import argparse import http.client import json import sys from contextlib import contextmanager from time import monotonic from typing import Any, Dict, Callable, Iterable from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse import requests # noinspection PyPackageRequirements import urllib3 from urllib3.util import SKIP_HEADER, SKIPPABLE_HEADERS from . import __version__ from .adapters import HTTPieHTTPAdapter from .cli.constants import HTTP_OPTIONS from .cli.dicts import HTTPHeadersDict from .cli.nested_json import unwrap_top_level_list_if_needed from .context import Environment from .encoding import UTF8 from .models import RequestsMessage from .plugins.registry import plugin_manager from .sessions import get_httpie_session from .ssl_ import AVAILABLE_SSL_VERSION_ARG_MAPPING, HTTPieCertificate, HTTPieHTTPSAdapter from .uploads import ( compress_request, prepare_request_body, get_multipart_data_and_content_type, ) from .utils import get_expired_cookies, repr_dict urllib3.disable_warnings() FORM_CONTENT_TYPE = f'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset={UTF8}' JSON_CONTENT_TYPE = 'application/json' JSON_ACCEPT = f'{JSON_CONTENT_TYPE}, */*;q=0.5' DEFAULT_UA = f'HTTPie/{__version__}' IGNORE_CONTENT_LENGTH_METHODS = frozenset([HTTP_OPTIONS]) def collect_messages( env: Environment, args: argparse.Namespace, request_body_read_callback: Callable[[bytes], None] = None, ) -> Iterable[RequestsMessage]: httpie_session = None httpie_session_headers = None if args.session or args.session_read_only: httpie_session = get_httpie_session( env=env,, session_name=args.session or args.session_read_only, host=args.headers.get('Host'), url=args.url, ) httpie_session_headers = httpie_session.headers request_kwargs = make_request_kwargs( env, args=args, base_headers=httpie_session_headers, request_body_read_callback=request_body_read_callback ) send_kwargs = make_send_kwargs(args) send_kwargs_mergeable_from_env = make_send_kwargs_mergeable_from_env(args) requests_session = build_requests_session( ssl_version=args.ssl_version, ciphers=args.ciphers, verify=bool(send_kwargs_mergeable_from_env['verify']) ) if httpie_session: httpie_session.update_headers(request_kwargs['headers']) requests_session.cookies = httpie_session.cookies if args.auth_plugin: # Save auth from CLI to HTTPie session. httpie_session.auth = { 'type': args.auth_plugin.auth_type, 'raw_auth': args.auth_plugin.raw_auth, } elif httpie_session.auth: # Apply auth from HTTPie session request_kwargs['auth'] = httpie_session.auth if args.debug: # TODO: reflect the split between request and send kwargs. dump_request(request_kwargs) request = requests.Request(**request_kwargs) prepared_request = requests_session.prepare_request(request) transform_headers(request, prepared_request) if args.path_as_is: prepared_request.url = ensure_path_as_is( orig_url=args.url, prepped_url=prepared_request.url, ) if args.compress and prepared_request.body: compress_request( request=prepared_request, always=args.compress > 1, ) response_count = 0 expired_cookies = [] while prepared_request: yield prepared_request if not args.offline: send_kwargs_merged = requests_session.merge_environment_settings( url=prepared_request.url, **send_kwargs_mergeable_from_env, ) with max_headers(args.max_headers): response = requests_session.send( request=prepared_request, **send_kwargs_merged, **send_kwargs, ) response._httpie_headers_parsed_at = monotonic() expired_cookies += get_expired_cookies( response.headers.get('Set-Cookie', '') ) response_count += 1 if if args.max_redirects and response_count == args.max_redirects: raise requests.TooManyRedirects if args.follow: prepared_request = if args.all: yield response continue yield response break if httpie_session: if httpie_session.is_new() or not args.session_read_only: httpie_session.cookies = requests_session.cookies httpie_session.remove_cookies(expired_cookies) # noinspection PyProtectedMember @contextmanager def max_headers(limit): # # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences orig = http.client._MAXHEADERS http.client._MAXHEADERS = limit or float('Inf') try: yield finally: http.client._MAXHEADERS = orig def build_requests_session( verify: bool, ssl_version: str = None, ciphers: str = None, ) -> requests.Session: requests_session = requests.Session() # Install our adapter. http_adapter = HTTPieHTTPAdapter() https_adapter = HTTPieHTTPSAdapter( ciphers=ciphers, verify=verify, ssl_version=( AVAILABLE_SSL_VERSION_ARG_MAPPING[ssl_version] if ssl_version else None ), ) requests_session.mount('http://', http_adapter) requests_session.mount('https://', https_adapter) # Install adapters from plugins. for plugin_cls in plugin_manager.get_transport_plugins(): transport_plugin = plugin_cls() requests_session.mount( prefix=transport_plugin.prefix, adapter=transport_plugin.get_adapter(), ) return requests_session def dump_request(kwargs: dict): sys.stderr.write( f'\n>>> requests.request(**{repr_dict(kwargs)})\n\n') def finalize_headers(headers: HTTPHeadersDict) -> HTTPHeadersDict: final_headers = HTTPHeadersDict() for name, value in headers.items(): if value is not None: # “leading or trailing LWS MAY be removed without # changing the semantics of the field value” # # Also, requests raises `InvalidHeader` for leading spaces. value = value.strip() if isinstance(value, str): # See value = value.encode() elif name.lower() in SKIPPABLE_HEADERS: # Some headers get overwritten by urllib3 when set to `None` # and should be replaced with the `SKIP_HEADER` constant. value = SKIP_HEADER final_headers.add(name, value) return final_headers def transform_headers( request: requests.Request, prepared_request: requests.PreparedRequest ) -> None: """Apply various transformations on top of the `prepared_requests`'s headers to change the request prepreation behavior.""" # Remove 'Content-Length' when it is misplaced by requests. if ( prepared_request.method in IGNORE_CONTENT_LENGTH_METHODS and prepared_request.headers.get('Content-Length') == '0' and request.headers.get('Content-Length') != '0' ): prepared_request.headers.pop('Content-Length') apply_missing_repeated_headers( request.headers, prepared_request ) def apply_missing_repeated_headers( original_headers: HTTPHeadersDict, prepared_request: requests.PreparedRequest ) -> None: """Update the given `prepared_request`'s headers with the original ones. This allows the requests to be prepared as usual, and then later merged with headers that are specified multiple times.""" new_headers = HTTPHeadersDict(prepared_request.headers) for prepared_name, prepared_value in prepared_request.headers.items(): if prepared_name not in original_headers: continue original_keys, original_values = zip(*filter( lambda item: item[0].casefold() == prepared_name.casefold(), original_headers.items() )) if prepared_value not in original_values: # If the current value is not among the initial values # set for this field, then it means that this field got # overridden on the way, and we should preserve it. continue new_headers.popone(prepared_name) new_headers.update(zip(original_keys, original_values)) prepared_request.headers = new_headers def make_default_headers(args: argparse.Namespace) -> HTTPHeadersDict: default_headers = HTTPHeadersDict({ 'User-Agent': DEFAULT_UA }) auto_json = and not args.form if args.json or auto_json: default_headers['Accept'] = JSON_ACCEPT if args.json or (auto_json and default_headers['Content-Type'] = JSON_CONTENT_TYPE elif args.form and not args.files: # If sending files, `requests` will set # the `Content-Type` for us. default_headers['Content-Type'] = FORM_CONTENT_TYPE return default_headers def make_send_kwargs(args: argparse.Namespace) -> dict: return { 'timeout': args.timeout or None, 'allow_redirects': False, } def make_send_kwargs_mergeable_from_env(args: argparse.Namespace) -> dict: cert = None if args.cert: cert = args.cert if args.cert_key: # Having a client certificate key passphrase is not supported # by requests. So we are using our own transportation structure # which is compatible with their format (a tuple of minimum two # items). # # See: cert = HTTPieCertificate(cert, args.cert_key, args.cert_key_pass.value) return { 'proxies': {p.key: p.value for p in args.proxy}, 'stream': True, 'verify': { 'yes': True, 'true': True, 'no': False, 'false': False, }.get(args.verify.lower(), args.verify), 'cert': cert, } def json_dict_to_request_body(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: data = unwrap_top_level_list_if_needed(data) if data: data = json.dumps(data) else: # We need to set data to an empty string to prevent requests # from assigning an empty list to ``. data = '' return data def make_request_kwargs( env: Environment, args: argparse.Namespace, base_headers: HTTPHeadersDict = None, request_body_read_callback=lambda chunk: chunk ) -> dict: """ Translate our `args` into `requests.Request` keyword arguments. """ files = args.files # Serialize JSON data, if needed. data = auto_json = data and not args.form if (args.json or auto_json) and isinstance(data, dict): data = json_dict_to_request_body(data) # Finalize headers. headers = make_default_headers(args) if base_headers: headers.update(base_headers) headers.update(args.headers) if args.offline and args.chunked and 'Transfer-Encoding' not in headers: # When online, we let requests set the header instead to be able more # easily verify chunking is taking place. headers['Transfer-Encoding'] = 'chunked' headers = finalize_headers(headers) if (args.form and files) or args.multipart: data, headers['Content-Type'] = get_multipart_data_and_content_type( data=args.multipart_data, boundary=args.boundary, content_type=args.headers.get('Content-Type'), ) return { 'method': args.method.lower(), 'url': args.url, 'headers': headers, 'data': prepare_request_body( env, data, body_read_callback=request_body_read_callback, chunked=args.chunked, offline=args.offline, content_length_header_value=headers.get('Content-Length'), ), 'auth': args.auth, 'params': args.params.items(), } def ensure_path_as_is(orig_url: str, prepped_url: str) -> str: """ Handle `--path-as-is` by replacing the path component of the prepared URL with the path component from the original URL. Other parts stay untouched because other (welcome) processing on the URL might have taken place. >>> ensure_path_as_is('http://foo/../', 'http://foo/?foo=bar') 'http://foo/../?foo=bar' """ parsed_orig, parsed_prepped = urlparse(orig_url), urlparse(prepped_url) final_dict = { # noinspection PyProtectedMember **parsed_prepped._asdict(), 'path': parsed_orig.path, } return urlunparse(tuple(final_dict.values()))