# Heynote [](https://github.com/heyman/heynote/releases) [](https://github.com/heyman/heynote/actions?query=workflow%3ATests) <img src="https://heynote.com/img/logo.png" style="width:79px;"> ## General Information - Website: [heynote.com](https://heynote.com) - Documentation: [heynote.com](https://heynote.com/docs/) - Changelog: [heynote.com](https://heynote.com/docs/changelog/) Heynote is a dedicated scratchpad for developers. It functions as a large persistent text buffer where you can write down anything you like. Works great for that Slack message you don't want to accidentally send, a JSON response from an API you're working with, notes from a meeting, your daily to-do list, etc. The Heynote buffer is divided into blocks, and each block can have its own Language set (e.g. JavaScript, JSON, Markdown, etc.). This gives you syntax highlighting and lets you auto-format that JSON response. Available for Mac, Windows, and Linux. ## Features - Persistent text buffer - Block-based - Syntax highlighting: C++, C#, Clojure, CSS, Erlang, Dart, Go, Groovy, HTML, Java, JavaScript, JSX, Kotlin, TypeScript, TOML, TSX, JSON, Lezer, Markdown, PHP, Python, Ruby, Rust, Scala, Shell, SQL, Swift, Vue, XML, YAML - Language auto-detection - Auto-formatting - Math/Calculator mode - Currency conversion - Multi-cursor editing - Dark & Light themes - Option to set a global hotkey to show/hide the app - Default or Emacs-like key bindings ## Documentation [Documentation](https://heynote.com/docs/) is available on the Heynote website. ## Development To develop Heynote you need Node.js and you should (hopefully) just need to check out the code and then run: ``` > npm install > npm run dev ``` ### Run Tests To run the tests: ``` > npm run test ``` To run the tests in the Playwright UI: ``` > npm run test:ui ``` ### Contributions I'm happy to merge contributions that fit my vision for the app. Bug fixes are always welcome. ## FAQ ### Where is the buffer data stored? See the [documentation](https://heynote.com/docs/#user-content-the-notes-library). ### Can you make a mobile app? No, at the moment this is out of scope, sorry. ### What are the default keyboard shortcuts? See the [documentation](https://heynote.com/docs/#user-content-default-key-bindings). ## Thanks! Heynote is built upon [CodeMirror](https://codemirror.net/), [Vue](https://vuejs.org/), [Electron](https://www.electronjs.org/), [Math.js](https://mathjs.org/), [Prettier](https://prettier.io/) and other great open-source projects.