""" Run the HTTPie benchmark suite with multiple environments. This script is configured in a way that, it will create two (or more) isolated environments and compare the *last commit* of this repository with it's master. > If you didn't commit yet, it won't be showing results. You can also pass --fresh, which would test the *last commit* of this repository with a fresh copy of HTTPie itself. This way even if you don't have an up-to-date master branch, you can still compare it with the upstream's master. You can also pass --complex to add 2 additional environments, which would include additional dependencies like pyOpenSSL. Examples: # Run everything as usual, and compare last commit with master $ python extras/profiling/run.py # Include complex environments $ python extras/profiling/run.py --complex # Compare against a fresh copy $ python extras/profiling/run.py --fresh # Compare against a custom branch of a custom repo $ python extras/profiling/run.py --target-repo my_repo --target-branch my_branch # Debug changes made on this script (only run benchmarks once) $ python extras/profiling/run.py --debug """ import dataclasses import shlex import subprocess import sys import tempfile import venv from argparse import ArgumentParser, FileType from contextlib import contextmanager from dataclasses import dataclass from pathlib import Path from typing import (IO, Dict, Generator, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple) BENCHMARK_SCRIPT = Path(__file__).parent / 'benchmarks.py' CURRENT_REPO = Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent GITHUB_URL = 'https://github.com/httpie/cli.git' TARGET_BRANCH = 'master' # Additional dependencies for --complex ADDITIONAL_DEPS = ('pyOpenSSL',) def call(*args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('stdout', subprocess.DEVNULL) return subprocess.check_call(*args, **kwargs) class Environment: """ Each environment defines how to create an isolated instance where we could install HTTPie and run benchmarks without any environmental factors. """ @contextmanager def on_repo(self) -> Generator[Tuple[Path, Dict[str, str]], None, None]: """ Return the path to the python interpreter and the environment variables (e.g HTTPIE_COMMAND) to be used on the benchmarks. """ raise NotImplementedError @dataclass class HTTPieEnvironment(Environment): repo_url: str branch: Optional[str] = None dependencies: Iterable[str] = () @contextmanager def on_repo(self) -> Generator[Path, None, None]: with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as directory_path: directory = Path(directory_path) # Clone the repo repo_path = directory / 'httpie' call( ['git', 'clone', self.repo_url, repo_path], stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, ) if self.branch is not None: call( ['git', 'checkout', self.branch], cwd=repo_path, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, ) # Prepare the environment venv_path = directory / '.venv' venv.create(venv_path, with_pip=True) # Install basic dependencies python = venv_path / 'bin' / 'python' call( [ python, '-m', 'pip', 'install', 'wheel', 'pyperf==2.3.0', *self.dependencies, ] ) # Create a wheel distribution of HTTPie call([python, 'setup.py', 'bdist_wheel'], cwd=repo_path) # Install httpie distribution_path = next((repo_path / 'dist').iterdir()) call( [python, '-m', 'pip', 'install', distribution_path], cwd=repo_path, ) http = venv_path / 'bin' / 'http' yield python, {'HTTPIE_COMMAND': shlex.join([str(python), str(http)])} @dataclass class LocalCommandEnvironment(Environment): local_command: str @contextmanager def on_repo(self) -> Generator[Path, None, None]: yield sys.executable, {'HTTPIE_COMMAND': self.local_command} def dump_results( results: List[str], file: IO[str], min_speed: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: for result in results: lines = result.strip().splitlines() if min_speed is not None and "hidden" in lines[-1]: lines[-1] = ( 'Some benchmarks were hidden from this list ' 'because their timings did not change in a ' 'significant way (change was within the error ' 'margin ±{margin}%).' ).format(margin=min_speed) result = '\n'.join(lines) print(result, file=file) print("\n---\n", file=file) def compare(*args, directory: Path, min_speed: Optional[str] = None): compare_args = ['pyperf', 'compare_to', '--table', '--table-format=md', *args] if min_speed: compare_args.extend(['--min-speed', min_speed]) return subprocess.check_output( compare_args, cwd=directory, text=True, ) def run( configs: List[Dict[str, Environment]], file: IO[str], debug: bool = False, min_speed: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: result_directory = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp()) results = [] current = 1 total = sum(1 for config in configs for _ in config.items()) def iterate(env_name, status): print( f'Iteration: {env_name} ({current}/{total}) ({status})' + ' ' * 10, end='\r', flush=True, ) for config in configs: for env_name, env in config.items(): iterate(env_name, 'setting up') with env.on_repo() as (python, env_vars): iterate(env_name, 'running benchmarks') args = [python, BENCHMARK_SCRIPT, '-o', env_name] if debug: args.append('--debug-single-value') call( args, cwd=result_directory, env=env_vars, ) current += 1 results.append(compare( *config.keys(), directory=result_directory, min_speed=min_speed )) dump_results(results, file=file, min_speed=min_speed) print('Results are available at:', result_directory) def main() -> None: parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--local-repo', default=CURRENT_REPO) parser.add_argument('--local-branch', default=None) parser.add_argument('--target-repo', default=CURRENT_REPO) parser.add_argument('--target-branch', default=TARGET_BRANCH) parser.add_argument( '--fresh', action='store_const', const=GITHUB_URL, dest='target_repo', help='Clone the target repo from upstream GitHub URL', ) parser.add_argument( '--complex', action='store_true', help='Add a second run, with a complex python environment.', ) parser.add_argument( '--local-bin', help='Run the suite with the given local binary in addition to' ' existing runners. (E.g --local-bin $(command -v xh))', ) parser.add_argument( '--file', type=FileType('w'), default=sys.stdout, help='File to print the actual results', ) parser.add_argument( '--min-speed', help='Minimum of speed in percent to consider that a ' 'benchmark is significant' ) parser.add_argument( '--debug', action='store_true', ) options = parser.parse_args() configs = [] base_config = { options.target_branch: HTTPieEnvironment(options.target_repo, options.target_branch), 'this_branch': HTTPieEnvironment(options.local_repo, options.local_branch), } configs.append(base_config) if options.complex: complex_config = { env_name + '-complex': dataclasses.replace(env, dependencies=ADDITIONAL_DEPS) for env_name, env in base_config.items() } configs.append(complex_config) if options.local_bin: base_config['binary'] = LocalCommandEnvironment(options.local_bin) run(configs, file=options.file, debug=options.debug, min_speed=options.min_speed) if __name__ == '__main__': main()