autoload -U add-zsh-hook add-zsh-hook zshaddhistory _hishtory_add add-zsh-hook precmd _hishtory_precmd _hishtory_first_prompt=1 function _hishtory_add() { # Runs after , but before the command is executed # $1 contains the command that was run _hishtory_command=$1 _hishtory_start_time=`date +%s` } function _hishtory_precmd() { # Runs after the command is executed in order to render the prompt # $? contains the exit code _hishtory_exit_code=$? if [ -n "$_hishtory_first_prompt" ]; then unset _hishtory_first_prompt return fi (hishtory saveHistoryEntry zsh $_hishtory_exit_code "$_hishtory_command" $_hishtory_start_time &) } _hishtory_widget() { BUFFER=$(hishtory tquery $BUFFER | tr -d '\n') CURSOR=${#BUFFER} zle reset-prompt } _hishtory_bind_control_r() { zle -N _hishtory_widget bindkey '^R' _hishtory_widget } [ "$(hishtory config-get enable-control-r)" = true ] && _hishtory_bind_control_r