import pytest import shutil import os import sys from tests.utils import http if sys.version_info >= (3, 9): REQUEST_ITEM_MSG = "[REQUEST_ITEM ...]" else: REQUEST_ITEM_MSG = "[REQUEST_ITEM [REQUEST_ITEM ...]]" NAKED_HELP_MESSAGE = f"""\ usage: http [METHOD] URL {REQUEST_ITEM_MSG} error: the following arguments are required: URL For more information: - Try running http --help - Or visiting """ NAKED_HELP_MESSAGE_PRETTY_WITH_NO_ARG = f"""\ usage: http [--pretty {{all,colors,format,none}}] [METHOD] URL {REQUEST_ITEM_MSG} error: argument --pretty: expected one argument For more information: - Try running http --help - Or visiting """ NAKED_HELP_MESSAGE_PRETTY_WITH_INVALID_ARG = f"""\ usage: http [--pretty {{all,colors,format,none}}] [METHOD] URL {REQUEST_ITEM_MSG} error: argument --pretty: invalid choice: '$invalid' (choose from 'all', 'colors', 'format', 'none') For more information: - Try running http --help - Or visiting """ PREDEFINED_TERMINAL_SIZE = (160, 80) @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def ignore_terminal_size(monkeypatch): """Some tests wrap/crop the output depending on the size of the executed terminal, which might not be consistent through all runs. This fixture ensures every run uses the same exact configuration. """ def fake_terminal_size(*args, **kwargs): return os.terminal_size(PREDEFINED_TERMINAL_SIZE) # Setting COLUMNS as an env var is required for 3.8< monkeypatch.setitem(os.environ, 'COLUMNS', str(PREDEFINED_TERMINAL_SIZE[0])) monkeypatch.setattr(shutil, 'get_terminal_size', fake_terminal_size) @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'args, expected_msg', [ ([], NAKED_HELP_MESSAGE), (['--pretty'], NAKED_HELP_MESSAGE_PRETTY_WITH_NO_ARG), (['', '--pretty'], NAKED_HELP_MESSAGE_PRETTY_WITH_NO_ARG), (['--pretty', '$invalid'], NAKED_HELP_MESSAGE_PRETTY_WITH_INVALID_ARG), ] ) def test_naked_invocation(ignore_terminal_size, args, expected_msg): result = http(*args, tolerate_error_exit_status=True) assert result.stderr == expected_msg