mirror of
synced 2025-02-12 00:21:14 +01:00
Offline mode is more about disabling syncing, so it is reasonable to still allow AI completions if the user has explicitly turned it on.
924 lines
29 KiB
924 lines
29 KiB
package tui
import (
_ "embed" // for embedding config.sh
tea "github.com/charmbracelet/bubbletea"
const (
var (
// Globally shared monotonically increasing IDs used to prevent race conditions in handling async queries.
// If the user types 'l' and then 's', two queries will be dispatched: One for 'l' and one for 'ls'. These
// counters are used to ensure that we don't process the query results for 'ls' and then promptly overwrite
// them with the results for 'l'.
var (
type SelectStatus int64
const (
NotSelected SelectStatus = iota
var loadedKeyBindings keybindings.KeyMap = keybindings.DefaultKeyMap
type model struct {
// context
ctx context.Context
// Model for the loading spinner.
spinner spinner.Model
// Whether data is still loading and the spinner should still be displayed.
isLoading bool
// Model for the help bar at the bottom of the page
help help.Model
// Whether the TUI is quitting.
quitting bool
// The table used for displaying search results. Nil if the initial search query hasn't returned yet.
table *table.Model
// The entries in the table
tableEntries []*data.HistoryEntry
// Whether the user has hit enter to select an entry and the TUI is thus about to quit.
selected SelectStatus
// The search box for the query
queryInput textinput.Model
// The query to run. Reset to nil after it was run.
runQuery *string
// The previous query that was run.
lastQuery string
// Unrecoverable error.
fatalErr error
// An error while searching. Recoverable and displayed as a warning message.
searchErr error
// Whether the device is offline. If so, a warning will be displayed.
isOffline bool
// A banner from the backend to be displayed. Generally an empty string.
banner string
// The currently executing shell. Defaults to bash if not specified. Used for more precise AI suggestions.
shellName string
type (
doneDownloadingMsg struct{}
offlineMsg struct{}
bannerMsg struct {
banner string
type asyncQueryFinishedMsg struct {
// The query ID finished running. Used to ensure that we only process this message if it is the latest query to finish.
queryId int
// The table rows and entries
rows []table.Row
entries []*data.HistoryEntry
// An error from searching, if one occurred
searchErr error
// Whether to force a full refresh of the table
forceUpdateTable bool
// Whether to maintain the cursor position
maintainCursor bool
// An updated search query. May be used for initial queries when they're invalid.
overriddenSearchQuery *string
func initialModel(ctx context.Context, shellName, initialQuery string) model {
s := spinner.New()
s.Spinner = spinner.Dot
s.Style = lipgloss.NewStyle().Foreground(lipgloss.Color("205"))
queryInput := textinput.New()
cfg := hctx.GetConf(ctx)
defaultFilter := cfg.DefaultFilter
if defaultFilter != "" {
queryInput.Prompt = "[" + defaultFilter + "] "
queryInput.PromptStyle = queryInput.PlaceholderStyle
if defaultFilter == "" {
queryInput.Placeholder = "ls"
queryInput.CharLimit = 200
width, _, err := getTerminalSize()
if err == nil {
queryInput.Width = width
} else {
hctx.GetLogger().Warnf("getTerminalSize() return err=%#v, defaulting queryInput to a width of 50", err)
queryInput.Width = 50
if initialQuery != "" {
return model{ctx: ctx, spinner: s, isLoading: true, table: nil, tableEntries: []*data.HistoryEntry{}, runQuery: &initialQuery, queryInput: queryInput, help: help.New(), shellName: shellName}
func (m model) Init() tea.Cmd {
return m.spinner.Tick
func updateTable(m model, rows []table.Row, entries []*data.HistoryEntry, searchErr error, forceUpdateTable, maintainCursor bool) model {
if m.runQuery == nil {
m.runQuery = &m.lastQuery
m.searchErr = searchErr
if searchErr != nil {
return m
m.tableEntries = entries
initialCursor := 0
if m.table != nil {
initialCursor = m.table.Cursor()
if forceUpdateTable || m.table == nil {
t, err := makeTable(m.ctx, m.shellName, rows)
if err != nil {
m.fatalErr = err
return m
m.table = &t
if maintainCursor {
} else {
m.lastQuery = *m.runQuery
m.runQuery = nil
return m
func preventTableOverscrolling(m model) {
if m.table != nil {
if m.table.Cursor() >= len(m.tableEntries) {
// Ensure that we can't scroll past the end of the table
m.table.SetCursor(len(m.tableEntries) - 1)
func runQueryAndUpdateTable(m model, forceUpdateTable, maintainCursor bool) tea.Cmd {
if (m.runQuery != nil && *m.runQuery != m.lastQuery) || forceUpdateTable || m.searchErr != nil {
query := m.lastQuery
if m.runQuery != nil {
query = *m.runQuery
return func() tea.Msg {
conf := hctx.GetConf(m.ctx)
defaultFilter := conf.DefaultFilter
if m.queryInput.Prompt == "" {
// The default filter was cleared for this session, so don't apply it
defaultFilter = ""
rows, entries, searchErr := getRows(m.ctx, conf.DisplayedColumns, m.shellName, defaultFilter, query, PADDED_NUM_ENTRIES)
return asyncQueryFinishedMsg{queryId, rows, entries, searchErr, forceUpdateTable, maintainCursor, nil}
return nil
func (m model) Update(msg tea.Msg) (tea.Model, tea.Cmd) {
switch msg := msg.(type) {
case tea.KeyMsg:
switch {
case key.Matches(msg, loadedKeyBindings.Quit):
m.quitting = true
return m, tea.Quit
case key.Matches(msg, loadedKeyBindings.SelectEntry):
if len(m.tableEntries) != 0 && m.table != nil {
m.selected = Selected
return m, tea.Quit
case key.Matches(msg, loadedKeyBindings.SelectEntryAndChangeDir):
if len(m.tableEntries) != 0 && m.table != nil {
m.selected = SelectedWithChangeDir
return m, tea.Quit
case key.Matches(msg, loadedKeyBindings.DeleteEntry):
if m.table == nil {
return m, nil
err := deleteHistoryEntry(m.ctx, *m.tableEntries[m.table.Cursor()])
if err != nil {
m.fatalErr = err
return m, nil
cmd := runQueryAndUpdateTable(m, true, true)
return m, cmd
case key.Matches(msg, loadedKeyBindings.Help):
m.help.ShowAll = !m.help.ShowAll
return m, nil
case key.Matches(msg, loadedKeyBindings.JumpStartOfInput):
return m, nil
case key.Matches(msg, loadedKeyBindings.JumpEndOfInput):
return m, nil
case key.Matches(msg, loadedKeyBindings.WordLeft):
wordBoundaries := calculateWordBoundaries(m.queryInput.Value())
lastBoundary := 0
for _, boundary := range wordBoundaries {
if boundary >= m.queryInput.Position() {
lastBoundary = boundary
return m, nil
case key.Matches(msg, loadedKeyBindings.WordRight):
wordBoundaries := calculateWordBoundaries(m.queryInput.Value())
for _, boundary := range wordBoundaries {
if boundary > m.queryInput.Position() {
return m, nil
pendingCommands := tea.Batch()
if m.table != nil {
t, cmd1 := m.table.Update(msg)
m.table = &t
if strings.HasPrefix(msg.String(), "alt+") {
return m, tea.Batch(cmd1)
pendingCommands = tea.Batch(pendingCommands, cmd1)
forceUpdateTable := false
if msg.String() == "backspace" && (m.queryInput.Value() == "" || m.queryInput.Position() == 0) {
// Handle deleting the default filter just for this TUI instance
m.queryInput.Prompt = ""
forceUpdateTable = true
i, cmd2 := m.queryInput.Update(msg)
m.queryInput = i
searchQuery := m.queryInput.Value()
m.runQuery = &searchQuery
cmd3 := runQueryAndUpdateTable(m, forceUpdateTable, false)
return m, tea.Batch(pendingCommands, cmd2, cmd3)
case tea.WindowSizeMsg:
m.help.Width = msg.Width
m.queryInput.Width = msg.Width
cmd := runQueryAndUpdateTable(m, true, true)
return m, cmd
case offlineMsg:
m.isOffline = true
return m, nil
case bannerMsg:
m.banner = msg.banner
return m, nil
case doneDownloadingMsg:
m.isLoading = false
return m, nil
case asyncQueryFinishedMsg:
if msg.queryId > LAST_PROCESSED_QUERY_ID {
m = updateTable(m, msg.rows, msg.entries, msg.searchErr, msg.forceUpdateTable, msg.maintainCursor)
if msg.overriddenSearchQuery != nil {
return m, nil
var cmd tea.Cmd
if m.isLoading {
m.spinner, cmd = m.spinner.Update(msg)
return m, cmd
} else {
if m.table != nil {
t, cmd := m.table.Update(msg)
m.table = &t
return m, cmd
return m, nil
func calculateWordBoundaries(input string) []int {
ret := make([]int, 0)
ret = append(ret, 0)
prevWasBreaking := false
for idx, char := range input {
if char == ' ' || char == '-' {
if !prevWasBreaking {
ret = append(ret, idx)
prevWasBreaking = true
} else {
prevWasBreaking = false
if !prevWasBreaking {
ret = append(ret, len(input))
return ret
func (m model) View() string {
if m.fatalErr != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("An unrecoverable error occured: %v\n", m.fatalErr)
if m.selected == Selected || m.selected == SelectedWithChangeDir {
SELECTED_COMMAND = m.tableEntries[m.table.Cursor()].Command
if m.selected == SelectedWithChangeDir {
changeDir := m.tableEntries[m.table.Cursor()].CurrentWorkingDirectory
if strings.HasPrefix(changeDir, "~/") {
homedir, err := os.UserHomeDir()
if err != nil {
hctx.GetLogger().Warnf("UserHomeDir() return err=%v, skipping replacing ~/", err)
} else {
strippedChangeDir, _ := strings.CutPrefix(changeDir, "~/")
changeDir = filepath.Join(homedir, strippedChangeDir)
SELECTED_COMMAND = "cd \"" + changeDir + "\" && " + SELECTED_COMMAND
return ""
if m.quitting {
return ""
additionalMessages := make([]string, 0)
if m.isLoading {
additionalMessages = append(additionalMessages, fmt.Sprintf("%s Loading hishtory entries from other devices...", m.spinner.View()))
if m.isOffline {
additionalMessages = append(additionalMessages, "Warning: failed to contact the hishtory backend (are you offline?), so some results may be stale")
if m.searchErr != nil {
additionalMessages = append(additionalMessages, fmt.Sprintf("Warning: failed to search: %v", m.searchErr))
additionalMessages = append(additionalMessages, fmt.Sprintf("%s Executing search query...", m.spinner.View()))
additionalMessagesStr := strings.Join(additionalMessages, "\n") + "\n"
if isExtraCompactHeightMode(m.ctx) {
additionalMessagesStr = "\n"
helpView := m.help.View(loadedKeyBindings)
if isExtraCompactHeightMode(m.ctx) {
helpView = ""
additionalSpacing := "\n"
if isCompactHeightMode(m.ctx) {
additionalSpacing = ""
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s%sSearch Query: %s\n%s%s\n", additionalSpacing, additionalMessagesStr, m.banner, additionalSpacing, m.queryInput.View(), additionalSpacing, renderNullableTable(m, helpView)) + helpView
func isExtraCompactHeightMode(ctx context.Context) bool {
if hctx.GetConf(ctx).ForceCompactMode {
return true
_, height, err := getTerminalSize()
if err != nil {
hctx.GetLogger().Warnf("got err=%v when retrieving terminal dimensions, assuming the terminal is reasonably tall", err)
return false
return height < 15
func isCompactHeightMode(ctx context.Context) bool {
if hctx.GetConf(ctx).ForceCompactMode {
return true
_, height, err := getTerminalSize()
if err != nil {
hctx.GetLogger().Warnf("got err=%v when retrieving terminal dimensions, assuming the terminal is reasonably tall", err)
return false
return height < 25
func getBaseStyle(config hctx.ClientConfig) lipgloss.Style {
return lipgloss.NewStyle().
func renderNullableTable(m model, helpText string) string {
if m.table == nil {
return strings.Repeat("\n", TABLE_HEIGHT+3)
helpTextLen := strings.Count(helpText, "\n")
baseStyle := getBaseStyle(*hctx.GetConf(m.ctx))
if isCompactHeightMode(m.ctx) && helpTextLen > 1 {
// If the help text is expanded, and this is a small window, then we truncate the table so that the help text displays on top of it
lines := strings.Split(baseStyle.Render(m.table.View()), "\n")
truncated := lines[:len(lines)-helpTextLen]
return strings.Join(truncated, "\n")
return baseStyle.Render(m.table.View())
func getRowsFromAiSuggestions(ctx context.Context, columnNames []string, shellName, query string) ([]table.Row, []*data.HistoryEntry, error) {
suggestions, err := ai.DebouncedGetAiSuggestions(ctx, shellName, strings.TrimPrefix(query, "?"), 5)
if err != nil {
hctx.GetLogger().Warnf("failed to get AI query suggestions: %v", err)
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get AI query suggestions: %w", err)
var rows []table.Row
var entries []*data.HistoryEntry
for _, suggestion := range suggestions {
entry := data.HistoryEntry{
LocalUsername: "OpenAI",
Hostname: "OpenAI",
Command: suggestion,
CurrentWorkingDirectory: "N/A",
HomeDirectory: "N/A",
ExitCode: 0,
StartTime: time.Unix(0, 0).UTC(),
EndTime: time.Unix(0, 0).UTC(),
DeviceId: "OpenAI",
EntryId: "OpenAI",
entries = append(entries, &entry)
row, err := lib.BuildTableRow(ctx, columnNames, entry, func(s string) string { return s })
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to build row for entry=%#v: %w", entry, err)
rows = append(rows, row)
hctx.GetLogger().Infof("getRowsFromAiSuggestions(%#v) ==> %#v", query, suggestions)
return rows, entries, nil
func getRows(ctx context.Context, columnNames []string, shellName, defaultFilter, query string, numEntries int) ([]table.Row, []*data.HistoryEntry, error) {
db := hctx.GetDb(ctx)
config := hctx.GetConf(ctx)
if config.AiCompletion && strings.HasPrefix(query, "?") && len(query) > 1 {
return getRowsFromAiSuggestions(ctx, columnNames, shellName, query)
searchResults, err := lib.Search(ctx, db, defaultFilter+" "+query, numEntries)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
var rows []table.Row
var filteredData []*data.HistoryEntry
seenCommands := make(map[string]bool)
for i := 0; i < numEntries; i++ {
if i < len(searchResults) {
entry := searchResults[i]
if config.FilterDuplicateCommands && entry != nil {
cmd := strings.TrimSpace(entry.Command)
if seenCommands[cmd] {
seenCommands[cmd] = true
row, err := lib.BuildTableRow(ctx, columnNames, *entry, commandEscaper)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to build row for entry=%#v: %w", entry, err)
rows = append(rows, row)
filteredData = append(filteredData, entry)
} else {
rows = append(rows, table.Row{})
return rows, filteredData, nil
func commandEscaper(cmd string) string {
if !strings.Contains(cmd, "\n") && !strings.Contains(cmd, "\t") {
// No special escaping necessary
return cmd
return fmt.Sprintf("%#v", cmd)
func calculateColumnWidths(rows []table.Row, numColumns int) []int {
neededColumnWidth := make([]int, numColumns)
for _, row := range rows {
for i, v := range row {
neededColumnWidth[i] = max(neededColumnWidth[i], len(v))
return neededColumnWidth
func getTerminalSize() (int, int, error) {
return term.GetSize(2)
var bigQueryResults []table.Row
func makeTableColumns(ctx context.Context, shellName string, columnNames []string, rows []table.Row) ([]table.Column, error) {
// Handle an initial query with no results
if len(rows) == 0 || len(rows[0]) == 0 {
allRows, _, err := getRows(ctx, columnNames, shellName, hctx.GetConf(ctx).DefaultFilter, "", 25)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(allRows) == 0 || len(allRows[0]) == 0 {
// There are truly zero history entries. Let's still display a table in this case rather than erroring out.
allRows = make([]table.Row, 0)
row := make([]string, 0)
for range columnNames {
row = append(row, " ")
allRows = append(allRows, row)
return makeTableColumns(ctx, shellName, columnNames, allRows)
// Calculate the minimum amount of space that we need for each column for the current actual search
columnWidths := calculateColumnWidths(rows, len(columnNames))
totalWidth := (len(columnWidths) + 1) * 2 // The amount of space needed for the table padding
for i, name := range columnNames {
columnWidths[i] = max(columnWidths[i], len(name))
totalWidth += columnWidths[i]
// Calculate the maximum column width that is useful for each column if we search for the empty string
if bigQueryResults == nil {
bigRows, _, err := getRows(ctx, columnNames, shellName, "", "", 1000)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
bigQueryResults = bigRows
maximumColumnWidths := calculateColumnWidths(bigQueryResults, len(columnNames))
// Get the actual terminal width. If we're below this, opportunistically add some padding aiming for the maximum column widths
terminalWidth, _, err := getTerminalSize()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get terminal size: %w", err)
for totalWidth < (terminalWidth - len(columnNames)) {
prevTotalWidth := totalWidth
for i := range columnNames {
if columnWidths[i] < maximumColumnWidths[i]+5 {
columnWidths[i] += 1
totalWidth += 1
if totalWidth == prevTotalWidth {
// And if we are too large from the initial query, let's shrink things to make the table fit. We'll use the heuristic of always shrinking the widest column.
for totalWidth > terminalWidth {
largestColumnIdx := -1
largestColumnSize := -1
for i := range columnNames {
if columnWidths[i] > largestColumnSize {
largestColumnIdx = i
largestColumnSize = columnWidths[i]
columnWidths[largestColumnIdx] -= 1
totalWidth -= 1
// And finally, create some actual columns!
columns := make([]table.Column, 0)
for i, name := range columnNames {
columns = append(columns, table.Column{Title: name, Width: columnWidths[i]})
return columns, nil
func max(a, b int) int {
if a > b {
return a
return b
func min(a, b int) int {
if a < b {
return a
return b
func makeTable(ctx context.Context, shellName string, rows []table.Row) (table.Model, error) {
config := hctx.GetConf(ctx)
columns, err := makeTableColumns(ctx, shellName, config.DisplayedColumns, rows)
if err != nil {
return table.Model{}, err
km := table.KeyMap{
LineUp: loadedKeyBindings.Up,
LineDown: loadedKeyBindings.Down,
PageUp: loadedKeyBindings.PageUp,
PageDown: loadedKeyBindings.PageDown,
GotoTop: key.NewBinding(
key.WithHelp("home", "go to start"),
GotoBottom: key.NewBinding(
key.WithHelp("end", "go to end"),
MoveLeft: loadedKeyBindings.TableLeft,
MoveRight: loadedKeyBindings.TableRight,
_, terminalHeight, err := getTerminalSize()
if err != nil {
return table.Model{}, err
tuiSize := 12
if isCompactHeightMode(ctx) {
tuiSize -= 2
if isExtraCompactHeightMode(ctx) {
tuiSize -= 3
tableHeight := min(TABLE_HEIGHT, terminalHeight-tuiSize)
t := table.New(
s := table.DefaultStyles()
s.Header = s.Header.
s.Selected = s.Selected.
if config.HighlightMatches {
MATCH_NOTHING_REGEXP := regexp.MustCompile("a^")
s.RenderCell = func(model table.Model, value string, position table.CellPosition) string {
var re *regexp.Regexp
// If there is no search query, then there is nothing to highlight
} else {
queryRegex := lib.MakeRegexFromQuery(CURRENT_QUERY_FOR_HIGHLIGHTING)
r, err := regexp.Compile(queryRegex)
if err != nil {
// Failed to compile the regex for highlighting matches, this should never happen. In this
// case, just use a regexp that matches nothing to ensure that the TUI doesn't crash.
hctx.GetLogger().Warnf("Failed to compile regex %#v for query %#v, disabling highlighting of matches", queryRegex, CURRENT_QUERY_FOR_HIGHLIGHTING)
} else {
re = r
// func to render a given chunk of `value`. `isMatching` is whether `v` matches the search query (and
// thus needs to be highlighted). `isLeftMost` and `isRightMost` determines whether additional
// padding is added (to reproduce the padding that `s.Cell` normally adds).
renderChunk := func(v string, isMatching, isLeftMost, isRightMost bool) string {
chunkStyle := lipgloss.NewStyle()
if position.IsRowSelected {
// Apply the selected style as the base style if this is the highlighted row of the table
chunkStyle = s.Selected.Copy()
if isLeftMost {
chunkStyle = chunkStyle.PaddingLeft(1)
if isRightMost {
chunkStyle = chunkStyle.PaddingRight(1)
if isMatching {
chunkStyle = chunkStyle.Bold(true)
return chunkStyle.Render(v)
matches := re.FindAllStringIndex(value, -1)
if len(matches) == 0 {
// No matches, so render the entire value
return renderChunk(value /*isMatching = */, false /*isLeftMost = */, true /*isRightMost = */, true)
// Iterate through the chunks of the value and highlight the relevant pieces
ret := ""
lastIncludedIdx := 0
for _, match := range re.FindAllStringIndex(value, -1) {
matchStartIdx := match[0]
matchEndIdx := match[1]
beforeMatch := value[lastIncludedIdx:matchStartIdx]
match := value[matchStartIdx:matchEndIdx]
if beforeMatch != "" {
ret += renderChunk(beforeMatch, false, lastIncludedIdx == 0, lastIncludedIdx+1 == len(value))
if match != "" {
ret += renderChunk(match, true, matchStartIdx == 0, matchEndIdx == len(value))
lastIncludedIdx = matchEndIdx
if lastIncludedIdx != len(value) {
ret += renderChunk(value[lastIncludedIdx:], false, false, true)
return ret
return t, nil
func deleteHistoryEntry(ctx context.Context, entry data.HistoryEntry) error {
db := hctx.GetDb(ctx)
// Delete locally
r := db.Model(&data.HistoryEntry{}).Where("device_id = ? AND end_time = ?", entry.DeviceId, entry.EndTime).Delete(&data.HistoryEntry{})
if r.Error != nil {
return r.Error
// Delete remotely
config := hctx.GetConf(ctx)
if config.IsOffline {
return nil
dr := shared.DeletionRequest{
UserId: data.UserId(hctx.GetConf(ctx).UserSecret),
SendTime: time.Now(),
dr.Messages.Ids = append(dr.Messages.Ids,
shared.MessageIdentifier{DeviceId: entry.DeviceId, EndTime: entry.EndTime, EntryId: entry.EntryId},
return lib.SendDeletionRequest(ctx, dr)
func configureColorProfile(ctx context.Context) {
if hctx.GetConf(ctx).ColorScheme == hctx.GetDefaultColorScheme() {
// Set termenv.ANSI for the default color scheme, so that we preserve
// the true default color scheme of hishtory which was initially
// configured with termenv.ANSI (even though we want to support
// full colors) for custom color schemes.
if os.Getenv("HISHTORY_TEST") != "" {
// We also set termenv.ANSI for tests so as to ensure that all our
// test environments behave the same (by default, github actions
// ubuntu and macos have different termenv support).
// When the shell launches control-R it isn't hooked up to the main TTY,
// which means that termenv isn't able to accurately detect color support
// in the current terminal. We set the environment variable _hishtory_tui_color
// to an int representing the termenv. If it is unset or set to 0, then we don't
// know the current color support, and we have to guess it. This means we
// risk either:
// * Choosing too high of a color support, and breaking hishtory colors
// in certain terminals
// * Choosing too low of a color support, and ending up with truncating
// customized colors
// The default terminal app on MacOS only supports termenv.ANSI256 (8 bit
// colors), which means we likely shouldn't default to TrueColor. From
// my own digging, I can't find any modern terminals that don't support
// termenv.ANSI256, so it seems like a reasonable default here.
colorProfileStr := os.Getenv("_hishtory_tui_color")
if colorProfileStr == "" {
// Fall back to the default
colorProfileInt, err := strconv.Atoi(colorProfileStr)
if err != nil {
colorProfileInt = 0
// The int mappings for this are defined in query.go
switch colorProfileInt {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 0:
// Unknown, so fall back to the default
func TuiQuery(ctx context.Context, shellName, initialQuery string) error {
loadedKeyBindings = hctx.GetConf(ctx).KeyBindings.ToKeyMap()
p := tea.NewProgram(initialModel(ctx, shellName, initialQuery), tea.WithOutput(os.Stderr))
// Async: Get the initial set of rows
go func() {
conf := hctx.GetConf(ctx)
rows, entries, err := getRows(ctx, conf.DisplayedColumns, shellName, conf.DefaultFilter, initialQuery, PADDED_NUM_ENTRIES)
if err == nil || initialQuery == "" {
p.Send(asyncQueryFinishedMsg{queryId: queryId, rows: rows, entries: entries, searchErr: err, forceUpdateTable: true, maintainCursor: false, overriddenSearchQuery: nil})
} else {
// initialQuery is likely invalid in some way, let's just drop it
emptyQuery := ""
rows, entries, err := getRows(ctx, hctx.GetConf(ctx).DisplayedColumns, shellName, conf.DefaultFilter, emptyQuery, PADDED_NUM_ENTRIES)
p.Send(asyncQueryFinishedMsg{queryId: queryId, rows: rows, entries: entries, searchErr: err, forceUpdateTable: true, maintainCursor: false, overriddenSearchQuery: &emptyQuery})
// Async: Retrieve additional entries from the backend
go func() {
err := lib.RetrieveAdditionalEntriesFromRemote(ctx, "tui")
if err != nil {
// Async: Process deletion requests
go func() {
err := lib.ProcessDeletionRequests(ctx)
if err != nil {
// Async: Check for any banner from the server
go func() {
banner, err := lib.GetBanner(ctx)
if err != nil {
if lib.IsOfflineError(ctx, err) {
} else {
p.Send(bannerMsg{banner: string(banner)})
// Blocking: Start the TUI
_, err := p.Run()
if err != nil {
return err
// Print out the initialQuery instead so that we don't clear the terminal
fmt.Printf("%s\n", SELECTED_COMMAND)
return nil
// TODO: support custom key bindings
// TODO: make the help page wrap