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synced 2025-03-10 04:08:14 +01:00
465 lines
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465 lines
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import argparse
from pathlib import Path
import mock
import json
import os
import tempfile
import io
from tempfile import gettempdir
from urllib.request import urlopen
import pytest
import requests
from httpie.cli.argtypes import (
from httpie.cli.definition import parser
from httpie.output.formatters.colors import get_lexer
from httpie.status import ExitStatus
from utils import COLOR, CRLF, HTTP_OK, MockEnvironment, http
@pytest.mark.parametrize('stdout_isatty', [True, False])
def test_output_option(httpbin, stdout_isatty):
output_filename = os.path.join(gettempdir(), test_output_option.__name__)
url = httpbin + '/robots.txt'
r = http('--output', output_filename, url,
assert r == ''
expected_body = urlopen(url).read().decode()
with open(output_filename, 'r') as f:
actual_body = f.read()
assert actual_body == expected_body
class TestQuietFlag:
@pytest.mark.parametrize('argument_name', ['--quiet', '-q'])
def test_quiet(self, httpbin, argument_name):
env = MockEnvironment(
r = http(argument_name, 'GET', httpbin.url + '/get', env=env)
assert env.stdout is env.devnull
assert env.stderr is env.devnull
assert HTTP_OK in r.devnull
assert r == ''
assert r.stderr == ''
new=lambda self, prompt: 'password')
def test_quiet_with_password_prompt(self, httpbin):
Tests whether httpie still prompts for a password when request
requires authentication and only username is provided
env = MockEnvironment(
r = http(
'--quiet', '--auth', 'user', 'GET',
httpbin.url + '/basic-auth/user/password',
assert env.stdout is env.devnull
assert env.stderr is env.devnull
assert HTTP_OK in r.devnull
assert r == ''
assert r.stderr == ''
@pytest.mark.parametrize('argument_name', ['-h', '-b', '-v', '-p=hH'])
def test_quiet_with_explicit_output_options(self, httpbin, argument_name):
env = MockEnvironment(stdin_isatty=True, stdout_isatty=True)
r = http('--quiet', argument_name, httpbin.url + '/get', env=env)
assert env.stdout is env.devnull
assert env.stderr is env.devnull
assert r == ''
assert r.stderr == ''
@pytest.mark.parametrize('with_download', [True, False])
def test_quiet_with_output_redirection(self, httpbin, with_download):
url = httpbin + '/robots.txt'
output_path = Path('output.txt')
env = MockEnvironment()
orig_cwd = os.getcwd()
output = requests.get(url).text
extra_args = ['--download'] if with_download else []
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dirname:
assert os.listdir('.') == []
r = http(
'--output', str(output_path),
assert os.listdir('.') == [str(output_path)]
assert r == ''
assert r.stderr == ''
assert env.stderr is env.devnull
if with_download:
assert env.stdout is env.devnull
assert env.stdout is not env.devnull # --output swaps stdout.
assert output_path.read_text() == output
class TestVerboseFlag:
def test_verbose(self, httpbin):
r = http('--verbose',
'GET', httpbin.url + '/get', 'test-header:__test__')
assert HTTP_OK in r
assert r.count('__test__') == 2
def test_verbose_form(self, httpbin):
# https://github.com/jakubroztocil/httpie/issues/53
r = http('--verbose', '--form', 'POST', httpbin.url + '/post',
'A=B', 'C=D')
assert HTTP_OK in r
assert 'A=B&C=D' in r
def test_verbose_json(self, httpbin):
r = http('--verbose',
'POST', httpbin.url + '/post', 'foo=bar', 'baz=bar')
assert HTTP_OK in r
assert '"baz": "bar"' in r
def test_verbose_implies_all(self, httpbin):
r = http('--verbose', '--follow', httpbin + '/redirect/1')
assert 'GET /redirect/1 HTTP/1.1' in r
assert 'HTTP/1.1 302 FOUND' in r
assert 'GET /get HTTP/1.1' in r
assert HTTP_OK in r
class TestColors:
argnames=['mime', 'explicit_json', 'body', 'expected_lexer_name'],
('application/json', False, None, 'JSON'),
('application/json+foo', False, None, 'JSON'),
('application/foo+json', False, None, 'JSON'),
('application/json-foo', False, None, 'JSON'),
('application/x-json', False, None, 'JSON'),
('foo/json', False, None, 'JSON'),
('foo/json+bar', False, None, 'JSON'),
('foo/bar+json', False, None, 'JSON'),
('foo/json-foo', False, None, 'JSON'),
('foo/x-json', False, None, 'JSON'),
('application/vnd.comverge.grid+hal+json', False, None, 'JSON'),
('text/plain', True, '{}', 'JSON'),
('text/plain', True, 'foo', 'Text only'),
def test_get_lexer(self, mime, explicit_json, body, expected_lexer_name):
lexer = get_lexer(mime, body=body, explicit_json=explicit_json)
assert lexer is not None
assert lexer.name == expected_lexer_name
def test_get_lexer_not_found(self):
assert get_lexer('xxx/yyy') is None
class TestPrettyOptions:
"""Test the --pretty handling."""
def test_pretty_enabled_by_default(self, httpbin):
env = MockEnvironment(colors=256)
r = http('GET', httpbin.url + '/get', env=env)
assert COLOR in r
def test_pretty_enabled_by_default_unless_stdout_redirected(self, httpbin):
r = http('GET', httpbin.url + '/get')
assert COLOR not in r
def test_force_pretty(self, httpbin):
env = MockEnvironment(stdout_isatty=False, colors=256)
r = http('--pretty=all', 'GET', httpbin.url + '/get', env=env, )
assert COLOR in r
def test_force_ugly(self, httpbin):
r = http('--pretty=none', 'GET', httpbin.url + '/get')
assert COLOR not in r
def test_subtype_based_pygments_lexer_match(self, httpbin):
"""Test that media subtype is used if type/subtype doesn't
match any lexer.
env = MockEnvironment(colors=256)
r = http('--print=B', '--pretty=all', httpbin.url + '/post',
'Content-Type:text/foo+json', 'a=b', env=env)
assert COLOR in r
def test_colors_option(self, httpbin):
env = MockEnvironment(colors=256)
r = http('--print=B', '--pretty=colors',
'GET', httpbin.url + '/get', 'a=b',
# Tests that the JSON data isn't formatted.
assert not r.strip().count('\n')
assert COLOR in r
def test_format_option(self, httpbin):
env = MockEnvironment(colors=256)
r = http('--print=B', '--pretty=format',
'GET', httpbin.url + '/get', 'a=b',
# Tests that the JSON data is formatted.
assert r.strip().count('\n') == 2
assert COLOR not in r
class TestLineEndings:
Test that CRLF is properly used in headers
and as the headers/body separator.
def _validate_crlf(self, msg):
lines = iter(msg.splitlines(True))
for header in lines:
if header == CRLF:
assert header.endswith(CRLF), repr(header)
assert 0, 'CRLF between headers and body not found in %r' % msg
body = ''.join(lines)
assert CRLF not in body
return body
def test_CRLF_headers_only(self, httpbin):
r = http('--headers', 'GET', httpbin.url + '/get')
body = self._validate_crlf(r)
assert not body, 'Garbage after headers: %r' % r
def test_CRLF_ugly_response(self, httpbin):
r = http('--pretty=none', 'GET', httpbin.url + '/get')
def test_CRLF_formatted_response(self, httpbin):
r = http('--pretty=format', 'GET', httpbin.url + '/get')
assert r.exit_status == ExitStatus.SUCCESS
def test_CRLF_ugly_request(self, httpbin):
r = http('--pretty=none', '--print=HB', 'GET', httpbin.url + '/get')
def test_CRLF_formatted_request(self, httpbin):
r = http('--pretty=format', '--print=HB', 'GET', httpbin.url + '/get')
class TestFormatOptions:
def test_header_formatting_options(self):
def get_headers(sort):
return http(
'--offline', '--print=H',
'--format-options', 'headers.sort:' + sort,
'example.org', 'ZZZ:foo', 'XXX:foo',
r_sorted = get_headers('true')
r_unsorted = get_headers('false')
assert r_sorted != r_unsorted
assert f'XXX: foo{CRLF}ZZZ: foo' in r_sorted
assert f'ZZZ: foo{CRLF}XXX: foo' in r_unsorted
argnames=['options', 'expected_json'],
# @formatter:off
json.dumps({'a': 0, 'b': 0}, indent=4),
json.dumps({'b': 0, 'a': 0}, indent=2),
json.dumps({'b': 0, 'a': 0}),
# @formatter:on
def test_json_formatting_options(self, options: str, expected_json: str):
r = http(
'--offline', '--print=B',
'--format-options', options,
'example.org', 'b:=0', 'a:=0',
assert expected_json in r
argnames=['defaults', 'options_string', 'expected'],
# @formatter:off
({'foo': {'bar': 1}}, 'foo.bar:2', {'foo': {'bar': 2}}),
({'foo': {'bar': True}}, 'foo.bar:false', {'foo': {'bar': False}}),
({'foo': {'bar': 'a'}}, 'foo.bar:b', {'foo': {'bar': 'b'}}),
# @formatter:on
def test_parse_format_options(self, defaults, options_string, expected):
actual = parse_format_options(s=options_string, defaults=defaults)
assert expected == actual
argnames=['options_string', 'expected_error'],
('foo:2', 'invalid option'),
('foo.baz:2', 'invalid key'),
('foo.bar:false', 'expected int got bool'),
def test_parse_format_options_errors(self, options_string, expected_error):
defaults = {
'foo': {
'bar': 1
with pytest.raises(argparse.ArgumentTypeError, match=expected_error):
parse_format_options(s=options_string, defaults=defaults)
argnames=['args', 'expected_format_options'],
'headers': {
'sort': False
'json': {
'sort_keys': False,
'indent': 10,
'format': True
'headers': {
'sort': False
'json': {
'sort_keys': False,
'indent': 4,
'format': True
'headers': {
'sort': True
'json': {
'sort_keys': False,
'indent': 4,
'format': True
'--no-format-options', # --no-<option> anywhere resets
'headers': {
'sort': True
'json': {
'sort_keys': True,
'indent': 2,
'format': True
'headers': {
'sort': True
'json': {
'sort_keys': True,
'indent': 2,
'format': True
'headers': {
'sort': True
'json': {
'sort_keys': True,
'indent': 2,
'format': True
def test_format_options_accumulation(self, args, expected_format_options):
parsed_args = parser.parse_args(
args=[*args, 'example.org'],
assert parsed_args.format_options == expected_format_options