import pytest from argparse import ArgumentParser from unittest.mock import Mock from httpie.cli.utils import LazyChoices def test_lazy_choices(): mock = Mock() getter = mock.getter getter.return_value = ['a', 'b', 'c'] parser = ArgumentParser() parser.register('action', 'lazy_choices', LazyChoices) parser.add_argument( '--option', help="the regular option", default='a', metavar='SYMBOL', choices=['a', 'b'], ) parser.add_argument( '--lazy-option', help="the lazy option", default='a', metavar='SYMBOL', action='lazy_choices', getter=getter, cache=False # for test purposes ) # Parser initalization doesn't call it. getter.assert_not_called() # If we don't use --lazy-option, we don't retrieve it. parser.parse_args([]) getter.assert_not_called() parser.parse_args(['--option', 'b']) getter.assert_not_called() # If we pass a value, it will retrieve to verify. parser.parse_args(['--lazy-option', 'c']) getter.assert_called() getter.reset_mock() with pytest.raises(SystemExit): parser.parse_args(['--lazy-option', 'z']) getter.assert_called() getter.reset_mock() def test_lazy_choices_help(): mock = Mock() getter = mock.getter getter.return_value = ['a', 'b', 'c'] help_formatter = mock.help_formatter help_formatter.return_value = '' parser = ArgumentParser() parser.register('action', 'lazy_choices', LazyChoices) parser.add_argument( '--lazy-option', default='a', metavar='SYMBOL', action='lazy_choices', getter=getter, help_formatter=help_formatter, cache=False # for test purposes ) # Parser initalization doesn't call it. getter.assert_not_called() # If we don't use `--help`, we don't use it. parser.parse_args([]) getter.assert_not_called() help_formatter.assert_not_called() parser.parse_args(['--lazy-option', 'b']) help_formatter.assert_not_called() # If we use --help, then we call it with styles with pytest.raises(SystemExit): parser.parse_args(['--help']) help_formatter.assert_called_once_with(['a', 'b', 'c'], isolation_mode=False)