import sys import pytest import responses from httpie.constants import UTF8 from httpie.output.formatters.xml import parse_xml, pretty_xml from .fixtures import XML_FILES_PATH, XML_FILES_VALID, XML_FILES_INVALID from .utils import http, URL_EXAMPLE XML_DATA_RAW = 'text' XML_DATA_FORMATTED = pretty_xml(parse_xml(XML_DATA_RAW)) @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'options, expected_xml', [ ('xml.format:false', XML_DATA_RAW), ('xml.indent:2', XML_DATA_FORMATTED), ('xml.indent:4', pretty_xml(parse_xml(XML_DATA_RAW), indent=4)), ] ) @responses.activate def test_xml_format_options(options, expected_xml): responses.add(responses.GET, URL_EXAMPLE, body=XML_DATA_RAW, content_type='application/xml') r = http('--format-options', options, URL_EXAMPLE) assert expected_xml in r @pytest.mark.parametrize('file', XML_FILES_VALID) @responses.activate def test_valid_xml(file): """Test XML formatter limits with data containing comments, doctypes and other XML-specific subtles. """ if 'standalone' in file.stem and sys.version_info < (3, 9): pytest.skip('Standalone XML requires Python 3.9+') xml_data = file.read_text(encoding=UTF8) expected_xml_file = file.with_name('_raw', '_formatted')) expected_xml_output = expected_xml_file.read_text(encoding=UTF8) responses.add(responses.GET, URL_EXAMPLE, body=xml_data, content_type='application/xml') r = http(URL_EXAMPLE) assert expected_xml_output in r @responses.activate def test_xml_xhtml(): """XHTML responses are handled by the XML formatter.""" file = XML_FILES_PATH / 'xhtml' / 'xhtml_raw.xml' xml_data = file.read_text(encoding=UTF8) # Python < 3.8 was sorting attributes ( # so we have 2 different output expected given the Python version. expected_file_name = ( 'xhtml_formatted_python_less_than_3.8.xml' if sys.version_info < (3, 8) else 'xhtml_formatted.xml' ) expected_xml_file = file.with_name(expected_file_name) expected_xml_output = expected_xml_file.read_text(encoding=UTF8) responses.add(responses.GET, URL_EXAMPLE, body=xml_data, content_type='application/xhtml+xml') r = http(URL_EXAMPLE) assert expected_xml_output in r @pytest.mark.parametrize('file', XML_FILES_INVALID) @responses.activate def test_invalid_xml(file): """Testing several problematic XML files, none should be formatted and none should make HTTPie to crash. """ xml_data = file.read_text(encoding=UTF8) responses.add(responses.GET, URL_EXAMPLE, body=xml_data, content_type='application/xml') # No formatting done, data is simply printed as-is r = http(URL_EXAMPLE) assert xml_data in r @responses.activate def test_content_type_from_format_options_argument(): """Test XML response with a incorrect Content-Type header. Using the --format-options to force the good one. """ responses.add(responses.GET, URL_EXAMPLE, body=XML_DATA_RAW, content_type='plain/text') args = ('--format-options', '', URL_EXAMPLE) # Ensure the option is taken into account only for responses. # Request r = http('--offline', '--raw', XML_DATA_RAW, *args) assert XML_DATA_RAW in r # Response r = http(*args) assert XML_DATA_FORMATTED in r @responses.activate def test_content_type_from_shortcut_argument(): """Test XML response with a incorrect Content-Type header. Using the --format-options shortcut to force the good one. """ responses.add(responses.GET, URL_EXAMPLE, body=XML_DATA_RAW, content_type='text/plain') args = ('--response-as', 'application/xml', URL_EXAMPLE) # Ensure the option is taken into account only for responses. # Request r = http('--offline', '--raw', XML_DATA_RAW, *args) assert XML_DATA_RAW in r # Response r = http(*args) assert XML_DATA_FORMATTED in r @responses.activate def test_content_type_from_incomplete_format_options_argument(): """Test XML response with a incorrect Content-Type header. Using the --format-options to use a partial Content-Type without mime type. """ responses.add(responses.GET, URL_EXAMPLE, body=XML_DATA_RAW, content_type='text/plain') # The provided Content-Type is simply ignored, and so no formatting is done. r = http('--response-as', 'charset=utf-8', URL_EXAMPLE) assert XML_DATA_RAW in r