# This script should be sourced inside of .bashrc to integrate bash with hishtory # Include guard. This file is sourced in multiple places, but we want it to only execute once. # This trick is from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7518584/is-there-any-mechanism-in-shell-script-alike-include-guard-in-c if [ -n "$__hishtory_bash_config_sourced" ]; then return; fi __hishtory_bash_config_sourced=true # For detecting color rendering support for this terminal, see #134 hishtory getColorSupport export _hishtory_tui_color=$? # Implementation of running before/after every command based on https://jichu4n.com/posts/debug-trap-and-prompt_command-in-bash/ function __hishtory_precommand() { if [ -z "${HISHTORY_AT_PROMPT:-}" ]; then return fi unset HISHTORY_AT_PROMPT # Run before every command HISHTORY_START_TIME=`hishtory getTimestamp` CMD=`history 1` if ! [ -z "CMD " ] ; then if [[ "$CMD" != "$LAST_PRESAVED_COMMAND" ]] ; then (hishtory presaveHistoryEntry bash "$CMD" $HISHTORY_START_TIME &) # Background Run # hishtory presaveHistoryEntry bash "$CMD" $HISHTORY_START_TIME # Foreground Run fi fi # This code with $LAST_PRESAVED_COMMAND is necessary to work around a quirk of bash. With bash, # if you run the command `foo` and then press `Control+R`, it will trigger the DEBUG signal. And # `history 1` will still return `foo` so this will lead to duplicate pre-saves causing entries to # show up twice. This works around this issue by skipping presaving if the last commadn we presaved # was identical. # # This does lead to a potential correctness bug since it means if someone runs the same non-terminating # command twice in a row, we won't pre-save the second entry. But this seems reasonably unlikely # such that it is worth accepting this issue to mitigate the duplicate entries observed in # https://github.com/ddworken/hishtory/issues/215. LAST_PRESAVED_COMMAND=$CMD } trap "__hishtory_precommand" DEBUG HISHTORY_FIRST_PROMPT=1 function __hishtory_postcommand() { EXIT_CODE=$? HISHTORY_AT_PROMPT=1 if [ -n "${HISHTORY_FIRST_PROMPT:-}" ]; then unset HISHTORY_FIRST_PROMPT return fi # Run after every prompt (hishtory saveHistoryEntry bash $EXIT_CODE "`history 1`" $HISHTORY_START_TIME &) # Background Run # hishtory saveHistoryEntry bash $EXIT_CODE "`history 1`" $HISHTORY_START_TIME # Foreground Run (hishtory updateLocalDbFromRemote &) } PROMPT_COMMAND="__hishtory_postcommand; $PROMPT_COMMAND" export HISTTIMEFORMAT=$HISTTIMEFORMAT __history_control_r() { READLINE_LINE=$(HISHTORY_TERM_INTEGRATION=1 HISHTORY_SHELL_NAME=bash hishtory tquery "$READLINE_LINE") READLINE_POINT=0x7FFFFFFF } __hishtory_bind_control_r() { bind -x '"\C-r": __history_control_r' } [ "$(hishtory config-get enable-control-r)" = true ] && __hishtory_bind_control_r