from textwrap import dedent from httpie.cli.argparser import HTTPieManagerArgumentParser from httpie import __version__ CLI_SESSION_UPGRADE_FLAGS = [ { 'flags': ['--bind-cookies'], 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False, 'help': 'Bind domainless cookies to the host that session belongs.' } ] COMMANDS = { 'plugins': { 'help': 'Manage HTTPie plugins.', 'install': [ 'Install the given targets from PyPI ' 'or from a local paths.', { 'dest': 'targets', 'nargs': '+', 'help': 'targets to install' } ], 'upgrade': [ 'Upgrade the given plugins', { 'dest': 'targets', 'nargs': '+', 'help': 'targets to upgrade' } ], 'uninstall': [ 'Uninstall the given HTTPie plugins.', { 'dest': 'targets', 'nargs': '+', 'help': 'targets to install' } ], 'list': [ 'List all installed HTTPie plugins.' ], }, 'cli': { 'help': 'Manage HTTPie for Terminal', 'export-args': [ 'Export available options for the CLI', { 'flags': ['-f', '--format'], 'choices': ['json'], 'default': 'json' } ], 'sessions': { 'help': 'Manage HTTPie sessions', 'upgrade': [ 'Upgrade the given HTTPie session with the latest ' 'layout. A list of changes between different session versions ' 'can be found in the official documentation.', { 'dest': 'hostname', 'metavar': 'HOSTNAME', 'help': 'The host this session belongs.' }, { 'dest': 'session', 'metavar': 'SESSION_NAME_OR_PATH', 'help': 'The name or the path for the session that will be upgraded.' }, *CLI_SESSION_UPGRADE_FLAGS ], 'upgrade-all': [ 'Upgrade all named sessions with the latest layout. A list of ' 'changes between different session versions can be found in the official ' 'documentation.', *CLI_SESSION_UPGRADE_FLAGS ], } } } def missing_subcommand(*args) -> str: base = COMMANDS for arg in args: base = base[arg] assert isinstance(base, dict) subcommands = ', '.join(map(repr, base.keys())) return f'Please specify one of these: {subcommands}' def generate_subparsers(root, parent_parser, definitions): action_dest = '_'.join(parent_parser.prog.split()[1:] + ['action']) actions = parent_parser.add_subparsers( dest=action_dest ) for command, properties in definitions.items(): is_subparser = isinstance(properties, dict) properties = properties.copy() descr = properties.pop('help', None) if is_subparser else properties.pop(0) command_parser = actions.add_parser(command, description=descr) command_parser.root = root if is_subparser: generate_subparsers(root, command_parser, properties) continue for argument in properties: argument = argument.copy() flags = argument.pop('flags', []) command_parser.add_argument(*flags, **argument) parser = HTTPieManagerArgumentParser( prog='httpie', description=dedent( ''' Managing interface for the HTTPie itself. Be aware that you might be looking for http/https commands for sending HTTP requests. This command is only available for managing the HTTTPie plugins and the configuration around it. ''' ), ) parser.add_argument( '--debug', action='store_true', default=False, help=''' Prints the exception traceback should one occur, as well as other information useful for debugging HTTPie itself and for reporting bugs. ''' ) parser.add_argument( '--traceback', action='store_true', default=False, help=''' Prints the exception traceback should one occur. ''' ) parser.add_argument( '--version', action='version', version=__version__, help=''' Show version and exit. ''' ) generate_subparsers(parser, parser, COMMANDS)