MAKEFLAGS += --always-make

help:				## Show this help.
	@fgrep -h "##" $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | fgrep -v fgrep | sed -e 's/\\$$//' | sed -e 's/##//'

fmt:				## Format all files
	gofumpt -l -w -extra .
	gci write --custom-order -s standard -s 'Prefix(' -s default .

local-install:			## Build and install hishtory locally from the current directory
	go build; ./hishtory install

forcetest:			## Force running all tests without a test cache
	go clean -testcache
	make test

test:				## Run all tests
	TZ='America/Los_Angeles' HISHTORY_TEST=1 HISHTORY_SKIP_INIT_IMPORT=1 gotestsum --packages ./... --rerun-fails=10 --rerun-fails-max-failures=30 --format testname --jsonfile /tmp/testrun.json --post-run-command "go run client/posttest/main.go export" -- -p 1 -timeout 90m

ftest:				## Run a specific test specified via `make ftest FILTER=TestParam/testTui/color`
	go clean -testcache
	HISHTORY_FILTERED_TEST=1 TZ='America/Los_Angeles' HISHTORY_TEST=1 HISHTORY_SKIP_INIT_IMPORT=1 gotestsum --packages ./... --rerun-fails=0 --format testname -- -p 1 -run "$(FILTER)" -timeout 60m

fbench:				## Run a specific benchmark test specified via `make fbench FILTER=BenchmarkQuery`
	HISHTORY_FILTERED_TEST=1 TZ='America/Los_Angeles' HISHTORY_TEST=1 HISHTORY_SKIP_INIT_IMPORT=1 go test -benchmem -bench "$(FILTER)" -timeout 60m ./...

release:			## [ddworken only] Release the latest version on Github
	# Bump the version
	expr `cat VERSION` + 1 > VERSION
	git add VERSION
	git commit -m "Release v0.`cat VERSION`" --no-verify
	git push
	gh release create v0.`cat VERSION` --generate-notes
	git push && git push --tags

build-static:			## [ddworken only] Build the server for
	ssh server "cd ~/code/hishtory/; git pull; docker build --build-arg GOARCH=amd64 --tag --file backend/web/caddy/Dockerfile ."

build-api:			## [ddworken only] Build the API for
	rm hishtory server || true
	docker build --build-arg GOARCH=amd64 --tag --file backend/server/Dockerfile .

deploy-static: 			## [ddworken only] Build and deploy the server for
deploy-static: build-static
	ssh server "docker push"
	ssh monoserver "cd ~/code/infra/ && docker compose pull hishtory-static && docker compose rm -svf hishtory-static && docker compose up -d hishtory-static"

deploy-api:			## [ddworken only] Build and deploy the API server for
deploy-api: build-api
	docker push
	ssh monoserver "cd ~/code/infra/ && docker compose pull hishtory-api && docker compose up -d --no-deps hishtory-api"

deploy:				## [ddworken only] Build and deploy all backend services
deploy: release deploy-static deploy-api