import CONFIG from "./config" import { isMac } from "./detect-platform" export function onBeforeInputEvent({win, event, input, currentKeymap}) { //console.log("keyboard event", input) let metaKey = "alt" if (isMac) { metaKey = CONFIG.get("settings.emacsMetaKey", "meta") } if (currentKeymap === "emacs") { /** * When using Emacs keymap, we can't bind shortcuts for copy, cut and paste in the the renderer process * using Codemirror's bind function. Therefore we have to bind them in electron land, and send * cut, paste and copy to window.webContents */ if (input.code === "KeyY" && input.control) { event.preventDefault() win.webContents.paste() } else if (input.code === "KeyW" && input.control) { event.preventDefault() win.webContents.cut() } else if (input.code === "KeyW" && input[metaKey]) { event.preventDefault() win.webContents.copy() } } }