mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 01:41:30 +01:00
* Add support for custom key bindings for #190 * Add tests for configuring custom key bindings * Simplify key bindings test * Add docs on custom key bindings + error message for unhandled actions
907 lines
28 KiB
907 lines
28 KiB
package tui
import (
_ "embed" // for embedding config.sh
tea "github.com/charmbracelet/bubbletea"
const TABLE_HEIGHT = 20
var SELECTED_COMMAND string = ""
// Globally shared monotonically increasing IDs used to prevent race conditions in handling async queries.
// If the user types 'l' and then 's', two queries will be dispatched: One for 'l' and one for 'ls'. These
// counters are used to ensure that we don't process the query results for 'ls' and then promptly overwrite
// them with the results for 'l'.
type SelectStatus int64
const (
NotSelected SelectStatus = iota
var loadedKeyBindings keybindings.KeyMap = keybindings.DefaultKeyMap
type model struct {
// context
ctx context.Context
// Model for the loading spinner.
spinner spinner.Model
// Whether data is still loading and the spinner should still be displayed.
isLoading bool
// Model for the help bar at the bottom of the page
help help.Model
// Whether the TUI is quitting.
quitting bool
// The table used for displaying search results. Nil if the initial search query hasn't returned yet.
table *table.Model
// The entries in the table
tableEntries []*data.HistoryEntry
// Whether the user has hit enter to select an entry and the TUI is thus about to quit.
selected SelectStatus
// The search box for the query
queryInput textinput.Model
// The query to run. Reset to nil after it was run.
runQuery *string
// The previous query that was run.
lastQuery string
// Unrecoverable error.
fatalErr error
// An error while searching. Recoverable and displayed as a warning message.
searchErr error
// Whether the device is offline. If so, a warning will be displayed.
isOffline bool
// A banner from the backend to be displayed. Generally an empty string.
banner string
// The currently executing shell. Defaults to bash if not specified. Used for more precise AI suggestions.
shellName string
type doneDownloadingMsg struct{}
type offlineMsg struct{}
type bannerMsg struct {
banner string
type asyncQueryFinishedMsg struct {
// The query ID finished running. Used to ensure that we only process this message if it is the latest query to finish.
queryId int
// The table rows and entries
rows []table.Row
entries []*data.HistoryEntry
// An error from searching, if one occurred
searchErr error
// Whether to force a full refresh of the table
forceUpdateTable bool
// Whether to maintain the cursor position
maintainCursor bool
// An updated search query. May be used for initial queries when they're invalid.
overriddenSearchQuery *string
func initialModel(ctx context.Context, shellName, initialQuery string) model {
s := spinner.New()
s.Spinner = spinner.Dot
s.Style = lipgloss.NewStyle().Foreground(lipgloss.Color("205"))
queryInput := textinput.New()
defaultFilter := hctx.GetConf(ctx).DefaultFilter
if defaultFilter != "" {
queryInput.Prompt = "[" + defaultFilter + "] "
queryInput.PromptStyle = queryInput.PlaceholderStyle
if defaultFilter == "" {
queryInput.Placeholder = "ls"
queryInput.CharLimit = 200
width, _, err := getTerminalSize()
if err == nil {
queryInput.Width = width
} else {
hctx.GetLogger().Infof("getTerminalSize() return err=%#v, defaulting queryInput to a width of 50", err)
queryInput.Width = 50
if initialQuery != "" {
return model{ctx: ctx, spinner: s, isLoading: true, table: nil, tableEntries: []*data.HistoryEntry{}, runQuery: &initialQuery, queryInput: queryInput, help: help.New(), shellName: shellName}
func (m model) Init() tea.Cmd {
return m.spinner.Tick
func updateTable(m model, rows []table.Row, entries []*data.HistoryEntry, searchErr error, forceUpdateTable, maintainCursor bool) model {
if m.runQuery == nil {
m.runQuery = &m.lastQuery
m.searchErr = searchErr
if searchErr != nil {
return m
m.tableEntries = entries
initialCursor := 0
if m.table != nil {
initialCursor = m.table.Cursor()
if forceUpdateTable || m.table == nil {
t, err := makeTable(m.ctx, m.shellName, rows)
if err != nil {
m.fatalErr = err
return m
m.table = &t
if maintainCursor {
} else {
m.lastQuery = *m.runQuery
m.runQuery = nil
return m
func preventTableOverscrolling(m model) {
if m.table != nil {
if m.table.Cursor() >= len(m.tableEntries) {
// Ensure that we can't scroll past the end of the table
m.table.SetCursor(len(m.tableEntries) - 1)
func runQueryAndUpdateTable(m model, forceUpdateTable, maintainCursor bool) tea.Cmd {
if (m.runQuery != nil && *m.runQuery != m.lastQuery) || forceUpdateTable || m.searchErr != nil {
query := m.lastQuery
if m.runQuery != nil {
query = *m.runQuery
return func() tea.Msg {
conf := hctx.GetConf(m.ctx)
defaultFilter := conf.DefaultFilter
if m.queryInput.Prompt == "" {
// The default filter was cleared for this session, so don't apply it
defaultFilter = ""
rows, entries, searchErr := getRows(m.ctx, conf.DisplayedColumns, m.shellName, defaultFilter, query, PADDED_NUM_ENTRIES)
return asyncQueryFinishedMsg{queryId, rows, entries, searchErr, forceUpdateTable, maintainCursor, nil}
return nil
func (m model) Update(msg tea.Msg) (tea.Model, tea.Cmd) {
switch msg := msg.(type) {
case tea.KeyMsg:
switch {
case key.Matches(msg, loadedKeyBindings.Quit):
m.quitting = true
return m, tea.Quit
case key.Matches(msg, loadedKeyBindings.SelectEntry):
if len(m.tableEntries) != 0 && m.table != nil {
m.selected = Selected
return m, tea.Quit
case key.Matches(msg, loadedKeyBindings.SelectEntryAndChangeDir):
if len(m.tableEntries) != 0 && m.table != nil {
m.selected = SelectedWithChangeDir
return m, tea.Quit
case key.Matches(msg, loadedKeyBindings.DeleteEntry):
if m.table == nil {
return m, nil
err := deleteHistoryEntry(m.ctx, *m.tableEntries[m.table.Cursor()])
if err != nil {
m.fatalErr = err
return m, nil
cmd := runQueryAndUpdateTable(m, true, true)
return m, cmd
case key.Matches(msg, loadedKeyBindings.Help):
m.help.ShowAll = !m.help.ShowAll
return m, nil
case key.Matches(msg, loadedKeyBindings.JumpStartOfInput):
return m, nil
case key.Matches(msg, loadedKeyBindings.JumpEndOfInput):
return m, nil
case key.Matches(msg, loadedKeyBindings.WordLeft):
wordBoundaries := calculateWordBoundaries(m.queryInput.Value())
lastBoundary := 0
for _, boundary := range wordBoundaries {
if boundary >= m.queryInput.Position() {
lastBoundary = boundary
return m, nil
case key.Matches(msg, loadedKeyBindings.WordRight):
wordBoundaries := calculateWordBoundaries(m.queryInput.Value())
for _, boundary := range wordBoundaries {
if boundary > m.queryInput.Position() {
return m, nil
pendingCommands := tea.Batch()
if m.table != nil {
t, cmd1 := m.table.Update(msg)
m.table = &t
if strings.HasPrefix(msg.String(), "alt+") {
return m, tea.Batch(cmd1)
pendingCommands = tea.Batch(pendingCommands, cmd1)
forceUpdateTable := false
if msg.String() == "backspace" && (m.queryInput.Value() == "" || m.queryInput.Position() == 0) {
// Handle deleting the default filter just for this TUI instance
m.queryInput.Prompt = ""
forceUpdateTable = true
i, cmd2 := m.queryInput.Update(msg)
m.queryInput = i
searchQuery := m.queryInput.Value()
m.runQuery = &searchQuery
cmd3 := runQueryAndUpdateTable(m, forceUpdateTable, false)
return m, tea.Batch(pendingCommands, cmd2, cmd3)
case tea.WindowSizeMsg:
m.help.Width = msg.Width
m.queryInput.Width = msg.Width
cmd := runQueryAndUpdateTable(m, true, true)
return m, cmd
case offlineMsg:
m.isOffline = true
return m, nil
case bannerMsg:
m.banner = msg.banner
return m, nil
case doneDownloadingMsg:
m.isLoading = false
return m, nil
case asyncQueryFinishedMsg:
if msg.queryId > LAST_PROCESSED_QUERY_ID {
m = updateTable(m, msg.rows, msg.entries, msg.searchErr, msg.forceUpdateTable, msg.maintainCursor)
if msg.overriddenSearchQuery != nil {
return m, nil
var cmd tea.Cmd
if m.isLoading {
m.spinner, cmd = m.spinner.Update(msg)
return m, cmd
} else {
if m.table != nil {
t, cmd := m.table.Update(msg)
m.table = &t
return m, cmd
return m, nil
func calculateWordBoundaries(input string) []int {
ret := make([]int, 0)
ret = append(ret, 0)
prevWasBreaking := false
for idx, char := range input {
if char == ' ' || char == '-' {
if !prevWasBreaking {
ret = append(ret, idx)
prevWasBreaking = true
} else {
prevWasBreaking = false
if !prevWasBreaking {
ret = append(ret, len(input))
return ret
func (m model) View() string {
if m.fatalErr != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("An unrecoverable error occured: %v\n", m.fatalErr)
if m.selected == Selected || m.selected == SelectedWithChangeDir {
SELECTED_COMMAND = m.tableEntries[m.table.Cursor()].Command
if m.selected == SelectedWithChangeDir {
changeDir := m.tableEntries[m.table.Cursor()].CurrentWorkingDirectory
if strings.HasPrefix(changeDir, "~/") {
homedir, err := os.UserHomeDir()
if err != nil {
hctx.GetLogger().Infof("UserHomeDir() return err=%v, skipping replacing ~/", err)
} else {
strippedChangeDir, _ := strings.CutPrefix(changeDir, "~/")
changeDir = filepath.Join(homedir, strippedChangeDir)
SELECTED_COMMAND = "cd \"" + changeDir + "\" && " + SELECTED_COMMAND
return ""
if m.quitting {
return ""
additionalMessages := make([]string, 0)
if m.isLoading {
additionalMessages = append(additionalMessages, fmt.Sprintf("%s Loading hishtory entries from other devices...", m.spinner.View()))
if m.isOffline {
additionalMessages = append(additionalMessages, "Warning: failed to contact the hishtory backend (are you offline?), so some results may be stale")
if m.searchErr != nil {
additionalMessages = append(additionalMessages, fmt.Sprintf("Warning: failed to search: %v", m.searchErr))
additionalMessages = append(additionalMessages, fmt.Sprintf("%s Executing search query...", m.spinner.View()))
additionalMessagesStr := strings.Join(additionalMessages, "\n") + "\n"
if isExtraCompactHeightMode() {
additionalMessagesStr = "\n"
helpView := m.help.View(loadedKeyBindings)
if isExtraCompactHeightMode() {
helpView = ""
additionalSpacing := "\n"
if isCompactHeightMode() {
additionalSpacing = ""
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s%sSearch Query: %s\n%s%s\n", additionalSpacing, additionalMessagesStr, m.banner, additionalSpacing, m.queryInput.View(), additionalSpacing, renderNullableTable(m, helpView)) + helpView
func isExtraCompactHeightMode() bool {
_, height, err := getTerminalSize()
if err != nil {
hctx.GetLogger().Infof("got err=%v when retrieving terminal dimensions, assuming the terminal is reasonably tall", err)
return false
return height < 15
func isCompactHeightMode() bool {
_, height, err := getTerminalSize()
if err != nil {
hctx.GetLogger().Infof("got err=%v when retrieving terminal dimensions, assuming the terminal is reasonably tall", err)
return false
return height < 25
func getBaseStyle(config hctx.ClientConfig) lipgloss.Style {
return lipgloss.NewStyle().
func renderNullableTable(m model, helpText string) string {
if m.table == nil {
return strings.Repeat("\n", TABLE_HEIGHT+3)
helpTextLen := strings.Count(helpText, "\n")
baseStyle := getBaseStyle(*hctx.GetConf(m.ctx))
if isCompactHeightMode() && helpTextLen > 1 {
// If the help text is expanded, and this is a small window, then we truncate the table so that the help text displays on top of it
lines := strings.Split(baseStyle.Render(m.table.View()), "\n")
truncated := lines[:len(lines)-helpTextLen]
return strings.Join(truncated, "\n")
return baseStyle.Render(m.table.View())
func getRowsFromAiSuggestions(ctx context.Context, columnNames []string, shellName, query string) ([]table.Row, []*data.HistoryEntry, error) {
suggestions, err := ai.DebouncedGetAiSuggestions(ctx, shellName, strings.TrimPrefix(query, "?"), 5)
if err != nil {
hctx.GetLogger().Infof("failed to get AI query suggestions: %v", err)
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get AI query suggestions: %w", err)
var rows []table.Row
var entries []*data.HistoryEntry
for _, suggestion := range suggestions {
entry := data.HistoryEntry{
LocalUsername: "OpenAI",
Hostname: "OpenAI",
Command: suggestion,
CurrentWorkingDirectory: "N/A",
HomeDirectory: "N/A",
ExitCode: 0,
StartTime: time.Unix(0, 0).UTC(),
EndTime: time.Unix(0, 0).UTC(),
DeviceId: "OpenAI",
EntryId: "OpenAI",
entries = append(entries, &entry)
row, err := lib.BuildTableRow(ctx, columnNames, entry, func(s string) string { return s })
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to build row for entry=%#v: %w", entry, err)
rows = append(rows, row)
hctx.GetLogger().Infof("getRowsFromAiSuggestions(%#v) ==> %#v", query, suggestions)
return rows, entries, nil
func getRows(ctx context.Context, columnNames []string, shellName, defaultFilter, query string, numEntries int) ([]table.Row, []*data.HistoryEntry, error) {
db := hctx.GetDb(ctx)
config := hctx.GetConf(ctx)
if config.AiCompletion && !config.IsOffline && strings.HasPrefix(query, "?") && len(query) > 1 {
return getRowsFromAiSuggestions(ctx, columnNames, shellName, query)
searchResults, err := lib.Search(ctx, db, defaultFilter+" "+query, numEntries)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
var rows []table.Row
var filteredData []*data.HistoryEntry
var seenCommands = make(map[string]bool)
for i := 0; i < numEntries; i++ {
if i < len(searchResults) {
entry := searchResults[i]
if config.FilterDuplicateCommands && entry != nil {
cmd := strings.TrimSpace(entry.Command)
if seenCommands[cmd] {
seenCommands[cmd] = true
row, err := lib.BuildTableRow(ctx, columnNames, *entry, commandEscaper)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to build row for entry=%#v: %w", entry, err)
rows = append(rows, row)
filteredData = append(filteredData, entry)
} else {
rows = append(rows, table.Row{})
return rows, filteredData, nil
func commandEscaper(cmd string) string {
if !strings.Contains(cmd, "\n") {
// No special escaping necessary
return cmd
return fmt.Sprintf("%#v", cmd)
func calculateColumnWidths(rows []table.Row, numColumns int) []int {
neededColumnWidth := make([]int, numColumns)
for _, row := range rows {
for i, v := range row {
neededColumnWidth[i] = max(neededColumnWidth[i], len(v))
return neededColumnWidth
func getTerminalSize() (int, int, error) {
return term.GetSize(2)
var bigQueryResults []table.Row
func makeTableColumns(ctx context.Context, shellName string, columnNames []string, rows []table.Row) ([]table.Column, error) {
// Handle an initial query with no results
if len(rows) == 0 || len(rows[0]) == 0 {
allRows, _, err := getRows(ctx, columnNames, shellName, hctx.GetConf(ctx).DefaultFilter, "", 25)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(allRows) == 0 || len(allRows[0]) == 0 {
// There are truly zero history entries. Let's still display a table in this case rather than erroring out.
allRows = make([]table.Row, 0)
row := make([]string, 0)
for range columnNames {
row = append(row, " ")
allRows = append(allRows, row)
return makeTableColumns(ctx, shellName, columnNames, allRows)
// Calculate the minimum amount of space that we need for each column for the current actual search
columnWidths := calculateColumnWidths(rows, len(columnNames))
totalWidth := (len(columnWidths) + 1) * 2 // The amount of space needed for the table padding
for i, name := range columnNames {
columnWidths[i] = max(columnWidths[i], len(name))
totalWidth += columnWidths[i]
// Calculate the maximum column width that is useful for each column if we search for the empty string
if bigQueryResults == nil {
bigRows, _, err := getRows(ctx, columnNames, shellName, "", "", 1000)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
bigQueryResults = bigRows
maximumColumnWidths := calculateColumnWidths(bigQueryResults, len(columnNames))
// Get the actual terminal width. If we're below this, opportunistically add some padding aiming for the maximum column widths
terminalWidth, _, err := getTerminalSize()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get terminal size: %w", err)
for totalWidth < (terminalWidth - len(columnNames)) {
prevTotalWidth := totalWidth
for i := range columnNames {
if columnWidths[i] < maximumColumnWidths[i]+5 {
columnWidths[i] += 1
totalWidth += 1
if totalWidth == prevTotalWidth {
// And if we are too large from the initial query, let's shrink things to make the table fit. We'll use the heuristic of always shrinking the widest column.
for totalWidth > terminalWidth {
largestColumnIdx := -1
largestColumnSize := -1
for i := range columnNames {
if columnWidths[i] > largestColumnSize {
largestColumnIdx = i
largestColumnSize = columnWidths[i]
columnWidths[largestColumnIdx] -= 1
totalWidth -= 1
// And finally, create some actual columns!
columns := make([]table.Column, 0)
for i, name := range columnNames {
columns = append(columns, table.Column{Title: name, Width: columnWidths[i]})
return columns, nil
func max(a, b int) int {
if a > b {
return a
return b
func min(a, b int) int {
if a < b {
return a
return b
func makeTable(ctx context.Context, shellName string, rows []table.Row) (table.Model, error) {
config := hctx.GetConf(ctx)
columns, err := makeTableColumns(ctx, shellName, config.DisplayedColumns, rows)
if err != nil {
return table.Model{}, err
km := table.KeyMap{
LineUp: loadedKeyBindings.Up,
LineDown: loadedKeyBindings.Down,
PageUp: loadedKeyBindings.PageUp,
PageDown: loadedKeyBindings.PageDown,
GotoTop: key.NewBinding(
key.WithHelp("home", "go to start"),
GotoBottom: key.NewBinding(
key.WithHelp("end", "go to end"),
MoveLeft: loadedKeyBindings.TableLeft,
MoveRight: loadedKeyBindings.TableRight,
_, terminalHeight, err := getTerminalSize()
if err != nil {
return table.Model{}, err
tuiSize := 12
if isCompactHeightMode() {
tuiSize -= 2
if isExtraCompactHeightMode() {
tuiSize -= 3
tableHeight := min(TABLE_HEIGHT, terminalHeight-tuiSize)
t := table.New(
s := table.DefaultStyles()
s.Header = s.Header.
s.Selected = s.Selected.
if config.HighlightMatches {
MATCH_NOTHING_REGEXP := regexp.MustCompile("a^")
s.RenderCell = func(model table.Model, value string, position table.CellPosition) string {
var re *regexp.Regexp
// If there is no search query, then there is nothing to highlight
} else {
queryRegex := lib.MakeRegexFromQuery(CURRENT_QUERY_FOR_HIGHLIGHTING)
r, err := regexp.Compile(queryRegex)
if err != nil {
// Failed to compile the regex for highlighting matches, this should never happen. In this
// case, just use a regexp that matches nothing to ensure that the TUI doesn't crash.
hctx.GetLogger().Infof("Failed to compile regex %#v for query %#v, disabling highlighting of matches", queryRegex, CURRENT_QUERY_FOR_HIGHLIGHTING)
} else {
re = r
// func to render a given chunk of `value`. `isMatching` is whether `v` matches the search query (and
// thus needs to be highlighted). `isLeftMost` and `isRightMost` determines whether additional
// padding is added (to reproduce the padding that `s.Cell` normally adds).
renderChunk := func(v string, isMatching, isLeftMost, isRightMost bool) string {
chunkStyle := lipgloss.NewStyle()
if position.IsRowSelected {
// Apply the selected style as the base style if this is the highlighted row of the table
chunkStyle = s.Selected.Copy()
if isLeftMost {
chunkStyle = chunkStyle.PaddingLeft(1)
if isRightMost {
chunkStyle = chunkStyle.PaddingRight(1)
if isMatching {
chunkStyle = chunkStyle.Bold(true)
return chunkStyle.Render(v)
matches := re.FindAllStringIndex(value, -1)
if len(matches) == 0 {
// No matches, so render the entire value
return renderChunk(value /*isMatching = */, false /*isLeftMost = */, true /*isRightMost = */, true)
// Iterate through the chunks of the value and highlight the relevant pieces
ret := ""
lastIncludedIdx := 0
for _, match := range re.FindAllStringIndex(value, -1) {
matchStartIdx := match[0]
matchEndIdx := match[1]
beforeMatch := value[lastIncludedIdx:matchStartIdx]
match := value[matchStartIdx:matchEndIdx]
if beforeMatch != "" {
ret += renderChunk(beforeMatch, false, lastIncludedIdx == 0, lastIncludedIdx+1 == len(value))
if match != "" {
ret += renderChunk(match, true, matchStartIdx == 0, matchEndIdx == len(value))
lastIncludedIdx = matchEndIdx
if lastIncludedIdx != len(value) {
ret += renderChunk(value[lastIncludedIdx:], false, false, true)
return ret
return t, nil
func deleteHistoryEntry(ctx context.Context, entry data.HistoryEntry) error {
db := hctx.GetDb(ctx)
// Delete locally
r := db.Model(&data.HistoryEntry{}).Where("device_id = ? AND end_time = ?", entry.DeviceId, entry.EndTime).Delete(&data.HistoryEntry{})
if r.Error != nil {
return r.Error
// Delete remotely
config := hctx.GetConf(ctx)
if config.IsOffline {
return nil
dr := shared.DeletionRequest{
UserId: data.UserId(hctx.GetConf(ctx).UserSecret),
SendTime: time.Now(),
dr.Messages.Ids = append(dr.Messages.Ids,
shared.MessageIdentifier{DeviceId: entry.DeviceId, EndTime: entry.EndTime, EntryId: entry.EntryId},
return lib.SendDeletionRequest(ctx, dr)
func configureColorProfile(ctx context.Context) {
if hctx.GetConf(ctx).ColorScheme == hctx.GetDefaultColorScheme() {
// Set termenv.ANSI for the default color scheme, so that we preserve
// the true default color scheme of hishtory which was initially
// configured with termenv.ANSI (even though we want to support
// full colors) for custom color schemes.
if os.Getenv("HISHTORY_TEST") != "" {
// We also set termenv.ANSI for tests so as to ensure that all our
// test environments behave the same (by default, github actions
// ubuntu and macos have different termenv support).
// When the shell launches control-R it isn't hooked up to the main TTY,
// which means that termenv isn't able to accurately detect color support
// in the current terminal. We set the environment variable _hishtory_tui_color
// to an int representing the termenv. If it is unset or set to 0, then we don't
// know the current color support, and we have to guess it. This means we
// risk either:
// * Choosing too high of a color support, and breaking hishtory colors
// in certain terminals
// * Choosing too low of a color support, and ending up with truncating
// customized colors
// The default terminal app on MacOS only supports termenv.ANSI256 (8 bit
// colors), which means we likely shouldn't default to TrueColor. From
// my own digging, I can't find any modern terminals that don't support
// termenv.ANSI256, so it seems like a reasonable default here.
colorProfileStr := os.Getenv("_hishtory_tui_color")
if colorProfileStr == "" {
// Fall back to the default
colorProfileInt, err := strconv.Atoi(colorProfileStr)
if err != nil {
colorProfileInt = 0
// The int mappings for this are defined in query.go
switch colorProfileInt {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 0:
// Unknown, so fall back to the default
func TuiQuery(ctx context.Context, shellName, initialQuery string) error {
loadedKeyBindings = hctx.GetConf(ctx).KeyBindings.ToKeyMap()
p := tea.NewProgram(initialModel(ctx, shellName, initialQuery), tea.WithOutput(os.Stderr))
// Async: Get the initial set of rows
go func() {
conf := hctx.GetConf(ctx)
rows, entries, err := getRows(ctx, conf.DisplayedColumns, shellName, conf.DefaultFilter, initialQuery, PADDED_NUM_ENTRIES)
if err == nil || initialQuery == "" {
p.Send(asyncQueryFinishedMsg{queryId: queryId, rows: rows, entries: entries, searchErr: err, forceUpdateTable: true, maintainCursor: false, overriddenSearchQuery: nil})
} else {
// initialQuery is likely invalid in some way, let's just drop it
emptyQuery := ""
rows, entries, err := getRows(ctx, hctx.GetConf(ctx).DisplayedColumns, shellName, conf.DefaultFilter, emptyQuery, PADDED_NUM_ENTRIES)
p.Send(asyncQueryFinishedMsg{queryId: queryId, rows: rows, entries: entries, searchErr: err, forceUpdateTable: true, maintainCursor: false, overriddenSearchQuery: &emptyQuery})
// Async: Retrieve additional entries from the backend
go func() {
err := lib.RetrieveAdditionalEntriesFromRemote(ctx, "tui")
if err != nil {
// Async: Process deletion requests
go func() {
err := lib.ProcessDeletionRequests(ctx)
if err != nil {
// Async: Check for any banner from the server
go func() {
banner, err := lib.GetBanner(ctx)
if err != nil {
if lib.IsOfflineError(ctx, err) {
} else {
p.Send(bannerMsg{banner: string(banner)})
// Blocking: Start the TUI
_, err := p.Run()
if err != nil {
return err
// Print out the initialQuery instead so that we don't clear the terminal
fmt.Printf("%s\n", SELECTED_COMMAND)
return nil
// TODO: support custom key bindings
// TODO: make the help page wrap