const { contextBridge } = require('electron') import themeMode from "./theme-mode" import { isMac, isWindows, isLinux, isDev } from "../detect-platform" import { ipcRenderer } from "electron" import { WINDOW_CLOSE_EVENT, OPEN_SETTINGS_EVENT, SETTINGS_CHANGE_EVENT, UPDATE_AVAILABLE_EVENT, UPDATE_ERROR, UPDATE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS, UPDATE_NOT_AVAILABLE_EVENT, UPDATE_START_DOWNLOAD, UPDATE_INSTALL_AND_RESTART, UPDATE_DOWNLOADED, UPDATE_CHECK_FOR_UPDATES, } from "../constants" import CONFIG from "../config" import getCurrencyData from "./currency" contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld("heynote", { defaultFontFamily: "Hack", defaultFontSize: 12, platform: { isMac, isWindows, isLinux, isWebApp: false, }, isDev: isDev, themeMode: themeMode, init() { ipcRenderer.on("buffer:change", (event, path, content) => { // called on all changes to open buffer files // go through all registered callbacks for this path and call them if (this.buffer._onChangeCallbacks[path]) { this.buffer._onChangeCallbacks[path].forEach(callback => callback(content)) } }) }, quit() { console.log("quitting") //ipcRenderer.invoke("app_quit") }, onWindowClose(callback) { ipcRenderer.on(WINDOW_CLOSE_EVENT, callback) }, onOpenSettings(callback) { ipcRenderer.on(OPEN_SETTINGS_EVENT, callback) }, buffer: { async exists(path) { return await ipcRenderer.invoke("buffer:exists", path) }, async getList() { return await ipcRenderer.invoke("buffer:getList") }, async getDirectoryList() { return await ipcRenderer.invoke("buffer:getDirectoryList") }, async load(path) { return await ipcRenderer.invoke("buffer:load", path) }, async save(path, content) { return await ipcRenderer.invoke("buffer:save", path, content) }, async delete(path) { return await ipcRenderer.invoke("buffer:delete", path) }, async move(path, newPath) { return await ipcRenderer.invoke("buffer:move", path, newPath) }, async create(path, content) { return await ipcRenderer.invoke("buffer:create", path, content) }, async saveAndQuit(contents) { return await ipcRenderer.invoke("buffer:saveAndQuit", contents) }, async close(path) { return await ipcRenderer.invoke("buffer:close", path) }, _onChangeCallbacks: {}, addOnChangeCallback(path, callback) { // register a callback to be called when the buffer content changes for a specific file if (!this._onChangeCallbacks[path]) { this._onChangeCallbacks[path] = [] } this._onChangeCallbacks[path].push(callback) }, removeOnChangeCallback(path, callback) { if (this._onChangeCallbacks[path]) { this._onChangeCallbacks[path] = this._onChangeCallbacks[path].filter(cb => cb !== callback) } }, async selectLocation() { return await ipcRenderer.invoke("library:selectLocation") }, setLibraryPathChangeCallback(callback) { ipcRenderer.on("library:pathChanged", callback) }, }, settings: CONFIG.get("settings"), setSettings(settings) { ipcRenderer.invoke("settings:set", settings) }, async getCurrencyData() { return await getCurrencyData() }, onSettingsChange(callback) { ipcRenderer.on(SETTINGS_CHANGE_EVENT, (event, settings) => callback(settings)) }, autoUpdate: { callbacks(callbacks) { ipcRenderer.on(UPDATE_AVAILABLE_EVENT, (event, info) => callbacks?.updateAvailable(info)) ipcRenderer.on(UPDATE_NOT_AVAILABLE_EVENT, (event) => callbacks?.updateNotAvailable()) ipcRenderer.on(UPDATE_DOWNLOADED, (event) => callbacks?.updateDownloaded()) ipcRenderer.on(UPDATE_ERROR, (event, error) => callbacks?.updateError(error)) ipcRenderer.on(UPDATE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS, (event, progress) => callbacks?.updateDownloadProgress(progress)) }, startDownload() { ipcRenderer.invoke(UPDATE_START_DOWNLOAD) }, installAndRestart() { ipcRenderer.invoke(UPDATE_INSTALL_AND_RESTART) }, checkForUpdates() { ipcRenderer.invoke(UPDATE_CHECK_FOR_UPDATES) }, }, async getVersion() { return await ipcRenderer.invoke("getVersion") }, async getInitErrors() { return await ipcRenderer.invoke("getInitErrors") }, }) function domReady(condition: DocumentReadyState[] = ['complete', 'interactive']) { return new Promise((resolve) => { if (condition.includes(document.readyState)) { resolve(true) } else { document.addEventListener('readystatechange', () => { if (condition.includes(document.readyState)) { resolve(true) } }) } }) } const safeDOM = { append(parent: HTMLElement, child: HTMLElement) { if (!Array.from(parent.children).find(e => e === child)) { return parent.appendChild(child) } }, remove(parent: HTMLElement, child: HTMLElement) { if (Array.from(parent.children).find(e => e === child)) { return parent.removeChild(child) } }, } function useLoading() { const className = `loaders-css__square-spin` const styleContent = ` .app-loading-wrap { position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100vw; height: 100vh; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; background: #fff; z-index: 9; } @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { .${className} > div { background: #fff; } .app-loading-wrap { background: #262B37 } } ` const oStyle = document.createElement('style') const oDiv = document.createElement('div') = 'app-loading-style' oStyle.innerHTML = styleContent oDiv.className = 'app-loading-wrap' oDiv.innerHTML = `
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