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synced 2025-02-26 15:12:06 +01:00
Support cache of multiple Editor instances. Change so that current note name is included in the event data dispatched by emitCursorChange.
236 lines
7.1 KiB
236 lines
7.1 KiB
import fs from "fs"
import os from "node:os"
import { join, dirname, basename } from "path"
import * as jetpack from "fs-jetpack";
import { app, ipcMain, dialog } from "electron"
const untildify = (pathWithTilde) => {
const homeDir = os.homedir()
return homeDir ? pathWithTilde.replace(/^~(?=$|\/|\\)/, homeDir) : pathWithTilde
async function readNoteMetadata(filePath) {
const chunks = []
for await (let chunk of fs.createReadStream(filePath, { start: 0, end:4000 })) {
const headContent = Buffer.concat(chunks).toString("utf8")
const firstSeparator = headContent.indexOf("\n∞∞∞")
if (firstSeparator === -1) {
return null
try {
const metadata = JSON.parse(headContent.slice(0, firstSeparator).trim())
return {"name": metadata.name, "tags": metadata.tags}
} catch (e) {
return {}
export class FileLibrary {
constructor(basePath) {
basePath = untildify(basePath)
if (jetpack.exists(basePath) !== "dir") {
throw new Error(`Path directory does not exist: ${basePath}`)
this.basePath = fs.realpathSync(basePath)
this.jetpack = jetpack.cwd(this.basePath)
this.files = {};
this.watcher = null;
this.contentSaved = false
this.onChangeCallback = null
async exists(path) {
return this.jetpack.exists(path) === "file"
async load(path) {
if (this.files[path]) {
return this.files[path].read()
const fullPath = fs.realpathSync(join(this.basePath, path))
this.files[path] = new NoteBuffer({fullPath, library:this})
return await this.files[path].read()
async save(path, content) {
if (!this.files[path]) {
throw new Error(`File not loaded: ${path}`)
return await this.files[path].save(content)
async create(path, content) {
if (await this.exists(path)) {
throw new Error(`File already exists: ${path}`)
const fullPath = join(this.basePath, path)
await this.jetpack.writeAsync(fullPath, content)
async getList() {
console.log("Loading notes")
const notes = {}
const files = await this.jetpack.findAsync(".", {
matching: "*.txt",
recursive: true,
const promises = []
for (const file of files) {
promises.push(readNoteMetadata(join(this.basePath, file)))
const metadataList = await Promise.all(promises)
metadataList.forEach((metadata, i) => {
const path = files[i]
notes[path] = metadata
return notes
async getDirectoryList() {
const directories = await this.jetpack.findAsync("", {
files: false,
directories: true,
recursive: true,
return directories
setupWatcher(win) {
if (!this.watcher) {
this.watcher = fs.watch(
persistent: true,
recursive: true,
encoding: "utf8",
async (eventType, changedPath) => {
console.log("File changed", eventType, changedPath)
//if (changedPath.toLowerCase().endsWith(".txt")) {
// console.log("txt", this.notes)
// if (await this.exists(changedPath)) {
// console.log("file exists!")
// const newMetadata = await readNoteMetadata(join(this.basePath, changedPath))
// if (!(changedPath in this.notes) || newMetadata.name !== this.notes[changedPath].name) {
// this.notes[changedPath] = newMetadata
// win.webContents.send("buffer:noteMetadataChanged", changedPath, newMetadata)
// console.log("metadata changed")
// } else {
// console.log("no metadata change")
// }
// } else if (changedPath in this.notes) {
// console.log("note removed", changedPath)
// delete this.notes[changedPath]
// win.webContents.send("buffer:noteRemoved", changedPath)
// }
for (const [path, buffer] of Object.entries(this.files)) {
if (changedPath === basename(path)) {
const content = await buffer.read()
if (buffer._lastSavedContent !== content) {
win.webContents.send("buffer:change", path, content)
closeFile(path) {
if (this.files[path]) {
delete this.files[path]
close() {
for (const buffer of Object.values(this.files)) {
stopWatcher() {
if (this.watcher) {
this.watcher = null
export class NoteBuffer {
constructor({fullPath, library}) {
this.fullPath = fullPath
this._lastSavedContent = null
this.library = library
async read() {
return await this.library.jetpack.read(this.fullPath, 'utf8')
async save(content) {
this._lastSavedContent = content
const saveResult = await this.library.jetpack.write(this.fullPath, content, {
atomic: true,
mode: '600',
return saveResult
exists() {
return jetpack.exists(this.fullPath) === "file"
export function setupFileLibraryEventHandlers(library, win) {
ipcMain.handle('buffer:load', async (event, path) => {
console.log("buffer:load", path)
return await library.load(path)
ipcMain.handle('buffer:save', async (event, path, content) => {
return await library.save(path, content)
ipcMain.handle('buffer:create', async (event, path, content) => {
return await library.create(path, content)
ipcMain.handle('buffer:getList', async (event) => {
return await library.getList()
ipcMain.handle('buffer:getDirectoryList', async (event) => {
return await library.getDirectoryList()
ipcMain.handle('buffer:exists', async (event, path) => {
return await library.exists(path)
ipcMain.handle('buffer:close', async (event, path) => {
return await library.closeFile(path)
ipcMain.handle('buffer:saveAndQuit', async (event, contents) => {
for (const [path, content] of contents) {
await library.save(path, content)
library.contentSaved = true