeTable tells the AutoMigrator to ignore a table in the database.
// This prevents AutoMigrator from dropping tables which may exist in the schema
// but which are not used by the application.
// Do not exclude tables included via WithModel, as BunModelInspector ignores this setting.
func WithExcludeTable(tables ...string) AutoMigratorOption {
return func(m *AutoMigrator) {
m.excludeTables = append(m.excludeTables, tables...)
// WithSchemaName changes the default database schema to migrate objects in.
func WithSchemaName(schemaName string) AutoMigratorOption {
return func(m *AutoMigrator) {
m.schemaName = schemaName
// WithTableNameAuto overrides default migrations table name.
func WithTableNameAuto(table string) AutoMigratorOption {
return func(m *AutoMigrator) {
m.table = table
m.migratorOpts = append(m.migratorOpts, WithTableName(table))
// WithLocksTableNameAuto overrides default migration locks table name.
func WithLocksTableNameAuto(table string) AutoMigratorOption {
return func(m *AutoMigrator) {
m.locksTable = table
m.migratorOpts = append(m.migratorOpts, WithLocksTableName(table))
// WithMarkAppliedOnSuccessAuto sets the migrator to only mark migrations as applied/unapplied
// when their up/down is successful.
func WithMarkAppliedOnSuccessAuto(enabled bool) AutoMigratorOption {
return func(m *AutoMigrator) {
m.migratorOpts = append(m.migratorOpts, WithMarkAppliedOnSuccess(enabled))
// WithMigrationsDirectoryAuto overrides the default directory for migration files.
func WithMigrationsDirectoryAuto(directory string) AutoMigratorOption {
return func(m *AutoMigrator) {
m.migrationsOpts = append(m.migrationsOpts, WithMigrationsDirectory(directory))
// AutoMigrator performs automated schema migrations.
// It is designed to be a drop-in replacement for some Migrator functionality and supports all existing
// configuration options.
// Similarly to Migrator, it has methods to create SQL migrations, write them to a file, and apply them.
// Unlike Migrator, it detects the differences between the state defined by bun models and the current
// database schema automatically.
// Usage:
// 1. Generate migrations and apply them au once with AutoMigrator.Migrate().
// 2. Create up- and down-SQL migration files and apply migrations using Migrator.Migrate().
// While both methods produce complete, reversible migrations (with entries in the database
// and SQL migration files), prefer creating migrations and applying them separately for
// any non-trivial cases to ensure AutoMigrator detects expected changes correctly.
// Limitations:
// - AutoMigrator only supports a subset of the possible ALTER TABLE modifications.
// - Some changes are not automatically reversible. For example, you would need to manually
// add a CREATE TABLE query to the .down migration file to revert a DROP TABLE migration.
// - Does not validate most dialect-specific constraints. For example, when changing column
// data type, make sure the data con be auto-casted to the new type.
// - Due to how the schema-state diff is calculated, it is not possible to rename a table and
// modify any of its columns' _data type_ in a single run. This will cause the AutoMigrator
// to drop and re-create the table under a different name; it is better to apply this change in 2 steps.
// Renaming a table and renaming its columns at the same time is possible.
// - Renaming table/column to an existing name, i.e. like this [A->B] [B->C], is not possible due to how
// AutoMigrator distinguishes "rename" and "unchanged" columns.
// Dialect must implement both sqlschema.Inspector and sqlschema.Migrator to be used with AutoMigrator.
type AutoMigrator struct {
db *bun.DB
// dbInspector creates the current state for the target database.
dbInspector sqlschema.Inspector
// modelInspector creates the desired state based on the model definitions.
modelInspector sqlschema.Inspector
// dbMigrator executes ALTER TABLE queries.
dbMigrator sqlschema.Migrator
table string // Migrations table (excluded from database inspection)
locksTable string // Migration locks table (excluded from database inspection)
// schemaName is the database schema considered for migration.
schemaName string
// includeModels define the migration scope.
includeModels []interface{}
// excludeTables are excluded from database inspection.
excludeTables []string
// diffOpts are passed to detector constructor.
diffOpts []diffOption
// migratorOpts are passed to Migrator constructor.
migratorOpts []MigratorOption
// migrationsOpts are passed to Migrations constructor.
migrationsOpts []MigrationsOption
func NewAutoMigrator(db *bun.DB, opts ...AutoMigratorOption) (*AutoMigrator, error) {
am := &AutoMigrator{
db: db,
table: defaultTable,
locksTable: defaultLocksTable,
schemaName: db.Dialect().DefaultSchema(),
for _, opt := range opts {
am.excludeTables = append(am.excludeTables, am.table, am.locksTable)
dbInspector, err := sqlschema.NewInspector(db, sqlschema.WithSchemaName(am.schemaName), sqlschema.WithExcludeTables(am.excludeTables...))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
am.dbInspector = dbInspector
am.diffOpts = append(am.diffOpts, withCompareTypeFunc(db.Dialect().(sqlschema.InspectorDialect).CompareType))
dbMigrator, err := sqlschema.NewMigrator(db, am.schemaName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
am.dbMigrator = dbMigrator
tables := schema.NewTables(db.Dialect())
am.modelInspector = sqlschema.NewBunModelInspector(tables, sqlschema.WithSchemaName(am.schemaName))
return am, nil
func (am *AutoMigrator) plan(ctx context.Context) (*changeset, error) {
var err error
got, err := am.dbInspector.Inspect(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
want, err := am.modelInspector.Inspect(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
changes := diff(got, want, am.diffOpts...)
if err := changes.ResolveDependencies(); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("plan migrations: %w", err)
return changes, nil
// Migrate writes required changes to a new migration file and runs the migration.
// This will create an entry in the migrations table, making it possible to revert
// the changes with Migrator.Rollback(). MigrationOptions are passed on to Migrator.Migrate().
func (am *AutoMigrator) Migrate(ctx context.Context, opts ...MigrationOption) (*MigrationGroup, error) {
migrations, _, err := am.createSQLMigrations(ctx, false)
if err != nil {
if err == errNothingToMigrate {
return new(MigrationGroup), nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("auto migrate: %w", err)
migrator := NewMigrator(am.db, migrations, am.migratorOpts...)
if err := migrator.Init(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("auto migrate: %w", err)
group, err := migrator.Migrate(ctx, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("auto migrate: %w", err)
return group, nil
// CreateSQLMigration writes required changes to a new migration file.
// Use migrate.Migrator to apply the generated migrations.
func (am *AutoMigrator) CreateSQLMigrations(ctx context.Context) ([]*MigrationFile, error) {
_, files, err := am.createSQLMigrations(ctx, false)
if err == errNothingToMigrate {
return files, nil
return files, err
// CreateTxSQLMigration writes required changes to a new migration file making sure they will be executed
// in a transaction when applied. Use migrate.Migrator to apply the generated migrations.
func (am *AutoMigrator) CreateTxSQLMigrations(ctx context.Context) ([]*MigrationFile, error) {
_, files, err := am.createSQLMigrations(ctx, true)
if err == errNothingToMigrate {
return files, nil
return files, err
// errNothingToMigrate is a sentinel error which means the database is already in a desired state.
// Should not be returned to the user -- return a nil-error instead.
var errNothingToMigrate = errors.New("nothing to migrate")
func (am *AutoMigrator) createSQLMigrations(ctx context.Context, transactional bool) (*Migrations, []*MigrationFile, error) {
changes, err := am.plan(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("create sql migrations: %w", err)
if changes.Len() == 0 {
return nil, nil, errNothingToMigrate
name, _ := genMigrationName(am.schemaName + "_auto")
migrations := NewMigrations(am.migrationsOpts...)
Name: name,
Up: changes.Up(am.dbMigrator),
Down: changes.Down(am.dbMigrator),
Comment: "Changes detected by bun.AutoMigrator",
// Append .tx.up.sql or .up.sql to migration name, dependin if it should be transactional.
fname := func(direction string) string {
return name + map[bool]string{true: ".tx.", false: "."}[transactional] + direction + ".sql"
up, err := am.createSQL(ctx, migrations, fname("up"), changes, transactional)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("create sql migration up: %w", err)
down, err := am.createSQL(ctx, migrations, fname("down"), changes.GetReverse(), transactional)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("create sql migration down: %w", err)
return migrations, []*MigrationFile{up, down}, nil
func (am *AutoMigrator) createSQL(_ context.Context, migrations *Migrations, fname string, changes *changeset, transactional bool) (*MigrationFile, error) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
if transactional {
buf.WriteString("SET statement_timeout = 0;")
if err := changes.WriteTo(&buf, am.dbMigrator); err != nil {
return nil, err
content := buf.Bytes()
fpath := filepath.Join(migrations.getDirectory(), fname)
if err := os.WriteFile(fpath, content, 0o644); err != nil {
return nil, err
mf := &MigrationFile{
Name: fname,
Path: fpath,
Content: string(content),
return mf, nil
func (c *changeset) Len() int {
return len(c.operations)
// Func creates a MigrationFunc that applies all operations all the changeset.
func (c *changeset) Func(m sqlschema.Migrator) MigrationFunc {
return func(ctx context.Context, db *bun.DB) error {
return c.apply(ctx, db, m)
// GetReverse returns a new changeset with each operation in it "reversed" and in reverse order.
func (c *changeset) GetReverse() *changeset {
var reverse changeset
for i := len(c.operations) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
return &reverse
// Up is syntactic sugar.
func (c *changeset) Up(m sqlschema.Migrator) MigrationFunc {
return c.Func(m)
// Down is syntactic sugar.
func (c *changeset) Down(m sqlschema.Migrator) MigrationFunc {
return c.GetReverse().Func(m)
// apply generates SQL for each operation and executes it.
func (c *changeset) apply(ctx context.Context, db *bun.DB, m sqlschema.Migrator) error {
if len(c.operations) == 0 {
return nil
for _, op := range c.operations {
if _, isComment := op.(*comment); isComment {
b := internal.MakeQueryBytes()
b, err := m.AppendSQL(b, op)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("apply changes: %w", err)
query := internal.String(b)
if _, err = db.ExecContext(ctx, query); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("apply changes: %w", err)
return nil
func (c *changeset) WriteTo(w io.Writer, m sqlschema.Migrator) error {
var err error
b := internal.MakeQueryBytes()
for _, op := range c.operations {
if c, isComment := op.(*comment); isComment {
b = append(b, "/*\n"...)
b = append(b, *c...)
b = append(b, "\n*/"...)
b, err = m.AppendSQL(b, op)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("write changeset: %w", err)
b = append(b, ";\n"...)
if _, err := w.Write(b); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("write changeset: %w", err)
return nil
func (c *changeset) ResolveDependencies() error {
if len(c.operations) <= 1 {
return nil
const (
unvisited = iota
status := make(map[Operation]int, len(c.operations))
for _, op := range c.operations {
status[op] = unvisited
var resolved []Operation
var nextOp Operation
var visit func(op Operation) error
next := func() bool {
for op, s := range status {
if s == unvisited {
nextOp = op
return true
return false
// visit iterates over c.operations until it finds all operations that depend on the current one
// or runs into cirtular dependency, in which case it will return an error.
visit = func(op Operation) error {
switch status[op] {
case visited:
return nil
case current:
// TODO: add details (circle) to the error message
return errors.New("detected circular dependency")
status[op] = current
for _, another := range c.operations {
if dop, hasDeps := another.(interface {
DependsOn(Operation) bool
}); another == op || !hasDeps || !dop.DependsOn(op) {
if err := visit(another); err != nil {
return err
status[op] = visited
// Any dependent nodes would've already been added to the list by now, so we prepend.
resolved = append([]Operation{op}, resolved...)
return nil
for next() {
if err := visit(nextOp); err != nil {
return err
c.operations = resolved
return nil