""" Download mode implementation. """ import mimetypes import os import re import sys import threading from mailbox import Message from time import sleep, monotonic from typing import IO, Optional, Tuple from urllib.parse import urlsplit import requests from .models import HTTPResponse from .output.streams import RawStream from .utils import humanize_bytes PARTIAL_CONTENT = 206 CLEAR_LINE = '\r\033[K' PROGRESS = ( '{percentage: 6.2f} %' ' {downloaded: >10}' ' {speed: >10}/s' ' {eta: >8} ETA' ) PROGRESS_NO_CONTENT_LENGTH = '{downloaded: >10} {speed: >10}/s' SUMMARY = 'Done. {downloaded} in {time:0.5f}s ({speed}/s)\n' SPINNER = '|/-\\' class ContentRangeError(ValueError): pass def parse_content_range(content_range: str, resumed_from: int) -> int: """ Parse and validate Content-Range header. :param content_range: the value of a Content-Range response header eg. "bytes 21010-47021/47022" :param resumed_from: first byte pos. from the Range request header :return: total size of the response body when fully downloaded. """ if content_range is None: raise ContentRangeError('Missing Content-Range') pattern = ( r'^bytes (?P\d+)-(?P\d+)' r'/(\*|(?P\d+))$' ) match = re.match(pattern, content_range) if not match: raise ContentRangeError( f'Invalid Content-Range format {content_range!r}') content_range_dict = match.groupdict() first_byte_pos = int(content_range_dict['first_byte_pos']) last_byte_pos = int(content_range_dict['last_byte_pos']) instance_length = ( int(content_range_dict['instance_length']) if content_range_dict['instance_length'] else None ) # "A byte-content-range-spec with a byte-range-resp-spec whose # last- byte-pos value is less than its first-byte-pos value, # or whose instance-length value is less than or equal to its # last-byte-pos value, is invalid. The recipient of an invalid # byte-content-range- spec MUST ignore it and any content # transferred along with it." if (first_byte_pos > last_byte_pos or (instance_length is not None and instance_length <= last_byte_pos)): raise ContentRangeError( f'Invalid Content-Range returned: {content_range!r}') if (first_byte_pos != resumed_from or (instance_length is not None and last_byte_pos + 1 != instance_length)): # Not what we asked for. raise ContentRangeError( f'Unexpected Content-Range returned ({content_range!r})' f' for the requested Range ("bytes={resumed_from}-")' ) return last_byte_pos + 1 def filename_from_content_disposition( content_disposition: str ) -> Optional[str]: """ Extract and validate filename from a Content-Disposition header. :param content_disposition: Content-Disposition value :return: the filename if present and valid, otherwise `None` """ # attachment; filename=jakubroztocil-httpie-0.4.1-20-g40bd8f6.tar.gz msg = Message(f'Content-Disposition: {content_disposition}') filename = msg.get_filename() if filename: # Basic sanitation. filename = os.path.basename(filename).lstrip('.').strip() if filename: return filename def filename_from_url(url: str, content_type: Optional[str]) -> str: fn = urlsplit(url).path.rstrip('/') fn = os.path.basename(fn) if fn else 'index' if '.' not in fn and content_type: content_type = content_type.split(';')[0] if content_type == 'text/plain': # mimetypes returns '.ksh' ext = '.txt' else: ext = mimetypes.guess_extension(content_type) if ext == '.htm': ext = '.html' if ext: fn += ext return fn def trim_filename(filename: str, max_len: int) -> str: if len(filename) > max_len: trim_by = len(filename) - max_len name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if trim_by >= len(name): filename = filename[:-trim_by] else: filename = name[:-trim_by] + ext return filename def get_filename_max_length(directory: str) -> int: max_len = 255 if hasattr(os, 'pathconf') and 'PC_NAME_MAX' in os.pathconf_names: max_len = os.pathconf(directory, 'PC_NAME_MAX') return max_len def trim_filename_if_needed(filename: str, directory='.', extra=0) -> str: max_len = get_filename_max_length(directory) - extra if len(filename) > max_len: filename = trim_filename(filename, max_len) return filename def get_unique_filename(filename: str, exists=os.path.exists) -> str: attempt = 0 while True: suffix = f'-{attempt}' if attempt > 0 else '' try_filename = trim_filename_if_needed(filename, extra=len(suffix)) try_filename += suffix if not exists(try_filename): return try_filename attempt += 1 class Downloader: def __init__( self, output_file: IO = None, resume: bool = False, progress_file: IO = sys.stderr ): """ :param resume: Should the download resume if partial download already exists. :param output_file: The file to store response body in. If not provided, it will be guessed from the response. :param progress_file: Where to report download progress. """ self.finished = False self.status = DownloadStatus() self._output_file = output_file self._resume = resume self._resumed_from = 0 self._progress_reporter = ProgressReporterThread( status=self.status, output=progress_file ) def pre_request(self, request_headers: dict): """Called just before the HTTP request is sent. Might alter `request_headers`. """ # Ask the server not to encode the content so that we can resume, etc. request_headers['Accept-Encoding'] = 'identity' if self._resume: bytes_have = os.path.getsize(self._output_file.name) if bytes_have: # Set ``Range`` header to resume the download # TODO: Use "If-Range: mtime" to make sure it's fresh? request_headers['Range'] = f'bytes={bytes_have}-' self._resumed_from = bytes_have def start( self, initial_url: str, final_response: requests.Response ) -> Tuple[RawStream, IO]: """ Initiate and return a stream for `response` body with progress callback attached. Can be called only once. :param initial_url: The original requested URL :param final_response: Initiated response object with headers already fetched :return: RawStream, output_file """ assert not self.status.time_started # FIXME: some servers still might sent Content-Encoding: gzip # try: total_size = int(final_response.headers['Content-Length']) except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError): total_size = None if not self._output_file: self._output_file = self._get_output_file_from_response( initial_url=initial_url, final_response=final_response, ) else: # `--output, -o` provided if self._resume and final_response.status_code == PARTIAL_CONTENT: total_size = parse_content_range( final_response.headers.get('Content-Range'), self._resumed_from ) else: self._resumed_from = 0 try: self._output_file.seek(0) self._output_file.truncate() except OSError: pass # stdout self.status.started( resumed_from=self._resumed_from, total_size=total_size ) stream = RawStream( msg=HTTPResponse(final_response), with_headers=False, with_body=True, on_body_chunk_downloaded=self.chunk_downloaded, ) self._progress_reporter.output.write( f'Downloading {humanize_bytes(total_size) + " " if total_size is not None else ""}' f'to "{self._output_file.name}"\n' ) self._progress_reporter.start() return stream, self._output_file def finish(self): assert not self.finished self.finished = True self.status.finished() def failed(self): self._progress_reporter.stop() @property def interrupted(self) -> bool: return ( self.finished and self.status.total_size and self.status.total_size != self.status.downloaded ) def chunk_downloaded(self, chunk: bytes): """ A download progress callback. :param chunk: A chunk of response body data that has just been downloaded and written to the output. """ self.status.chunk_downloaded(len(chunk)) @staticmethod def _get_output_file_from_response( initial_url: str, final_response: requests.Response, ) -> IO: # Output file not specified. Pick a name that doesn't exist yet. filename = None if 'Content-Disposition' in final_response.headers: filename = filename_from_content_disposition( final_response.headers['Content-Disposition']) if not filename: filename = filename_from_url( url=initial_url, content_type=final_response.headers.get('Content-Type'), ) unique_filename = get_unique_filename(filename) return open(unique_filename, buffering=0, mode='a+b') class DownloadStatus: """Holds details about the download status.""" def __init__(self): self.downloaded = 0 self.total_size = None self.resumed_from = 0 self.time_started = None self.time_finished = None def started(self, resumed_from=0, total_size=None): assert self.time_started is None self.total_size = total_size self.downloaded = self.resumed_from = resumed_from self.time_started = monotonic() def chunk_downloaded(self, size): assert self.time_finished is None self.downloaded += size @property def has_finished(self): return self.time_finished is not None def finished(self): assert self.time_started is not None assert self.time_finished is None self.time_finished = monotonic() class ProgressReporterThread(threading.Thread): """ Reports download progress based on its status. Uses threading to periodically update the status (speed, ETA, etc.). """ def __init__( self, status: DownloadStatus, output: IO, tick=.1, update_interval=1 ): super().__init__() self.status = status self.output = output self._tick = tick self._update_interval = update_interval self._spinner_pos = 0 self._status_line = '' self._prev_bytes = 0 self._prev_time = monotonic() self._should_stop = threading.Event() def stop(self): """Stop reporting on next tick.""" self._should_stop.set() def run(self): while not self._should_stop.is_set(): if self.status.has_finished: self.sum_up() break self.report_speed() sleep(self._tick) def report_speed(self): now = monotonic() if now - self._prev_time >= self._update_interval: downloaded = self.status.downloaded speed = ((downloaded - self._prev_bytes) / (now - self._prev_time)) if not self.status.total_size: self._status_line = PROGRESS_NO_CONTENT_LENGTH.format( downloaded=humanize_bytes(downloaded), speed=humanize_bytes(speed), ) else: percentage = (downloaded / self.status.total_size * 100 if self.status.total_size else 0) if not speed: eta = '-:--:--' else: s = int((self.status.total_size - downloaded) / speed) h, s = divmod(s, 60 * 60) m, s = divmod(s, 60) eta = f'{h}:{m:0>2}:{s:0>2}' self._status_line = PROGRESS.format( percentage=percentage, downloaded=humanize_bytes(downloaded), speed=humanize_bytes(speed), eta=eta, ) self._prev_time = now self._prev_bytes = downloaded self.output.write( f'{CLEAR_LINE} {SPINNER[self._spinner_pos]} {self._status_line}' ) self.output.flush() self._spinner_pos = (self._spinner_pos + 1) % len(SPINNER) def sum_up(self): actually_downloaded = ( self.status.downloaded - self.status.resumed_from) time_taken = self.status.time_finished - self.status.time_started speed = actually_downloaded / time_taken if time_taken else actually_downloaded self.output.write(CLEAR_LINE) self.output.write(SUMMARY.format( downloaded=humanize_bytes(actually_downloaded), total=(self.status.total_size and humanize_bytes(self.status.total_size)), speed=humanize_bytes(speed), time=time_taken, )) self.output.flush()