
3366 lines
140 KiB

package main
import (
func skipSlowTests() bool {
return os.Getenv("FAST") != ""
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
// Configure key environment variables
defer testutils.BackupAndRestoreEnv("HISHTORY_TEST")()
os.Setenv("HISHTORY_TEST", "1")
defer testutils.BackupAndRestoreEnv("HISHTORY_SKIP_INIT_IMPORT")()
// Start the test server
defer testutils.RunTestServer()()
// Build the client so it is available in /tmp/client
cmd := exec.Command("go", "build", "-o", "/tmp/client")
cmd.Env = os.Environ()
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "CGO_ENABLED=0")
err := cmd.Run()
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to build client: %v", err))
// Start the tests
var shellTesters []shellTester = []shellTester{bashTester{}, zshTester{}}
func TestParam(t *testing.T) {
if skipSlowTests() {
shellTesters = shellTesters[:1]
for _, tester := range shellTesters {
t.Run("testRepeatedCommandThenQuery/"+tester.ShellName(), wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testRepeatedCommandThenQuery(t, tester) }))
t.Run("testRepeatedCommandAndQuery/"+tester.ShellName(), wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testRepeatedCommandAndQuery(t, tester) }))
t.Run("testRepeatedEnableDisable/"+tester.ShellName(), wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testRepeatedEnableDisable(t, tester) }))
t.Run("testExcludeHiddenCommand/"+tester.ShellName(), wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testExcludeHiddenCommand(t, tester) }))
t.Run("testUpdate/head->release/"+tester.ShellName(), wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testUpdateFromHeadToRelease(t, tester) }))
t.Run("testUpdate/prev->release/"+tester.ShellName(), wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testUpdateFromPrevToRelease(t, tester) }))
t.Run("testUpdate/prev->release/prod/"+tester.ShellName(), wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testUpdateFromPrevToReleaseViaProd(t, tester) }))
t.Run("testUpdate/prev->current/"+tester.ShellName(), wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testUpdateFromPrevToCurrent(t, tester) }))
t.Run("testAdvancedQuery/"+tester.ShellName(), wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testAdvancedQuery(t, tester) }))
t.Run("testIntegration/"+tester.ShellName(), wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testIntegration(t, tester, Online) }))
t.Run("testIntegration/offline/"+tester.ShellName(), wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testIntegration(t, tester, Offline) }))
t.Run("testIntegrationWithNewDevice/"+tester.ShellName(), wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testIntegrationWithNewDevice(t, tester) }))
t.Run("testHishtoryBackgroundSaving/"+tester.ShellName(), wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testHishtoryBackgroundSaving(t, tester) }))
t.Run("testDisplayTable/"+tester.ShellName(), wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testDisplayTable(t, tester) }))
t.Run("testTableDisplayCwd/"+tester.ShellName(), wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testTableDisplayCwd(t, tester) }))
t.Run("testTimestampsAreReasonablyCorrect/"+tester.ShellName(), wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testTimestampsAreReasonablyCorrect(t, tester) }))
t.Run("testRequestAndReceiveDbDump/"+tester.ShellName(), wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testRequestAndReceiveDbDump(t, tester) }))
t.Run("testInstallViaPythonScript/"+tester.ShellName(), wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testInstallViaPythonScript(t, tester) }))
t.Run("testExportWithQuery/"+tester.ShellName(), wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testExportWithQuery(t, tester) }))
t.Run("testHelpCommand/"+tester.ShellName(), wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testHelpCommand(t, tester) }))
t.Run("testReuploadHistoryEntries/"+tester.ShellName(), wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testReuploadHistoryEntries(t, tester) }))
t.Run("testHishtoryOffline/"+tester.ShellName(), wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testHishtoryOffline(t, tester) }))
t.Run("testInitialHistoryImport/"+tester.ShellName(), wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testInitialHistoryImport(t, tester) }))
t.Run("testLocalRedaction/"+tester.ShellName(), wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testLocalRedaction(t, tester, Online) }))
t.Run("testLocalRedaction/offline/"+tester.ShellName(), wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testLocalRedaction(t, tester, Offline) }))
t.Run("testRemoteRedaction/"+tester.ShellName(), wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testRemoteRedaction(t, tester) }))
t.Run("testMultipleUsers/"+tester.ShellName(), wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testMultipleUsers(t, tester) }))
t.Run("testConfigGetSet/"+tester.ShellName(), wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testConfigGetSet(t, tester) }))
t.Run("testHandleUpgradedFeatures/"+tester.ShellName(), wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testHandleUpgradedFeatures(t, tester) }))
t.Run("testCustomColumns/"+tester.ShellName(), wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testCustomColumns(t, tester) }))
t.Run("testUninstall/"+tester.ShellName(), wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testUninstall(t, tester) }))
t.Run("testPresaving/"+tester.ShellName(), wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testPresaving(t, tester, tester.ShellName()) }))
t.Run("testPresavingOffline/"+tester.ShellName(), wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testPresavingOffline(t, tester) }))
t.Run("testPresavingDisabled/"+tester.ShellName(), wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testPresavingDisabled(t, tester) }))
t.Run("testControlR/online/"+tester.ShellName(), wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testControlR(t, tester, tester.ShellName(), Online) }))
t.Run("testControlR/offline/"+tester.ShellName(), wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testControlR(t, tester, tester.ShellName(), Offline) }))
t.Run("testTabCompletion/"+tester.ShellName(), wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testTabCompletion(t, tester, tester.ShellName()) }))
t.Run("testTabCompletion/fish", wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testTabCompletion(t, zshTester{}, "fish") }))
t.Run("testPresaving/fish", wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testPresaving(t, zshTester{}, "fish") }))
t.Run("testControlR/fish", wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testControlR(t, bashTester{}, "fish", Online) }))
t.Run("testTui/search/online", wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testTui_search(t, Online) }))
t.Run("testTui/search/offline", wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testTui_search(t, Offline) }))
t.Run("testTui/general/online", wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testTui_general(t, Online) }))
t.Run("testTui/general/offline", wrapTestForSharding(func(t *testing.T) { testTui_general(t, Offline) }))
t.Run("testTui/scroll", wrapTestForSharding(testTui_scroll))
t.Run("testTui/resize", wrapTestForSharding(testTui_resize))
t.Run("testTui/delete", wrapTestForSharding(testTui_delete))
t.Run("testTui/color", wrapTestForSharding(testTui_color))
t.Run("testTui/errors", wrapTestForSharding(testTui_errors))
t.Run("testTui/keybindings", wrapTestForSharding(testTui_keybindings))
t.Run("testTui/ai", wrapTestForSharding(testTui_ai))
t.Run("testTui/defaultFilter", wrapTestForSharding(testTui_defaultFilter))
t.Run("testTui/escaping", wrapTestForSharding(testTui_escaping))
// Assert there are no leaked connections
func testIntegration(t *testing.T, tester shellTester, onlineStatus OnlineStatus) {
// Set up
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
// Run the test
testBasicUserFlow(t, tester, onlineStatus)
func testIntegrationWithNewDevice(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
// Set up
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
// Run the test
userSecret := testBasicUserFlow(t, tester, Online)
// Install it again
installHishtory(t, tester, userSecret)
// Querying should show the history from the previous run
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory query`)
expected := []string{"echo thisisrecorded", "hishtory enable", "echo bar", "echo foo", "ls /foo", "ls /bar", "ls /a"}
for _, item := range expected {
require.Contains(t, out, item)
if strings.Count(out, item) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("output has %#v in it multiple times! out=%#v", item, out)
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, "echo mynewcommand")
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "")
require.Contains(t, out, "echo mynewcommand")
if strings.Count(out, "echo mynewcommand") != 1 {
t.Fatalf("output has `echo mynewcommand` the wrong number of times")
// Install it a 3rd time
installHishtory(t, tester, "adifferentsecret")
// Run a command that shouldn't be in the hishtory later on
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `echo notinthehistory`)
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "")
require.Contains(t, out, "echo notinthehistory")
require.NotContains(t, out, "mynewcommand")
require.NotContains(t, out, "thisisrecorded")
// Set the secret key to the previous secret key
out, err := tester.RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t, ` export HISHTORY_SKIP_INIT_IMPORT=1
yes | hishtory init `+userSecret)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Contains(t, out, "Setting secret hishtory key to "+userSecret, "Failed to re-init with the user secret")
// Querying shouldn't show the entry from the previous account
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "")
require.NotContains(t, out, "notinthehistory", "output contains the unexpected item: notinthehistory")
// And it should show the history from the previous run on this account
expected = []string{"echo thisisrecorded", "echo mynewcommand", "hishtory enable", "echo bar", "echo foo", "ls /foo", "ls /bar", "ls /a"}
for _, item := range expected {
require.Contains(t, out, item, "output is missing expected item")
if strings.Count(out, item) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("output has %#v in it multiple times! out=%#v", item, out)
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, "echo mynewercommand")
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "")
require.Contains(t, out, "echo mynewercommand")
if strings.Count(out, "echo mynewercommand") != 1 {
t.Fatalf("output has `echo mynewercommand` the wrong number of times")
// Manually submit an event that isn't in the local DB, and then we'll
// check if we see it when we do a query without ever having done an init
newEntry := testutils.MakeFakeHistoryEntry("othercomputer")
newEntry.StartTime = time.Now()
newEntry.EndTime = time.Now()
manuallySubmitHistoryEntry(t, userSecret, newEntry)
// Now check if that is in there when we do hishtory query
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "")
require.Contains(t, out, "othercomputer", "hishtory query doesn't contain cmd run on another machine")
// Run a reupload just to test that flow
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, "hishtory reupload")
// Finally, test the export command
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export | grep -v pipefail | grep -v '/tmp/client install'`)
require.NotContains(t, out, "thisisnotrecorded", "hishtory export contains a command that should not have been recorded")
expectedOutputWithoutKey := "hishtory status\nhishtory query\nls /a\nls /bar\nls /foo\necho foo\necho bar\nhishtory disable\nhishtory enable\necho thisisrecorded\nhishtory query\nhishtory query foo\necho hello | grep complex | sed s/h/i/g; echo baz && echo \"fo 'o\" # mycommand\nhishtory query complex\nhishtory query\necho mynewcommand\nhishtory query\nyes | hishtory init %s\nhishtory query\necho mynewercommand\nhishtory query\nothercomputer\nhishtory query\nhishtory reupload\n"
expectedOutput := fmt.Sprintf(expectedOutputWithoutKey, userSecret)
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
// And test the export for each shell without anything filtered out
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export -pipefail | grep -v 'hishtory init '`)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testIntegrationWithNewDevice-"+tester.ShellName())
// And test the table but with a subset of columns that is static
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-set displayed-columns Hostname 'Exit Code' Command`)
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory query -pipefail | grep -v 'hishtory init ' | grep -v 'ls /'`)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testIntegrationWithNewDevice-table"+tester.ShellName())
// Assert there are no leaked connections
func installWithOnlineStatus(t testing.TB, tester shellTester, onlineStatus OnlineStatus) string {
if onlineStatus == Online {
return installHishtory(t, tester, "")
} else {
return installHishtory(t, tester, "--offline")
func testBasicUserFlow(t *testing.T, tester shellTester, onlineStatus OnlineStatus) string {
// Test install
userSecret := installWithOnlineStatus(t, tester, onlineStatus)
assertOnlineStatus(t, onlineStatus)
// Test the status subcommand
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory status`)
if out != fmt.Sprintf("hiSHtory: v0.Unknown\nEnabled: true\nSecret Key: %s\nCommit Hash: Unknown\n", userSecret) {
t.Fatalf("status command has unexpected output: %#v", out)
// Assert that hishtory is correctly using the dev config.sh
homedir, err := os.UserHomeDir()
require.NoError(t, err)
dat, err := os.ReadFile(path.Join(homedir, data.GetHishtoryPath(), "config.sh"))
require.NoError(t, err, "failed to read config.sh")
require.NotContains(t, string(dat), "# Background Run", "config.sh is the prod version when it shouldn't be")
// Test the banner
if onlineStatus == Online {
defer os.Setenv("FORCED_BANNER", "")
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "")
require.Contains(t, out, "HELLO_FROM_SERVER\nHostname", "hishtory query didn't show the banner message")
os.Setenv("FORCED_BANNER", "")
// Test recording commands
out, err = tester.RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t, `ls /a
ls /bar
ls /foo
echo foo
echo bar
hishtory disable
echo thisisnotrecorded
sleep 0.5
hishtory enable
echo thisisrecorded`)
require.NoError(t, err)
if out != "foo\nbar\nthisisnotrecorded\nthisisrecorded\n" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected output from running commands: %#v", out)
// Test querying for all commands
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "")
expected := []string{"echo thisisrecorded", "hishtory enable", "echo bar", "echo foo", "ls /foo", "ls /bar", "ls /a"}
for _, item := range expected {
require.Contains(t, out, item, "output is missing expected item")
// Test the actual table output
hostnameMatcher := `\S+`
tableDividerMatcher := `\s+`
pathMatcher := `~?/[a-zA-Z_0-9/-]+`
datetimeMatcher := `[a-zA-Z]{3}\s\d{1,2}\s\d{4}\s[0-9:]+\s([A-Z]{3}|[+-]\d{4})`
runtimeMatcher := `[0-9.ms]+`
exitCodeMatcher := `0`
pipefailMatcher := `set -em?o pipefail`
line1Matcher := `Hostname` + tableDividerMatcher + `CWD` + tableDividerMatcher + `Timestamp` + tableDividerMatcher + `Runtime` + tableDividerMatcher + `Exit Code` + tableDividerMatcher + `Command\s*\n`
line2Matcher := hostnameMatcher + tableDividerMatcher + pathMatcher + tableDividerMatcher + datetimeMatcher + tableDividerMatcher + `N/A` + tableDividerMatcher + exitCodeMatcher + tableDividerMatcher + `hishtory query` + tableDividerMatcher + `\n`
line3Matcher := hostnameMatcher + tableDividerMatcher + pathMatcher + tableDividerMatcher + datetimeMatcher + tableDividerMatcher + runtimeMatcher + tableDividerMatcher + exitCodeMatcher + tableDividerMatcher + pipefailMatcher + tableDividerMatcher + `\n`
line4Matcher := hostnameMatcher + tableDividerMatcher + pathMatcher + tableDividerMatcher + datetimeMatcher + tableDividerMatcher + runtimeMatcher + tableDividerMatcher + exitCodeMatcher + tableDividerMatcher + `echo thisisrecorded` + tableDividerMatcher + `\n`
require.Regexp(t, regexp.MustCompile(line1Matcher), out)
require.Regexp(t, regexp.MustCompile(line2Matcher), out)
require.Regexp(t, regexp.MustCompile(line3Matcher), out)
require.Regexp(t, regexp.MustCompile(line4Matcher), out)
require.Regexp(t, regexp.MustCompile(line1Matcher+line2Matcher+line3Matcher+line4Matcher), out)
// Test querying for a specific command
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "foo")
expected = []string{"echo foo", "ls /foo"}
unexpected := []string{"echo thisisrecorded", "hishtory enable", "echo bar", "ls /bar", "ls /a"}
for _, item := range expected {
require.Contains(t, out, item, "output is missing expected item")
if strings.Count(out, item) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("output has %#v in it multiple times! out=%#v", item, out)
for _, item := range unexpected {
require.NotContains(t, out, item, "output is containing unexpected item")
// Add a complex command
complexCommand := "echo hello | grep complex | sed s/h/i/g; echo baz && echo \"fo 'o\" # mycommand"
_, _ = tester.RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t, complexCommand)
// Query for it
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "complex")
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 3 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
require.Contains(t, out, complexCommand, "hishtory query doesn't contain the expected complex command")
require.Contains(t, out, "hishtory query complex")
// Assert there are no leaked connections
return userSecret
func testAdvancedQuery(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
// Set up
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
// Install hishtory
userSecret := installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Run some commands we can query for
_, err := tester.RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t, `echo nevershouldappear
cd /tmp/
echo querybydir
hishtory disable`)
require.NoError(t, err)
// A super basic query just to ensure the basics are working
out := hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `echo`)
require.Contains(t, out, "echo querybydir")
require.Contains(t, out, "echo nevershouldappear")
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 3 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
// Query based on cwd
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `cwd:/tmp`)
require.Contains(t, out, "echo querybydir", "hishtory query doesn't contain result matching cwd:/tmp")
require.NotContains(t, out, "nevershouldappear")
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 4 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
// And again, but with a strailing slash
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `cwd:/tmp/`)
require.Contains(t, out, "echo querybydir", "hishtory query doesn't contain result matching cwd:/tmp/")
require.NotContains(t, out, "nevershouldappear")
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 4 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
// Query based on cwd without the slash
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `cwd:tmp`)
require.Contains(t, out, "echo querybydir")
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 4 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
// Query based on cwd and another term
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `cwd:/tmp querybydir`)
require.Contains(t, out, "echo querybydir")
require.NotContains(t, out, "nevershouldappear")
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 2 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
// Query based on exit_code
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `exit_code:127`)
require.Contains(t, out, "notacommand")
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 2 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
// Query based on exit_code and something else that matches nothing
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `exit_code:127 foo`)
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 1 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
// Query based on before: and cwd:
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `before:2125-07-02 cwd:/tmp`)
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 4 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `before:2125-07-02 cwd:tmp`)
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 4 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `before:2125-07-02 cwd:mp`)
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 4 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
// Query based on after: and cwd:
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `after:1980-07-02 cwd:/tmp`)
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 4 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
// Query based on after: that returns no results
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `after:2120-07-02 cwd:/tmp`)
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 1 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
// Manually submit an entry with a different hostname and username so we can test those atoms
entry := testutils.MakeFakeHistoryEntry("cmd_with_diff_hostname_and_username")
entry.LocalUsername = "otheruser"
entry.Hostname = "otherhostname"
manuallySubmitHistoryEntry(t, userSecret, entry)
// Query based on the username that exists
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `user:otheruser`)
require.Contains(t, out, "cmd_with_diff_hostname_and_username")
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 2 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
// Query based on the username that doesn't exist
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `user:noexist`)
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 1 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
// Query based on the hostname
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `hostname:otherhostname`)
require.Contains(t, out, "cmd_with_diff_hostname_and_username")
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 2 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
// Test filtering out a search item
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "")
require.Contains(t, out, "cmd_with_diff_hostname_and_username")
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `-cmd_with_diff_hostname_and_username`)
require.NotContains(t, out, "cmd_with_diff_hostname_and_username")
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `-echo -pipefail`)
require.NotContains(t, out, "echo")
require.NotContains(t, out, "pipefail")
require.Contains(t, out, "cmd_with_diff_hostname_and_username")
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 6 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
// Test filtering out with an atom
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `-hostname:otherhostname`)
require.NotContains(t, out, "cmd_with_diff_hostname_and_username")
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `-user:otheruser`)
require.NotContains(t, out, "cmd_with_diff_hostname_and_username")
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `-exit_code:0`)
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 3 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
// Test filtering out a search item that also looks like it could be a search for a flag
entry = testutils.MakeFakeHistoryEntry("foo -echo")
manuallySubmitHistoryEntry(t, userSecret, entry)
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `-echo -install -pipefail`)
require.NotContains(t, out, "echo")
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 6 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
// Search for a cwd based on the home directory
entry = testutils.MakeFakeHistoryEntry("foobar")
entry.HomeDirectory = "/home/david/"
entry.CurrentWorkingDirectory = "~/dir/"
manuallySubmitHistoryEntry(t, userSecret, entry)
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export cwd:~/dir`)
expectedOutput := "foobar\n"
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
// And search with the fully expanded path
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export cwd:/home/david/dir`)
expectedOutput = "foobar\n"
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
// Search using an escaped dash
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export \\-echo`)
expectedOutput = "foo -echo\n"
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
// Search using a colon that doesn't match a column name
manuallySubmitHistoryEntry(t, userSecret, testutils.MakeFakeHistoryEntry("foo:bar"))
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export foo\\:bar`)
expectedOutput = "foo:bar\n"
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
func installFromHead(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) (string, string) {
return installHishtory(t, tester, ""), "v0.Unknown"
func installFromPrev(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) (string, string) {
defer testutils.BackupAndRestoreEnv("HISHTORY_FORCE_CLIENT_VERSION")()
dd, err := cmd.GetDownloadData(makeTestOnlyContextWithFakeConfig())
require.NoError(t, err)
pv, err := shared.ParseVersionString(dd.Version)
require.NoError(t, err)
previousVersion := pv.Decrement()
os.Setenv("HISHTORY_FORCE_CLIENT_VERSION", previousVersion.String())
userSecret := installHishtory(t, tester, "")
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` hishtory update`)
require.Regexp(t, regexp.MustCompile(`^Successfully updated hishtory from v0[.]Unknown to `+previousVersion.String()+`\n$`), out)
return userSecret, previousVersion.String()
func updateToRelease(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) string {
dd, err := cmd.GetDownloadData(makeTestOnlyContextWithFakeConfig())
require.NoError(t, err)
// Update
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, " hishtory update\necho postupdate")
require.Regexp(t, regexp.MustCompile(`^Successfully updated hishtory from v0[.][a-zA-Z0-9]+ to `+dd.Version+`\npostupdate\n$`), out)
require.NotContains(t, out, "skipping SLSA validation")
// Update again and assert that it skipped the update
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, " hishtory update")
require.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf("Latest version (%s) is already installed\n", dd.Version), out)
return dd.Version
func updateToHead(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) string {
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, " /tmp/client install\necho postupdate")
require.Equal(t, "postupdate\n", out)
return "v0.Unknown"
func testUpdateFromHeadToRelease(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
testGenericUpdate(t, tester, installFromHead, updateToRelease)
func testUpdateFromPrevToRelease(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
testGenericUpdate(t, tester, installFromPrev, updateToRelease)
func testUpdateFromPrevToCurrent(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
testGenericUpdate(t, tester, installFromPrev, updateToHead)
func testUpdateFromPrevToReleaseViaProd(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
defer testutils.BackupAndRestoreEnv("HISHTORY_SERVER")()
os.Setenv("HISHTORY_SERVER", "https://api.hishtory.dev")
testGenericUpdate(t, tester, installFromPrev, updateToRelease)
func testGenericUpdate(t *testing.T, tester shellTester, installInitialVersion func(*testing.T, shellTester) (string, string), installUpdatedVersion func(*testing.T, shellTester) string) {
defer testutils.BackupAndRestoreEnv("HISHTORY_FORCE_CLIENT_VERSION")()
if !testutils.IsOnline() {
t.Skip("skipping because we're currently offline")
if runtime.GOOS == "linux" && runtime.GOARCH == "arm64" {
t.Skip("skipping on linux/arm64 which is unsupported")
// Set up
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
userSecret, initialVersion := installInitialVersion(t, tester)
// Record a command before the update
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, "echo hello")
// Check the status command
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory status`)
require.Contains(t, out, fmt.Sprintf("hiSHtory: %s\nEnabled: true\nSecret Key: %s\nCommit Hash: ", initialVersion, userSecret))
if initialVersion == "v0.Unknown" {
require.Contains(t, out, "Commit Hash: Unknown")
} else {
require.NotContains(t, out, "Commit Hash: Unknown")
// Update
updatedVersion := installUpdatedVersion(t, tester)
// Then check the status command again to confirm the update worked
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory status`)
require.Contains(t, out, fmt.Sprintf("\nEnabled: true\nSecret Key: %s\nCommit Hash: ", userSecret))
if updatedVersion != "v0.Unknown" {
require.NotContains(t, out, "\nCommit Hash: Unknown\n")
// Check that the history was preserved after the update
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, "hishtory export -pipefail | grep -v '/tmp/client install'")
expectedOutput := "echo hello\nhishtory status\necho postupdate\nhishtory status\n"
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
func testRepeatedCommandThenQuery(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
// Set up
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
userSecret := installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Check the status command
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory status`)
if out != fmt.Sprintf("hiSHtory: v0.Unknown\nEnabled: true\nSecret Key: %s\nCommit Hash: Unknown\n", userSecret) {
t.Fatalf("status command has unexpected output: %#v", out)
// Run a command many times
for i := 0; i < 25; i++ {
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, fmt.Sprintf("echo mycommand-%d", i))
// Check that it shows up correctly
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `mycommand`)
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 26 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
if strings.Count(out, "echo mycommand") != 24 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of commands=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "echo mycommand"), out)
require.Contains(t, out, "hishtory query mycommand")
// Run a few more commands including some empty lines that don't get recorded
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `echo mycommand-30
echo mycommand-31
echo mycommand-3`)
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, "hishtory export | grep -v pipefail | grep -v '/tmp/client install'")
expectedOutput := "hishtory status\necho mycommand-0\necho mycommand-1\necho mycommand-2\necho mycommand-3\necho mycommand-4\necho mycommand-5\necho mycommand-6\necho mycommand-7\necho mycommand-8\necho mycommand-9\necho mycommand-10\necho mycommand-11\necho mycommand-12\necho mycommand-13\necho mycommand-14\necho mycommand-15\necho mycommand-16\necho mycommand-17\necho mycommand-18\necho mycommand-19\necho mycommand-20\necho mycommand-21\necho mycommand-22\necho mycommand-23\necho mycommand-24\nhishtory query mycommand\necho mycommand-30\necho mycommand-31\necho mycommand-3\n"
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
func testRepeatedCommandAndQuery(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
// Set up
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
userSecret := installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Check the status command
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory status`)
if out != fmt.Sprintf("hiSHtory: v0.Unknown\nEnabled: true\nSecret Key: %s\nCommit Hash: Unknown\n", userSecret) {
t.Fatalf("status command has unexpected output: %#v", out)
// Run a command many times
for i := 0; i < 25; i++ {
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, fmt.Sprintf("echo mycommand-%d", i))
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, fmt.Sprintf("mycommand-%d", i))
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 3 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query #%d has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", i, strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
if strings.Count(out, "echo mycommand") != 1 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query #%d has the wrong number of commands=%d, out=%#v", i, strings.Count(out, "echo mycommand"), out)
require.Contains(t, out, "hishtory query mycommand-")
func testRepeatedEnableDisable(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
// Set up
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Run a command many times
for i := 0; i < 25; i++ {
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, fmt.Sprintf(`echo mycommand-%d
hishtory disable
echo shouldnotshowup
sleep 0.5
hishtory enable`, i))
out := hishtoryQuery(t, tester, fmt.Sprintf("mycommand-%d", i))
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 3 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query #%d has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", i, strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
if strings.Count(out, "echo mycommand") != 1 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query #%d has the wrong number of commands=%d, out=%#v", i, strings.Count(out, "echo mycommand"), out)
require.Contains(t, out, "hishtory query mycommand-")
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "")
require.NotContains(t, out, "shouldnotshowup")
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, "hishtory export | grep -v pipefail | grep -v '/tmp/client install'")
expectedOutput := "echo mycommand-0\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-0\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-1\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-1\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-2\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-2\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-3\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-3\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-4\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-4\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-5\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-5\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-6\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-6\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-7\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-7\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-8\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-8\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-9\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-9\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-10\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-10\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-11\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-11\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-12\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-12\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-13\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-13\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-14\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-14\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-15\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-15\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-16\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-16\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-17\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-17\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-18\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-18\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-19\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-19\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-20\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-20\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-21\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-21\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-22\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-22\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-23\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-23\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-24\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-24\nhishtory query\n"
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
func testExcludeHiddenCommand(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
// Set up
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
installHishtory(t, tester, "")
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `echo hello1
echo hidden
echo hello2
echo hidden`)
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, " echo hidden")
out := hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "-pipefail")
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 3 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v, bash hishtory file=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out, tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, "cat ~/.bash_history"))
if strings.Count(out, "echo hello") != 2 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of commands=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "echo mycommand"), out)
if strings.Count(out, "echo hello1") != 1 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of commands=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "echo mycommand"), out)
if strings.Count(out, "echo hello2") != 1 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of commands=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "echo mycommand"), out)
require.NotContains(t, out, "hidden")
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, "hishtory export | grep -v pipefail | grep -v '/tmp/client install'")
expectedOutput := "echo hello1\necho hello2\n"
if out != expectedOutput {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export has unexpected output=%#v", out)
func waitForBackgroundSavesToComplete(t testing.TB) {
lastOut := ""
lastErr := ""
for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
cmd := exec.Command(getPidofCommand(), "hishtory")
var stdout bytes.Buffer
var stderr bytes.Buffer
cmd.Stdout = &stdout
cmd.Stderr = &stderr
err := cmd.Run()
if err != nil && err.Error() != "exit status 1" {
t.Fatalf("failed to check if hishtory was running: %v, stdout=%#v, stderr=%#v", err, stdout.String(), stderr.String())
if !strings.Contains(stdout.String(), "\n") {
// pidof had no output, so hishtory isn't running and we're done waiting
time.Sleep(1000 * time.Millisecond)
lastOut = stdout.String()
lastErr = stderr.String()
time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond)
t.Fatalf("failed to wait until hishtory wasn't running (lastOut=%#v, lastErr=%#v)", lastOut, lastErr)
func testTimestampsAreReasonablyCorrect(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
// Setup
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Record a command
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, "echo hello")
if out != "hello\n" {
t.Fatalf("running echo hello had unexpected out=%#v", out)
// Query for it and check that the timestamp that gets recorded looks reasonable
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "echo hello")
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 3 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has unexpected number of lines: out=%#v", out)
expectedDate := time.Now().Format("Jan 2 2006")
require.Contains(t, out, expectedDate)
func testTableDisplayCwd(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
// Setup
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Record a command
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `cd ~/.hishtory/
echo hello
cd /tmp/
echo other`)
if out != "hello\nother\n" {
t.Fatalf("running echo hello had unexpected out=%#v", out)
// Query for it and check that the directory gets recorded correctly
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "echo hello")
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 3 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has unexpected number of lines: out=%#v", out)
require.Contains(t, out, "~/"+data.GetHishtoryPath())
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "echo other")
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 3 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has unexpected number of lines: out=%#v", out)
require.Contains(t, out, "/tmp")
// Record a command in a directory that does not exist
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `mkdir /tmp/deleted-test
cd /tmp/deleted-test
rm -rf /tmp/deleted-test
echo test2
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "echo test2")
require.Contains(t, out, "/tmp/deleted-test")
func testHishtoryBackgroundSaving(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
// Setup
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
// Check that we can find the go binary and use that path to it for consistency
goBinPath, err := exec.LookPath("go")
require.NoError(t, err)
// Test install with an unset HISHTORY_TEST var so that we save in the background (this is likely to be flakey!)
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `unset HISHTORY_TEST
CGO_ENABLED=0 `+goBinPath+` build -o /tmp/client
/tmp/client install`)
r := regexp.MustCompile(`Setting secret hishtory key to (.*)`)
matches := r.FindStringSubmatch(out)
if len(matches) != 2 {
t.Fatalf("Failed to extract userSecret from output=%#v: matches=%#v", out, matches)
userSecret := matches[1]
// Assert that config.sh isn't the dev version
homedir, err := os.UserHomeDir()
require.NoError(t, err)
dat, err := os.ReadFile(path.Join(homedir, data.GetHishtoryPath(), "config.sh"))
require.NoError(t, err, "failed to read config.sh")
require.NotContains(t, string(dat), "except it doesn't run the save process in the background", "config.sh is the testing version when it shouldn't be")
// Test the status subcommand
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory status`)
if out != fmt.Sprintf("hiSHtory: v0.Unknown\nEnabled: true\nSecret Key: %s\nCommit Hash: Unknown\n", userSecret) {
t.Fatalf("status command has unexpected output: %#v", out)
// Test recording commands
out, err = tester.RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t, `ls /a
echo foo`)
require.NoError(t, err)
if out != "foo\n" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected output from running commands: %#v", out)
// Test querying for all commands
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "")
expected := []string{"echo foo", "ls /a"}
for _, item := range expected {
require.Contains(t, out, item, "output is missing expected item")
// Test querying for a specific command
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "foo")
require.Contains(t, out, "echo foo")
require.NotContains(t, out, "ls /a")
func testDisplayTable(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
// Setup
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
userSecret := installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Submit two fake entries
tmz, err := time.LoadLocation("America/Los_Angeles")
require.NoError(t, err)
entry1 := testutils.MakeFakeHistoryEntry("table_cmd1")
entry1.StartTime = time.Unix(1650096186, 0).In(tmz)
entry1.EndTime = time.Unix(1650096190, 0).In(tmz)
manuallySubmitHistoryEntry(t, userSecret, entry1)
entry2 := testutils.MakeFakeHistoryEntry("table_cmd2")
entry2.StartTime = time.Unix(1650096196, 0).In(tmz)
entry2.EndTime = time.Unix(1650096220, 0).In(tmz)
entry2.CurrentWorkingDirectory = "~/foo/"
entry2.ExitCode = 3
manuallySubmitHistoryEntry(t, userSecret, entry2)
// Query and check the table
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` hishtory disable`)
out := hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "table")
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testDisplayTable-defaultColumns")
// Adjust the columns that should be displayed
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-set displayed-columns Hostname Command`)
// And check the table again
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "table")
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testDisplayTable-customColumns")
// And again
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-set displayed-columns Hostname 'Exit Code' Command`)
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "table")
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testDisplayTable-customColumns-2")
// And again
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-add displayed-columns CWD`)
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "table")
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testDisplayTable-customColumns-3")
// Test displaying a command with multiple lines
entry3 := testutils.MakeFakeHistoryEntry("while :\ndo\nls /table/\ndone")
manuallySubmitHistoryEntry(t, userSecret, entry3)
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "table")
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testDisplayTable-customColumns-multiLineCommand")
// Add a custom column
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-add custom-columns foo "echo aaaaaaaaaaaaa"`)
require.NoError(t, os.Chdir("/"))
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` hishtory enable`)
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `echo table-1`)
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `echo table-2`)
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `echo bar`)
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` hishtory disable`)
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-add displayed-columns foo`)
// And run a query and confirm it is displayed
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "table")
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testDisplayTable-customColumns-trulyCustom")
func testRequestAndReceiveDbDump(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
// Set up
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
secretKey := installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Confirm there are no pending dump requests
ctx := hctx.MakeContext()
config := hctx.GetConf(ctx)
deviceId1 := config.DeviceId
respBytes, err := lib.ApiGet(ctx, "/api/v1/get-dump-requests?user_id="+data.UserId(secretKey)+"&device_id="+deviceId1)
resp := strings.TrimSpace(string(respBytes))
require.NoError(t, err, "failed to get pending dump requests")
require.Equalf(t, "[]", resp, "there are pending dump requests! user_id=%#v, resp=%#v", data.UserId(secretKey), resp)
// Record two commands and then query for them
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `echo hello
echo other`)
if out != "hello\nother\n" {
t.Fatalf("running echo had unexpected out=%#v", out)
// Query for it and check that the directory gets recorded correctly
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "echo")
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 4 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has unexpected number of lines: out=%#v", out)
require.Contains(t, out, "hishtory query echo")
require.Contains(t, out, "echo hello")
require.Contains(t, out, "echo other")
// Back up this copy
restoreFirstInstallation := testutils.BackupAndRestoreWithId(t, "-install1")
// Wipe the DB to simulate entries getting deleted because they've already been read and expired
_, err = lib.ApiGet(ctx, "/api/v1/wipe-db-entries")
require.NoError(t, err, "failed to wipe the remote DB")
// Install a new one (with the same secret key but a diff device id)
installHishtory(t, tester, secretKey)
// Confirm there is now a pending dump requests that the first device should respond to
respBytes, err = lib.ApiGet(ctx, "/api/v1/get-dump-requests?user_id="+data.UserId(secretKey)+"&device_id="+deviceId1)
resp = strings.TrimSpace(string(respBytes))
require.NoError(t, err, "failed to get pending dump requests")
require.NotEqualf(t, "[]", resp, "There are no pending dump requests! user_id=%#v, resp=%#v", data.UserId(secretKey), string(resp))
// Check that the new one doesn't have the commands yet
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "echo")
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 2 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has unexpected number of lines, should contain no entries: out=%#v", out)
require.Contains(t, out, "hishtory query echo")
require.NotContains(t, out, "echo hello", "hishtory query contains unexpected command")
require.NotContains(t, out, "echo other", "hishtory query contains unexpected command")
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export | grep -v pipefail`)
if out != "hishtory query echo\n" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export has unexpected out=%#v", out)
// Restore the first copy
restoreSecondInstallation := testutils.BackupAndRestoreWithId(t, "-install2")
// Confirm it still has the correct entries via hishtory export (and this runs a command to trigger it to dump the DB)
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export | grep -v pipefail`)
expectedOutput := "echo hello\necho other\nhishtory query echo\nhishtory query echo\n"
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
// Confirm there are no pending dump requests for the first device
respBytes, err = lib.ApiGet(ctx, "/api/v1/get-dump-requests?user_id="+data.UserId(secretKey)+"&device_id="+deviceId1)
resp = strings.TrimSpace(string(respBytes))
require.NoError(t, err, "failed to get pending dump requests")
require.Equalf(t, "[]", resp, "There are pending dump requests! user_id=%#v, resp=%#v", data.UserId(secretKey), string(resp))
// Restore the second copy and confirm it has the commands
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "ech")
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 6 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has unexpected number of lines=%d: out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
require.Contains(t, out, "hishtory query ech")
expected := []string{"echo hello", "echo other"}
for _, item := range expected {
require.Contains(t, out, item)
if strings.Count(out, item) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("output has %#v in it multiple times! out=%#v", item, out)
// And check hishtory export too for good measure
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` hishtory export | grep -v pipefail`)
expectedOutput = "echo hello\necho other\nhishtory query echo\nhishtory query echo\nhishtory query ech\n"
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
func TestInstallViaPythonScriptWithCustomHishtoryPath(t *testing.T) {
markTestForSharding(t, 0)
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
defer testutils.BackupAndRestoreEnv("HISHTORY_PATH")()
altHishtoryPath := ".other-path"
os.Setenv("HISHTORY_PATH", altHishtoryPath)
// Make sure ~/$HISHTORY_PATH/ is also cleared out and empty
homedir, err := os.UserHomeDir()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, os.RemoveAll(path.Join(homedir, altHishtoryPath)))
testInstallViaPythonScriptChild(t, zshTester{})
func TestInstallViaPythonScriptInOfflineMode(t *testing.T) {
markTestForSharding(t, 1)
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
defer testutils.BackupAndRestoreEnv("HISHTORY_OFFLINE")()
os.Setenv("HISHTORY_OFFLINE", "1")
tester := zshTester{}
// Check that installing works
testInstallViaPythonScriptChild(t, tester)
// And check that it installed in offline mode
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory status -v`)
require.Contains(t, out, "\nSync Mode: Disabled\n")
func testInstallViaPythonScript(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
testInstallViaPythonScriptChild(t, tester)
// And check that it installed in online mode
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory status -v`)
require.Contains(t, out, "\nSync Mode: Enabled\n")
func testInstallViaPythonScriptChild(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
if !testutils.IsOnline() {
t.Skip("skipping because we're currently offline")
// Set up
defer testutils.BackupAndRestoreEnv("HISHTORY_TEST")()
// Install via the python script
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `curl https://hishtory.dev/install.py | python3 -`)
require.Contains(t, out, "Succesfully installed hishtory")
r := regexp.MustCompile(`Setting secret hishtory key to (.*)`)
matches := r.FindStringSubmatch(out)
if len(matches) != 2 {
t.Fatalf("Failed to extract userSecret from output=%#v: matches=%#v", out, matches)
userSecret := matches[1]
// Test the status subcommand
downloadData, err := cmd.GetDownloadData(makeTestOnlyContextWithFakeConfig())
require.NoError(t, err)
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory status`)
expectedOut := fmt.Sprintf("hiSHtory: %s\nEnabled: true\nSecret Key: %s\nCommit Hash: ", downloadData.Version, userSecret)
require.Contains(t, out, expectedOut)
// And test that it recorded that command
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export -pipefail`)
if out != "hishtory status\n" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected output from hishtory export=%#v", out)
func TestInstallViaPythonScriptFromHead(t *testing.T) {
markTestForSharding(t, 2)
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
tester := zshTester{}
// Set up
defer testutils.BackupAndRestoreEnv("HISHTORY_TEST")()
// Install via the python script
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `cat backend/web/landing/www/install.py | python3 -`)
require.Contains(t, out, "Succesfully installed hishtory")
r := regexp.MustCompile(`Setting secret hishtory key to (.*)`)
matches := r.FindStringSubmatch(out)
if len(matches) != 2 {
t.Fatalf("Failed to extract userSecret from output=%#v: matches=%#v", out, matches)
userSecret := matches[1]
// Test the status subcommand
downloadData, err := cmd.GetDownloadData(makeTestOnlyContextWithFakeConfig())
require.NoError(t, err)
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory status`)
expectedOut := fmt.Sprintf("hiSHtory: %s\nEnabled: true\nSecret Key: %s\nCommit Hash: ", downloadData.Version, userSecret)
require.Contains(t, out, expectedOut)
// And test that it recorded that command
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export -pipefail`)
if out != "hishtory status\n" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected output from hishtory export=%#v", out)
// And check that it installed in online mode
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory status -v`)
require.Contains(t, out, "\nSync Mode: Enabled\n")
func testExportWithQuery(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
// Setup
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Test recording commands
out, err := tester.RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t, `ls /a
ls /bar
ls /foo
echo foo
echo bar
hishtory disable
echo thisisnotrecorded
sleep 0.5
cd /tmp/
hishtory enable
echo thisisrecorded
echo bar &
sleep 1`)
require.NoError(t, err)
if out != "foo\nbar\nthisisnotrecorded\nthisisrecorded\nbar\n" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected output from running commands: %#v", out)
// Test querying for all commands
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "")
expected := []string{"echo thisisrecorded", "hishtory enable", "echo bar", "echo foo", "ls /foo", "ls /bar", "ls /a", "echo bar &", "sleep 1"}
for _, item := range expected {
require.Contains(t, out, item)
// Test querying for a specific command
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "foo")
expected = []string{"echo foo", "ls /foo"}
unexpected := []string{"echo thisisrecorded", "hishtory enable", "echo bar", "ls /bar", "ls /a"}
for _, item := range expected {
require.Contains(t, out, item)
if strings.Count(out, item) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("output has %#v in it multiple times! out=%#v", item, out)
for _, item := range unexpected {
require.NotContains(t, out, item)
// Test using export with a query
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export foo`)
if out != "ls /foo\necho foo\nhishtory query foo\nhishtory export foo\n" {
t.Fatalf("expected hishtory export to equal out=%#v", out)
// Test a more complex query with export
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export cwd:/tmp/`)
if out != "hishtory enable\necho thisisrecorded\necho bar &\nsleep 1\n" {
t.Fatalf("expected hishtory export to equal out=%#v", out)
func testHelpCommand(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
// Setup
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Test the help command
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory help`)
if !strings.HasPrefix(out, "hiSHtory: Better shell history") {
t.Fatalf("expected hishtory help to contain intro, actual=%#v", out)
out2 := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory -h`)
if out != out2 {
t.Fatalf("expected hishtory -h to equal help")
func TestStripBashTimePrefix(t *testing.T) {
// Setup
markTestForSharding(t, 4)
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
tester := bashTester{}
installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Add a HISTTIMEFORMAT to the bashrc
homedir, err := os.UserHomeDir()
require.NoError(t, err)
f, err := os.OpenFile(path.Join(homedir, data.GetHishtoryPath(), "config.sh"),
os.O_APPEND|os.O_WRONLY, 0o644)
require.NoError(t, err)
defer f.Close()
_, err = f.WriteString("\nexport HISTTIMEFORMAT='%F %T '\n")
require.NoError(t, err)
// Record a command
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `ls -Slah`)
// Check it shows up correctly
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, "hishtory export ls")
if out != "ls -Slah\nhishtory export ls\n" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory had unexpected output=%#v", out)
// Update it to another complex one
homedir, err = os.UserHomeDir()
require.NoError(t, err)
f, err = os.OpenFile(path.Join(homedir, data.GetHishtoryPath(), "config.sh"),
os.O_APPEND|os.O_WRONLY, 0o644)
require.NoError(t, err)
defer f.Close()
_, err = f.WriteString("\nexport HISTTIMEFORMAT='[%c] '\n")
require.NoError(t, err)
// Record a command
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `echo foo`)
// Check it shows up correctly
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, "hishtory export echo")
if out != "echo foo\nhishtory export echo\n" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory had unexpected output=%#v", out)
func testReuploadHistoryEntries(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
// Setup
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
// Init an initial device
userSecret := installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Set up a second device
restoreFirstProfile := testutils.BackupAndRestoreWithId(t, "-install1")
installHishtory(t, tester, userSecret)
// Device 2: Record a command
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `echo 1`)
// Device 2: Record a command with a simulated network error
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `echo 2`)
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `echo 3`)
// Device 1: Run an export and confirm that the network only contains the first command
restoreSecondProfile := testutils.BackupAndRestoreWithId(t, "-install2")
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, "hishtory export | grep -v pipefail")
expectedOutput := "echo 1\necho 2\n"
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
// Device 2: Run another command but with the network re-enabled
restoreFirstProfile = testutils.BackupAndRestoreWithId(t, "-install1")
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `echo 4`)
// Device 2: Run export which contains all results (as it did all along since it is stored offline)
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, "hishtory export | grep -v pipefail")
expectedOutput = "echo 1\necho 2\necho 3\necho 4\n"
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
// Device 1: Now it too sees all the results
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, "hishtory export | grep -v pipefail")
expectedOutput = "echo 1\necho 2\necho 3\necho 4\n"
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
func testHishtoryOffline(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
// Setup
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
// Init an initial device
userSecret := installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Set up a second device
restoreFirstProfile := testutils.BackupAndRestoreWithId(t, "-install1")
installHishtory(t, tester, userSecret)
// Device 2: Record a command
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `echo dev2`)
// Device 1: Run a command
restoreSecondProfile := testutils.BackupAndRestoreWithId(t, "-install2")
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `echo dev1-a`)
// Device 1: Query while offline
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export | grep -v pipefail`)
expectedOutput := "echo dev2\necho dev1-a\n"
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
// Device 2: Record another command
restoreFirstProfile = testutils.BackupAndRestoreWithId(t, "-install1")
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `echo dev2-b`)
// Device 1: Query while offline before ever retrieving the command
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export | grep -v pipefail`)
expectedOutput = "echo dev2\necho dev1-a\n"
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
// Device 1: Query while online and get the command
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export | grep -v pipefail`)
expectedOutput = "echo dev2\necho dev1-a\necho dev2-b\n"
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
func testInitialHistoryImport(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
// Setup
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
defer testutils.BackupAndRestoreEnv("HISHTORY_SKIP_INIT_IMPORT")()
// Record some commands before installing hishtory
randomCmdUuid := uuid.Must(uuid.NewRandom()).String()
captureTerminalOutputWithShellName(t, tester, "fish", []string{fmt.Sprintf("echo SPACE %s-fishcommand ENTER", randomCmdUuid)})
randomCmd := fmt.Sprintf(`echo %v-foo
echo %v-bar`, randomCmdUuid, randomCmdUuid)
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, randomCmd)
// Install hishtory
installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Check that hishtory export has the commands
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export `+randomCmdUuid[:5])
expectedOutput := strings.ReplaceAll(`echo UUID-fishcommand
echo UUID-foo
echo UUID-bar
hishtory export `+randomCmdUuid[:5]+`
`, "UUID", randomCmdUuid)
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
// Compare the rest of the hishtory export
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export -pipefail -/tmp/client -`+randomCmdUuid[:5])
if out != "" {
t.Fatalf("expected hishtory export to be empty, was=%v", out)
func testLocalRedaction(t *testing.T, tester shellTester, onlineStatus OnlineStatus) {
// Setup
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
installWithOnlineStatus(t, tester, onlineStatus)
assertOnlineStatus(t, onlineStatus)
// Record some commands
randomCmdUuid := uuid.Must(uuid.NewRandom()).String()
randomCmd := fmt.Sprintf(`echo %v-foo
echo %v-bas
echo foo
ls /tmp`, randomCmdUuid, randomCmdUuid)
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, randomCmd)
// Check that the previously recorded commands are in hishtory
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export -pipefail`)
expectedOutput := fmt.Sprintf("echo %s-foo\necho %s-bas\necho foo\nls /tmp\n", randomCmdUuid, randomCmdUuid)
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
// Redact foo
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `HISHTORY_REDACT_FORCE=1 hishtory redact foo`)
if out != "Permanently deleting 3 entries\n" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory redact gave unexpected output=%#v", out)
// Check that the commands are redacted
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export | grep -v pipefail`)
expectedOutput = fmt.Sprintf("echo %s-bas\nls /tmp\nHISHTORY_REDACT_FORCE=1 hishtory redact foo\n", randomCmdUuid)
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
// Redact s
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `HISHTORY_REDACT_FORCE=1 hishtory redact s`)
if out != "Permanently deleting 10 entries\n" && out != "Permanently deleting 11 entries\n" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory redact gave unexpected output=%#v", out)
// Check that the commands are redacted
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export | grep -v pipefail`)
expectedOutput = "HISHTORY_REDACT_FORCE=1 hishtory redact s\n"
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
// Record another command
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `echo hello`)
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export | grep -v pipefail`)
expectedOutput = "HISHTORY_REDACT_FORCE=1 hishtory redact s\necho hello\n"
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
// Redact it without HISHTORY_REDACT_FORCE
out, err := tester.RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t, `yes | hishtory redact hello`)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Regexp(t, regexp.MustCompile(`This will permanently delete (1|2) entries, are you sure\? \[y/N] `), out)
// And check it was redacted
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export | grep -v pipefail`)
expectedOutput = "HISHTORY_REDACT_FORCE=1 hishtory redact s\nyes | hishtory redact hello\n"
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
func testRemoteRedaction(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
// Setup
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
// Install hishtory client 1
userSecret := installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Record some commands
randomCmdUuid := uuid.Must(uuid.NewRandom()).String()
randomCmd := fmt.Sprintf(`echo %v-foo
echo %v-bas
echo foo
ls /tmp`, randomCmdUuid, randomCmdUuid)
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, randomCmd)
// Check that the previously recorded commands are in hishtory
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export | grep -v pipefail`)
expectedOutput := fmt.Sprintf("echo %s-foo\necho %s-bas\necho foo\nls /tmp\n", randomCmdUuid, randomCmdUuid)
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
// Install hishtory client 2
restoreInstall1 := testutils.BackupAndRestoreWithId(t, "-1")
installHishtory(t, tester, userSecret)
// And confirm that it has the commands too
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export -pipefail`)
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
// Restore the first client, and redact some commands
restoreInstall2 := testutils.BackupAndRestoreWithId(t, "-2")
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `HISHTORY_REDACT_FORCE=1 hishtory redact `+randomCmdUuid)
if out != "Permanently deleting 3 entries\n" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory redact gave unexpected output=%#v", out)
// Confirm that client1 doesn't have the commands
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export | grep -v pipefail`)
expectedOutput = fmt.Sprintf("echo foo\nls /tmp\nHISHTORY_REDACT_FORCE=1 hishtory redact %s\n", randomCmdUuid)
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
// Swap back to the second client and then confirm it processed the deletion request
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export | grep -v pipefail`)
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
func testConfigGetSet(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
// Setup
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Config-get and set for enable-control-r
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-get enable-control-r`)
if out != "true\n" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected config-get output: %#v", out)
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-set enable-control-r false`)
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-get enable-control-r`)
if out != "false\n" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected config-get output: %#v", out)
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-set enable-control-r true`)
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-get enable-control-r`)
if out != "true\n" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected config-get output: %#v", out)
// config for displayed-columns
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-get displayed-columns`)
if out != "Hostname CWD Timestamp Runtime \"Exit Code\" Command \n" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected config-get output: %#v", out)
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-set displayed-columns Hostname Command 'Exit Code'`)
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-get displayed-columns`)
if out != "Hostname Command \"Exit Code\" \n" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected config-get output: %#v", out)
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-add displayed-columns Timestamp`)
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-get displayed-columns`)
if out != "Hostname Command \"Exit Code\" Timestamp \n" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected config-get output: %#v", out)
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-delete displayed-columns Hostname`)
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-get displayed-columns`)
if out != "Command \"Exit Code\" Timestamp \n" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected config-get output: %#v", out)
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-add displayed-columns foobar`)
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-get displayed-columns`)
if out != "Command \"Exit Code\" Timestamp foobar \n" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected config-get output: %#v", out)
// For OpenAI endpoints
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-get ai-completion-endpoint`)
if out != "https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions\n" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected config-get output: %#v", out)
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-set ai-completion-endpoint https://example.com/foo/bar`)
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-get ai-completion-endpoint`)
if out != "https://example.com/foo/bar\n" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected config-get output: %#v", out)
func clearControlRSearchFromConfig(t testing.TB) {
configContents, err := hctx.GetConfigContents()
require.NoError(t, err)
configContents = []byte(strings.ReplaceAll(string(configContents), "enable_control_r_search", "something-else"))
homedir, err := os.UserHomeDir()
require.NoError(t, err)
err = os.WriteFile(path.Join(homedir, data.GetHishtoryPath(), data.CONFIG_PATH), configContents, 0o644)
require.NoError(t, err)
func testHandleUpgradedFeatures(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
// Setup
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Install, and there is no prompt since the config already mentions control-r
_, err := tester.RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t, `/tmp/client install`)
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = tester.RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t, `hishtory disable`)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Ensure that the config doesn't mention control-r
// And check that hishtory says it is false by default
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-get enable-control-r`)
if out != "false\n" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected config-get output: %#v", out)
// And install again, this time it will get set to true by default
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` /tmp/client install`)
// Now it should be enabled
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-get enable-control-r`)
if out != "true\n" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected config-get output: %#v", out)
func TestFish(t *testing.T) {
// Setup
markTestForSharding(t, 5)
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
tester := bashTester{}
installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Test recording in fish
require.NoError(t, os.Chdir("/"))
out := captureTerminalOutputWithShellName(t, tester, "fish", []string{
"echo SPACE foo ENTER",
"echo SPACE bar ENTER",
"echo SPACE '\"foo\"' ENTER",
"SPACE echo SPACE foobar ENTER",
"ls SPACE /tmp/ SPACE '&' ENTER",
require.Contains(t, out, "Welcome to fish, the friendly interactive shell")
require.Contains(t, out, "\nfoo\n")
require.Contains(t, out, "\nbar\n")
require.Contains(t, out, "\nbaz\n")
require.Contains(t, out, "\nfoobar\n")
// And test that fish exits properly, for #117
out = captureTerminalOutputWithShellName(t, tester, "bash", []string{
"fish ENTER",
"echo SPACE foo ENTER",
"exit ENTER",
require.Contains(t, out, "Welcome to fish, the friendly interactive shell")
require.Contains(t, out, "\nfoo\n")
require.NotContains(t, out, "There are still jobs active")
require.NotContains(t, out, "A second attempt to exit will terminate them.")
if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" {
require.Contains(t, out, "exit\nbash")
} else {
require.Contains(t, out, "exit\nrunner@ghaction-runner-hostname:/$")
// Check export
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export | grep -v pipefail | grep -v ps`)
expectedOutput := "echo foo\necho bar\necho \"foo\"\nls /tmp/ &\nfish\necho foo\nexit\n"
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
// Check a table to see some other metadata
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-set displayed-columns CWD Hostname 'Exit Code' Command`)
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "-pipefail")
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestFish-table")
func setupTestTui(t testing.TB, onlineStatus OnlineStatus) (shellTester, string, *gorm.DB) {
tester := zshTester{}
userSecret := installWithOnlineStatus(t, tester, onlineStatus)
assertOnlineStatus(t, onlineStatus)
// Disable recording so that all our testing commands don't get recorded
_, _ = tester.RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t, ` hishtory disable`)
// Insert a couple hishtory entries
db := hctx.GetDb(hctx.MakeContext())
e1 := testutils.MakeFakeHistoryEntry("ls ~/")
require.NoError(t, db.Create(e1).Error)
if onlineStatus == Online {
manuallySubmitHistoryEntry(t, userSecret, e1)
e2 := testutils.MakeFakeHistoryEntry("echo 'aaaaaa bbbb'")
require.NoError(t, db.Create(e2).Error)
if onlineStatus == Online {
manuallySubmitHistoryEntry(t, userSecret, e2)
return tester, userSecret, db
func testTui_resize(t *testing.T) {
// Setup
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
tester, userSecret, _ := setupTestTui(t, Online)
// Check the output when the size is smaller
out := captureTerminalOutputWithShellNameAndDimensions(t, tester, tester.ShellName(), 100, 20, []TmuxCommand{
{Keys: "hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER"},
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, out)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-SmallTerminal")
// Check the output when the size is tiny
out = captureTerminalOutputWithShellNameAndDimensions(t, tester, tester.ShellName(), 100, 15, []TmuxCommand{
{Keys: "hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER"},
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, out)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-TinyTerminal")
// Check the output when the size is tiny and the help page is open
out = captureTerminalOutputWithShellNameAndDimensions(t, tester, tester.ShellName(), 100, 15, []TmuxCommand{
{Keys: "hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER"},
{Keys: "C-h"},
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, out)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-TinyTerminalHelp")
// Check the output when the size is extra tiny
out = captureTerminalOutputWithShellNameAndDimensions(t, tester, tester.ShellName(), 100, 11, []TmuxCommand{
{Keys: "hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER"},
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-TiniestTerminal")
// Check the output when the size is tiny and the user tries to open the help page, which doesn't work
out = captureTerminalOutputWithShellNameAndDimensions(t, tester, tester.ShellName(), 100, 11, []TmuxCommand{
{Keys: "hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER"},
{Keys: "C-h"},
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-TiniestTerminal")
// Check that it resizes after the terminal size is adjusted
manuallySubmitHistoryEntry(t, userSecret, testutils.MakeFakeHistoryEntry("echo 'cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc'"))
out = captureTerminalOutputWithShellNameAndDimensions(t, tester, tester.ShellName(), 100, 20, []TmuxCommand{
{Keys: "hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER"},
{ResizeX: 300, ResizeY: 100},
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, out)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-Resize")
// Check that the cursor position is maintained after it is resized
out = captureTerminalOutputWithShellNameAndDimensions(t, tester, tester.ShellName(), 100, 20, []TmuxCommand{
{Keys: "hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER"},
{Keys: "Down"},
{ResizeX: 300, ResizeY: 100, ExtraDelay: 1.0},
{Keys: "Enter"},
require.Contains(t, out, "\necho 'aaaaaa bbbb'\n")
// Check that it supports a very long search query
out = captureTerminalOutputWithShellNameAndDimensions(t, tester, tester.ShellName(), 100, 20, []TmuxCommand{
{Keys: "hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER"},
{Keys: "1234567890qwertyuip1234567890qwertyuip1234567890qwertyuip1234567890qwertyuip1234567890qwertyuip"},
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, out)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-LongQuery")
// Toggle on forced compact mode and check that it respects that even with a large terminal
require.Equal(t, "false", strings.TrimSpace(tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-get compact-mode`)))
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-set compact-mode true`)
require.Equal(t, "true", strings.TrimSpace(tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-get compact-mode`)))
out = captureTerminalOutputWithShellNameAndDimensions(t, tester, tester.ShellName(), 150, 60, []TmuxCommand{
{Keys: "hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER"},
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, out)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-ForcedCompactMode")
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-set compact-mode false`)
require.Equal(t, "false", strings.TrimSpace(tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-get compact-mode`)))
func testTui_scroll(t *testing.T) {
// Setup
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
tester, userSecret, _ := setupTestTui(t, Online)
// Check that we can use left arrow keys to scroll
out := captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{
"hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER",
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, out)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-LeftScroll")
// Test horizontal scrolling by one to the right
veryLongEntry := testutils.MakeFakeHistoryEntry("echo '1234567890qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxxcvbnm0987654321_0_1234567890qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxxcvbnm0987654321_1_1234567890qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxxcvbnm0987654321_2_1234567890qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxxcvbnm0987654321'")
manuallySubmitHistoryEntry(t, userSecret, veryLongEntry)
require.NoError(t, hctx.GetDb(hctx.MakeContext()).Create(veryLongEntry).Error)
out = captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{
"hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER",
"S-Left S-Right S-Right S-Left",
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, out)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-RightScroll")
// Test horizontal scrolling by two
out = captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{
"hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER",
"S-Right S-Right",
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, out)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-RightScrollTwo")
// Set up to test horizontal scrolling for other columns
veryLongDirEntry := testutils.MakeFakeHistoryEntry("echo 'short'")
veryLongDirEntry.CurrentWorkingDirectory = "/tmp/1234567890qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxxcvbnm0987654321_0_1234567890qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxxcvbnm0987654321_1_1234567890qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxxcvbnm0987654321_2_1234567890qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxxcvbnm0987654321"
manuallySubmitHistoryEntry(t, userSecret, veryLongDirEntry)
require.NoError(t, hctx.GetDb(hctx.MakeContext()).Create(veryLongDirEntry).Error)
// Test displaying long other columns
out = captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{
"hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER",
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, out)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-LongDirectoryName")
// Test horizontal scrolling for other columns
out = captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{
"hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER",
"S-Right S-Right",
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, out)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-RightScrollDirectoryTwo")
// Assert there are no leaked connections
func testTui_escaping(t *testing.T) {
// Setup
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
tester, userSecret, _ := setupTestTui(t, Online)
db := hctx.GetDb(hctx.MakeContext())
e := testutils.MakeFakeHistoryEntry("echo 'a\tb\nc'")
require.NoError(t, db.Create(e).Error)
manuallySubmitHistoryEntry(t, userSecret, e)
// Test that it escapes tab and new line characters
out := captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{
"hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER",
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, out)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-Escaping")
func testTui_defaultFilter(t *testing.T) {
// Setup
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
tester, userSecret, _ := setupTestTui(t, Online)
db := hctx.GetDb(hctx.MakeContext())
e1 := testutils.MakeFakeHistoryEntry("exit 0")
e1.ExitCode = 0
require.NoError(t, db.Create(e1).Error)
manuallySubmitHistoryEntry(t, userSecret, e1)
e2 := testutils.MakeFakeHistoryEntry("exit 1")
e2.ExitCode = 1
require.NoError(t, db.Create(e2).Error)
manuallySubmitHistoryEntry(t, userSecret, e2)
// Configure a default filter
require.Equal(t, "\"\"", strings.TrimSpace(tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-get default-filter`)))
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-set default-filter "exit_code:0"`)
require.Equal(t, "\"exit_code:0\"", strings.TrimSpace(tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-get default-filter`)))
// Run a search query with no additional query
out := stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{
"hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER",
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-DefaultFilter-Enabled")
// Run a search query with an additional query
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{
"hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER",
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-DefaultFilter-EnabledAdditionalQuery")
// Run a search query and delete the default filter
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{
"hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER",
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-DefaultFilter-Deleted")
// Run a search query, type something, and then delete the default filter
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{
"hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER",
"Left Left Left Left Left",
"BSpace BSpace",
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-DefaultFilter-DeletedWithText")
func testTui_color(t *testing.T) {
// Setup
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
tester, _, _ := setupTestTui(t, Online)
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` hishtory config-set highlight-matches false`)
// Capture the TUI with full colored output, note that this golden will be harder to undersand
// from inspection and primarily servers to detect unintended changes in hishtory's output.
out := captureTerminalOutputComplex(t, TmuxCaptureConfig{tester: tester, complexCommands: []TmuxCommand{{Keys: "hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER"}}, includeEscapeSequences: true})
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, out)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-ColoredOutput-"+runtime.GOOS+"-"+testutils.GetOsVersion(t))
// And the same once a search query has been typed in
out = captureTerminalOutputComplex(t, TmuxCaptureConfig{tester: tester, complexCommands: []TmuxCommand{{Keys: "hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER"}, {Keys: "ech"}}, includeEscapeSequences: true})
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, out)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-ColoredOutputWithSearch-"+runtime.GOOS+"-"+testutils.GetOsVersion(t))
// And one more time with highlight-matches
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` hishtory config-set highlight-matches true`)
require.Equal(t, "true", strings.TrimSpace(tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-get highlight-matches`)))
out = captureTerminalOutputComplex(t, TmuxCaptureConfig{tester: tester, complexCommands: []TmuxCommand{{Keys: "hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER"}, {Keys: "ech"}}, includeEscapeSequences: true})
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, out)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-ColoredOutputWithSearch-Highlight-"+runtime.GOOS+"-"+testutils.GetOsVersion(t))
// And one more time with customized colors
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` hishtory config-get color-scheme`), "TestTui-DefaultColorScheme")
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` hishtory config-set color-scheme selected-text #45f542`)
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` hishtory config-set color-scheme selected-background #4842f5`)
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` hishtory config-set color-scheme border-color #f54272`)
out = captureTerminalOutputComplex(t, TmuxCaptureConfig{tester: tester, complexCommands: []TmuxCommand{{Keys: "hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER"}, {Keys: "ech"}}, includeEscapeSequences: true})
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, out)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-ColoredOutputWithCustomColorScheme-"+runtime.GOOS+"-"+testutils.GetOsVersion(t))
// And one more time with a default filter
require.Equal(t, "\"\"", strings.TrimSpace(tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-get default-filter`)))
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-set default-filter "exit_code:0"`)
require.Equal(t, "\"exit_code:0\"", strings.TrimSpace(tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-get default-filter`)))
out = captureTerminalOutputComplex(t, TmuxCaptureConfig{tester: tester, complexCommands: []TmuxCommand{{Keys: "hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER"}, {Keys: "ech"}}, includeEscapeSequences: true})
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, out)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-ColoredOutputWithDefaultFilter-"+runtime.GOOS+"-"+testutils.GetOsVersion(t))
func testTui_delete(t *testing.T) {
// Setup
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
tester, userSecret, _ := setupTestTui(t, Online)
manuallySubmitHistoryEntry(t, userSecret, testutils.MakeFakeHistoryEntry("echo 'cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc'"))
// Check that we can delete an entry
out := captureTerminalOutputWithComplexCommands(t, tester, []TmuxCommand{
{Keys: "hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER"},
// ExtraDelay so that the search query finishes before we hit delete
{Keys: "aaaaaa", ExtraDelay: 1.0},
{Keys: "C-K"},
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, out)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-Delete")
// And that it stays deleted
out = captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{
"hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER",
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, out)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-DeleteStill")
// And that we can then delete another entry
out = captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{
"hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER",
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, out)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-DeleteAgain")
// And that it stays deleted
out = captureTerminalOutputWithComplexCommands(t, tester, []TmuxCommand{
{Keys: "hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER", ExtraDelay: 1.5},
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, out)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-DeleteAgainStill")
// Assert there are no leaked connections
func testTui_search(t *testing.T, onlineStatus OnlineStatus) {
// Setup
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
tester, _, _ := setupTestTui(t, onlineStatus)
// Check hishtory export to confirm the right commands are in the initial set of history entries
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export`)
expected := "ls ~/\necho 'aaaaaa bbbb'\n"
if diff := cmp.Diff(expected, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s", diff)
// Check the output when there is a search
out = captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{
"hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER",
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, out)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-Search")
// Check the output when there is a selected result
out = captureTerminalOutputWithComplexCommands(t, tester, []TmuxCommand{
{Keys: "hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER"},
// Extra delay to ensure that the search for 'ls' finishes before we select an entry
{Keys: "ls", ExtraDelay: 2.0},
{Keys: "ENTER"},
out = strings.Split(stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, out), "\n")[0]
expected = `ls ~/`
if diff := cmp.Diff(expected, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory tquery selection mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s", diff)
// Check the output when the initial search is invalid
out = captureTerminalOutputWithComplexCommands(t, tester, []TmuxCommand{
// ExtraDelay to ensure that after searching for 'foo:' it gets the real results for an empty query
{Keys: "hishtory SPACE tquery SPACE foo: ENTER", ExtraDelay: 1.5},
{Keys: "ls", ExtraDelay: 1.0},
out = stripRequiredPrefix(t, out, "hishtory tquery foo:")
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-InitialInvalidSearch")
// Check the output when the search is invalid
out = captureTerminalOutputWithComplexCommands(t, tester, []TmuxCommand{
{Keys: "hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER", ExtraDelay: 1.0},
// ExtraDelay to ensure that the search for 'ls' finishes before we make it invalid by adding ':'
{Keys: "ls", ExtraDelay: 1.5},
{Keys: ":"},
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, out)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-InvalidSearch")
// Check the output when the search is invalid and then edited to become valid
out = captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{
"hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER",
"ls: BSpace",
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, out)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-InvalidSearchBecomesValid")
// Record a couple commands that we can use to test for supporting quoted searches
db := hctx.GetDb(hctx.MakeContext())
require.NoError(t, db.Create(testutils.MakeFakeHistoryEntry("for i in 1")).Error)
require.NoError(t, db.Create(testutils.MakeFakeHistoryEntry("for i in 2")).Error)
require.NoError(t, db.Create(testutils.MakeFakeHistoryEntry("i for in")).Error)
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export`)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-ExportWithAdditionalEntries")
// Check the behavior when it is unquoted and fuzzy
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{
"hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER",
"for SPACE i SPACE in",
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-SearchUnquoted")
// Check the behavior when it is quoted and exact
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{
"hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER",
"'\"'for SPACE i SPACE in'\"'",
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-SearchQuoted")
// Check the behavior when it is backslashed
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{
"hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER",
"for\\\\ SPACE i\\\\ SPACE in",
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-SearchBackslash")
// Add another entry for testing quoting a colon
require.NoError(t, db.Create(testutils.MakeFakeHistoryEntry("foo:bar")).Error)
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export`)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-ExportWithEvenMoreEntries")
// And check that we can quote colons
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{
"hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER",
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-SearchColonError")
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{
"hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER",
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-SearchColonEscaped")
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{
"hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER",
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-SearchColonDoubleQuoted")
func testTui_general(t *testing.T, onlineStatus OnlineStatus) {
// Setup
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
tester, _, _ := setupTestTui(t, onlineStatus)
// Check the initial output when there is no search
out := captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{"hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER"})
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, out)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-Initial")
// Check that we can exit the TUI via pressing esc
out = captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{
"hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER",
require.NotContains(t, out, "Search Query:")
if testutils.IsGithubAction() {
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-Exit-"+runtime.GOOS)
// Test opening the help page
out = captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{
"hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER",
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, out)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-HelpPage")
// Test closing the help page
out = captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{
"hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER",
"C-h C-h",
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, out)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-HelpPageClosed")
// Test selecting and cd-ing
out = captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{
"hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER",
out = strings.Split(stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, out), "\n")[0]
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-SelectAndCd")
// Test jumping around the cursor via shortcuts
out = captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{
"hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER",
out = strings.Split(stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, out), "\n")[0]
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-JumpCursor")
// Test the User column
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-add displayed-columns User`)
out = captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{
"hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER",
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, out)
require.Contains(t, out, " User")
require.Contains(t, out, " david ")
// Assert there are no leaked connections
func testTui_keybindings(t *testing.T) {
// Setup
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
tester, _, _ := setupTestTui(t, Online)
// Check the default config
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-get key-bindings`),
// Configure some custom key bindings
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-set key-bindings down '?'`)
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-set key-bindings help ctrl+j`)
// Check that they got configured
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-get key-bindings`),
// Record a command and demo searching for it
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `echo 1`)
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `echo 2`)
out := captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{
"hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER",
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, out)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-KeyBindings-Help")
// Use the custom key binding for scrolling down
out = captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{
"hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER",
"'?' Enter",
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, out)
require.Regexp(t, regexp.MustCompile(`^ls ~/\n`), out)
func testTui_errors(t *testing.T) {
// Setup
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
tester, _, _ := setupTestTui(t, Online)
// Check the output when the device is offline
out := captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{"hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER"})
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, out)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-Offline")
// Check the output when the device is offline AND there is an invalid search
out = captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{"hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER", "ls", ":"})
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, out)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-OfflineInvalid")
func testTui_ai(t *testing.T) {
// Setup
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
defer testutils.BackupAndRestoreEnv("OPENAI_API_KEY")()
os.Setenv("OPENAI_API_KEY", "")
tester, _, _ := setupTestTui(t, Online)
req, err := json.Marshal(
ai.TestOnlyOverrideAiSuggestionRequest{Query: "myQuery", Suggestions: []string{"result 1", "result 2", "longer result 3"}},
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = lib.ApiPost(hctx.MakeContext(), "/api/v1/ai-suggest-override", "application/json", req)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Test running an AI query
require.Equal(t, "true", strings.TrimSpace(tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-get ai-completion`)))
out := captureTerminalOutputWithComplexCommands(t, tester, []TmuxCommand{
{Keys: "hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER"},
// ExtraDelay since AI queries are debounced and thus slower
{Keys: "'?myQuery'", ExtraDelay: 1.0},
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, out)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-AiQuery")
// Test that when it is disabled, no AI queries are run
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-set ai-completion false`)
out = captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{
"hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER",
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, out)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTui-AiQuery-Disabled")
func testControlR(t *testing.T, tester shellTester, shellName string, onlineStatus OnlineStatus) {
// Setup
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
installWithOnlineStatus(t, tester, onlineStatus)
assertOnlineStatus(t, onlineStatus)
// Disable recording so that all our testing commands don't get recorded
_, _ = tester.RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t, ` hishtory disable`)
_, _ = tester.RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t, `hishtory config-set enable-control-r true`)
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` HISHTORY_REDACT_FORCE=true hishtory redact set emo pipefail`)
// Insert a few hishtory entries that we'll use for testing into an empty DB
db := hctx.GetDb(hctx.MakeContext())
require.NoError(t, db.Where("true").Delete(&data.HistoryEntry{}).Error)
e1 := testutils.MakeFakeHistoryEntry("ls ~/")
e1.CurrentWorkingDirectory = "/etc/"
e1.Hostname = "server"
e1.ExitCode = 127
require.NoError(t, db.Create(e1).Error)
require.NoError(t, db.Create(testutils.MakeFakeHistoryEntry("ls ~/foo/")).Error)
require.NoError(t, db.Create(testutils.MakeFakeHistoryEntry("ls ~/bar/")).Error)
require.NoError(t, db.Create(testutils.MakeFakeHistoryEntry("echo 'aaaaaa bbbb'")).Error)
require.NoError(t, db.Create(testutils.MakeFakeHistoryEntry("echo 'bar' &")).Error)
// Check that they're there (and there aren't any other entries)
var historyEntries []*data.HistoryEntry
if len(historyEntries) != 5 {
t.Fatalf("expected to find 6 history entries, actual found %d: %#v", len(historyEntries), historyEntries)
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export`)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testControlR-InitialExport")
// And check that the control-r binding brings up the search
out = captureTerminalOutputWithShellName(t, tester, shellName, []string{"C-R"})
split := strings.Split(out, "\n\n\n")
out = strings.TrimSpace(split[len(split)-1])
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testControlR-Initial")
// And check that we can scroll down and select an option
out = captureTerminalOutputWithShellName(t, tester, shellName, []string{"C-R", "Down Down", "Enter"})
if !strings.HasSuffix(out, " ls ~/bar/") {
t.Fatalf("hishtory tquery returned the wrong result, out=%#v", out)
// And that the above works, but also with an ENTER to actually execute the selected command
out = captureTerminalOutputWithShellName(t, tester, shellName, []string{"C-R", "Down", "Enter", "Enter"})
require.Contains(t, out, "echo 'aaaaaa bbbb'\naaaaaa bbbb\n", "hishtory tquery executed the wrong result")
// Search for something more specific and select it
out = captureTerminalOutputWithShellName(t, tester, shellName, []string{"C-R", "foo", "Enter"})
if !strings.HasSuffix(out, " ls ~/foo/") {
t.Fatalf("hishtory tquery returned the wrong result, out=%#v", out)
// Search for something more specific, and then unsearch, and then search for something else (using an alternate key binding for the down key)
out = captureTerminalOutputWithShellName(t, tester, shellName, []string{"C-R", "fo", "BSpace BSpace", "bar", "C-N", "Enter"})
if !strings.HasSuffix(out, " ls ~/bar/") {
t.Fatalf("hishtory tquery returned the wrong result, out=%#v", out)
// Search using an atom
out = captureTerminalOutputWithShellName(t, tester, shellName, []string{"C-R", "fo", "BSpace BSpace", "exit_code:2", "Enter"})
if !strings.HasSuffix(out, " echo 'bar' &") {
t.Fatalf("hishtory tquery returned the wrong result, out=%#v", out)
// Search and check that the table is updated
out = stripShellPrefix(captureTerminalOutputWithShellName(t, tester, shellName, []string{"C-R", "echo"}))
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testControlR-Search")
// An advanced search and check that the table is updated
out = stripShellPrefix(captureTerminalOutputWithShellName(t, tester, shellName, []string{"C-R", "cwd:/tmp/ SPACE ls"}))
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testControlR-AdvancedSearch")
// Set some different columns to be displayed and check that the table displays those
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-set displayed-columns Hostname 'Exit Code' Command`)
out = stripShellPrefix(captureTerminalOutputWithShellName(t, tester, shellName, []string{"C-R"}))
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testControlR-displayedColumns")
// Add a custom column
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-add custom-columns foo "echo foo"`)
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` hishtory enable`)
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `ls /`)
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` hishtory disable`)
// And run a query and confirm it is displayed
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-add displayed-columns foo`)
out = stripShellPrefix(captureTerminalOutputWithShellName(t, tester, shellName, []string{"C-R", "-pipefail"}))
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testControlR-customColumn")
// Start with a search query, and then press control-r and it shows results for that query
out = stripShellPrefix(captureTerminalOutputWithShellName(t, tester, shellName, []string{"ls", "C-R"}))
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testControlR-InitialSearch")
// Start with a search query, and then press control-r, then make the query more specific
out = stripShellPrefix(captureTerminalOutputWithShellName(t, tester, shellName, []string{"e", "C-R", "cho"}))
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testControlR-InitialSearchExpanded")
// Start with a search query for which there are no results
out = stripShellPrefix(captureTerminalOutputWithShellName(t, tester, shellName, []string{"asdf", "C-R"}))
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testControlR-InitialSearchNoResults")
// Start with a search query for which there are no results
out = stripShellPrefix(captureTerminalOutputWithShellName(t, tester, shellName, []string{"asdf", "C-R", "BSpace BSpace BSpace BSpace echo"}))
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testControlR-InitialSearchNoResultsThenFoundResults")
// Search, hit control-c, and the table should be cleared
out = stripShellPrefix(captureTerminalOutputWithShellName(t, tester, shellName, []string{"echo", "C-R", "c", "C-C"}))
require.NotContains(t, out, "Search Query", "hishtory is showing a table even after control-c?")
require.NotContains(t, out, "─────", "hishtory is showing a table even after control-c?")
require.NotContains(t, out, "Exit Code", "hishtory is showing a table even after control-c?")
if testutils.IsGithubAction() {
if shellName == "fish" {
require.Contains(t, out, "Welcome to fish, the friendly interactive shell")
require.Contains(t, out, "> echo ")
} else {
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testControlR-ControlC-"+shellName+"-"+runtime.GOOS)
// Disable control-r
_, _ = tester.RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t, `hishtory config-set enable-control-r false`)
// And it shouldn't pop up
out = captureTerminalOutputWithShellName(t, tester, shellName, []string{"C-R"})
require.NotContains(t, out, "Search Query", "hishtory overrode control-r even when this was disabled?")
require.NotContains(t, out, "─────", "hishtory overrode control-r even when this was disabled?")
require.NotContains(t, out, "Exit Code", "hishtory overrode control-r even when this was disabled?")
if testutils.IsGithubAction() && shellName != "fish" {
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testControlR-"+shellName+"-Disabled-"+runtime.GOOS)
// Re-enable control-r
_, err := tester.RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t, `hishtory config-set enable-control-r true`)
require.NoError(t, err)
// And check that the control-r bindings work again
out = stripShellPrefix(captureTerminalOutputWithShellName(t, tester, shellName, []string{"C-R", "-pipefail SPACE -exit_code:0"}))
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testControlR-Final")
// Record a multi-line command
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` hishtory enable`)
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `ls \
-Slah \
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` hishtory disable`)
// Check that we display it in the table reasonably
out = stripShellPrefix(captureTerminalOutputWithShellName(t, tester, shellName, []string{"C-R", "Slah"}))
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testControlR-DisplayMultiline-"+shellName)
// Check that we can select it correctly
out = stripShellPrefix(captureTerminalOutputWithShellName(t, tester, shellName, []string{"C-R", "Slah", "Enter"}))
require.Contains(t, out, "-Slah", "out has unexpected output missing the selected row")
if testutils.IsGithubAction() && shellName != "fish" {
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testControlR-SelectMultiline-"+shellName+"-"+runtime.GOOS)
// Assert there are no leaked connections
func testCustomColumns(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
// Setup
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Record a few commands with no custom columns
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `export FOOBAR='hello'
echo $FOOBAR world
cd /
echo baz`)
if out != "hello world\nbaz\n" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected command output=%#v", out)
// Check that the hishtory is saved correctly
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export | grep -v pipefail`)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testCustomColumns-initHistory")
// Configure a custom column
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-add custom-columns git_remote '(git remote -v 2>/dev/null | grep origin 1>/dev/null ) && git remote get-url origin || true'`)
// Run a few commands, some of which will have a git_remote
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `echo foo
cd /
echo bar`)
if out != "foo\nbar\n" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected command output=%#v", out)
// And check that it is all recorded correctly
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-set displayed-columns 'Exit Code' git_remote Command`)
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory query -pipefail`)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, fmt.Sprintf("testCustomColumns-query-isAction=%v", testutils.IsGithubAction()))
out = captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{"hishtory SPACE tquery SPACE -pipefail ENTER"})
out = stripRequiredPrefix(t, out, "hishtory tquery -pipefail")
testName := "testCustomColumns-tquery-" + tester.ShellName()
if testutils.IsGithubAction() {
testName += "-isAction"
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, testName)
// And check that we can delete the custom column and that it also gets automatically removed from displayed-columns
require.Equal(t, `"Exit Code" git_remote Command`, strings.TrimSpace(tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, "hishtory config-get displayed-columns")))
require.Equal(t, "git_remote: (git remote -v 2>/dev/null | grep origin 1>/dev/null ) && git remote get-url origin || true", strings.TrimSpace(tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, "hishtory config-get custom-columns")))
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-delete custom-columns git_remote`)
require.Equal(t, `"Exit Code" Command`, strings.TrimSpace(tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, "hishtory config-get displayed-columns")))
func testPresavingDisabled(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
// Setup
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Disable the presaving feature
require.Equal(t, "true", strings.TrimSpace(tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-get presaving`)))
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-set presaving false`)
require.Equal(t, "false", strings.TrimSpace(tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-get presaving`)))
// Start a command that will take a long time to execute in the background, so
// we can check that it wasn't recorded even though it never finished.
require.NoError(t, os.Chdir("/"))
require.NoError(t, tester.RunInteractiveShellBackground(t, `sleep 13371338`))
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 500)
// Test that it shows up in hishtory export
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` hishtory export sleep -export`)
expectedOutput := ""
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
func testPresavingOffline(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
// Setup
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
defer testutils.BackupAndRestoreEnv("HISHTORY_SIMULATE_NETWORK_ERROR")()
userSecret := installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Enable the presaving feature
require.Equal(t, "true", strings.TrimSpace(tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-get presaving`)))
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-set presaving true`)
require.Equal(t, "true", strings.TrimSpace(tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-get presaving`)))
// Simulate a network error when presaving
require.NoError(t, os.Chdir("/"))
require.NoError(t, tester.RunInteractiveShellBackground(t, `sleep 13371336`))
// Check the exported data locally
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` hishtory config-set displayed-columns CWD Runtime Command`)
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` hishtory query sleep -tquery -query`)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testPresavingOffline-query-present")
// And check it on another device where it isn't yet available
restoreDevice1 := testutils.BackupAndRestoreWithId(t, "device1")
installHishtory(t, tester, userSecret)
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` hishtory config-set displayed-columns CWD Runtime Command`)
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` hishtory query sleep -tquery -query`)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testPresavingOffline-query-missing")
// Then go back to the first device and restore the internet connection so that it uploads the presaved entry
restoreDevice2 := testutils.BackupAndRestoreWithId(t, "device2")
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `echo any_command_to_trigger_reupload`)
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` hishtory query sleep -tquery -query`)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testPresavingOffline-query-present")
// And check that it is now present on the second device
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` hishtory query sleep -tquery -query`)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testPresavingOffline-query-present")
func testPresaving(t *testing.T, tester shellTester, shellName string) {
// Setup
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
userSecret := installHishtory(t, tester, "")
manuallySubmitHistoryEntry(t, userSecret, testutils.MakeFakeHistoryEntry("table_sizing aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"))
// Enable the presaving feature
require.Equal(t, "true", strings.TrimSpace(tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-get presaving`)))
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-set presaving true`)
require.Equal(t, "true", strings.TrimSpace(tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-get presaving`)))
// Start a command that will take a long time to execute in the background, so
// we can check that it was recorded even though it never finished.
require.NoError(t, os.Chdir("/"))
if tester.ShellName() == shellName {
require.NoError(t, tester.RunInteractiveShellBackground(t, `sleep 13371337`))
} else {
tmuxCommandToRunInBackground := buildTmuxInputCommands(t, TmuxCaptureConfig{
tester: tester,
overriddenShellName: shellName,
commands: []string{`sleep SPACE 13371337 ENTER`},
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, tmuxCommandToRunInBackground)
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 500)
// Test that it shows up in hishtory export
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` hishtory export sleep -export`)
expectedOutput := "sleep 13371337\n"
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
// Test that it shows up in hishtory query and that the runtime is displayed correctly
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` hishtory config-set displayed-columns CWD Runtime Command`)
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` hishtory query sleep 13371337 -export -tquery`)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testPresaving-query")
// And then record a few other commands, and run an export of all commands, to ensure no funkiness happened
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `ls /`)
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `sleep 0.5`)
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` hishtory export -hishtory -table_sizing -pipefail`)
expectedOutput = "sleep 13371337\nls /\nsleep 0.5\n"
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
// Create a new device, and confirm it shows up there too
restoreDevice1 := testutils.BackupAndRestoreWithId(t, "device1")
installHishtory(t, tester, userSecret)
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` hishtory config-set displayed-columns CWD Runtime Command`)
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` hishtory query sleep 13371337 -export -tquery`)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testPresaving-query")
// And that all the other commands do to
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` hishtory export -hishtory -table_sizing -pipefail`)
expectedOutput = "sleep 13371337\nls /\nsleep 0.5\n"
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
// And then redact it from device2
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` HISHTORY_REDACT_FORCE=true hishtory redact sleep 13371337`)
// And confirm it was redacted
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` hishtory export sleep -export`)
require.Equal(t, "sleep 0.5\n", out)
// Then go back to device1 and confirm it was redacted there too
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` hishtory export sleep -export`)
require.Equal(t, "sleep 0.5\n", out)
// And then record a few commands, and run a final export of all commands, to ensure no funkiness happened
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` hishtory export -hishtory -table_sizing -pipefail`)
expectedOutput = "ls /\nsleep 0.5\n"
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
func testTabCompletion(t *testing.T, tester shellTester, shellName string) {
if shellName == "bash" {
// TODO: Enable tab completions for bash by adding the below line to config.sh
// type _get_comp_words_by_ref &>/dev/null && source <(hishtory completion bash)
// Setup
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Check that tab completions work to complete a command
out := captureTerminalOutputWithShellName(t, tester, shellName, []string{"hishtory SPACE config-g Tab"})
expected := "hishtory config-get"
require.True(t, strings.HasSuffix(out, expected), fmt.Sprintf("Expected out=%#v to end with %#v", out, expected))
// Check that tab completions work to view suggestions
out = captureTerminalOutputWithShellName(t, tester, shellName, []string{"hishtory SPACE config- Tab"})
testutils.TestLog(t, "testTabCompletion: Pre-stripping: "+out)
if shellName == "fish" {
out = strings.Join(strings.Split(out, "\n")[3:], "\n")
} else {
out = strings.Join(strings.Split(out, "\n")[1:], "\n")
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testTabCompletion-suggestions-"+shellName)
func testUninstall(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
// Setup
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Record a few commands and check that they get recorded
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `echo foo
echo baz`)
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export -pipefail`)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testUninstall-recorded")
// And then uninstall
out, err := tester.RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t, `yes | hishtory uninstall`)
require.NoError(t, err)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testUninstall-uninstall")
// And check that hishtory has been uninstalled
out, err = tester.RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t, `echo foo
echo bar`)
require.NoError(t, err)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testUninstall-post-uninstall")
// And check again, but in a way that shows the full terminal output
if testutils.IsGithubAction() {
out = captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{
"echo SPACE foo ENTER",
"hishtory ENTER",
"echo SPACE bar ENTER",
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testUninstall-post-uninstall-"+tester.ShellName()+"-"+runtime.GOOS)
func TestTimestampFormat(t *testing.T) {
// Setup
markTestForSharding(t, 6)
tester := zshTester{}
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
userSecret := installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Add an entry just to ensure we get consistent table sizing
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, "echo tablesizing")
// Add some entries with fixed timestamps
tmz, err := time.LoadLocation("America/Los_Angeles")
require.NoError(t, err)
entry1 := testutils.MakeFakeHistoryEntry("table_cmd1 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa")
entry1.StartTime = time.Unix(1650096186, 0).In(tmz)
entry1.EndTime = time.Unix(1650096190, 0).In(tmz)
manuallySubmitHistoryEntry(t, userSecret, entry1)
entry2 := testutils.MakeFakeHistoryEntry("table_cmd2")
entry2.StartTime = time.Unix(1650096196, 0).In(tmz)
entry2.EndTime = time.Unix(1650096220, 0).In(tmz)
entry2.CurrentWorkingDirectory = "~/foo/"
entry2.ExitCode = 3
manuallySubmitHistoryEntry(t, userSecret, entry2)
// Check the init the timestamp format
require.Equal(t, "Jan 2 2006 15:04:05 MST", strings.TrimSpace(tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` hishtory config-get timestamp-format`)))
// Set a custom timestamp format
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` hishtory config-set timestamp-format '2006/Jan/2 15:04'`)
// And check that it is displayed in both the tui and the classic view
out := hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "-pipefail -tablesizing")
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTimestampFormat-query")
out = captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{"hishtory SPACE tquery SPACE -pipefail SPACE -tablesizing ENTER"})
out = stripRequiredPrefix(t, out, "hishtory tquery -pipefail -tablesizing")
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestTimestampFormat-tquery")
func TestSortByConsistentTimezone(t *testing.T) {
// Setup
markTestForSharding(t, 7)
tester := zshTester{}
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Add an entry just to ensure we get consistent table sizing
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, "echo tablesizing")
// Add some entries with timestamps in different timezones
db := hctx.GetDb(hctx.MakeContext())
timestamp := int64(1650096186)
la_time, err := time.LoadLocation("America/Los_Angeles")
require.NoError(t, err)
ny_time, err := time.LoadLocation("America/New_York")
require.NoError(t, err)
entry1 := testutils.MakeFakeHistoryEntry("first_entry")
entry1.StartTime = time.Unix(timestamp, 0).In(ny_time)
entry1.EndTime = time.Unix(timestamp+1, 0).In(ny_time)
require.NoError(t, lib.ReliableDbCreate(db, entry1))
entry2 := testutils.MakeFakeHistoryEntry("second_entry")
entry2.StartTime = time.Unix(timestamp+1000, 0).In(la_time)
entry2.EndTime = time.Unix(timestamp+1001, 0).In(la_time)
require.NoError(t, lib.ReliableDbCreate(db, entry2))
entry3 := testutils.MakeFakeHistoryEntry("third_entry")
entry3.StartTime = time.Unix(timestamp+2000, 0).In(ny_time)
entry3.EndTime = time.Unix(timestamp+2001, 0).In(ny_time)
require.NoError(t, lib.ReliableDbCreate(db, entry3))
// And check that they're displayed in the correct order
out := hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "-pipefail -tablesizing")
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestSortByConsistentTimezone-query")
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export -pipefail -tablesizing`)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestSortByConsistentTimezone-export")
out = captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{"hishtory SPACE tquery SPACE -pipefail SPACE -tablesizing ENTER"})
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, out)
require.Regexp(t, regexp.MustCompile(`Timestamp[\s\S]*Command[\s\S]*Apr 16 2022 01:36:26 PDT[\s\S]*third_entry[\s\S]*Apr 16 2022 01:19:46 PDT[\s\S]*second_entry[\s\S]*Apr 16 2022 01:03:06 PDT[\s\S]*first_entry`), out)
func TestZDotDir(t *testing.T) {
// Setup
markTestForSharding(t, 8)
tester := zshTester{}
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
defer testutils.BackupAndRestoreEnv("ZDOTDIR")()
homedir, err := os.UserHomeDir()
require.NoError(t, err)
zdotdir := path.Join(homedir, "foo")
require.NoError(t, os.MkdirAll(zdotdir, 0o744))
os.Setenv("ZDOTDIR", zdotdir)
userSecret := installHishtory(t, tester, "")
defer func() {
require.NoError(t, os.Remove(path.Join(zdotdir, ".zshrc")))
// Check the status command
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory status`)
if out != fmt.Sprintf("hiSHtory: v0.Unknown\nEnabled: true\nSecret Key: %s\nCommit Hash: Unknown\n", userSecret) {
t.Fatalf("status command has unexpected output: %#v", out)
// Run a command and check that it was recorded
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `echo foo`)
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export -pipefail -install -status`)
if out != "echo foo\n" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export had unexpected out=%#v", out)
// Check that hishtory respected ZDOTDIR
zshrc, err := os.ReadFile(path.Join(zdotdir, ".zshrc"))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Contains(t, string(zshrc), "# Hishtory Config:", "zshrc had unexpected contents")
func TestRemoveDuplicateRows(t *testing.T) {
// Setup
markTestForSharding(t, 9)
tester := zshTester{}
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Check the default
require.Equal(t, "false", strings.TrimSpace(tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` hishtory config-get filter-duplicate-commands`)))
// Record a few commands and check that they get recorded and all are displayed in a table
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `echo foo
echo foo
echo baz
echo baz
echo foo`)
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export -pipefail`)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testRemoveDuplicateRows-export")
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-set displayed-columns 'Exit Code' Command`)
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory query -pipefail`)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testRemoveDuplicateRows-query")
out = captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{"hishtory SPACE tquery SPACE -pipefail ENTER"})
out = stripRequiredPrefix(t, out, "hishtory tquery -pipefail")
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testRemoveDuplicateRows-tquery")
// And change the config to filter out duplicate rows
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-set filter-duplicate-commands true`)
// Check export
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export -pipefail`)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testRemoveDuplicateRows-enabled-export")
// Check query
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory query -pipefail`)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testRemoveDuplicateRows-enabled-query")
// Check tquery
out = captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{"hishtory SPACE tquery SPACE -pipefail ENTER"})
out = stripRequiredPrefix(t, out, "hishtory tquery -pipefail")
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "testRemoveDuplicateRows-enabled-tquery")
// Check actually selecting it with query
out = captureTerminalOutputWithComplexCommands(t, tester, []TmuxCommand{
{Keys: "hishtory SPACE tquery SPACE -pipefail ENTER", ExtraDelay: 1.0},
{Keys: "Down Down"},
{Keys: "ENTER", ExtraDelay: 1.0},
out = stripTuiCommandPrefix(t, out)
require.Contains(t, out, "\necho foo\n")
require.NotContains(t, out, "echo baz")
require.NotContains(t, out, "config-set")
func TestSetConfigNoCorruption(t *testing.T) {
// Setup
markTestForSharding(t, 10)
tester := zshTester{}
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// A test that tries writing a config many different times in parallel, and confirms there is no corruption
conf, err := hctx.GetConfig()
require.NoError(t, err)
var doneWg sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
go func(i int) {
// Make a new config of a varied length
c := conf
c.LastSavedHistoryLine = strings.Repeat("A", i)
c.DeviceId = strings.Repeat("B", i*2)
c.HaveMissedUploads = (i % 2) == 0
// Write it
require.NoError(t, hctx.SetConfig(&c))
require.NoError(t, err)
// Check that we can read
c2, err := hctx.GetConfig()
require.NoError(t, err)
if c2.UserSecret != c.UserSecret {
panic("user secret mismatch")
// Test that the config retrieved from the context is a reference and there are no consistency issues with it getting out of sync
func TestCtxConfigIsReference(t *testing.T) {
// Setup
markTestForSharding(t, 11)
tester := zshTester{}
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Get two copies of the conifg
ctx := hctx.MakeContext()
c1 := hctx.GetConf(ctx)
c2 := hctx.GetConf(ctx)
require.Equal(t, *c1, *c2)
// Change one and check that the other is changed
c1.LastSavedHistoryLine = "foobar"
require.Equal(t, c1.LastSavedHistoryLine, "foobar")
require.Equal(t, c2.LastSavedHistoryLine, "foobar")
// Persist that one, and then get the config again, and that one should also contain the change
require.NoError(t, hctx.SetConfig(c1))
c3 := hctx.GetConf(ctx)
require.Equal(t, *c1, *c3)
require.Equal(t, c1.LastSavedHistoryLine, "foobar")
require.Equal(t, c2.LastSavedHistoryLine, "foobar")
require.Equal(t, c3.LastSavedHistoryLine, "foobar")
func testMultipleUsers(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
// Create all our devices
var deviceMap map[device]deviceOp = make(map[device]deviceOp)
var devices deviceSet = deviceSet{}
devices.deviceMap = &deviceMap
devices.currentDevice = nil
u1d1 := device{key: "user1", deviceId: "1"}
createDevice(t, tester, &devices, u1d1.key, u1d1.deviceId)
u1d2 := device{key: "user1", deviceId: "2"}
createDevice(t, tester, &devices, u1d2.key, u1d2.deviceId)
u2d1 := device{key: "user2", deviceId: "1"}
createDevice(t, tester, &devices, u2d1.key, u2d1.deviceId)
u2d2 := device{key: "user2", deviceId: "2"}
createDevice(t, tester, &devices, u2d2.key, u2d2.deviceId)
u2d3 := device{key: "user2", deviceId: "3"}
createDevice(t, tester, &devices, u2d3.key, u2d3.deviceId)
// Run commands on user1
switchToDevice(&devices, u1d1)
_, _ = tester.RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t, `echo u1d1`)
switchToDevice(&devices, u1d2)
_, _ = tester.RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t, `echo u1d2`)
// Run commands on user2
switchToDevice(&devices, u2d1)
_, _ = tester.RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t, `echo u2d1`)
switchToDevice(&devices, u2d2)
_, _ = tester.RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t, `echo u2d2`)
switchToDevice(&devices, u2d3)
_, _ = tester.RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t, `echo u2d3`)
// Run more commands on user1
switchToDevice(&devices, u1d1)
_, _ = tester.RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t, `echo u1d1-b`)
_, _ = tester.RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t, `echo u1d1-c`)
switchToDevice(&devices, u1d2)
_, _ = tester.RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t, `echo u1d2-b`)
_, _ = tester.RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t, `echo u1d2-c`)
// Check that the right commands were recorded for user1
for _, d := range []device{u1d1, u1d2} {
switchToDevice(&devices, d)
out, err := tester.RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t, `hishtory export -pipefail -export`)
require.NoError(t, err)
expectedOutput := "echo u1d1\necho u1d2\necho u1d1-b\necho u1d1-c\necho u1d2-b\necho u1d2-c\n"
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
// Run more commands on user2
switchToDevice(&devices, u2d1)
_, _ = tester.RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t, `echo u1d1-b`)
_, _ = tester.RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t, `echo u1d1-c`)
switchToDevice(&devices, u2d3)
_, _ = tester.RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t, `echo u2d3-b`)
_, _ = tester.RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t, `echo u2d3-c`)
// Check that the right commands were recorded for user2
for _, d := range []device{u2d1, u2d2, u2d3} {
switchToDevice(&devices, d)
out, err := tester.RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t, `hishtory export -export -pipefail`)
require.NoError(t, err)
expectedOutput := "echo u2d1\necho u2d2\necho u2d3\necho u1d1-b\necho u1d1-c\necho u2d3-b\necho u2d3-c\n"
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
func createSyntheticImportEntries(t testing.TB, numSyntheticEntries int) {
homedir, err := os.UserHomeDir()
require.NoError(t, err)
f, err := os.OpenFile(path.Join(homedir, ".bash_history"), os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0o644)
require.NoError(t, err)
defer f.Close()
for i := 1; i <= numSyntheticEntries; i++ {
_, err := f.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("echo command-%d\n", i))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, f.Close())
func TestImportHistory(t *testing.T) {
// Setup
markTestForSharding(t, 11)
tester := bashTester{}
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
userSecret := installHishtory(t, tester, "")
numSyntheticEntries := 305
createSyntheticImportEntries(t, numSyntheticEntries)
// Run the import
ctx := hctx.MakeContext()
numImported, err := lib.ImportHistory(ctx, false, true)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, numImported, numSyntheticEntries+1)
// Check that it imported all of them
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` hishtory export -pipefail`)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestImportHistory-export")
// Check that it was uploaded so that another user can get it
installHishtory(t, tester, userSecret)
out = strings.TrimSpace(tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` hishtory export -pipefail | wc -l`))
require.Equal(t, "305", out)
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` hishtory export -pipefail`)
require.Contains(t, out, "echo command-305")
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` hishtory export -pipefail`)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestImportHistory-export")
func BenchmarkImport(b *testing.B) {
// Setup
tester := bashTester{}
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(b)()
// Benchmark it
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
// Setup
installHishtory(b, tester, "")
// Create a large history in bash that we will pre-import
numSyntheticEntries := 100_000
createSyntheticImportEntries(b, numSyntheticEntries)
// Benchmarked code:
ctx := hctx.MakeContext()
numImported, err := lib.ImportHistory(ctx, false, true)
require.NoError(b, err)
require.GreaterOrEqual(b, numImported, numSyntheticEntries)
func BenchmarkQuery(b *testing.B) {
// Setup with an install with a lot of entries
tester := zshTester{}
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(b)()
installHishtory(b, tester, "")
numSyntheticEntries := 100_000
createSyntheticImportEntries(b, numSyntheticEntries)
ctx := hctx.MakeContext()
numImported, err := lib.ImportHistory(ctx, false, true)
require.NoError(b, err)
require.GreaterOrEqual(b, numImported, numSyntheticEntries)
// Benchmark it
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
// Benchmarked code:
ctx := hctx.MakeContext()
err := lib.RetrieveAdditionalEntriesFromRemote(ctx, "tui")
require.NoError(b, err)
_, err = lib.Search(ctx, hctx.GetDb(ctx), "echo", 100)
require.NoError(b, err)
func TestAugmentedIsOfflineError(t *testing.T) {
markTestForSharding(t, 12)
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
installHishtory(t, zshTester{}, "")
defer testutils.BackupAndRestoreEnv("HISHTORY_SIMULATE_NETWORK_ERROR")()
ctx := hctx.MakeContext()
// By default, when the hishtory server is up, then IsOfflineError checks the error msg
require.True(t, lib.CanReachHishtoryServer(ctx))
require.False(t, lib.IsOfflineError(ctx, fmt.Errorf("unchecked error type")))
// When the hishtory server is down, then all error messages are treated as being due to offline errors
require.False(t, lib.CanReachHishtoryServer(ctx))
require.True(t, lib.IsOfflineError(ctx, fmt.Errorf("unchecked error type")))
func TestWebUi(t *testing.T) {
markTestForSharding(t, 13)
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
tester := zshTester{}
installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Run a few commands to search for
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `echo foobar`)
// Start the server
require.NoError(t, tester.RunInteractiveShellBackground(t, `hishtory start-web-ui --port 8001 --force-creds hishtory:my_password`))
defer tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `killall hishtory`)
// And check that the server seems to be returning valid data
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "http://localhost:8001?q=foobar", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
req.SetBasicAuth("hishtory", "my_password")
resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode)
defer resp.Body.Close()
respBody, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Contains(t, string(respBody), "echo foobar")
// And that it rejects requests without auth
resp, err = http.Get("http://localhost:8001?q=foobar")
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 401, resp.StatusCode)
// And requests with incorrect auth
req, err = http.NewRequest("GET", "http://localhost:8001?q=foobar", nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
req.SetBasicAuth("hishtory", "wrong-password")
resp, err = http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 401, resp.StatusCode)
func TestForceInit(t *testing.T) {
markTestForSharding(t, 13)
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
tester := zshTester{}
initialSecret := installHishtory(t, tester, "")
secondaryUserSecret := initialSecret + "-second"
// Run a commands to search for and confirm it was recorded
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `echo foobar`)
require.Equal(t, "echo foobar\n", tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export -pipefail -export`))
// Init as the other user with --force
out, err := tester.RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t, ` export HISHTORY_SKIP_INIT_IMPORT=1
hishtory init --force `+secondaryUserSecret)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Contains(t, out, "Setting secret hishtory key to "+secondaryUserSecret, "Failed to re-init with the user secret")
// Check that the history was cleared
require.NotContains(t, tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export`), "echo foobar")
func TestBashOrderingBug(t *testing.T) {
markTestForSharding(t, 15)
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
tester := bashTester{}
installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Trigger a set of steps that cause a weird bug with bash as reported in github.com/ddworken/hishtory/issues/215
captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{"command1 Enter", "command2 Enter", "C-R", "C-C", "command3 Enter", "command4 Enter"})
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export | grep -v pipefail | grep -v '/tmp/client install'`)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestBashOrderingBug-Export")
func TestChangeSyncingStatus(t *testing.T) {
markTestForSharding(t, 15)
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
tester := zshTester{}
// Install it offline and record a command or two
userSecret := installWithOnlineStatus(t, tester, Offline)
assertOnlineStatus(t, Offline)
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `echo "device1_whileOffline_1"`)
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory status -v | grep -v User | grep -v Device | grep -v Secret`),
// Go online
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory syncing enable`)
require.Equal(t, "Enabled syncing successfully\n", out)
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory status -v | grep -v User | grep -v Device | grep -v Secret`),
// Back up that device and set up another device to confirm syncing is working
restoreDev1 := testutils.BackupAndRestoreWithId(t, "dev1")
installHishtory(t, tester, userSecret)
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export`)
require.Contains(t, out, "device1_whileOffline_1")
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory status -v | grep -v User | grep -v Device | grep -v Secret`),
// Go back to the first device, disable syncing, and then record a command
restoreDev2 := testutils.BackupAndRestoreWithId(t, "dev2")
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory status -v | grep -v User | grep -v Device | grep -v Secret`),
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory syncing disable`)
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory status -v | grep -v User | grep -v Device | grep -v Secret`),
require.Equal(t, "Disabled syncing successfully\n", out)
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `echo "device1_whileOffline_2"`)
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export`)
require.Contains(t, out, "device1_whileOffline_1")
require.Contains(t, out, "device1_whileOffline_2")
// Then go back to the second device which won't see that command
testutils.BackupAndRestoreWithId(t, "dev1")
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export`)
require.Contains(t, out, "device1_whileOffline_1")
require.NotContains(t, out, "device1_whileOffline_2")
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory status -v | grep -v User | grep -v Device | grep -v Secret`),
func TestInstallSkipConfigModification(t *testing.T) {
markTestForSharding(t, 14)
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
tester := zshTester{}
// Install and check that it gave info on how to configure the shell
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, ` /tmp/client install --skip-config-modification | grep -v "secret hishtory key"`)
testutils.CompareGoldens(t, out, "TestInstallSkipConfigModification-InstallOutput-"+runtime.GOOS)
// Check that the shell config files weren't configured
homedir, err := os.UserHomeDir()
require.NoError(t, err)
shellConfigFiles := []string{
path.Join(homedir, ".zshrc"),
path.Join(homedir, ".bashrc"),
path.Join(homedir, ".bash_profile"),
path.Join(homedir, ".config/fish/config.fish"),
for _, file := range shellConfigFiles {
fileContents, err := os.ReadFile(file)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotContains(t, fileContents, "hishtory")
func TestConfigLogLevel(t *testing.T) {
markTestForSharding(t, 16)
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
tester := zshTester{}
installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Check default log level
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-get log-level`)
require.Equal(t, "info\n", out)
// Set log level to debug
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-set log-level debug`)
// Verify log level was changed
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-get log-level`)
require.Equal(t, "debug\n", out)
// Set back to default
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-set log-level info`)
// Verify log level was changed back
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory config-get log-level`)
require.Equal(t, "info\n", out)
func TestSanitizeEscapeCodes(t *testing.T) {
markTestForSharding(t, 17)
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
tester := zshTester{}
installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Input the escape code sequence
out := captureTerminalOutput(t, tester, []string{
"hishtory SPACE tquery ENTER",
// It gets stripped out
require.Contains(t, out, "Search Query: >\n")
func TestCreatedBashProfileSourcesProfile(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS == "linux" {
t.Skip("hishtory doesn't create .bash_profile on linux")
markTestForSharding(t, 18)
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
tester := zshTester{}
homedir, err := os.UserHomeDir()
require.NoError(t, err)
// Delete .bash_profile so hishtory will create a new one
require.NoError(t, os.Remove(filepath.Join(homedir, ".bash_profile")))
// Install hishtory
installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Check that both files exist now
require.FileExists(t, filepath.Join(homedir, ".bash_profile"))
require.FileExists(t, filepath.Join(homedir, ".profile"))
// Check that .bash_profile sources .profile and that it contains the hishtory config
bashProfileContent, err := os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(homedir, ".bash_profile"))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Contains(t, string(bashProfileContent), "source ~/.profile")
require.Contains(t, string(bashProfileContent), "# Hishtory Config:\n")
func TestExistingBashProfileDoesNotSourceProfile(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS == "linux" {
t.Skip("hishtory doesn't create .bash_profile on linux")
markTestForSharding(t, 18)
defer testutils.BackupAndRestore(t)()
tester := zshTester{}
homedir, err := os.UserHomeDir()
require.NoError(t, err)
// Ensure .bash_profile exists so that hishtory doesn't create it
require.FileExists(t, filepath.Join(homedir, ".bash_profile"))
// Install hishtory
installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Check that both files exist now
require.FileExists(t, filepath.Join(homedir, ".bash_profile"))
require.FileExists(t, filepath.Join(homedir, ".profile"))
// Check that .bash_profile does not source .profile and that it does contain the hishtory config
bashProfileContent, err := os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(homedir, ".bash_profile"))
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotContains(t, string(bashProfileContent), "source ~/.profile")
require.Contains(t, string(bashProfileContent), "# Hishtory Config:\n")
// TODO: somehow test/confirm that hishtory works even if only bash/only zsh is installed