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package main
import (
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
defer shared.RunTestServer()()
cmd := exec.Command("go", "build", "-o", "/tmp/client")
err := cmd.Run()
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to build client: %v", err))
type shellTester interface {
RunInteractiveShell(t *testing.T, script string) string
RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t *testing.T, script string) (string, error)
ShellName() string
type bashTester struct {
func (b bashTester) RunInteractiveShell(t *testing.T, script string) string {
out, err := b.RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t, "set -emo pipefail\n"+script)
if err != nil {
_, filename, line, _ := runtime.Caller(1)
t.Fatalf("error when running command at %s:%d: %v", filename, line, err)
return out
func (b bashTester) RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t *testing.T, script string) (string, error) {
cmd := exec.Command("bash", "-i")
cmd.Stdin = strings.NewReader(script)
var stdout bytes.Buffer
cmd.Stdout = &stdout
var stderr bytes.Buffer
cmd.Stderr = &stderr
err := cmd.Run()
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("unexpected error when running commands, out=%#v, err=%#v: %v", stdout.String(), stderr.String(), err)
outStr := stdout.String()
if strings.Contains(outStr, "hishtory fatal error") {
t.Fatalf("Ran command, but hishtory had a fatal error! out=%#v", outStr)
return outStr, nil
func (b bashTester) ShellName() string {
return "bash"
type zshTester struct {
func (z zshTester) RunInteractiveShell(t *testing.T, script string) string {
// TODO: make this strict
res, err := z.RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t, script)
if err != nil {
return res
func (z zshTester) RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t *testing.T, script string) (string, error) {
cmd := exec.Command("zsh", "-is")
cmd.Stdin = strings.NewReader(script)
var stdout bytes.Buffer
cmd.Stdout = &stdout
var stderr bytes.Buffer
cmd.Stderr = &stderr
err := cmd.Run()
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("unexpected error when running commands, out=%#v, err=%#v: %v", stdout.String(), stderr.String(), err)
outStr := stdout.String()
if strings.Contains(outStr, "hishtory fatal error") {
t.Fatalf("Ran command, but hishtory had a fatal error! out=%#v", outStr)
return outStr, nil
func (z zshTester) ShellName() string {
return "zsh"
var shellTesters []shellTester = []shellTester{bashTester{}, zshTester{}}
func TestParameterized(t *testing.T) {
for _, tester := range shellTesters {
t.Run("testRepeatedCommandThenQuery/"+tester.ShellName(), func(t *testing.T) { testRepeatedCommandThenQuery(t, tester) })
t.Run("testRepeatedCommandAndQuery/"+tester.ShellName(), func(t *testing.T) { testRepeatedCommandAndQuery(t, tester) })
t.Run("testRepeatedEnableDisable/"+tester.ShellName(), func(t *testing.T) { testRepeatedEnableDisable(t, tester) })
t.Run("testExcludeHiddenCommand/"+tester.ShellName(), func(t *testing.T) { testExcludeHiddenCommand(t, tester) })
t.Run("testUpdate/"+tester.ShellName(), func(t *testing.T) { testUpdate(t, tester) })
t.Run("testAdvancedQuery/"+tester.ShellName(), func(t *testing.T) { testAdvancedQuery(t, tester) })
t.Run("testIntegration/"+tester.ShellName(), func(t *testing.T) { testIntegration(t, tester) })
t.Run("testIntegrationWithNewDevice/"+tester.ShellName(), func(t *testing.T) { testIntegrationWithNewDevice(t, tester) })
t.Run("testHishtoryBackgroundSaving/"+tester.ShellName(), func(t *testing.T) { testHishtoryBackgroundSaving(t, tester) })
t.Run("testDisplayTable/"+tester.ShellName(), func(t *testing.T) { testDisplayTable(t, tester) })
t.Run("testTableDisplayCwd/"+tester.ShellName(), func(t *testing.T) { testTableDisplayCwd(t, tester) })
t.Run("testTimestampsAreReasonablyCorrect/"+tester.ShellName(), func(t *testing.T) { testTimestampsAreReasonablyCorrect(t, tester) })
t.Run("testRequestAndReceiveDbDump/"+tester.ShellName(), func(t *testing.T) { testRequestAndReceiveDbDump(t, tester) })
func testIntegration(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
// Set up
defer shared.BackupAndRestore(t)()
// Run the test
testBasicUserFlow(t, tester)
func testIntegrationWithNewDevice(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
// Set up
defer shared.BackupAndRestore(t)()
// Run the test
userSecret := testBasicUserFlow(t, tester)
// Clear all local state
// Install it again
installHishtory(t, tester, userSecret)
// Querying should show the history from the previous run
out := hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "")
expected := []string{"echo thisisrecorded", "hishtory enable", "echo bar", "echo foo", "ls /foo", "ls /bar", "ls /a"}
for _, item := range expected {
if !strings.Contains(out, item) {
t.Fatalf("output is missing expected item %#v: %#v", item, out)
if strings.Count(out, item) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("output has %#v in it multiple times! out=%#v", item, out)
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, "echo mynewcommand")
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "")
if !strings.Contains(out, "echo mynewcommand") {
t.Fatalf("output is missing `echo mynewcommand`")
if strings.Count(out, "echo mynewcommand") != 1 {
t.Fatalf("output has `echo mynewcommand` the wrong number of times")
// Clear local state again
// Install it a 3rd time
installHishtory(t, tester, "adifferentsecret")
// Run a command that shouldn't be in the hishtory later on
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `echo notinthehistory`)
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "")
if !strings.Contains(out, "echo notinthehistory") {
t.Fatalf("output is missing `echo notinthehistory`")
// Set the secret key to the previous secret key
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory init `+userSecret)
if !strings.Contains(out, "Setting secret hishtory key to "+userSecret) {
t.Fatalf("Failed to re-init with the user secret: %v", out)
// Querying should show the history from the previous run
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "")
expected = []string{"echo thisisrecorded", "echo mynewcommand", "hishtory enable", "echo bar", "echo foo", "ls /foo", "ls /bar", "ls /a"}
for _, item := range expected {
if !strings.Contains(out, item) {
t.Fatalf("output is missing expected item %#v: %#v", item, out)
if strings.Count(out, item) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("output has %#v in it multiple times! out=%#v", item, out)
// But not from the previous account
if strings.Contains(out, "notinthehistory") {
t.Fatalf("output contains the unexpected item: notinthehistory")
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, "echo mynewercommand")
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "")
if !strings.Contains(out, "echo mynewercommand") {
t.Fatalf("output is missing `echo mynewercommand`")
if strings.Count(out, "echo mynewercommand") != 1 {
t.Fatalf("output has `echo mynewercommand` the wrong number of times")
// Manually submit an event that isn't in the local DB, and then we'll
// check if we see it when we do a query without ever having done an init
newEntry := data.MakeFakeHistoryEntry("othercomputer")
manuallySubmitHistoryEntry(t, userSecret, newEntry)
// Now check if that is in there when we do hishtory query
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "")
if !strings.Contains(out, "othercomputer") {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query doesn't contain cmd run on another machine! out=%#v", out)
// Finally, test the export command
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export | grep -v pipefail | grep -v '/tmp/client install'`)
if strings.Contains(out, "thisisnotrecorded") {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export contains a command that should not have been recorded, out=%#v", out)
expectedOutputWithoutKey := "hishtory status\nhishtory query\nls /a\nls /bar\nls /foo\necho foo\necho bar\nhishtory enable\necho thisisrecorded\nhishtory query\nhishtory query foo\necho hello | grep complex | sed s/h/i/g; echo baz && echo \"fo 'o\"\nhishtory query complex\nhishtory query\necho mynewcommand\nhishtory query\nhishtory init %s\nhishtory query\necho mynewercommand\nhishtory query\nothercomputer\nhishtory query\n"
expectedOutput := fmt.Sprintf(expectedOutputWithoutKey, userSecret)
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
func installHishtory(t *testing.T, tester shellTester, userSecret string) string {
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `/tmp/client install `+userSecret)
r := regexp.MustCompile(`Setting secret hishtory key to (.*)`)
matches := r.FindStringSubmatch(out)
if len(matches) != 2 {
t.Fatalf("Failed to extract userSecret from output: matches=%#v", matches)
return matches[1]
func testBasicUserFlow(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) string {
// Test install
userSecret := installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Test the status subcommand
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory status`)
if out != fmt.Sprintf("Hishtory: v0.Unknown\nEnabled: true\nSecret Key: %s\nCommit Hash: Unknown\n", userSecret) {
t.Fatalf("status command has unexpected output: %#v", out)
// Assert that hishtory is correctly using the dev config.sh
homedir, err := os.UserHomeDir()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to get homedir: %v", err)
dat, err := os.ReadFile(path.Join(homedir, shared.HISHTORY_PATH, "config.sh"))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to read config.sh: %v", err)
if !strings.Contains(string(dat), "except it doesn't run the save process in the background") {
t.Fatalf("config.sh is the prod version when it shouldn't be, config.sh=%#v", dat)
// Test the banner
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "")
if !strings.Contains(out, "HELLO_FROM_SERVER\nHostname") {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query didn't show the banner message! out=%#v", out)
os.Setenv("FORCED_BANNER", "")
// Test recording commands
out, err = tester.RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t, `ls /a
ls /bar
ls /foo
echo foo
echo bar
hishtory disable
echo thisisnotrecorded
sleep 0.5
hishtory enable
echo thisisrecorded`)
if err != nil {
if out != "foo\nbar\nthisisnotrecorded\nthisisrecorded\n" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected output from running commands: %#v", out)
// Test querying for all commands
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "")
expected := []string{"echo thisisrecorded", "hishtory enable", "echo bar", "echo foo", "ls /foo", "ls /bar", "ls /a"}
for _, item := range expected {
if !strings.Contains(out, item) {
t.Fatalf("output is missing expected item %#v: %#v", item, out)
// match, err = regexp.MatchString(`.*~/.*\s+[a-zA-Z]{3} \d+ 2022 \d\d:\d\d:\d\d PST\s+\d{1,2}ms\s+0\s+echo thisisrecorded.*`, out)
// shared.Check(t, err)
// if !match {
// t.Fatalf("output is missing the row for `echo thisisrecorded`: %v", out)
// }
// Test querying for a specific command
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "foo")
expected = []string{"echo foo", "ls /foo"}
unexpected := []string{"echo thisisrecorded", "hishtory enable", "echo bar", "ls /bar", "ls /a"}
for _, item := range expected {
if !strings.Contains(out, item) {
t.Fatalf("output is missing expected item %#v: %#v", item, out)
if strings.Count(out, item) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("output has %#v in it multiple times! out=%#v", item, out)
for _, item := range unexpected {
if strings.Contains(out, item) {
t.Fatalf("output is containing unexpected item %#v: %#v", item, out)
// Add a complex command
complexCommand := "echo hello | grep complex | sed s/h/i/g; echo baz && echo \"fo 'o\""
_, _ = tester.RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t, complexCommand)
// Query for it
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "complex")
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 2 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
if !strings.Contains(out, complexCommand) {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query doesn't contain the expected complex command, out=%#v", out)
return userSecret
func testAdvancedQuery(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
// Set up
defer shared.BackupAndRestore(t)()
// Install hishtory
userSecret := installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Run some commands we can query for
_, err := tester.RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t, `echo nevershouldappear
cd /tmp/
echo querybydir
hishtory disable`)
if err != nil {
// A super basic query just to ensure the basics are working
out := hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `echo`)
if !strings.Contains(out, "echo querybydir") {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query doesn't contain result matching echo querybydir, out=%#v", out)
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 3 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
// Query based on cwd
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `cwd:/tmp`)
if !strings.Contains(out, "echo querybydir") {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query doesn't contain result matching cwd:/tmp, out=%#v", out)
if strings.Contains(out, "nevershouldappear") {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query contains unexpected entry, out=%#v", out)
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 3 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
// Query based on cwd without the slash
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `cwd:tmp`)
if !strings.Contains(out, "echo querybydir") {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query doesn't contain result matching cwd:tmp, out=%#v", out)
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 3 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
// Query based on cwd and another term
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `cwd:/tmp querybydir`)
if !strings.Contains(out, "echo querybydir") {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query doesn't contain result matching cwd:/tmp, out=%#v", out)
if strings.Contains(out, "nevershouldappear") {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query contains unexpected entry, out=%#v", out)
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 2 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
// Query based on exit_code
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `exit_code:127`)
if !strings.Contains(out, "notacommand") {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query doesn't contain expected result, out=%#v", out)
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 2 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
// Query based on exit_code and something else that matches nothing
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `exit_code:127 foo`)
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 1 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
// Query based on before: and cwd:
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `before:2125-07-02 cwd:/tmp`)
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 3 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `before:2125-07-02 cwd:tmp`)
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 3 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `before:2125-07-02 cwd:mp`)
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 3 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
// Query based on after: and cwd:
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `after:1980-07-02 cwd:/tmp`)
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 3 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
// Query based on after: that returns no results
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `after:2120-07-02 cwd:/tmp`)
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 1 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
// Manually submit an entry with a different hostname and username so we can test those atoms
entry := data.MakeFakeHistoryEntry("cmd_with_diff_hostname_and_username")
entry.LocalUsername = "otheruser"
entry.Hostname = "otherhostname"
manuallySubmitHistoryEntry(t, userSecret, entry)
// Query based on the username that exists
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `user:otheruser`)
if !strings.Contains(out, "cmd_with_diff_hostname_and_username") {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query doesn't contain expected result, out=%#v", out)
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 2 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
// Query based on the username that doesn't exist
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `user:noexist`)
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 1 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
// Query based on the hostname
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `hostname:otherhostname`)
if !strings.Contains(out, "cmd_with_diff_hostname_and_username") {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query doesn't contain expected result, out=%#v", out)
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 2 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
// Test filtering out a search item
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "")
if !strings.Contains(out, "cmd_with_diff_hostname_and_username") {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query doesn't contain expected result, out=%#v", out)
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `-cmd_with_diff_hostname_and_username`)
if strings.Contains(out, "cmd_with_diff_hostname_and_username") {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query contains unexpected result, out=%#v", out)
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `-echo`)
if strings.Contains(out, "echo") {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query contains unexpected result, out=%#v", out)
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 4 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
// Test filtering out with an atom
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `-hostname:otherhostname`)
if strings.Contains(out, "cmd_with_diff_hostname_and_username") {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query contains unexpected result, out=%#v", out)
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `-user:otheruser`)
if strings.Contains(out, "cmd_with_diff_hostname_and_username") {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query contains unexpected result, out=%#v", out)
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `-exit_code:0`)
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 3 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
// Test filtering out a search item that also looks like it could be a search for a flag
entry = data.MakeFakeHistoryEntry("foo -echo")
manuallySubmitHistoryEntry(t, userSecret, entry)
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `-echo -install`)
if strings.Contains(out, "echo") {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query contains unexpected result, out=%#v", out)
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 4 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
func testUpdate(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
if !shared.IsOnline() {
t.Skip("skipping because we're currently offline")
if runtime.GOOS == "linux" && runtime.GOARCH == "arm64" {
t.Skip("skipping on linux/arm64 which is unsupported")
// Set up
defer shared.BackupAndRestore(t)()
userSecret := installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Record a command before the update
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, "echo hello")
// Check the status command
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory status`)
if out != fmt.Sprintf("Hishtory: v0.Unknown\nEnabled: true\nSecret Key: %s\nCommit Hash: Unknown\n", userSecret) {
t.Fatalf("status command has unexpected output: %#v", out)
// Update
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory update`)
isExpected, err := regexp.MatchString(`Verified against tlog entry \d+\nSuccessfully updated hishtory from v0[.]Unknown to v0.\d+\n`, out)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("regex failure: %v", err)
if !isExpected {
t.Fatalf("hishtory update returned unexpected out=%#v", out)
// Update again and assert that it skipped the update
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory update`)
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 1 || !strings.Contains(out, "is already installed") {
t.Fatalf("repeated hishtory update didn't skip the update, out=%#v", out)
// Then check the status command again to confirm the update worked
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory status`)
if !strings.Contains(out, fmt.Sprintf("\nEnabled: true\nSecret Key: %s\nCommit Hash: ", userSecret)) {
t.Fatalf("status command has unexpected output: %#v", out)
if strings.Contains(out, "\nCommit Hash: Unknown\n") {
t.Fatalf("status command has unexpected output: %#v", out)
// Check that the history was preserved after the update
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, "hishtory export | grep -v pipefail | grep -v '/tmp/client install'")
expectedOutput := "echo hello\nhishtory status\nhishtory update\nhishtory update\nhishtory status\n"
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
func testRepeatedCommandThenQuery(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
// Set up
defer shared.BackupAndRestore(t)()
userSecret := installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Check the status command
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory status`)
if out != fmt.Sprintf("Hishtory: v0.Unknown\nEnabled: true\nSecret Key: %s\nCommit Hash: Unknown\n", userSecret) {
t.Fatalf("status command has unexpected output: %#v", out)
// Run a command many times
for i := 0; i < 25; i++ {
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, fmt.Sprintf("echo mycommand-%d", i))
// Check that it shows up correctly
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, `mycommand`)
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 26 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
if strings.Count(out, "echo mycommand") != 25 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of commands=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "echo mycommand"), out)
// Run a few more commands
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `echo mycommand-30
echo mycommand-31
echo mycommand-3`)
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, "hishtory export | grep -v pipefail | grep -v '/tmp/client install'")
expectedOutput := "hishtory status\necho mycommand-0\necho mycommand-1\necho mycommand-2\necho mycommand-3\necho mycommand-4\necho mycommand-5\necho mycommand-6\necho mycommand-7\necho mycommand-8\necho mycommand-9\necho mycommand-10\necho mycommand-11\necho mycommand-12\necho mycommand-13\necho mycommand-14\necho mycommand-15\necho mycommand-16\necho mycommand-17\necho mycommand-18\necho mycommand-19\necho mycommand-20\necho mycommand-21\necho mycommand-22\necho mycommand-23\necho mycommand-24\nhishtory query mycommand\necho mycommand-30\necho mycommand-31\necho mycommand-3\n"
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
func testRepeatedCommandAndQuery(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
// Set up
defer shared.BackupAndRestore(t)()
userSecret := installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Check the status command
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory status`)
if out != fmt.Sprintf("Hishtory: v0.Unknown\nEnabled: true\nSecret Key: %s\nCommit Hash: Unknown\n", userSecret) {
t.Fatalf("status command has unexpected output: %#v", out)
// Run a command many times
for i := 0; i < 25; i++ {
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, fmt.Sprintf("echo mycommand-%d", i))
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, fmt.Sprintf("mycommand-%d", i))
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 2 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query #%d has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", i, strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
if strings.Count(out, "echo mycommand") != 1 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query #%d has the wrong number of commands=%d, out=%#v", i, strings.Count(out, "echo mycommand"), out)
func testRepeatedEnableDisable(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
// Set up
defer shared.BackupAndRestore(t)()
installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Run a command many times
for i := 0; i < 25; i++ {
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, fmt.Sprintf(`echo mycommand-%d
hishtory disable
echo shouldnotshowup
sleep 0.5
hishtory enable`, i))
out := hishtoryQuery(t, tester, fmt.Sprintf("mycommand-%d", i))
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 2 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query #%d has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v", i, strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
if strings.Count(out, "echo mycommand") != 1 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query #%d has the wrong number of commands=%d, out=%#v", i, strings.Count(out, "echo mycommand"), out)
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "")
if strings.Contains(out, "shouldnotshowup") {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query contains a result that should not have been recorded, out=%#v", out)
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, "hishtory export | grep -v pipefail | grep -v '/tmp/client install'")
expectedOutput := "echo mycommand-0\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-0\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-1\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-1\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-2\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-2\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-3\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-3\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-4\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-4\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-5\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-5\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-6\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-6\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-7\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-7\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-8\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-8\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-9\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-9\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-10\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-10\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-11\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-11\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-12\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-12\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-13\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-13\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-14\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-14\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-15\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-15\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-16\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-16\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-17\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-17\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-18\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-18\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-19\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-19\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-20\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-20\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-21\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-21\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-22\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-22\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-23\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-23\nhishtory query\necho mycommand-24\nhishtory enable\nhishtory query mycommand-24\nhishtory query\n"
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
func testExcludeHiddenCommand(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
// Set up
defer shared.BackupAndRestore(t)()
installHishtory(t, tester, "")
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `echo hello1
echo hidden
echo hello2
echo hidden`)
tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, " echo hidden")
out := hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "-pipefail")
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 3 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of lines=%d, out=%#v, bash hishtory file=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out, tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, "cat ~/.bash_history"))
if strings.Count(out, "echo hello") != 2 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of commands=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "echo mycommand"), out)
if strings.Count(out, "echo hello1") != 1 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of commands=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "echo mycommand"), out)
if strings.Count(out, "echo hello2") != 1 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has the wrong number of commands=%d, out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "echo mycommand"), out)
if strings.Contains(out, "hidden") {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query contains a result that should not have been recorded, out=%#v", out)
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, "hishtory export | grep -v pipefail | grep -v '/tmp/client install'")
expectedOutput := "echo hello1\necho hello2\n"
if out != expectedOutput {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export has unexpected output=%#v", out)
func getPidofCommand() string {
if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" {
// MacOS doesn't have pidof by default
return "pgrep"
return "pidof"
func waitForBackgroundSavesToComplete(t *testing.T) {
for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
cmd := exec.Command(getPidofCommand(), "hishtory")
var stdout bytes.Buffer
var stderr bytes.Buffer
cmd.Stdout = &stdout
cmd.Stderr = &stderr
err := cmd.Run()
if err != nil && err.Error() != "exit status 1" {
t.Fatalf("failed to check if hishtory was running: %v, stdout=%#v, stderr=%#v", err, stdout.String(), stderr.String())
if !strings.Contains(stdout.String(), "\n") {
// pidof had no output, so hishtory isn't running and we're done waiting
time.Sleep(1000 * time.Millisecond)
time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond)
t.Fatalf("failed to wait until hishtory wasn't running")
func hishtoryQuery(t *testing.T, tester shellTester, query string) string {
return tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, "hishtory query "+query)
// TODO: Maybe a dedicated unit test for retrieveAdditionalEntriesFromRemote
func manuallySubmitHistoryEntry(t *testing.T, userSecret string, entry data.HistoryEntry) {
encEntry, err := data.EncryptHistoryEntry(userSecret, entry)
shared.Check(t, err)
jsonValue, err := json.Marshal([]shared.EncHistoryEntry{encEntry})
shared.Check(t, err)
resp, err := http.Post("http://localhost:8080/api/v1/submit", "application/json", bytes.NewBuffer(jsonValue))
shared.Check(t, err)
if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
t.Fatalf("failed to submit result to backend, status_code=%d", resp.StatusCode)
func testTimestampsAreReasonablyCorrect(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
// Setup
defer shared.BackupAndRestore(t)()
installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Record a command
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, "echo hello")
if out != "hello\n" {
t.Fatalf("running echo hello had unexpected out=%#v", out)
// Query for it and check that the timestamp that gets recorded looks reasonable
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "echo hello")
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 2 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has unexpected number of lines: out=%#v", out)
expectedDate := time.Now().Format("Jan 2 2006")
if !strings.Contains(out, expectedDate) {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has an incorrect date: out=%#v", out)
func testTableDisplayCwd(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
// Setup
defer shared.BackupAndRestore(t)()
installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Record a command
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `cd ~/.hishtory/
echo hello
cd /tmp/
echo other`)
if out != "hello\nother\n" {
t.Fatalf("running echo hello had unexpected out=%#v", out)
// Query for it and check that the directory gets recorded correctly
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "echo hello")
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 2 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has unexpected number of lines: out=%#v", out)
if !strings.Contains(out, "~/.hishtory") {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has an incorrect CWD: out=%#v", out)
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "echo other")
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 2 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has unexpected number of lines: out=%#v", out)
if !strings.Contains(out, "/tmp") {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has an incorrect CWD: out=%#v", out)
func testHishtoryBackgroundSaving(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" && runtime.GOARCH == "arm64" {
t.Skip("skip testing background saving since it is too flakey on M1")
// Setup
defer shared.BackupAndRestore(t)()
// Test install with an unset HISHTORY_TEST var so that we save in the background (this is likely to be flakey!)
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `unset HISHTORY_TEST
go build -o /tmp/client
/tmp/client install`)
r := regexp.MustCompile(`Setting secret hishtory key to (.*)`)
matches := r.FindStringSubmatch(out)
if len(matches) != 2 {
t.Fatalf("Failed to extract userSecret from output: matches=%#v", matches)
userSecret := matches[1]
// Assert that config.sh isn't the dev version
homedir, err := os.UserHomeDir()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to get homedir: %v", err)
dat, err := os.ReadFile(path.Join(homedir, shared.HISHTORY_PATH, "config.sh"))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to read config.sh: %v", err)
if strings.Contains(string(dat), "except it doesn't run the save process in the background") {
t.Fatalf("config.sh is the testing version when it shouldn't be, config.sh=%#v", dat)
// Test the status subcommand
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory status`)
if out != fmt.Sprintf("Hishtory: v0.Unknown\nEnabled: true\nSecret Key: %s\nCommit Hash: Unknown\n", userSecret) {
t.Fatalf("status command has unexpected output: %#v", out)
// Test recording commands
out, err = tester.RunInteractiveShellRelaxed(t, `ls /a
echo foo`)
if err != nil {
if out != "foo\n" {
t.Fatalf("unexpected output from running commands: %#v", out)
// Test querying for all commands
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "")
expected := []string{"echo foo", "ls /a"}
for _, item := range expected {
if !strings.Contains(out, item) {
t.Fatalf("output is missing expected item %#v: %#v", item, out)
// Test querying for a specific command
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "foo")
if !strings.Contains(out, "echo foo") {
t.Fatalf("output doesn't contain the expected item, out=%#v", out)
if strings.Contains(out, "ls /a") {
t.Fatalf("output contains unexpected item, out=%#v", out)
func testDisplayTable(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
// Setup
defer shared.BackupAndRestore(t)()
userSecret := installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Submit two fake entries
tmz, err := time.LoadLocation("America/Los_Angeles")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to load timezone: %v", err)
entry1 := data.MakeFakeHistoryEntry("table_cmd1")
entry1.StartTime = time.Unix(1650096186, 0).In(tmz)
entry1.EndTime = time.Unix(1650096190, 0).In(tmz)
manuallySubmitHistoryEntry(t, userSecret, entry1)
entry2 := data.MakeFakeHistoryEntry("table_cmd2")
entry2.StartTime = time.Unix(1650096196, 0).In(tmz)
entry2.EndTime = time.Unix(1650096220, 0).In(tmz)
entry2.CurrentWorkingDirectory = "~/foo/"
entry2.ExitCode = 3
manuallySubmitHistoryEntry(t, userSecret, entry2)
// Query and check the table
out := hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "table")
expectedOutput1 := "Hostname CWD Timestamp Runtime Exit Code Command \nlocalhost ~/foo/ Apr 16 2022 01:03:16 -0700 24s 3 table_cmd2 \nlocalhost /tmp/ Apr 16 2022 01:03:06 -0700 4s 2 table_cmd1 \n"
expectedOutput2 := "Hostname CWD Timestamp Runtime Exit Code Command \nlocalhost ~/foo/ Apr 16 2022 01:03:16 PDT 24s 3 table_cmd2 \nlocalhost /tmp/ Apr 16 2022 01:03:06 PDT 4s 2 table_cmd1 \n"
if out != expectedOutput1 && out != expectedOutput2 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query table test mismatch out=%#v", out)
func testRequestAndReceiveDbDump(t *testing.T, tester shellTester) {
// Set up
defer shared.BackupAndRestore(t)()
secretKey := installHishtory(t, tester, "")
// Confirm there are no pending dump requests
resp, err := lib.ApiGet("/api/v1/get-dump-requests?user_id=" + data.UserId(secretKey))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to get pending dump requests: %v", err)
if string(resp) != "[]" {
t.Fatalf("There are pending dump requests! user_id=%#v, resp=%#v", data.UserId(secretKey), string(resp))
// Record two commands and then query for them
out := tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `echo hello
echo other`)
if out != "hello\nother\n" {
t.Fatalf("running echo had unexpected out=%#v", out)
// Query for it and check that the directory gets recorded correctly
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "echo")
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 3 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has unexpected number of lines: out=%#v", out)
if !strings.Contains(out, "echo hello") {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query doesn't contain expected command, out=%#v", out)
if !strings.Contains(out, "echo other") {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query doesn't contain expected command, out=%#v", out)
// Back up this copy
restoreFirstInstallation := shared.BackupAndRestoreWithId(t, "-install1")
// Wipe the DB to simulate entries getting deleted because they've already been read and expired
_, err = lib.ApiGet("/api/v1/wipe-db")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to wipe the DB: %v", err)
// Install a new one (with the same secret key but a diff device id)
installHishtory(t, tester, secretKey)
// Confirm there are pending dump requests
resp, err = lib.ApiGet("/api/v1/get-dump-requests?user_id=" + data.UserId(secretKey))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to get pending dump requests: %v", err)
if string(resp) == "[]" {
t.Fatalf("There are no pending dump requests! user_id=%#v, resp=%#v", data.UserId(secretKey), string(resp))
// Check that the new one doesn't have the commands yet
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "echo")
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 1 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has unexpected number of lines, should contain no entries: out=%#v", out)
if strings.Contains(out, "echo hello") || strings.Contains("echo other", out) {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query contains unexpected command, out=%#v", out)
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export | grep -v pipefail`)
if out != "hishtory query echo\n" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export has unexpected out=%#v", out)
// Restore the first copy
restoreSecondInstallation := shared.BackupAndRestoreWithId(t, "-install2")
// Confirm it still has the correct entries via hishtory export (and this runs a command to trigger it to dump the DB)
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export | grep -v pipefail`)
expectedOutput := "echo hello\necho other\nhishtory query echo\nhishtory query echo\n"
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
// Confirm there are no pending dump requests
resp, err = lib.ApiGet("/api/v1/get-dump-requests?user_id=" + data.UserId(secretKey))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to get pending dump requests: %v", err)
if string(resp) != "[]" {
t.Fatalf("There are pending dump requests! user_id=%#v, resp=%#v", data.UserId(secretKey), string(resp))
// Restore the second copy and confirm it has the commands
out = hishtoryQuery(t, tester, "ech")
if strings.Count(out, "\n") != 5 {
t.Fatalf("hishtory query has unexpected number of lines=%d: out=%#v", strings.Count(out, "\n"), out)
expected := []string{"echo hello", "echo other"}
for _, item := range expected {
if !strings.Contains(out, item) {
t.Fatalf("output is missing expected item %#v: %#v", item, out)
if strings.Count(out, item) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("output has %#v in it multiple times! out=%#v", item, out)
// And check hishtory export too for good measure
out = tester.RunInteractiveShell(t, `hishtory export | grep -v pipefail`)
expectedOutput = "echo hello\necho other\nhishtory query echo\nhishtory query echo\nhishtory query ech\n"
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedOutput, out); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("hishtory export mismatch (-expected +got):\n%s\nout=%#v", diff, out)
// TODO: write a test that runs hishtroy export | grep -v pipefail and then see if that shows up in query/export, I think there is weird behavior here