# coding=utf-8 """Utilities for HTTPie test suite.""" import os import sys import time import json import tempfile from httpie import ExitStatus, EXIT_STATUS_LABELS from httpie.context import Environment from httpie.core import main from httpie.compat import bytes, str TESTS_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) CRLF = '\r\n' COLOR = '\x1b[' HTTP_OK = '200 OK' HTTP_OK_COLOR = ( 'HTTP\x1b[39m\x1b[38;5;245m/\x1b[39m\x1b' '[38;5;37m1.1\x1b[39m\x1b[38;5;245m \x1b[39m\x1b[38;5;37m200' '\x1b[39m\x1b[38;5;245m \x1b[39m\x1b[38;5;136mOK' ) def mk_config_dir(): dirname = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='httpie_config_') return dirname def add_auth(url, auth): proto, rest = url.split('://', 1) return proto + '://' + auth + '@' + rest class MockEnvironment(Environment): """Environment subclass with reasonable defaults for testing.""" colors = 0 stdin_isatty = True, stdout_isatty = True is_windows = False def __init__(self, **kwargs): if 'stdout' not in kwargs: kwargs['stdout'] = tempfile.TemporaryFile( mode='w+b', prefix='httpie_stdout' ) if 'stderr' not in kwargs: kwargs['stderr'] = tempfile.TemporaryFile( mode='w+t', prefix='httpie_stderr' ) super(MockEnvironment, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._delete_config_dir = False @property def config(self): if not self.config_dir.startswith(tempfile.gettempdir()): self.config_dir = mk_config_dir() self._delete_config_dir = True return super(MockEnvironment, self).config def cleanup(self): if self._delete_config_dir: assert self.config_dir.startswith(tempfile.gettempdir()) from shutil import rmtree rmtree(self.config_dir) def __del__(self): try: self.cleanup() except Exception: pass class BaseCLIResponse(object): """ Represents the result of simulated `$ http' invocation via `http()`. Holds and provides access to: - stdout output: print(self) - stderr output: print(self.stderr) - exit_status output: print(self.exit_status) """ stderr = None json = None exit_status = None class BytesCLIResponse(bytes, BaseCLIResponse): """ Used as a fallback when a StrCLIResponse cannot be used. E.g. when the output contains binary data or when it is colorized. `.json` will always be None. """ class StrCLIResponse(str, BaseCLIResponse): @property def json(self): """ Return deserialized JSON body, if one included in the output and is parseable. """ if not hasattr(self, '_json'): self._json = None # De-serialize JSON body if possible. if COLOR in self: # Colorized output cannot be parsed. pass elif self.strip().startswith('{'): # Looks like JSON body. self._json = json.loads(self) elif (self.count('Content-Type:') == 1 and 'application/json' in self): # Looks like a whole JSON HTTP message, # try to extract its body. try: j = self.strip()[self.strip().rindex('\r\n\r\n'):] except ValueError: pass else: try: self._json = json.loads(j) except ValueError: pass return self._json class ExitStatusError(Exception): pass def http(*args, **kwargs): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences """ Run HTTPie and capture stderr/out and exit status. Invoke `httpie.core.main()` with `args` and `kwargs`, and return a `CLIResponse` subclass instance. The return value is either a `StrCLIResponse`, or `BytesCLIResponse` if unable to decode the output. The response has the following attributes: `stdout` is represented by the instance itself (print r) `stderr`: text written to stderr `exit_status`: the exit status `json`: decoded JSON (if possible) or `None` Exceptions are propagated. If you pass ``error_exit_ok=True``, then error exit statuses won't result into an exception. Example: $ http --auth=user:password GET httpbin.org/basic-auth/user/password >>> httpbin = getfixture('httpbin') >>> r = http('-a', 'user:pw', httpbin.url + '/basic-auth/user/pw') >>> type(r) == StrCLIResponse True >>> r.exit_status 0 >>> r.stderr '' >>> 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK' in r True >>> r.json == {'authenticated': True, 'user': 'user'} True """ error_exit_ok = kwargs.pop('error_exit_ok', False) env = kwargs.get('env') if not env: env = kwargs['env'] = MockEnvironment() stdout = env.stdout stderr = env.stderr args = list(args) args_with_config_defaults = args + env.config.default_options add_to_args = [] if '--debug' not in args_with_config_defaults: if not error_exit_ok and '--traceback' not in args_with_config_defaults: add_to_args.append('--traceback') if not any('--timeout' in arg for arg in args_with_config_defaults): add_to_args.append('--timeout=3') args = add_to_args + args def dump_stderr(): stderr.seek(0) sys.stderr.write(stderr.read()) try: try: exit_status = main(args=args, **kwargs) if '--download' in args: # Let the progress reporter thread finish. time.sleep(.5) except SystemExit: if error_exit_ok: exit_status = ExitStatus.ERROR else: dump_stderr() raise except Exception: stderr.seek(0) sys.stderr.write(stderr.read()) raise else: if not error_exit_ok and exit_status != ExitStatus.SUCCESS: dump_stderr() raise ExitStatusError( 'httpie.core.main() unexpectedly returned' ' a non-zero exit status: {0} ({1})'.format( exit_status, EXIT_STATUS_LABELS[exit_status] ) ) stdout.seek(0) stderr.seek(0) output = stdout.read() try: output = output.decode('utf8') except UnicodeDecodeError: # noinspection PyArgumentList r = BytesCLIResponse(output) else: # noinspection PyArgumentList r = StrCLIResponse(output) r.stderr = stderr.read() r.exit_status = exit_status if r.exit_status != ExitStatus.SUCCESS: sys.stderr.write(r.stderr) return r finally: stdout.close() stderr.close() env.cleanup()