# Database of HTTPie installation methods. Used to build the docs. # # We currently only include here methods for popular systems where we take care of the package, # or have a good relationship with the maintainers. # # Each tool name should be unique (it becomes a linkable header). # If a tools have `links.setup`, it also needs `links.homepage`. # Some tools are available on multiple platforms, take into account when editing. # docs-structure: Universal: - pypi macOS: - brew-mac - port Windows: - chocolatey Linux: - snap-linux - brew-linux - apt - dnf - yum - pacman - single-binary FreeBSD: - pkg tools: apt: title: Debian and Ubuntu note: Also works for other Debian-derived distributions like MX Linux, Linux Mint, deepin, Pop!_OS, KDE neon, Zorin OS, elementary OS, Kubuntu, Devuan, Linux Lite, Peppermint OS, Lubuntu, antiX, Xubuntu, etc. name: APT links: homepage: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/APT_(software) package: https://packages.debian.org/sid/web/httpie commands: install: - curl -SsL https://packages.httpie.io/deb/KEY.gpg | apt-key add - - curl -SsL -o /etc/apt/sources.list.d/httpie.list https://packages.httpie.io/deb/httpie.list - apt update - apt install httpie upgrade: - apt update - apt upgrade httpie brew-mac: title: Homebrew name: Homebrew links: homepage: https://brew.sh/ setup: https://docs.brew.sh/Installation package: https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/httpie commands: install: - brew update - brew install httpie upgrade: - brew update - brew upgrade httpie brew-linux: title: Linuxbrew name: Linuxbrew links: homepage: https://docs.brew.sh/Homebrew-on-Linux setup: https://docs.brew.sh/Homebrew-on-Linux#install package: https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/httpie commands: install: - brew update - brew install httpie upgrade: - brew update - brew upgrade httpie chocolatey: title: Chocolatey name: Chocolatey links: homepage: https://chocolatey.org/ setup: https://chocolatey.org/install package: https://community.chocolatey.org/packages/httpie/ commands: install: - choco install httpie upgrade: - choco upgrade httpie dnf: title: Fedora name: DNF links: homepage: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/DNF package: https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/httpie commands: install: - dnf install httpie upgrade: - dnf upgrade httpie pacman: title: Arch Linux name: pacman note: Also works for other Arch-derived distributions like ArcoLinux, EndeavourOS, Artix Linux, etc. links: homepage: https://archlinux.org/pacman/ package: https://archlinux.org/packages/community/any/httpie/ commands: install: - pacman -Syu httpie upgrade: - pacman -Syu pkg: title: FreshPorts name: FreshPorts links: homepage: https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=pkg&sektion=8&n=1 package: https://www.freshports.org/www/py-httpie/ commands: install: - pkg install www/py-httpie upgrade: - pkg upgrade www/py-httpie port: title: MacPorts name: MacPorts links: homepage: https://www.macports.org/ setup: https://www.macports.org/install.php package: https://ports.macports.org/port/httpie/ commands: install: - port selfupdate - port install httpie upgrade: - port selfupdate - port upgrade httpie pypi: title: PyPI name: pip note: Please make sure you have Python 3.7 or newer (`python --version`). links: homepage: https://pypi.org/ # setup: https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installation/ package: https://pypi.org/project/httpie/ commands: install: - python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel - python -m pip install httpie upgrade: - python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel - python -m pip install --upgrade httpie snap-linux: title: Snapcraft (Linux) name: Snapcraft links: homepage: https://snapcraft.io/ setup: https://snapcraft.io/docs/installing-snapd package: https://snapcraft.io/httpie commands: install: - snap install httpie upgrade: - snap refresh httpie yum: title: CentOS and RHEL name: Yum note: Also works for other RHEL-derived distributions like ClearOS, Oracle Linux, etc. links: homepage: http://yum.baseurl.org/ package: https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/httpie commands: install: - yum install epel-release - yum install httpie upgrade: - yum upgrade httpie single-binary: title: Single binary executables name: Single binary executables note: Get the standalone HTTPie Linux executables when you don't want to go through the full installation process. links: commands: install: - https --download packages.httpie.io/binaries/linux/http-latest -o http - chmod +x ./http upgrade: - https --download packages.httpie.io/binaries/linux/http-latest -o http