mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 14:28:50 +01:00
* [dev] adds the functionality of resolving dependencies (#17) * [dev] Modifies dependencies tests to be in line with new functionality (#12) * [dev] added requirements to run * [refactor] Make types usable for python version < 3.9 and refactor code to be in accordance with the style guide * [refactor] remove unused imports, updated style of http parser tests * [fix] replaced tuple by Tuple * [fix] incorrect return types used * [doc] document replace_dependencies
570 lines
17 KiB
570 lines
17 KiB
import pytest
import requests
from httpie.http_parser import (
def normalize_whitespace(text):
"""Removes excessive newlines and spaces for consistent comparison."""
return "\n".join(line.rstrip() for line in text.splitlines()).strip()
# TESTS FOR split_requests -->> REQ_002
def test_split_requests():
# Test case: Multiple HTTP requests
http_file = """### Request 1
GET /users
### Request 2
POST /users
Content-Type: application/json
{"name": "John"}"""
expected_output = [
"### Request 1\nGET /users",
"### Request 2\nPOST /users\nContent-Type: application/json\n\n{\"name\": \"John\"}"
assert list(map(normalize_whitespace, split_requests(http_file))) == list(
map(normalize_whitespace, expected_output)
def test_split_single_request():
This test ensures that a single HTTP request with a '###' header is correctly parsed
without any unexpected modifications.
http_file = """### Only Request
GET /status"""
expected_output = ["### Only Request\nGET /status"]
assert list(map(normalize_whitespace, split_requests(http_file))) == list(
map(normalize_whitespace, expected_output)
def test_split_empty_file():
This test checks if an empty input correctly returns an empty list,
ensuring there are no errors when handling empty strings.
assert split_requests("") == []
def test_split_request_no_body():
This test verifies that requests with no body (only headers and method)
are parsed correctly without adding unnecessary spaces or newlines.
http_file = """### No Body Request
GET /ping"""
expected_output = ["### No Body Request\nGET /ping"]
assert list(map(normalize_whitespace, split_requests(http_file))) == list(
map(normalize_whitespace, expected_output)
def test_split_request_with_extra_newlines():
This test ensures that the function correctly handles requests that
contain extra blank lines while preserving necessary formatting.
http_file = """### Request 1
GET /data
### Request 2
POST /submit
{"key": "value"}
expected_output = [
"### Request 1\nGET /data", # Normalized extra newline
"### Request 2\nPOST /submit\n\n{\"key\": \"value\"}" # Normalized newlines inside request
assert list(map(normalize_whitespace, split_requests(http_file))) == list(
map(normalize_whitespace, expected_output)
def test_split_request_without_header():
This test ensures that requests without a '###' header are ignored and
do not cause the function to fail. The function should return an empty list
in such cases.
http_file = """GET /withoutHeader"""
expected_output = [] # No '###' header means no valid requests should be returned
assert split_requests(http_file) == expected_output
# TESTS FOR get_dependencies -->> REQ_007
def test_replace_dependencies_no_placeholders():
This test verifies that if a request does not contain any {{placeholders}},
the function correctly doesn't change anything.
raw_request = """GET /users"""
assert replace_dependencies(raw_request, None) == """GET /users"""
def test_replace_dependencies_invalid_dependency():
This test ensures that if the request references a dependency that is
not in the provided possible_names list, the function correctly raises an ValueError.
raw_request = """DELETE /items/{{InvalidRequest}}"""
responses = {"Request1": None, "Request2": None}
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
replace_dependencies(raw_request, responses)
def test_replace_dependencies_Req_single():
This test checks that a single valid dependency is correctly extracted
from a request and returned in a list.
raw_request = """GET /update/{{Request1.request.headers.id}}"""
url = "https://api.example.com"
request = requests.Request('GET', url)
response = None
responses = {"Request1": [request, response]}
request.headers["id"] = str(1)
assert replace_dependencies(raw_request, responses) == """GET /update/1"""
def test_replace_dependencies_PreReq_single():
This test checks that a single valid dependency is correctly extracted
from a PreparedRequest and returned in a list.
raw_request = """GET /update/{{Request1.request.headers.id}}"""
url = "https://api.example.com"
session = requests.Session()
request = requests.Request('GET', url)
prepared_request = session.prepare_request(request)
response = None
responses = {"Request1": [prepared_request, response]}
prepared_request.headers["id"] = str(1)
assert replace_dependencies(raw_request, responses) == """GET /update/1"""
def test_replace_multiple_dependencies():
This test verifies that multiple dependencies are correctly identified
and replaced in the request.
raw_request = """GET /update/{{Request1.request.headers.id}}/{{Request1.request.headers.name}}"""
url = "https://api.example.com"
request = requests.Request('GET', url)
response = None
responses = {"Request1": [request, response]}
request.headers["id"] = str(1)
request.headers["name"] = "Jack"
assert replace_dependencies(raw_request, responses) == """GET /update/1/Jack"""
def test_replace_dependencies_empty_request():
This test checks that an empty request string returns None
since there are no placeholders.
raw_request = ""
assert replace_dependencies(raw_request, None) == ""
# TESTS FOR get_name --> REQ_003
def test_get_name_with_hash_comment():
Ensures that get_name correctly extracts a request name
when defined with '#' as a comment.
raw_request = """# @name Request1
GET /users"""
expected_output = "Request1"
assert get_name(raw_request) == expected_output
def test_get_name_with_double_slash_comment():
Ensures that get_name correctly extracts a request name
when defined with '//' as a comment.
raw_request = """// @name GetUser
GET /users/{id}"""
expected_output = "GetUser"
assert get_name(raw_request) == expected_output
def test_get_name_no_name():
Ensures that if no '@name' is present, get_name returns None.
raw_request = """GET /users"""
assert get_name(raw_request) is None
def test_get_name_multiple_names():
Ensures that if multiple '@name' occurrences exist,
the function returns None to indicate an error.
raw_request = """# @name FirstName
GET /users
# @name SecondName
POST /users"""
assert get_name(raw_request) is None # Multiple names should result in None
def test_get_name_with_extra_whitespace():
Ensures that extra spaces around @name do not affect the extracted name.
raw_request = """ # @name MyRequest
GET /data"""
expected_output = "MyRequest"
assert get_name(raw_request) == expected_output
def test_get_name_without_request():
Ensures that a request with only an @name definition still correctly extracts the name.
raw_request = """// @name LoneRequest"""
expected_output = "LoneRequest"
assert get_name(raw_request) == expected_output
def test_get_name_inline_invalid():
Ensures that @name only works when it starts a line,
and does not extract names from inline comments.
raw_request = """GET /users # @name InlineName"""
assert get_name(raw_request) is None # Inline @name should not be detected
def test_get_name_mixed_comment_styles():
Ensures that if multiple valid @name comments exist,
the function returns None to indicate an error.
raw_request = """# @name FirstRequest
// @name SecondRequest
GET /items"""
assert get_name(raw_request) is None
# TESTS FOR replace_global --> REQ_005
def test_replace_global_no_definitions():
Ensures that if no global variable definitions are present,
the file contents remain unchanged.
raw_contents = "GET /users/{{id}}"
expected_output = raw_contents # No replacement should occur
assert replace_global(raw_contents) == expected_output
def test_replace_global_single_variable():
Ensures that a single global variable definition is correctly used to replace
all its corresponding placeholders in the file.
raw_contents = """@host=example.com
GET http://{{host}}/users"""
expected_output = """@host=example.com
GET http://example.com/users"""
assert replace_global(raw_contents) == expected_output
def test_replace_global_multiple_variables():
Ensures that multiple global variable definitions are correctly used to replace
their corresponding placeholders in the file.
raw_contents = """@host=example.com
GET http://{{host}}:{{port}}/users"""
expected_output = """@host=example.com
GET http://example.com:8080/users"""
assert replace_global(raw_contents) == expected_output
def test_replace_global_multiple_occurrences():
Ensures that if a variable appears multiple times in the file,
all occurrences are replaced.
raw_contents = """@name=Test
GET /api?param={{name}}&other={{name}}"""
expected_output = """@name=Test
GET /api?param=Test&other=Test"""
assert replace_global(raw_contents) == expected_output
def test_replace_global_value_with_spaces():
Ensures that global variable definitions with spaces in their values are handled correctly.
raw_contents = """@greeting=Hello World
GET /message?text={{greeting}}"""
expected_output = """@greeting=Hello World
GET /message?text=Hello World"""
assert replace_global(raw_contents) == expected_output
def test_replace_global_definition_without_placeholder():
Ensures that if a global variable is defined but its placeholder is not present,
the file remains unchanged.
raw_contents = """@unused=Value
GET /info"""
expected_output = raw_contents # No replacement should occur
assert replace_global(raw_contents) == expected_output
# TESTS FOR extract_headers --> REQ_003
def test_extract_headers_empty():
Test 1: Empty list should return an empty dictionary.
raw_text = []
expected = {}
assert extract_headers(raw_text) == expected
def test_extract_headers_only_empty_lines():
Test 2: Lines that are empty or only whitespace should be ignored.
raw_text = ["", " ", "\t"]
expected = {}
assert extract_headers(raw_text) == expected
def test_extract_headers_single_header():
Test 3: A single valid header line.
raw_text = ["Content-Type: application/json"]
expected = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
assert extract_headers(raw_text) == expected
def test_extract_headers_multiple_headers():
Test 4: Multiple header lines should be parsed into a dictionary.
raw_text = [
"Content-Type: application/json",
"Authorization: Bearer token123"
expected = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": "Bearer token123"
assert extract_headers(raw_text) == expected
def test_extract_headers_line_without_colon():
Test 5: Lines without a colon should be ignored.
raw_text = [
"This is not a header",
"Content-Length: 123"
expected = {"Content-Length": "123"}
assert extract_headers(raw_text) == expected
def test_extract_headers_extra_spaces():
Test 6: Extra whitespace around header names and values should be trimmed.
raw_text = [
" Accept : text/html "
expected = {"Accept": "text/html"}
assert extract_headers(raw_text) == expected
def test_extract_headers_multiple_colons():
Test 7: Only the first colon should be used to split the header name and value.
raw_text = [
"Custom-Header: value:with:colons"
expected = {"Custom-Header": "value:with:colons"}
assert extract_headers(raw_text) == expected
def test_extract_headers_duplicate_headers():
Test 8: If a header appears more than once, the last occurrence should overwrite previous ones.
raw_text = [
"X-Header: one",
"X-Header: two"
expected = {"X-Header": "two"}
assert extract_headers(raw_text) == expected
# TESTS FOR parse_body -->> REQ_002
# TODO: create tests after function definition is done
# TESTS FOR parse_single_request -->> REQ_002
def test_parse_single_request_minimal():
A minimal HTTP request that only contains the request line (method and URL).
- method and URL are parsed correctly.
- headers is an empty dict.
- body is empty (after processing by parse_body).
- dependencies is an empty dict.
- name is None (since no @name comment exists).
raw_text = "GET http://example.com"
result = parse_single_request(raw_text)
assert result.method == "GET"
assert result.url == "http://example.com"
assert result.headers == {}
expected_body = parse_body("")
assert result.body == expected_body
assert result.name is None
def test_parse_single_request_with_headers_and_body():
Tests a request that includes a request line, headers, and a body.
- Correctly parsed method and URL.
- Headers are extracted into a dictionary.
- The body is passed through parse_body and matches the expected output.
- No @name is defined, so name is None.
raw_text = """POST http://example.com/api
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer token
"key": "value"
result = parse_single_request(raw_text)
assert result.method == "POST"
assert result.url == "http://example.com/api"
assert result.headers == {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": "Bearer token"
expected_body = parse_body("{\n \"key\": \"value\"\n}")
assert result.body == expected_body
assert result.name is None
def test_parse_single_request_with_name():
Tests a request that includes a @name comment.
The @name line is removed from the parsed lines (since lines starting with '#' are filtered out)
but get_name is still applied on the original raw text.
- name is extracted as defined by get_name.
- Other fields (method, URL, headers, body) are parsed normally.
raw_text = """# @name MyTestRequest
GET http://example.com
Content-Type: text/plain
Hello, world!
result = parse_single_request(raw_text)
assert result.method == "GET"
assert result.url == "http://example.com"
assert result.headers == {"Content-Type": "text/plain"}
expected_body = parse_body("Hello, world!")
assert result.body == expected_body
assert result.name == "MyTestRequest"
def test_parse_single_request_extra_blank_lines():
Tests that multiple blank lines (which trigger the switch from headers to body)
are handled properly.
- The request line is parsed.
- Headers are extracted before the first blank line.
- Everything after the blank lines is treated as the body.
raw_text = """PUT http://example.com/update
Accept: application/json
Line one of the body.
Line two of the body.
result = parse_single_request(raw_text)
assert result.method == "PUT"
assert result.url == "http://example.com/update"
assert result.headers == {"Accept": "application/json"}
expected_body = parse_body("Line one of the body.\nLine two of the body.")
assert result.body == expected_body
assert result.name is None
def test_parse_single_request_ignore_comments():
Tests that lines starting with '#' (comments) are removed from the parsed headers.
Note: Even if the @name line is a comment, get_name is called on the original raw text,
so it may still extract a name.
- Headers only include valid header lines.
- The @name is still extracted if present in the raw text.
raw_text = """# @name CommentedRequest
GET http://example.com/data
# This comment should be ignored
Content-Length: 123
result = parse_single_request(raw_text)
assert result.method == "GET"
assert result.url == "http://example.com/data"
assert result.headers == {"Content-Length": "123"}
expected_body = parse_body("")
assert result.body == expected_body
assert result.name == "CommentedRequest"
if __name__ == "__main__":