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synced 2025-02-26 23:22:04 +01:00
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167 lines
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import fs from "fs"
import os from "node:os"
import { join, dirname, basename } from "path"
import { app, ipcMain, dialog } from "electron"
import * as jetpack from "fs-jetpack";
import CONFIG from "../config"
import { isDev } from "../detect-platform"
import { win } from "./index"
import { eraseInitialContent, initialContent, initialDevContent } from '../initial-content'
const untildify = (pathWithTilde) => {
const homeDirectory = os.homedir();
return homeDirectory
? pathWithTilde.replace(/^~(?=$|\/|\\)/, homeDirectory)
: pathWithTilde;
export function constructBufferFilePath(directoryPath) {
return join(untildify(directoryPath), isDev ? "buffer-dev.txt" : "buffer.txt")
export function getBufferFilePath() {
let defaultPath = app.getPath("userData")
let configPath = CONFIG.get("settings.bufferPath")
let bufferPath = configPath.length ? configPath : defaultPath
let bufferFilePath = constructBufferFilePath(bufferPath)
try {
// use realpathSync to resolve a potential symlink
return fs.realpathSync(bufferFilePath)
} catch (err) {
// realpathSync will fail if the file does not exist, but that doesn't matter since the file will be created
if (err.code !== "ENOENT") {
throw err
return bufferFilePath
export class Buffer {
constructor({filePath, onChange}) {
this.filePath = filePath
this.onChange = onChange
this.watcher = null
this._lastSavedContent = null
async load() {
const content = await jetpack.read(this.filePath, 'utf8')
return content
async save(content) {
this._lastSavedContent = content
const saveResult = await jetpack.write(this.filePath, content, {
atomic: true,
mode: '600',
return saveResult
exists() {
return jetpack.exists(this.filePath) === "file"
setupWatcher() {
if (!this.watcher && this.exists()) {
this.watcher = fs.watch(
persistent: true,
recursive: false,
encoding: "utf8",
async (eventType, filename) => {
if (filename !== basename(this.filePath)) {
// read the file content and compare it to the last saved content
// (if the content is the same, then we can ignore the event)
const content = await jetpack.read(this.filePath, 'utf8')
if (this._lastSavedContent !== content) {
// file has changed on disk, trigger onChange
close() {
if (this.watcher) {
this.watcher = null
// Buffer
let buffer
export function loadBuffer() {
if (buffer) {
buffer = new Buffer({
filePath: getBufferFilePath(),
onChange: (content) => {
win?.webContents.send("buffer-content:change", content)
return buffer
ipcMain.handle('buffer-content:load', async () => {
if (buffer.exists() && !(eraseInitialContent && isDev)) {
return await buffer.load()
} else {
return isDev ? initialDevContent : initialContent
async function save(content) {
return await buffer.save(content)
ipcMain.handle('buffer-content:save', async (event, content) => {
return await save(content)
export let contentSaved = false
ipcMain.handle('buffer-content:saveAndQuit', async (event, content) => {
await save(content)
contentSaved = true
ipcMain.handle("buffer-content:selectLocation", async () => {
let result = await dialog.showOpenDialog({
title: "Select directory to store buffer",
properties: [
if (result.canceled) {
const filePath = result.filePaths[0]
if (fs.existsSync(constructBufferFilePath(filePath))) {
if (dialog.showMessageBoxSync({
type: "question",
message: "The selected directory already contains a buffer file. It will be loaded. Do you want to continue?",
buttons: ["Cancel", "Continue"],
}) === 0) {
return filePath