import fs from "fs" import os from "node:os" import { join, dirname, basename } from "path" import * as jetpack from "fs-jetpack"; import { app, ipcMain, dialog } from "electron" const untildify = (pathWithTilde) => { const homeDir = os.homedir() return homeDir ? pathWithTilde.replace(/^~(?=$|\/|\\)/, homeDir) : pathWithTilde } async function readNoteMetadata(filePath) { const chunks = [] for await (let chunk of fs.createReadStream(filePath, { start: 0, end:4000 })) { chunks.push(chunk) } const headContent = Buffer.concat(chunks).toString("utf8") const firstSeparator = headContent.indexOf("\nāˆžāˆžāˆž") if (firstSeparator === -1) { return null } try { const metadata = JSON.parse(headContent.slice(0, firstSeparator).trim()) return {"name":, "tags": metadata.tags} } catch (e) { return {} } } export class FileLibrary { constructor(basePath) { basePath = untildify(basePath) if (jetpack.exists(basePath) !== "dir") { throw new Error(`Path directory does not exist: ${basePath}`) } this.basePath = fs.realpathSync(basePath) this.jetpack = jetpack.cwd(this.basePath) this.files = {}; this.watcher = null; this.contentSaved = false this.onChangeCallback = null } async exists(path) { return this.jetpack.exists(path) === "file" } async load(path) { if (this.files[path]) { return this.files[path].read() } const fullPath = fs.realpathSync(join(this.basePath, path)) this.files[path] = new NoteBuffer({fullPath, library:this}) return await this.files[path].read() } async save(path, content) { if (!this.files[path]) { throw new Error(`File not loaded: ${path}`) } return await this.files[path].save(content) } async create(path, content) { if (await this.exists(path)) { throw new Error(`File already exists: ${path}`) } const fullPath = join(this.basePath, path) await this.jetpack.writeAsync(fullPath, content) } async getList() { console.log("Loading notes") const notes = {} const files = await this.jetpack.findAsync(".", { matching: "*.txt", recursive: true, }) const promises = [] for (const file of files) { promises.push(readNoteMetadata(join(this.basePath, file))) } const metadataList = await Promise.all(promises) metadataList.forEach((metadata, i) => { const path = files[i] notes[path] = metadata }) return notes } async getDirectoryList() { const directories = await this.jetpack.findAsync("", { files: false, directories: true, recursive: true, }) return directories } setupWatcher(win) { if (!this.watcher) { this.watcher = this.basePath, { persistent: true, recursive: true, encoding: "utf8", }, async (eventType, changedPath) => { console.log("File changed", eventType, changedPath) //if (changedPath.toLowerCase().endsWith(".txt")) { // console.log("txt", this.notes) // if (await this.exists(changedPath)) { // console.log("file exists!") // const newMetadata = await readNoteMetadata(join(this.basePath, changedPath)) // if (!(changedPath in this.notes) || !== this.notes[changedPath].name) { // this.notes[changedPath] = newMetadata // win.webContents.send("buffer:noteMetadataChanged", changedPath, newMetadata) // console.log("metadata changed") // } else { // console.log("no metadata change") // } // } else if (changedPath in this.notes) { // console.log("note removed", changedPath) // delete this.notes[changedPath] // win.webContents.send("buffer:noteRemoved", changedPath) // } //} for (const [path, buffer] of Object.entries(this.files)) { if (changedPath === basename(path)) { const content = await if (buffer._lastSavedContent !== content) { win.webContents.send("buffer:change", path, content) } } } } ) } } closeFile(path) { if (this.files[path]) { delete this.files[path] } } close() { for (const buffer of Object.values(this.files)) { this.closeFile(buffer.filePath) } this.stopWatcher() } stopWatcher() { if (this.watcher) { this.watcher.close() this.watcher = null } } } export class NoteBuffer { constructor({fullPath, library}) { this.fullPath = fullPath this._lastSavedContent = null this.library = library } async read() { return await, 'utf8') } async save(content) { this._lastSavedContent = content const saveResult = await this.library.jetpack.write(this.fullPath, content, { atomic: true, mode: '600', }) return saveResult } exists() { return jetpack.exists(this.fullPath) === "file" } } export function setupFileLibraryEventHandlers(library, win) { ipcMain.handle('buffer:load', async (event, path) => { console.log("buffer:load", path) return await library.load(path) }); ipcMain.handle('buffer:save', async (event, path, content) => { return await, content) }); ipcMain.handle('buffer:create', async (event, path, content) => { return await library.create(path, content) }); ipcMain.handle('buffer:getList', async (event) => { return await library.getList() }); ipcMain.handle('buffer:getDirectoryList', async (event) => { return await library.getDirectoryList() }); ipcMain.handle('buffer:exists', async (event, path) => { return await library.exists(path) }); ipcMain.handle('buffer:close', async (event, path) => { return await library.closeFile(path) }); ipcMain.handle('buffer:saveAndQuit', async (event, contents) => { library.stopWatcher() for (const [path, content] of contents) { await, content) } library.contentSaved = true app.quit() }) library.setupWatcher(win) }