""" This file is the declaration of benchmarks for HTTPie. It is also used to run them with the current environment. Each instance of BaseRunner class will be an individual benchmark. And if run without any arguments, this file will execute every benchmark instance and report the timings. The benchmarks are run through 'pyperf', which allows to do get very precise results. For micro-benchmarks like startup, please run `pyperf system tune` to get even more accurate results. Examples: # Run everything as usual, the default is that we do 3 warm-up runs # and 5 actual runs. $ python extras/profiling/benchmarks.py # For retrieving results faster, pass --fast $ python extras/profiling/benchmarks.py --fast # For verify everything works as expected, pass --debug-single-value. # It will only run everything once, so the results are not reliable. But # very useful when iterating on a benchmark $ python extras/profiling/benchmarks.py --debug-single-value # If you want to run with a custom HTTPie command (for example with # and HTTPie instance installed in another virtual environment), # pass HTTPIE_COMMAND variable. $ HTTPIE_COMMAND="/my/python /my/httpie" python extras/profiling/benchmarks.py """ from __future__ import annotations import os import shlex import subprocess import sys import threading from contextlib import ExitStack, contextmanager from dataclasses import dataclass, field from functools import cached_property, partial from http.server import HTTPServer, SimpleHTTPRequestHandler from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory from typing import ClassVar, Final, List import pyperf # For download benchmarks, define a set of files. # file: (block_size, count) => total_size = block_size * count PREDEFINED_FILES: Final = {'3G': (3 * 1024 ** 2, 1024)} class QuietSimpleHTTPServer(SimpleHTTPRequestHandler): def log_message(self, *args, **kwargs): pass @contextmanager def start_server(): """Create a server to serve local files. It will create the PREDEFINED_FILES through dd.""" with TemporaryDirectory() as directory: for file_name, (block_size, count) in PREDEFINED_FILES.items(): subprocess.check_call( [ 'dd', 'if=/dev/zero', f'of={file_name}', f'bs={block_size}', f'count={count}', ], cwd=directory, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, ) handler = partial(QuietSimpleHTTPServer, directory=directory) server = HTTPServer(('localhost', 0), handler) thread = threading.Thread(target=server.serve_forever) thread.start() yield '{}:{}'.format(*server.socket.getsockname()) server.shutdown() thread.join(timeout=0.5) @dataclass class Context: benchmarks: ClassVar[List[BaseRunner]] = [] stack: ExitStack = field(default_factory=ExitStack) runner: pyperf.Runner = field(default_factory=pyperf.Runner) def run(self) -> pyperf.BenchmarkSuite: results = [benchmark.run(self) for benchmark in self.benchmarks] return pyperf.BenchmarkSuite(results) @property def cmd(self) -> List[str]: if cmd := os.getenv('HTTPIE_COMMAND'): return shlex.split(cmd) http = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), 'http') assert os.path.exists(http) return [sys.executable, http] @cached_property def server(self) -> str: return self.stack.enter_context(start_server()) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *exc_info): self.stack.close() @dataclass class BaseRunner: """ An individual benchmark case. By default it has the category (e.g like startup or download) and a name. """ category: str title: str def __post_init__(self): Context.benchmarks.append(self) def run(self, context: Context) -> pyperf.Benchmark: raise NotImplementedError @property def name(self) -> str: return f'{self.title} ({self.category})' @dataclass class CommandRunner(BaseRunner): """ Run a single command, and benchmark it. """ args: List[str] def run(self, context: Context) -> pyperf.Benchmark: return context.runner.bench_command(self.name, [*context.cmd, *self.args]) @dataclass class DownloadRunner(BaseRunner): """ Benchmark downloading a single file from the remote server. """ file_name: str def run(self, context: Context) -> pyperf.Benchmark: return context.runner.bench_command( self.name, [ *context.cmd, '--download', 'GET', f'{context.server}/{self.file_name}', ], ) CommandRunner('startup', '`http --version`', ['--version']) CommandRunner('startup', '`http --offline pie.dev/get`', ['--offline', 'pie.dev/get']) for pretty in ['all', 'none']: CommandRunner( 'startup', f'`http --pretty={pretty} pie.dev/stream/1000`', [ '--print=HBhb', f'--pretty={pretty}', 'httpbin.org/stream/1000' ] ) DownloadRunner('download', '`http --download :/big_file.txt` (3GB)', '3G') def main() -> None: # PyPerf will bring it's own argument parser, so configure the script. # The somewhat fast and also precise enough configuration is this. We run # benchmarks 3 times to warm up (e.g especially for download benchmark, this # is important). And then 5 actual runs where we record. sys.argv.extend( ['--worker', '--loops=1', '--warmup=3', '--values=5', '--processes=2'] ) with Context() as context: context.run() if __name__ == '__main__': main()