.TH httpie 1 "2022-03-08" "HTTPie 3.1.1.dev0" "HTTPie Manual" .SH NAME httpie .SH SYNOPSIS httpie HOSTNAME SESSION_NAME_OR_PATH TARGET TARGET TARGET TARGET TARGET TARGET .SH DESCRIPTION Managing interface for the HTTPie itself. Be aware that you might be looking for http/https commands for sending HTTP requests. This command is only available for managing the HTTTPie plugins and the configuration around it. .SH httpie cli export-args Export available options for the CLI .IP "\fB\,-f\/\fR, \fB\,--format\/\fR" .PP .SH httpie cli sessions upgrade Upgrade the given HTTPie session with the latest layout. A list of changes between different session versions can be found in the official documentation. .IP "\fB\,HOSTNAME\/\fR" The host this session belongs. .IP "\fB\,SESSION_NAME_OR_PATH\/\fR" The name or the path for the session that will be upgraded. .IP "\fB\,--bind-cookies\/\fR" Bind domainless cookies to the host that session belongs. .PP .SH httpie cli sessions upgrade-all Upgrade all named sessions with the latest layout. A list of changes between different session versions can be found in the official documentation. .IP "\fB\,--bind-cookies\/\fR" Bind domainless cookies to the host that session belongs. .PP .SH httpie cli plugins install Install the given targets from PyPI or from a local paths. .IP "\fB\,TARGET\/\fR" targets to install .PP .SH httpie cli plugins upgrade Upgrade the given plugins .IP "\fB\,TARGET\/\fR" targets to upgrade .PP .SH httpie cli plugins uninstall Uninstall the given HTTPie plugins. .IP "\fB\,TARGET\/\fR" targets to install .PP .SH httpie cli plugins list List all installed HTTPie plugins. .PP .SH httpie plugins install Install the given targets from PyPI or from a local paths. .IP "\fB\,TARGET\/\fR" targets to install .PP .SH httpie plugins upgrade Upgrade the given plugins .IP "\fB\,TARGET\/\fR" targets to upgrade .PP .SH httpie plugins uninstall Uninstall the given HTTPie plugins. .IP "\fB\,TARGET\/\fR" targets to install .PP .SH httpie plugins list List all installed HTTPie plugins. .PP